
MyndBulletz's page

6 posts (60 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 2 aliases.


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****This is just a placeholder to keep the stats for my group.****

Please use this thread to roll your stats. 3d6, calculate total bonus. Less than +5, roll again completely in a new post. Please and thank you.

Roderick VonDiablos wrote:
It's ok Dave, I get this Rules Lawyering from the whole bunch, they question anything used against them. You just shrug make a ruling and go on. It wouldn't be a game without one of them questioning a rule or two-thousand. :P

For me, I only question things when they seem off. If it ends up resolving not in my favor, that's fine. I just want it to be done right. In some cases, s$&! just doesn't make sense. Just saying "That's what he does, just because" seems like a cheap-shot or a joke. Sure, the DM has final say, but if he's talking out of his ass, then clarification is necessary. :p

Weezilwizard wrote:
MyndBulletz wrote:
You sure it doesn't just make a 20 ft. radius, 20 ft. high bank of fog emanating from the area designated? That's how I understood it from reading it...
You're right, I always misunderstood the spread spells to literally spread out every round to encompass more squares. looking deeper into the rules I didn't find anything to back this up. so the cloud is only 20' radius, centered in the middle of the room.

No problem. So to clarify, since the cloud was cast on the center of the room the party is in, would we all be subject to a Fort save, or are we going to backtrack that and the demons do something different?

You sure it doesn't just make a 20 ft. radius, 20 ft. high bank of fog emanating from the area designated? That's how I understood it from reading it...

It's a minor detail, but both my eidolons have darkvision, Dave. Why didn't they notice the prone form earlier? They rolled better than Elessar's subsequent roll...

Are you waiting for that decision to resolve the three actions that just took place?