Goblin with Beehive

Mosquito.'s page

475 posts. Alias of Dorian 'Grey'.

Full Name



Goblin ◆◇↺


Cleric (Warpriest )[Swashbuckler] 2 Hp 22/28 AC(T) 19/21, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8 Perception(T) +6 Darkvision


Male Hero Point: 3/1








Cayden Cailean




Goblin, Common

Strength 14
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

About Mosquito.

A Story of our Hero:
The warmth fell from the bright morning Sun on his smooth green skin like a newly quilted blanket. The soft rustling of the loose leaves by the caress of the morning wind massaged his too big ears. Lazily peeking open his red beady-looking eyes, the relaxed Goblin smiled. The soothing sounds of the river's constantly cruising currents caused him to gratefully accept the spontaneous naps with ease.
Sitting up, the goblin watches with mirth his fishing pole bobbing joyfully among the water. Stretching as he gains his feet, the almost 3 and 1/2 foot tall goblin lumbers over to his pole. Reaching down to pull it in, he reacts swiftly as the line suddenly goes taunt!
Dis be un new fun!, the excited goblin yells.
Straining against the unexpected strong pull, the goblin's muscled arms and legs bulge with the exertion! Hand over hand, he pulls the line in. Precariously pulling painfully backwards on the straining pole, Mosquito holds his breath and yanks back hard!
And the line snaps! The backward momentum saves the goblins life; as launching out of the water and landing in his previous position on the beach is an angry-looking crocodile!
This new and unexpected guest to his relaxing morning causes the goblin to jump with excitement!
Yous be interesting fer breakfast!
In a rapid response to the goblin's inquisition, the rude crocodile proceeded to launch viscously at Mosquito! Not really wanting to find out how he tastes to the crocodile, Mosquito flips over to the side out of its path. The goblin then frowns at it.
Yous be mean! Bad crocodile!
And having issued his judgment on the crocodile, Mosquito lifts up a large tree branch. The crocodile seemingly oblivious to any passed judgment on his character quickly turns to launch itself at his meal. And as the Pitcher winds up to deliver his high 90's fastball to the corner of the plate, our goblin Batter swings for the fences!

A week later, our goblin is seen in Breachill at Crink Twiddleton's Quarters and Bits with a crocodile over his shoulder.
Anybodys 'ere be mak'n dis mees armors?

Call for Heroes - A Questionnaire:

Please ensure your response is provided to the office of Greta Gardania of the Town Council at least 5 days prior to the Call for Heroes. If you have not submitted a response, we reserve the right to not select you for our process.
1. Full Name: Mosquito

2. Age: 12

3. Gender (strike through as appropriate): Male, Female, Prefer not to Respond, Other (please state)

4. Place of Birth: Goblin Pens

5. Current Residence and how to contact you (for payment purposes):
Mees bees liv'ns amongst da foliage's furnitures.

6. Faith (you may choose not to share this information):
Cayden Cailean bees da funest ov dems gods!

7. Current employment (please state if not applicable):

8. Details of your next of kin and how to contact them (in case of emergency - adventuring is dangerous):

9. How did you first hear about the Call for Heroes?
Mees bees git'n mees new crocodiles armors fiteed and un longshanks done mentioned it. Seems fun ta be un heros!

10. Why should we select you to aid in our call? What are your greatest strengths?
Mees arms! Mees legs! Mees mouths!

11. Tell us about a time when you made a mistake. What did you do to solve it?
Mees done hits dat crocodile toos hard. So, mees had un professionals make it into mees armor!

12. What do you like to do outside of your official responsibilities?
Mees likes ta fish! Relaxes by da pools! Tak'n da longest ov walks on da beeach!

13. Is there anything else you would like us to know before the Call for Heroes?
Mosquito bees da bestest ov da goblins in dis town! And mees kin sing!

Ancestry Goblin Heritage Unbreakable Goblin Background Dragon Scholar
Class Cleric 2 Deity Cayden Cailean
Alignment NG Size S Traits Goblin Humanoid
Perception(T) +6 Darkvision
Languages goblin, common
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
AC(T) 19, Fort(E) +7, Ref(T) +6, Will(E) +8

Resistances & Immunities
Shield Hardness 5 HP 14/ 20
HP 28/28
Class DC(T) 16
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Speed 25
Melee(T) Rapier +6 1d6+3 Traits P Deadly d8 Disarm Finesse
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Str 14 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 14
Acrobatics(T)+6 (+2 Tumble Through), Athletics(T)+6, Deception (T)+6, Diplomacy(T)+6, Intimidation(T)+6, Lore: Dragons(T)+4, Stealth(T)+6, Religion(T)+6
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Ancestry Feats & Abilities
Bouncy Goblin (1st; Ancestry)
Very Sneaky (1st; Free)

Skill Feats

Intimidating Glare (1st; Background)
Bon Mot (2nd; Skill)

General Feats
Shield Block (1st; Warpriest)

Class Feats & Abilities
Deity Cayden Cailean
Cleric Spellcasting
Divine Font Healing
Doctrine Warpriest
First Doctrine (1st): You’re trained in light and medium armor, and you have expert proficiency in Fortitude saves. You gain the Shield Block general feat, a reaction to reduce damage with a shield. If your deity’s weapon is a simple weapon or an unarmed attack, you gain the Deadly Simplicity cleric feat. At 13th level, if you gain the divine defense class feature, you also gain expert proficiency in light and medium armor.
Emblazoned Armament (2nd; Cleric] (Rapier)

Free Archetype
Swashbuckler (2nd)
Swashbuckler Style: Wit
Panache (Acrobatics and Diplomacy)

Magic Tradition

Spell Attack Roll +6
Spell DC (T) 16

1 Bullhorn
2. Forbidding Ward
3. Guidance
4. Needle Darts
5. Rousing Splash


1st level
1. Protection
2. Runic Weapon x2/2
3. X

Healing Font 4/4


Steel Shield (2gp)
Scale Mail (4gp)
Shoddy Hellknight full plate

Bulk 5

Equipment/Cash Money!:
Gp 28/ 15 Sp 7

Fishing Tackle Item 0+
Source Core Rulebook pg. 290
Price 8 sp
Hands 2; Bulk 1
This kit include a collapsible fishing pole, fishhooks, line, lures, and a fishing net. Professional fishing tackle grants a +1 item bonus to checks to fish.

Adventurer's Pack Item 0
Source Core Rulebook pg. 289
Price 1gp 5 sp
Bulk 1
This item is the starter kit for an adventurer, containing the essential items for exploration and survival. The Bulk value is for the entire pack together, but see the descriptions of individual items as necessary.

The pack contains the following items: backpack (containing the other goods), bedroll, two belt pouches, 10 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks’ rations, soap, 5 torches, and a waterskin.