
Mortimer Isney's page

38 posts. Alias of Turlin.


Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

I'm sorry to say I gotta drop out of this game. It was fun, and a fantastic concept, but I have some other games I want to focus on. I hope the game doesn't die due to lack of posting and I want to say thanks for letting me join!

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Still here! I'll wait for the next scene to post.

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

His voice tense and out of breath from his screaming, Mortimer says,
"It's rather suspicious though... But I guess if we 'ave to pass it anyway... "

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

I work best building off other people so I'm waiting for someone else to post...

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Henry's words wake Mortimer from his trance. Mortimer stands up, his head twitching to the side... When he leaps at the walkie talkie!

"If I'm not out of here within the hour, this ride won't be the only thing to 'retire'! I'm Mortimer 'Killjoy' Isney! I'm the one who closed down Maple Point! This park will be a distant memory when I'm done with it! So if you ever want to be employed again, Mr. Gomez, I highly suggest you send someone down here to get me out, right f***ing now!! The entire thing is said with a voice of bitter rage as he screams into the walkie talkie.

Bare your teeth and ambitions: 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (3, 2) + 5 = 10
Yes! I'll take the one xp if he listens to me. If not I'll give him +1 shock!

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

I'm still here, don't worry!

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

I will take the +1 harm so nothing happens.

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Go The Distance: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 2) - 1 = 7
Upon seeing that *he* was now the one in danger, the lawyer makes a move to dive back to cover!

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Seeing that his only ways out were about to be squashed by a barrel, Mortimer suddenly stood up and let out a high pitch squeal of "Objection!" before he knew what he was doing. If he could just distract it for a second, the others would be able to take it down!

Be Bold And Daring: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (6, 1) + 0 = 7

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

I'm staying hidden for two reasons.
1. Secret weapon of sorts.
2.Mortimer would cower in fear in this situation!

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Mortimer stays behind the rock, clutching his knife, as the others run into battle. If it looks like any are in real trouble, he'll come out to help... Hopefully...

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

With a shaking hand, Mortimer reaches for Greg... But pulls back.

No... No... They could still be useful...

Slicking back his hair one more time and licking his lips, Mortimer says in a high pitch whisper,

"We... we could send someone out... as bait... Or, that is, a decoy...?"

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Mortimer can't believe what's going on. No, not can't. Won't.
It's all too... Impossible... Yet it was happening.
Mortimer, his chest heaving, racks his brain, thinking of the normal ways he gets out of problems.

Talking to them might work... So could bribing them... At least those work on humans.
Either way, fighting was not an option... At least for Mortimer...

Wait... Maybe he could... Sacrifice one of the others... Yes... Trade with the pirates for safe passage... Maybe... Just maybe... But the others would try to stop him... Hmm...

As I'm sure you know, I'm playing Mortimer very antagonistic like. Not only is he a selfish jerk I'm also taking it from the angle that he's being influenced by The Great Mouse. If you guys find this to be problematic or you don't like it I'll drop it okay? Just say the word. I won't go through with the plan if you don't like it. If you have played 9persons 9hours 9doors, you can tell I'm taking the same approach as the 9th man. ;)

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Mortimer, his head in a daze, finds himself being dragged along with the others. He barley recognizes possible danger when his sense of survival becomes even more apparent, practically shoving the others out of the way to get through the door.

With the panic only slightly lowering, Mortimer looks down to see a pocket knife in his hand. When had he picked that up? Well it didn't matter, as long as it helped him survive.

Without really thinking, Mortimer begins to stumble toward the direction the noise is coming from, but slow and steady, like a drunk old man.

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

I'll take •Is there anything useful here? And •Who or what should I be on the lookout for?

Mortimer glares at Helen but it has no intimidating affect. With panic growing in the pit of his stomach, he straightens his shirt and tie.

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

The commotion stirs Mortimer, who stands up, legs shaking. His suit is soaking, but his hair is untouched, due to his water resistant hair product.

With shakey hands, Mortimer salvages what he can of his papers and picks up his suitcase.

He then glares at the two employees, any kindness gone from his eyes.

"I... I demand... That you get me out of here. Now." His voice is low, but shakey. With a little bit of whiney brat in there too.

As he says this he looks around...

See something there that wasn't there before: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 5) + 1 = 11

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

And thank you Henry, for saving Mortimer from death! I know it looked like I ditched you guys there, so thanks for keeping me in the game!

Although, I'm assuming Leti won't be joining?

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0
The Great Mouse wrote:

Glad to have you back Mortimer!

Helen is still one point away from a full success, but you or Henry could still try to help her if you want.

Glad to be back!

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

When the skeleton attacked... Mortimer furrowed his brow. That was part of the show... Right?
But true panic swept in when Jen and Henry jumped out... And it only got worse when the ride took off...

Mortimer struggled with the ride guard in vain. It was pressing against his stomach... Suddenly Mortimer felt like he couldn't breathe... The cold metal... Trapping him... Brought up bitter, suppressed memories.

As Mortimer's brain went on lock down, he was only slightly aware of someone calling his name. He was still dazed when someone grabbed him and pulled him from certain doom.

But he snapped out of it when he landed in the cold water, his suitcase landing beside him, open, his papers slowly floating down onto the gruesome scene.

He stood up, dripping wet, his eyes darting all around, his hand constantly brushing his short hair back. When he spoke his voice was a strange mixture fear and anger.

"What... What was... What was that!?! I swear, I will sue all of you when I-!"

He saw the wreckage... The bodies?

With that, Mortimer stood there, arms limp, mouth agape, and promptly fainted.

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

SORRY! I am still alive and well! Give me a few hours and I should be able to post! I should be able to post at least once a day now so again, sorry!

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

"Ah! Miss Liang! Well don't fortune work in strange ways?"

Mortimer slid into his seat and set his suitcase on his lap, when the girl in front of him said his name. The girl was Jen Liang, a college student who did odds and ends for him once and awhile. She was... tolerable...

"Er, Mr. James, meet Miss Liang. Miss Liang, meet Mr. James." turning to Henry, Mortimer says "This is Jenny Liang, one of my part time employees. He says all this with a forced smile. He brings his hand to his face and slicks back his hair. A sign that he is quite annoyed.

S***. What now Isney? Wait. This could still go in my favor... Just butter them both up, get em talking, then bring up work conditions! Yes, that will work!

"Miss Liang! How ya taking care? May I say, you look lovely today? Oh, and who's your lovely friend here?"

Mortimer is paying no attention to his surroundings so he doesn't notice the eye patched mechanic, or the well detailed ride. His entire attention is focused on his efforts to turn these people into puppets.

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

To tell the truth, I'm waiting for someone else to post so I can work off of that...

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

So, I just read the site and it says this is still in beta?
Or did I find a old site?
But does this mean we are kinda sorta play-testing this?
Because that is awesome!

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

"No, no! If I just walk around a bit I'ma sure it'll all clear up." Mortimer says, his grin widening to a almost unsettling size.

"Music is nice, but I find a nice walk can solve most problems. Would ya care to give me a little tour, Mr.... I'ma sorry, but I don't think I cought your name!"

With a little luck and a little skill, I'll have him be a whistleblower yet!

In case I need to do this...
Sweet: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (5, 4) + 0 = 9

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Yeah, I'm trying to get Henry talking about himself while I lead him to a place to sit and chat. I'm planning to have Mortimer lead him to were every one else is.

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Now, I didn't know if I would use my wicked or sweet score for the Charm a Heart move because one of my moves says to do that, but only under kinda vague circumstances... Anyway it wouldn't matter cause I should have my Pal score which is +0 with Henry... So my real roll is a 9. I think...

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

When Mortimer stumbled against the can, he knew he had made a mistake. The Isney family had always had heart problems, and it doesn't skip a generation. Usually Mortimer watched its blood-sugar levels but... It was a very good snow cone...

At first, Mortimer grins when the janitor walks up to him. Janitors were always the best to get complaints from. But his glee is soon replaced by miled confusion when the group of "janitors" began to play songs.

They're... good enough... I suppose...

As a small crowd gathers, Mortimer looks up at the man who had approached him.

Well... I guess I'll start with this one.

"Thank ya, but I'm fine, really! Justa dizzy spell! But I must say, it's mighty kind of ya to help me out. And uh... That's a nice little display you and your friends got there! You all part of a experimental group?"

That's how "Killjoy" worked. Put on one's most charming smile and get your chosen victim talking about themselves, all the while start walking and lead them to a nice little place to chat.

Sweet: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 3) + 1 = 10

Works every time.

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Would I be able to rest for an hour to get rid of my shock? Like useing the Medical Kit rules but not actually useing a Med Kit? I say this because as far as Mortimer knows he just had a very tasty treat and wouldn't go get medical help, but I, as a player, don't want that one point of shock.
I hope that makes sense because that was the only way I could think of describing it...

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

I think Mortimer ripped you off but in a completely legal way. Perhaps you or Ben were injured at work and you went to Mortimer a few years back but he tricked you with fancy lawyer talk and fine print?

Whatever the reason, you know his tricks and he knows yours, so I'll take -3 pal with Leti.

I'll take +2 pal for you helping Mortimer with work. Perhaps you retrieved some documents from the college records for him or maybe you house sit for him from time to time?

Unless Helen or Henry got injured and were also scamed by Mortimer, I don't think he would know them. Or maybe they agreed to meet with him to give a record on working conditions? If not, I'll just take +0 pal with them.

Also I won't be asking any pal questions except for maybe the would help move if paid in pizza and beer. Maybe as in if the other ideas don't work out or for a loose connection with Helen or Henry. We would have pal but still be strangers with it!

If you guys don't like my proposed connections, tell me so we can work on it!

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

stout: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 2) - 1 = 4
Well don't that suck

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

"Oh, I will!" Mortimer says with a wink.

He sees the ice in the lagoon and shrugs it off as movie magic. He then takes a taste of his treat.

Ahh... Yes! Both sweet and sour! And with a refreshing amount of ice! He'll have to get the recipe later!

As Mortimer meanders down the road leading to the Toon House zone he continues to eat his snow cone and goes over his plan as he lazily shifts his eyes over the crowds and buildings looking for any obvious building code violations to add to his (currently) very short list.

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Mortimer Isney waits in line for an icy treat. With a blue suit and suitcase (backpack) he looks like he's there for a business meaning and, in a way, he is. As he moves up in line he looks up at the different attractions, each one competing for the most attention.

He smiles wickedly.

Soon there won't be a castle tower in the skyline anywhere in California! he thinks to himself. Mouse Park has always been prone to accidents and controversy and if Mortimer could drag up enough events in the past, find just enough health code violations AND get enough complaints form current and past workers, he would have Mouse Park shut down by the end of the year.

You see, Mortimer Isney is a lawyer who specializes and closing down amusement parks. He closed quite a few, big and small, but this... This was unheard of. But if he could close Mouse Park, why, he would go down in history. Maybe as the villian, but Mortimer "Killjoy" Isney didn't mind that at all.

As he moved to second in line he thought Let's start off small. Get a few basic complaints and go from there. Now if a was an exasperated underpaid worker in a hot smelly character costume where would I be?
He turns his head twords the sign pointing to Mr. Mouse Toon House as he moves to the front of the line.


His smile wideneds as he turn to the vendor and says "Lemon, thanks. Whadda I owe ya?"

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Got it, thanks!

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

The negative pal stuff... Is that for when you're trying to do stuff against another player? Like if I had -2 with a player, would that assist me if I tried to trick them in some way and/or steal something?

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Oh GM!
Did you mean financial advice for that one pal question?
Nevermind, got a yes form Jen!

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

I'll get the A Little Bit About Yourself part done in a day or two, ok?

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Technically I already dotted in, but here I am!
By the way, Mortimer looks like Walt Disney and Waluigi mixed together.

Brave: 0 | Stout: -1 | Sweet: 1 | Wicked: 3 | Wise: 1 | Harm: 0 | Shock: 0 | Xp: 1 | Twinkle: 0 | Pal: Leti -3 | Jen 2 | Henry & Helen 0

Alright, here is Mortimer Isney! A slimey sleaze bag lawyer who is here to "inspect" the park and close it for good! He always hated the park after a traumatic experience that involved getting lost in the storage of the haunted house at a young age. This guy is a snake and he knows it!