Drace Krennit

Monoc One-eye's page

74 posts. Alias of Will Cooper (RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16).

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hi Sean - is there anything you would like us to know, read, do, or think about before playing in your Friday night Drow vs. Mi-Go session?

For that matter, hello to everyone else playing this session! Feel free to say hi in this thread. If only to show that, like me, you're checking the PaizoCon threads every day out of sheer excitement. 10 days and counting...

Cheers, Will

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I was already excited about my first PaizoCon, and putting faces to people I only know through pixels and words on screen. Then I read the schedule - and wow - there's just so much that I want to do! I could pretty much fill Friday and Saturday with open events and seminars, before even looking at the insanely tempting lottery events.

I am so stoked that the timing works for me to stop in the States on my way from New Zealand to Europe. Seriously, to every one involved, thanks for organizing this. It looks great.

Couple of questions for you experienced PaizoConners...
- are the seminars usually easy to get into or do the rooms get packed out? Any tactics for getting into my must-do open events?
- would this be a sensible time to stat a PFS character, or should I keep it simple and run with pregens?

Cheers for any advice, and see you all in a month.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Created a discussion thread for us.

By the time the envelope reaches you, adventuring in a far off land, it is battered and crumpled and stained with mud and sea salt and possibly blood.

You open it, and find thick cream paper with fine calligraphy. You read:

The letter wrote:

Surveen Walsh, Sharadon Vos, Gideon Hawke, Tudan Davken,

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Elyin Ursage and Kailah Winmede,
To be held in the chapel of Shelyn in Bellis Village,
This Spring Solstice.

Below the formal text is the familiar scrawl of Elyin, your former adventuring companion. He writes; Dear friends, please come if you can. It's been too long, and Kailah is keen to meet the folks behind so many of my stories. Elyin.

Spring solstice is tomorrow. You are half a continent away. You have just returned from rescuing the son of Albric Dayne, head of the local arcanist's guild, from the Cult of the Serpentine Labyrinth. He owes you.

There might just be a way...

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hi guys, on some of the forum threads, particularly in the online campaigns sections, the 'preview' button is showing as the mothman avatar image, rather than the button image.

Seems to occur when replying to an existing thread without using the 'add new post' button. It still works as normal and creates a preview of the post, it's just showing the wrong image.

Cheers, Will

Up first - The Slaver's End by Adam Donald. We're doing the CR 4 version, at APL, so this should be an easy intro for the group. Hurrah!

You have been hired to investigate the fate of Fort Walmor. Originally a small depot for traders and treasure hunters travelling Sargava and the Mwangi Expanse, Fort Walmor now houses only the dead. Worse, the stones and timber of the fortress -- already permeated with the pain, anger, and sorrow of a slave camp -- came to house the concentrated rage and vengeful fury of the last fateful night of its inhabitants. The first unwary travelers that attempted to dock all met with terrible, violent ends. Fort Walmor is known locally as The Slavers’ End and is widely regarded as a cursed place, haunted by the souls of angry dead.

You are on the beach next to a wrecked slaver barge on the beach below the fort itself. An eerie drumming comes from inside the barge.

Map coming soon.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hi Fredrik, ThunderingDawn, Deevor, YeunglingDragon - discussion thread for our playtest.

If you haven't seen it yet, read Sean's post.

Reading through the entries, I think we will be best off with 4 level 4 characters. That will let us play one tier from each entry. Then if we have time we'll change level and replay them.

- 15 point buy - check and adjust if necessary.
- 16,000 gp of equipment (balanced somewhere close to the assumptions in Sean's post).
- We will collectively decide which scenario to play first, with mine being the casting vote.

Anything else? Let's try and get going tomorrow.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This tiny knight spurs his raven mount to charge, crystal lance in hand, trailing a comet-tail of light.
Sidhe Lord CR 7
XP 3,200
CN Diminutive fey
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +12

----- Defense -----
AC 26, touch 21, flat-footed 18 (+7 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural, +4 size)
hp 54 (12d6+12); fast healing 5
Fort +5, Ref +13, Will +7
DR 5/cold iron; SR 18
Weaknesses vulnerability to sonic

----- Offense -----
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee longsword +7/+2 (1d4-3/19-20) or lance +7/+2 (1d4-3/x3)
Ranged bow +17/+12 (1d3 plus poison)
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks poison, powerful charge (lance +17, 3d4+21)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +15)
At will—charm person, dancing lights, ghost sound, hideous laughter, reckless infatuation, silent image, unadulterated loathing
1/day—dimension door, glitterdust, shocking image, wandering star motes

----- Statistics -----
Str 4, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +6; CMB -1; CMD 23
Feats Defensive Combat Training, Dodge, Mobility, Mounted Combat, Taunt, Wingover
Skills Acrobatics +18, Bluff +18, Fly +28, Knowledge (nature) +11, Perception +12, Perform (any) +18, Stealth +32
Languages Common, Sylvan

----- Ecology -----
Environment any forest
Organization knight errant (1), quest (2-4), or hunt (4-8 plus 2-12 lesser fey)
Treasure standard (gem dust and crystal-shard lances)

----- Special Abilities -----
Conjure mount (Su) As a move action a Sidhe Lord can summon and mount a Tiny phantasmal bird (spectral ravens and glittering swallows are common choices). The bird has fly 100 ft. using the Sidhe Lord’s fly skill, AC 22 (+4 Dex, +4 natural, +4 size), 19 hit points.
Gallant charge (Ex) When mounted and using the charge action, a Sidhe Lord may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). When charging with a lance, a Sidhe Lord uses its Dexterity modifier on attack and damage rolls.
Glowing beauty (Su) A Sidhe Lord sheds light as a torch. This light is not affected by darkness or deeper darkness.
Intoxicating arrows (Ex) Arrows the size of thorns induce gleeful euphoria. Bow—injury; save Fort DC 19, frequency 1/round for 6 rounds, effect 1d4 Wis, cure 2 consecutive saves.

Primal magic flares constantly from these minute humanoids, and the whispered pulse of their music drives mortals to acts of passionate madness. Courtiers in the First World’s Hanging Bower, Sidhe Lords are otherworldly poet-knights, armored in iridescent dragonfly-scale, skilled with lance and lute and illusion.

Adventurous Sidhe Lords often venture through breaches into the Material Plane, driven by curiosity and the unrequited love they bear for the Green Mother. They guard sacred groves in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, or protect those druids powerful enough to summon them. Sidhe Lords are prideful as oak and impetuous as fire; the slightest perceived insult is swiftly answered by deadly charges on conjured phantasmal steeds. In more playful moods they shoot intoxicating thorns and use spell-like abilities to mock those they see as unworthy of real combat.

When questing in the Material Plane, accompanied by enslaved pixies or other lesser fey, Sidhe Lords seek diversion from their immortal life. Beings of primal emotion, lust and anger burn hot in their mercurial hearts. Toying effortlessly with mortal minds, they drive simple folk to dramatic arguments and ardent trysts. They orchestrate cruel betrayals acted out by charmed victims, with no regard for the mortal lives they ruin. Violent passions rule where a Sidhe Lord walks, bright and beautiful and deadly in their careless power.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Stormsworn Company
Alignment: LE
Headquarters: Giantspine Keep in the southern Mindspin Mountains
Leader: Tempest Lord Xorun Castrial
Structure: Military hierarchy
Scope: National
Resources: Giantspine Keep; magical and mundane armory; 200 mercenaries on active duty; agents seeking contracts across Molthune, Nidal, and Nirmathas; enslaved villagers and farmers

The Stormsworn Company are an elite mercenary force supplying battle hardened warriors and wizards in conflicts throughout northern Avistan. Their symbol is three gold lightning bolts on a dark grey background, proudly shown on banners, shields and cloaks. Ambitious nobles hire them to strike at enemy fortifications, raid behind enemy lines, and eliminate troublesome adventurers. The Stormsworn pride themselves on daring aerial assaults, descending from the clouds amid a shower of deadly lightning bolts. As much a cult as a military force, deep in forbidding Giantspine Keep they worship the rune-carved bones of a long dead storm giant.

Structure and Leadership
The Stormsworn have a strict chain of command, enforced by training and religious indoctrination. Their strategy blends martial and arcane power with many sorcerers and magi among the ranks. Stormbound warriors who rely on the blade alone are well supplied with potions of fly, shock weapons and javelins of lightning from the constantly working armory. Six warriors form a Bolt, the smallest fighting unit deployed. Five Bolts form a Tempest, led by a senior warrior who reports directly to the Tempest Lord. The current Tempest Lord is Xorun Castrial, a stormborn sorcerer of considerable power and military acumen.

In the short term the Stormsworn Company deploys its military might to amass wealth and favors among the feuding nations of Avistan. They work to escalate any conflict they are involved in, from skirmish to feud and from feud to full scale war. This is in service to a greater cause, for they believe that the souls of those slain by lightning hasten the awakening of their god, the rune-bound giant interred beneath Giantspine Keep. With the awakened giant’s power Xorun plans to create a storm-wracked empire stretching north to the Kodar Mountains and west to the Steaming Sea.

Public Perception
The Stormsworn have forged a reputation as feared enemies on the battlefield. Ruthless nobles seek them out, confident that they follow their contracts to the letter or die trying. Most employers and enemies think them simple mercenaries, more cruel and bloody than the norm, and very few suspect their long term goals.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Ghostvision gloves
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot hands; Price 4000 gp; Weight -
These gloves are often made of pale grey silk or leather, each adorned with an embroidered silver eye on the back.

Once per day the wearer may activate them, as a standard action, by bowing her head and pressing her hands to her eyes. The embroidered silver eyes flare and open, and when the wearer lowers her hands, deep pools of swirling grey mist hide her own eyes and allow her to more clearly see the restless dead.

While active, ghostvision gloves grant the following effects.

The wearer can see all undead within 60 feet clearly, including ethereal undead and incorporeal undead hiding in objects or walls to a depth of 5 feet.

If the wearer has the channel positive energy class ability, ghostvision gloves allow her to precisely focus divine power on a specific undead creature that she can see. By expending one channel use, she inflicts 1d6 damage per level (maximum 10d6) to a single undead target as a ranged touch attack. The channel use does not also provide area effect damage or healing. The gloves cannot be used to channel negative energy.

While the gloves are active, the wearer is flat footed to living opponents and constructs. The gloves remain active for 10 rounds before the wearer’s eyes return to normal.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, detect undead, searing light, channel positive energy class ability; Cost 2000 gp