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Goblin Squad Member. *Venture-Lieutenant, Virginia—Fairfax 45 posts. 41 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 38 Organized Play characters.

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Lock house and devils but it runs long


This module kind of made the misstep of trying to put together two different things that can go well together but didn't mesh well here. You have one part that is a mystery and another that is a evil dead situation.

Either of these can do well on their own and sometimes they can mix together well, this time, they didn't mesh as well.

It will run long, even if you are not trying, it will run long cause you will have players split up since the get the sense of a small area being safe. I think this scenario would have been better without the mystery part in it and instead focused on the surviving a locked house situation.

The mystery part is actually interesting and I wish it got the time to get the focus it deserved. I ran this so I got to see all the background story and that in of itself would be a good story to explore more.

Mixing these two elements left a long adventure that is fun, exciting, and intriguing, but it will run over time and makes it difficult for con play. Store or home, it's great.

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Interesting beginning and end but middle kind waivers


Blooming Catastrophe has a good beginning and end. It is the middle that falters a bit. The new NPC was not one I was expecting and was kind of endiring. I hope to see more of her in stories. The plot was intriguing and made me want to know more.

The ending was nice as it does the one thing I love to see in modules, multiple choices on how you want to resolve it and they are clearly laid out. You can RP, combat, or skill it to resolve it. This is something I hope to see more as this allows the players a sense of choice in their adventures more than just the combat at the end.

The rewards were nice as it gives flavor to Leshys in the future and giving flavor to the players only brings more flavor to the world for me.

The middle was the weakest. The combat seemed more like filler than anything else and it was a bit dialog heavy. Not so much RP dialog just more explaining at times.

Overall, decent module and if you want to play a leshy in the future, give this a play.

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Who done the deed or there's war on the doorstep


A rather interesting start to this campaign. You start off in a murder mystery that seems to depart what appears to be the theme of the game but it is brought around enjoyably to reconnect with the main theme again.

The mystery is an enjoyable one without too many dead ends and confusing twists. One of the better murder starts I’ve seen them do.

The battle that comes next, while yes does sound odd for a murder to lead into a battle but they do it fairly smoothly, is an enjoyable mix of sandbox and scripted events. They manage to keep the size of the area you are working small but it still feels large and imposing with the battles going on around. It also allows players to charge straight ahead or be methodical in their approach.

The end battle is managed nicely leaving a player feeling they are pushed just to the edge of using all their resources but not in emergency mode.

I rather enjoyed this one.

Written from the POV of a player.

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Played this as Society at low level.

The challenge was there as we had a tough time with the three enemies towards the end. Gave the option for some RP in it as well. Rather enjoyed it.

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Enjoyable end but nothing has followed up on this


I enjoyed series overall. The combat was nice and tough in this one. Great trekking through the underground but at the end of it, why has no one written more about what happened with the bell? Seemed like this was going to lead into even more but it just stopped. Disappointed in that fact.

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Enjoyable investigation mod


This mod was a fun investigation with memorable characters, the crazy painter was fun.

The investigation was good but there was one situation where we came to a stumbling block. While the answer makes sense, it doesn't lead you on enough to know you're on the right path.

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Didn't really stand out


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Solid start


Played this adventure and rather enjoyed it. It was simple and straight forward. We played with Hybrid characters and we could see that this module does not age well in the combat section. Rather through it pretty easily. But a good start to a little adventure path.

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Call Forth Darkness or Bogging down the pace.


The greatest weakness of this module is its pacing. It gets bogged down and gives the players idle hands while their characters do things. This makes it a bit more difficult for the GM as players want to push forward and the GM has to create things to distract them.

Getting the dungeon to build is a wonderful option and players can throw themselves into it. At this level, the access to stone shape is easier and allows the players to alter the dungeon to their desire. But the fact all the heroes know where they are and kind of line up to walk in lowers the difficulty and can make it feel like they are just waiting to be attacked.

The NPC’s varies widely to keep things mixed up and fresh. Combat varies nicely and helps keep it fresh. The pacing becomes bogged down in counting weeks off till the end and it is recommended you alter the adventure to help keep the players motivated. The book gives you options on how to branch out from what writing to what could be and helps save it.

The minion system is very nice to actually give additional value to the Leadership feat and helps players feel like they are evil masters. This is a nice distraction though if no one takes the leadership feat, you can easily figure out alternate methods to distract the players.

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Knot of Thorns or I am the villain!


This book took me by surprise, not just in the fact you get to play the evil character but more in all the assistance they give new GM’s for running an evil game and run it coherently. The book gives good lore about the world and how to bring it into others.

It does railroad the players a bit at start but does use that railroading to build the seeds nicely instead of only explaining why the players are together. The adventure pushes nicely through its pace and really lets the players tackle a problem as they feel their characters would.

Combat is solid, challenging, but not restricting. Players are offered lots of side missions to help finish the main task and all are enjoyably evil.

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Shadows of Gallowspire or What we were writing about again?


The module is fairly standard without much that makes it unique. Combat and story are uninspiring and frustrating at times. The cell block with the lady is a wonderful way to kill your party if you dislike your players and show that the writers care little about a good story.

The story and pacing will just make players want to push through it as quickly as possible to get to the end to hope for some big finish but are left dulled and bored.

The entire adventure path suffered heavily from the writers wanting to do a whistle stop tour of Transylvania under a flimsy story pretense. The adventure itself doesn’t really push an inspiration at all and feels like your trudging through mud.

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Ashes at Dawn or We haven’t done vampires yet, right?


If you are looking at this book expecting it to be a part of the Carrion Crown Adventure Path, it is attempting to reconnect with it. In the same way you attempt to halfheartedly reconnect with relatives you don’t like but try either way cause, “hey they are family….I guess”.

The module is a meh as a vampire story. More could be done with the vampires instead of just making them victims who don’t really care what is happening to them, but dismissingly get the PC to solve their problem be blocking them from proceeding or TPK them.

Overall, the adventure path is just starting to remember about the overall theme of the AP and attempts to wake itself up to that fact. Yet it has left the plot so neglected it has to block the PCs from advancing just to make sure they know what they are supposed to be doing.

Module is meh alone, but when a part of the AP it becomes easily forgotten.

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Wake of the Watcher or Look we can do Lovecraft too!


By now, it appears the writers have forgotten that they are writing a story about the Whispering Way and just want to toss any old horror setting into a book to just show they can. I’ve seen various groups playing this AP and often they don’t even remember the Whipsering Way any longer and DM’s have to constantly remind them. The Cthulhu aspect is not terribly done and enjoyable if that is the focus of the campaign or one off. But when taken with the return of the theme of the adventure it makes no sense to have it in here other than to just say “We can do Lovecraft in Pathfinder”.

The module is rather enjoyable by itself and does add in a fun creepy factor that people like with the Lovecraft theme but alienates itself completely with the Adventure Path. This departure from over all theme has been reflected in the rating. Take by itself, it’s a five but as a part of the greater whole, it’s a one.

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Broken Moon or Are we still telling a story about the Whispering Way?


The book is well written and solid in itself but only help to further push away the entire adventure path as is it now Wolfmans turn to check into hotel Transylvania. If taken as a module by itself with no connection to Carrion Crown storyline it is rather enjoyable but in connection to the Carrion Crown the threads that connect it are becoming so thin and frayed that they can barely be seen. It isn’t till the end that the game remembers what it is supposed to be telling and tosses in a random vision from a god that really doesn’t even seem to have much connection to the story at all in the first place.

Good one off module, terrible adventure path module.

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Trial of the Beast or cliché of who the real monster is trial.


Trial of the Beast is where you start to see Carrion Crown unravel quickly. The adventure really does little help tie into the Whisper Tyrant. The threads connecting it are so small the players have to be reminded often about it or railroaded hard so they don’t forget it. The NPC’s do not get very flushed out and just order the PC’s around to do things. The castle at the end is rather confusing in how it really ties into the Adventure Path but instead becomes apparent that the writers just wanted to do a whistle stop tour of famous horror locations in various mediums and cared little more for anything else.

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Haunting of Harrowstone or good start to a race that goes nowhere.


Haunting of Harrowstone is a good start to the Carrion Crown adventure path. Unfortunately, it’s only a good start and the rest of the adventure path drops the baton, falls on its face, or wanders off the path so far they end up in a horse pasture trying to figure out how to get back.

Some of the combat at the beginning can be a bit frustrating for players but the hauntings do help bring a creepy element and a very misleading theme that the game forgets.

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