Goblin with Beehive

Mosquito.'s page

475 posts. Alias of Dorian 'Grey'.


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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito --Reactively-Shield Blocks a bit of beak biting barely!
Da Stupids birds done wrecking Mees new shield!
Shield Block Hardness 5 HP 14/20

The Cleric of Cayden Cailian then casts Runic Weapon on his rapier before stabbing little miss bright feathers in the eye!
Melee(T) Rapier, Runic Weapon : 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 1 = 92d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 5) + 3 = 9 Traits P Deadly d8 Disarm Finesse

Hero Point! Melee(T) Rapier, Runic Weapon : 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 6 + 1 = 222d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 3) + 3 = 7 Traits P Deadly d8 Disarm Finesse

Oops! Probably should look at Map prior to posting such awesomeness...

Mosquito dreams a little dream of stabbing the miss bright feathers in the eye, but the Cleric Raises his Shield instead of....

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito's mouth begin to water, as the delicious looking birds come offering a buffet! The goblin absently rubs his eyes at the brilliant plumage.
Mees gits sumting in Mees eyes.

The Cleric decides to takes 3 rusty nails out of his pocket and speaks Divine words, as he tosses them at Brilliant Burnis' Red Bird!
Needle Darts: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 153d4 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) = 7
Flat DC 5: 1d20 ⇒ 8

He then Raises his Shield.

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito seems to talk quite excessively with Cranky. So much so, Cranky remembered why his name is Cranky...

Mosquito takes out his rapier and readied his shield, as the Warpriest follows Brilliant Burnis.
Exploration mode Defend

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Along the way, Mosquito is seen trying to play fetch with Cranky!

Mosquito peers into the secret entrance with much enthusiasm!
Insides, dere bees da corridors that’s roughly 50 ft long and, on da otter end, ada closed door day bees cuts to da exact size ov da doorway, bees no lets da gas between da walls and da door.

Mosquito proudly looks at Brilliant Burnis.

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Excited to be exploring the Secret tunnel into the secret basement, Mosquito gears up and prepares to depart for the exploring....
Wees bees da double ov heroes after dis!

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito gently taps Markus on the shoulder.
Don't bees fur git'n bout da secret entrance.

The goblin does seem happy about having rabbits with the bear jerky....

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito skips all the way back to the Citadel. As the rest of the group makes it to the Citadel, they find the goblin exhausted and puffing and wheezing lying on a rock, fanning himself.
Dat was likes da 2 miles! Skipping ain't easy yo!

As they meet up with the Bumblebashers, the Cleric of Cayden Cailian begins offering individual services to begin indoctrinate them in the ways of The Drunken Accidental God.....

After a few minutes with the now planted seedlings, the Goblin joins up with Miss Warbal and Chief Helba.
Wees gits da lunch now. Beat jerky! Yummy! Where's day secrets entrance? Sneaky bees best.

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito makes certain to stop by The Keg, but a Round of ale and spilt each into the floor in offering to Cayden Cailian.
Let's go s'ploring!

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito seems excited about them going to procure bear jerky! He is seen packing plenty of hot sauce...

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

I was just posting for flavor, but if we have Loot, then yes let's sell and buy prior to returning.

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

As the song and music begin to lessen and fade in favor of pleasant peace and rest, the goblin joins his new friends at a quiet corner to discuss their pending expedition.
Wees need'n sum shovels, pick axes, cool hats wit da lights and lotsa foods stuffs.

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito's big ears perk up immediately as Kiilo begins his performance. The small excited goblin begins twirling, swirling, curling and purring across the bar!

Mosquito grabs a couple of more pints, slides in front of Brilliant Burnis and hand the Orc one!
Don't sing! Toast then, my green friend! Wees bees celebrate good times come on!

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito slides, sidesteps, two steps his goblin self up and down the bar. The Cleric of Cayden Cailian swirls his half drunken pint about, sloshing cool ale down his arm and onto the bar!
Da times outs! Wees haves da emergency! Da beers has been spilt!

A sowerful, solemn goblin reaches quietly for his hat. Taking it reverently off and bowing his big-eared head, Mosquito says a few resplendent words of well met and farewell to the spilt ale.
Wees gives yous fer Cayden Cailian's keg ta bees drinking when wees gits dere!

The Cleric then Raises a fist up to the ceiling.
And don't ye bees drinking all ov it's, Cayden! Mees done spilt lotsa beers, so Mees bees thirsty when Mees gits dere! You'd here Mees!

Mosquito then blushes at the wide long shanks eyes all staring up at him (he is standing on the bar, so yuppers, up at him). The goblin clears his throat, takes a drink and says
Everyone bees knows dat he drunks!

With that the smiling goblin refills his pint, grabs the Wizard by his arm and drags him along to sing and dance!
Comes, Markus! Bees need'n da sacrifice!

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Happy burpday!

Everyone almost leveled?

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito is ready for our return to exploring the basement of the Citadel!

He feels really good about this venture....

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Going Martial Artist!

Stumbling Stance sold me ..lol.

I will play him as if drunk...hahaha! Go Cayden Cailian!

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito sits down at the bar next to Markus. The goblin grins mischievously at the Wizard. Taking an offered pint from his sister in Cayden Cailian, the Cleric raises his mug.
Wees bees da Heroes ov da Breach hills! Celebrate good times come on!

The boisterous goblin then jumps up on the bar and he begins to sing and dance the night away!

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Didn't have any particular pub in mind....

But the goblin is going full Cayden Cailian this evening so follow your ears....

I am having a hard time deciding on his Free Archetype. Fighter does fit him, plus he probably would enjoy the extra hp .... eventually.

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito sits quietly (it can happen) under a tree. The small goblin seems to be contemplating his future in the Hellknight business. Thinking of all the cool Hellknight stuff that he would be involved with only makes the Cleric giggle.

Drawing absently in the dirt a portrait of himself in Hellknight regalia (only to his eyes), Mosquito begins daydreaming of his future Hellknight adventures....

.....waking up quite violently, Mosquito jumps to his feet! The shaking and shivering (he checks his pantaloons for other "s" words) with cold sweat dripping down his green goblin face.
Mees no wants ta bees da Hellknights no mores! Cayden Cailian saids dat Mees won't bees invites to da drinking games when da devil murders Mees!

Quickly gathering his gear, the Newly Faith filled goblin hurries to try to make last call ....

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Hmmm...I forgot the Free Archetype.... finish him up after work....

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Or not!

I did alter his Ability Scores (Str and Dex), but decided to keep him Fun!

He should be ready to go!

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

The goblin thinks that his giggles are working against his endeavors....

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

He will have a complete overhaul including deity.

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

As already stated and approved, Mosquito will be altered at 2nd. I should have him ready for our next foray this week....

He most likely will not take Hellknight dedication since he won't have Heavy Armor Proficiency until 3rd...

At 3rd he probably will Retrain his Cleric Feat from 2nd to Hellknight dedication.

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito is seen practicing his Hellknight demeanor....

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito just grins widely at the pronouncement of a grizzly bear in the basement.

The goblin giggles as they return to Beach Hill to report, eat, supply and ready to return for the grizzly bear shananagins show ...

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito (having a super sudden urgency) kicks the prone halfling.

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Absently the Cleric mumbles

The goblin scratches his head.
Wees should reportings back to da high lady bout dis Stupids halfling.

Mosquito kicks the trussed up halfling.

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito tosses the halfling's possessions over his shoulder in disgust!
Mees hungry! Where bees da foods!

At the mentioning of Vaults, the goblin's big ears perk up!
Vaults! Mees happens to like da Vaults. Tell us mores!

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito considers the explanation given by the goblins. The Cleric nods sagely at each of them in turn.
Sounds like you did goods. Where's da treasure?

The grinning goblin begins rifling the prone, unconscious, (repeatedly kicked) halfling.....

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Somewhere placated, the suspicious goblin then returns up the rope to meet the yelling goblins.
Why you no communication wit Dat nicely dressed goblins lady's? She bees worries sick!

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito stabs the halfling just in case. The goblin looks at everyone.
Not tools certain he bees deads still.

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

I like that someone put Mosquito upside down. Seems fitting...lol. Thank you!

Mosquito hears only the rushing waves of blood pounding down from his feet and seemingly having a Union Meeting in his cranium.
Bees everyones dizziness tools? Stupids halfling puts da spells on us!

The dizzy goblin Climbs down, Strides into a Flank and ....
Athletics (T), combat climber: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Melee(T) Rapier, Off-Guard : 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 151d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 Traits Deadly d8 Disarm Finesse

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito screams bloody halfling murder, as he Strides to the rope, begins Climbing after the Halfling and Strikes the Off-Guard twerp!
Athletics (T) to Climb, Combat Climber: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 2 = 14
Melee(T) Rapier, Off-Guard: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 171d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 Traits Deadly d8 Disarm Finesse

Combat Climber

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito takes out his trusty rusty nail set!
Needle Darts: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 153d4 ⇒ (3, 2, 2) = 7

The goblin then casts Shield.

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito begins practicing his fencing on the halfling.
Rapier, flank: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 131d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 Traits Deadly d8 Disarm Finesse

Makes Mees da pins cushions!

Rapier, flank: 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (4) + 6 - 5 = 51d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 Traits Deadly d8 Disarm Finesse

Rapier, flank: 1d20 + 6 - 10 ⇒ (6) + 6 - 10 = 21d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 Traits Deadly d8 Disarm Finesse

Mosquito doesn't seem to be good with the rapier.

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito marches right next to the stupid halfling. The Goblin grins at the little (puny) thief from a Flank with Vrosi.
Youses just done wasted ours Potion!

The Cleric decides to take out his shiny rapier and break it inside the halfling!
Melee(T) Rapier, flank: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 101d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Traits Deadly d8 Disarm Finesse

Hero Point! Melee(T) Rapier, flank: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 111d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Traits Deadly d8 Disarm Finesse

Mosquito takes his rapier and begins banging it on the stone floor!

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito seems done with the halfling.
Needle Darts, off-guard: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 253d4 ⇒ (1, 1, 3) = 5

Toss him in da pits!

Mosquito cast Guidance on Vrosi.

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito impatiently Strides right up to the halfling.
Youses bees da stupidest ov bads! Wat da Bird sayeth so witheth bees!

Intimidation to Demoralize: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

The goblin then tries to throw him off the edge!
Athletics to Reposition: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito seemed to have been patiently waiting for the wise party members to voice, or act on this immediate problem of a halfling.

Mosquito then realizes that he is actually the Wise one of this group. Weird.

A bit daunted by this epiphany, the Cleric (and aspiring Hellknight) decides to do what any self-respecting goblin would do!

He cast Guidance on himself! He then attempts to Sneak up on the blathering idiot.
Stealth(T) to Sneak, Guidance: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 6 + 1 = 17


The goblin Sneaks right behind the halfling.

Very Sneaky

Not certain if takes 1 or 2 Sneaks at 15' Sneak Speed? Disregard the next Action if two.

The Sneaky goblin then stands on his tiptoes behind the halfling.
Boo beetch!

Intimidation(T) to Demoralize!: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

The goblin then attempts to Trip the Asshat!
Athletics (T) to Trip!: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

If this actually works...lol!

(Spoiler Alert! Nope...

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito ignores the Sample Plate. The goblin Strides to the rope, Climbs and yells back at the prospective meal!
Athletics (T) to Climb: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Intimidation(T) to Coerce : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Yous bees leavings Dem alone and starts talks to us!

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Hearing the death throes of the Dragon-diles, the now courageous goblin Strides back into the big area. Pointing at the stupid halfling up the broken staircase, the Cleric smiles.
Mees nevers had halfling fer da suppers before, but you looks likes a fat pumpkin. How's you bees tastes?

The Cleric casts Guidance on Vrosi.
Git yer bum upstairs and smacks dat Asshat!

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Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito (one bulging eye pummeled shut) looks a bit exasperated at the Dragon-diles!
Mees had yer back! Now Youses bees breakfast!

The wobbly Cleric takes some more rusty nails out of his seemingly inexhaustible pocket before pronouncing his ire!
Rusty Nail Needle Darts!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 253d4 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) = 7

The smirking goblin then Strides away!

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito seems a bit more comfortable seeing the Dragon-diles blinking rapidly!
Dat bees goods timings!

The goblin then prepares to be beaten....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

A dead dragon -diles!

Or save Mosquito from getting Crit next Dragon -diles turn.

Or Soothe Orc probably best actually.

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito seems a bit perplexed by his recent close confrontation with the Dragon-diles! The Goblin sighs.

Casting Heal on Vrosi, the eyes wide shut goblin smiles weakly at Markus before Raising his Shield.
Mees will distracts it but Youses best bees killing it fast!

Heal(1): 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

AC 20 so roll lower than 10s please...lol.

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito squills as the Dragon-diles marches in his direction! The scent of rotten eggs begins to mysteriously manifest around the small goblin....

The Cleric decides to takes three rusty nails from his pocket.
Stays away Dragon-diles! Play wit da Vrosi!

Needle Darts: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 93d4 ⇒ (3, 3, 1) = 7

Whys Mees no feels da Inspired!?

The Goblin frowns before trying even more Heroically!
Needle Darts: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 163d4 ⇒ (4, 3, 4) = 11

Mosquito also Sustains his Forbidding Ward.

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Please update your taglines with current HP/conditions so that I can fix them.

Mosquito squeaks at the frightening approach of the Dragon-diles !

The Cleric thinks that it looks much nicer closer to Vrosi!
Heal(1): 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

The goblin also continues to Sustain his Forbidding Ward on Vrosi!
Whatcha swings at Vrosi!? Da sweet (butts scares Mees) Dragon-diles bees comings dis ways!

When the ground suddenly erupts making it difficult terrain, Mosquito claps!

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito almost swoons at the delicious sight of the coolest of dragon-diles!
Mees wants it! Vrosi, don't kills it all da ways!

The excited goblin Strides forward 25' before casting Forbidding Ward on Vrosi!

Male Hero Point: 3/1 Goblin ◆◇↺ Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision

Mosquito begins pushing Brilliant Burnis the Way of the Voices....
Bees just did ways, Ser!

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