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any tips on locating a dead wizard's place, to see what kinda magic items and or spell books he has there?

we failed to save 1 in the campeign and i am a wizard soo.. i wanna find his secret stash -D

found this chart. If i was a 53 year old human i would get a total of -3 to str, dex, con and +2 to int wis cha?

Table: Aging Effects
Race Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
Human 35 years 53 years 70 years 70 + 2d20 years
Dwarf 125 years 188 years 250 years 250 + 2d% years
Elf 175 years 263 years 350 years 350 + 4d% years
Gnome 100 years 150 years 200 years 200 + 3d% years
Half-elf 62 years 93 years 125 years 125 + 3d20 years
Half-orc 30 years 45 years 60 years 60 + 2d10 years
Halfling 50 years 75 years 100 years 100 + 5d20 years
1 At middle age, –1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
2 At old age, –2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
3 At venerable age, –3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.

Human wizard with 22 int before headband is added.

the headband has +2 modifier with Arcana as associated skill

so if i have 5 ranks and am a level 10 wizard it automatically becomes "10" ranks?

the main issue i have is this;
1 skill point (human)
1 skill point (favored class)
2 skill point (wizard)
6 skill point (from int)
1 skill point (auto added to Arcana?)

is that how it works? that means even though i have 24 int I can only assign 10 skill points anywhere I want and 1 being auto assigned to Arcana?

K so i have inproved trip and greater trip,

I trip a guy and attack him using power attack as an opportunisty attack, if i want to trip a another guy will my cmb have minuses from power attacking?

the bomb discoveries are worded strangely.

Explosive Bomb: creatures that are hit take 1d6 more damage. does that mean all creatures take the extra damage or only the main target?

gives you +1 insight bonus to AC

can you have multiple of these?

do they boost your CMD?

Weapon Specialization feat: +2 damage
fighter level 10 gets +2 to one weapon damage and attack rolls

is this affected by two handing a weapon?
or is this bonus added after increasing Strength and Power attack values by 50%

Specialized wizard here
minus Necromancy and Enchantment

Looking for a List of 10 best spells in your opinion that every wizard should have for their 2nd level spells.

No matter what kind of wizard you play, blaster or control or both give me your list. I just want to see what kinda spells people use.

Diligent Student (Ex)

At 1st level, a scroll scholar chooses one Knowledge skill. This becomes a class skill if it is not already one. The scroll scholar adds half her class level to all Knowledge checks of this type (minimum 1). At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, a scroll scholar chooses 1 additional Knowledge skill to receive this bonus.

the parts that says you add 1/2 your class level to all knowledge checks of this type means only the knowledge skills you add using this ability? or all knowledge checks like a bard?

Hmm kill stuff by blasting group of still to kill them simple.
Lock them down by droping them into pits/nauseating / or other control type spells. Which takes some mobs out of combat but than we have to kill them later.

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Improved Trip
Greater Trip
Power Attack

.. can you trip a guy than use power attack when making an opportunity attack?

With the magic knack trait u get 2 caster level so
3wizard/2rogue can get 3rd level spells on scrolls, add them to spell book and memorize it? Or just heightens the rounds per level and in case of fireball oraomething do 2d6punk more damage?

if i had a +3 cloak of resistance, amulet of natural armor, ring of protection, will those bonuses stack with my stats when I am fused with my edilon?

say I wanted to memorize a spell using a matamagic feat like empower spell.

I would have to memorize fireball at a 5th level spell slot in order to empower a fireball?

but If i use a metamagic rod It would remain at a 3rd level slot? unless I want to raise the spell level using the Heighten spell feat?

is there a common language that all elementals speak? instead of learning 4 different languages.
I am refering to earth/water/fire/air elementals in this instance of course.

3 levels of wizard
3 levels of rogue

can you do gliterdust blinding several creatures than do a blast attack to do sneak attack damage to all targets?

it takes 1 hour to memorize all the spells for one day. How long does it take to memorize 1 spell if you leave slots open for that?

Arcane Bond with an object says its a masterwork item, so if i have a wand does it let me cast spells with +1 DC? or give me +1 to attack with rays?

Grease area is 10 foot square

Create Pit area is 10 foot by 10 foot square

... is that the exact same are written two ways? as in 4 total squares?

would demons speak abyssal and demonic?
would devils speak demonic and Abyssal?

they are different yet the same not sure which language is better.

If I am a 5th level wizard with fireball, can I scribe a scroll of fireball that's 10th level so it will do 10d6 damage?

If so what would be the DC of it. DC 14? since you need 13 int to cast 3rd level spells? so thats +1 int +3 spell level = 10+4 for 14 dc

cost is 12.5gx3(SL)x10(CL)= 375g?

I am human conjuration wizard.

What two schools should I take out... its so hard to do. I looked at most of the wizard spells and I want to use a few of each school of spells.

for spells like fireball there is:
spell focus
Greater Spell focus
Elemental focus
Greater elemental focus

but is there a way to increase Conjuration DC besides:
Spell focus
Greater spell focus
and your STAT (int/wis/cha)

Most conjuration spells don't require saving throw I understand but I plan to focus on ones like Aqueous orb, create pits, grease.
Spells that control the battlefield and locks up monsters.

Thinking of making a summoner level 4

Level 4 Eidolon

i have 4 attacks so thats
2x claw with improved damage so 1d6 damage each
1x slam with improved damage so 1d10 damage

what 4th attack do I get with biped form?

So far with these evolutions its 3 points from the pool.

For the Slam evolution it says you can replace your claw attacks with slam does that mean you get 3 total slam attacks?

would you say most fear effects are caused by magic?

besides intimidate that is.

reason i am asking is cause of the dwarven feat that gives the racial bonus to poison spells and spell like abilities an additional +2 bonus.


Heal: Creatures heal a number of points of ability damage to one ability score (your choice) equal to your channel bonus.

Harm: Creatures are sickened until the end of your next turn, plus a number of rounds equal to your channel penality.....

my question is what is channel bonus or channel penality?

the amount i heal by or amount of damage i did with channel?

Where in the books are the rules to buy wild animal "cubs" and such so you can train them to fight for you and stuff?

someone in my group has a trained griffin and I can't find anywhere in the books that allowed him to get a griffin and train it using Handle Animal skill.

when you channel a spell through your weapon (spellstrike) or attack with weapon and cast a spell (spell combat) you provoke attacks of opportunity?

I sorta want the PDF versions of the books so I don't have to carry around all the books but had a question about it.

Is it jsut like most PDF's that jsut scrolls down and down till you get to the correct page or can you type certain things you are looking for like for instance you want rules for grappling or to go directly to the spells page.

chapter 1 ya da
chapter 2 bla bla

can you like select chapter 3 than go directly to it or do you have to scroll down the pages till you get to the correct chapter.

If i successfully cast Flaming Sphere defensively i won't take AoO right? since its not a range touch attack?

however if i successfully cast Ray of Frost defensively i won't take AoO for it but will Take an AoO if there is an enemy next to me since its a ranged touch attack?

What I want to know is can you fight defensively while casting spells? to gain the +2 AC and -4 attack rolls?

I know you can cast defensively by making a concentration check = to 15+2x the spell level but can you do both?

example: I am fighting defensively, than I will cast defensively
... make a concentration check. and gain +2 AC

Is there a way to use Hero Lab to look at feats and archetypes as if you had the books with you without trying to make a character?

when i clicked on archetype it gives a description of it but not the exact changes that happens when you select it. like you lose this but gain that ability.

so say my druid was surrounded near a pillar and i was surrounded on all sides how do i get out of there without taking a lot of opportunity attacks. earth ground. stone pillar

Looking for a Large flying animal that has multiple attacks, any suggestions?

is there a feat that works similiar to cleave but for ranged weapons? without taking rapid shot and many shot

if i have just a regular +1 armor and want ghost touch have to pay enough gold to make it into a +4 armor or enough gold to make it into a +3 armor?

or if i had a regular armor and want ghost touch pay up to a +3 enhancement in gold?

does flat footed affect you CMD since it has dex as apart of the defense?

if its effected than combat Maneuvers are easier against them right?

say i was level 6 with 20strength
i would have +11 to attack -2 for TWF = +9

if i had the Fiend Totem, Lesser. would i get +4 to attack with horns or +6 to attack with horns since my full BAB is +6?

and it will benefit from extra damage from elemental rage, lesser, right?

First question.
Uncanny Dodge at level two ..lv5 better dodge, lv 7 1/- DR and so on


1/- damage reduction every two levels... lv6 = 3/- DR... lv10 = 5/- DR.

Second Question, does that stack with other forms of DR? adamantite armor.

I am leaning toward 1 pt of DR every 2 levels. if you are hit with 3 attacks at level 6 you prevent 9 of that damage which is equal to about one level of HP or so you get.

Improved Overrun says, .... you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to overrun a foe(singular)

Greater Overrun, says, ... You receive a +2 bonus on checks to overrun a foe (singular). Whenever you overrun opponents (multiple), they provoke attacks of opportunity if they are knocked prone by your overrun.

... does it let you overrun multiple targets or only 1 target is knocked down but the other enemies adjacent have to "jump out of the way" who also provoke AoO.

Fighter with a heavy shield

can you two weapon fighting with a weapon and armor spikes and retain the the AC from shield? it says

Armor Spikes: you can have spikes added to your armor which allows you to deal extra piercing damage (see "spike armor" on Table 6-4) on a successful grapple attack.... You can also make a regular meelee attack (or off-hand attack) with armor spikes, and they count as a light weapon in this case...

Dwarf Fighter
level 2

18str, 15dex, 16con

so at the moment i want to take 2 levels of barbarian for Fast movement and uncanny dodge. Because at level 4 i will have 16 dex, and dodge feat probably, it would be nice to have the FULL AC against surprise rounds and when i would normally be flat footed, what do u guys think about that.

would be able to rage 9 rounds as well plus more skills per level =D

level 6 fighter
18 strength, +6 BAB, +1 magic weapon = +11 to attack

if i have two weapon fighting and improved two weapon fighting, but i use a dwarven waraxe and heavy shield.

is how would the minus' stack and how many attacks would i get, a bit confused

with two weapon fighting feat you get axe and shield attack,
with improved two weapon fighting you get axe, shield attack, shield attack?

Dwarf Fighter
level 2

30hp (racial, 16con)
22ac (heavy shield, shield focus, 15dex, +1 RoP)

any of you other fighters who's the "TANK" since the next highest armor person is the rogue with 16ac, would you guys take CLEAVE / great cleave, as a way "AGRO" more targets and lose 2 AC


Get a light shield and shield bash feats.

Just looking for some insight on how other fighter build up their characters.

k 2 fighters in this group i am in, we are both level 2 atm.

other fighter:
16 ac
21 damage max (18str power attack).. 1d12 + 6(str) + 3 (PA)
and he has cleave so up to 2 attacks per round and 14 AC when he cleaves which is always.

My Dwarf fighter"
22 AC (+3 shield focus, 6ac, 2dex, +1 Ring of Protection)
16 damage max, (18str, power attack) dwarven waraxe (1d10+ 4str +2 (PA)

he was rolling better and hitting multiple targets usually with cleave
so the DM starts hitting him with his 14 ac when cleaving and i cant do anything about it, so i sat there hitting for about 13 damage or so and nothing is attacking me, where he is doing preety good damage 18+ damage and cleaving usually. what can i do about that there's no threat in pathfinder like there is in 4th edition.

Alchemist's Bombs and other splash weapons deal +int damage on a hit and splash damage if any so

with a 18 int at level 2 with explosive bomb discovery, point blank shot:

2d6+5 damage on direct hit
10 splash damage reflex 15 for 1/2

for a Flask of Acid:
1d6+5 damage on direct hit
10 splash damage

Under the Throw Anything Text it says you do +int modifier damage to splash weapons and splash effects.

thats crazy good if I am reading it right.

seems like theres 2 parts to this feat:
Throw anything with an increment of 10 feet

flasks that you make with Alchemy is increment of 10

but the bombs you throw as an Alchemist is range 20 feet

will you still get +1 to attack with bombs when you throw from 20 feet away? or do you have to throw bombs and flasks from 10 feet away in order to get the +1 to attack with this feat.

with this feat can i throw weapons that doesn't have proficency with or weapons that doesn't have a thrown range.

at lv 2 i have +10 to craft alchmey

i want to make a acid Flask which is 10 gold which is 100silver.

I pay 1/3 of the cost which is 33silver

I rolled a 14+10(craft: alchemy)= 24x 15 DC = 360silver worth

so i made 1 flask 3.6times faster than usual in a 7 day week thats 1.9 days

... OR ...

is the amount we need to reach the 1/3 cost amount?
in which case i can make a flask in mere hours?

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