Sajan Gadadvara

Monkplayer's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 423 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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I've already made several trades, and I want to make a trade with YOU! Are you feeling like I'm recruiting you for a war (I want YOU!)?

I'm a very avid collector of (here come the legal terms, so read CLOSELY) pre-painted, non-war, non-metal, fantasy minis like Pathfinder and D&D, (NO REAPER), and 3D terrain like trees, furniture, wagons, carts, but only MEDIEVAL 13th Century styled terrain, so geez wiz did you take notes on all that?

I got Paypal $ waiting for you! I buy minis without the stat cards, and I buy terrain/minis in small group of 4-5 (gotta be some good stuff), or in groups as big as 1,500 (back that freight truck up and dump them minis on my front lawn, while I TOTALLY SPAZ out)!.

Wanna know more (You know who you are; Type A personality, you love being organized, your life is a series of written down sticky-note lists with check marks) about me? You can find plenty of references about my trading here, and on another 9 trading forums by Googling “Monkplayer”, which is my screen name on all the websites I trade on! On EVERY site, I have positive feedback on every trade, and if applicable, the highest ratings possible. So BOO YAH! I"M DA MAN! Oh sorry, I kinda got stoked about my excellent feedback, cuz some people can be HARD to please.

So email me at HEREDRAGONDRAGONatCOXdot. You will also find references (especially here on Paizo) on my medieval tavern game room as well when you Google “Monkplayer”.

Keep the Dice Rollin!


Is it okay to post this here, since this is where my fellow gamers of the Rise of the Runelords hang out?

I have the Rise of the Runelords Special Edition leather tome signed by several of the Paizo staff when I was invited by a friend to game with Erik Mona at Paizo 3 years ago. Also 7 of the 15 included iconic character placards are also signed by the Paizo staff. ALSO INCLUDED is photographs proving the signatures are authentic.

Here is the link: nelords-Deluxe-Collectors-Edition

I highly prefer to trade for it than sell it. It's a firm $350 value.
I'm looking for Dwarven Forge RESIN NON_Tabbed (no bowties) sets, many Pathfinder, D&D, or Otherworld minis.

Please email me at HEREDRAGONDRAGONatCOXdotNET for a rapid reply.

Hey Gamers! I wanted to give you an update on our Pensacola Roleplayer's Association, and Bobe's Hobby House sponsoring the Cheesgrinder-RPG Survival tournament at Pensacon-Comic and Sci-Fi Convention in Pensacola, FL. It was the first year for The Cheesgrinder in our area, and it was a great success, because there were;

Unique contestants: 47

Total entries: 98
Average time at the table: 1 hour 10 minutes.

The tournament ran a total of 114 hours!

We had gamers till 4am on Friday Night, but only 2am on Saturday night.

King of Cheese: Zach Platt (11 years old) - lizard man minis, Hero Lab's license, D20 Pro License, star wars toy (bought by Tisha and Jen staff members).

Other finalists;

Brian Fisackerly (2nd place) - Dice Roller, Hero Labs license
Shawn Platt (3rd place) - Dwarven Forge painted room set, Hero lab's License
Robert Steinhauer (4th place) - Hrothgard's magnetic dice case, hero Lab's License
Monkplayer (5th place) - Hrothgar'd Miniatures Carrying Case, Hero lab,
Krystian Doss(6th Place) - Griffin Tamer Giant Door Entrance, Hero lab (no photo because he had to leave)

Thank's go to the other sponsor's D20 Pro, Hero Labs, Dwarven Forge, Griffin Tamer Studios, and Hrothgard's Horde for providing prizes for all 6 finalists.

Hey Gamers! I wanted to give you an update on our Pensacola Roleplayer's Association, and Bobe's Hobby House sponsoring the Cheesgrinder-RPG Survival tournament at Pensacon-Comic and Sci-Fi Convention in Pensacola, FL. It was the first year for The Cheesgrinder in our area, and it was a great success, because there were;

Unique contestants: 47

Total entries: 98
Average time at the table: 1 hour 10 minutes.

The tournament ran a total of 114 hours!

We had gamers till 4am on Friday Night, but only 2am on Saturday night.

King of Cheese: Zach Platt (11 years old) - lizard man minis, Hero Lab's license, D20 Pro License, star wars toy (bought by Tisha and Jen staff members).

Other finalists;

Brian Fisackerly (2nd place) - Dice Roller, Hero Labs license
Shawn Platt (3rd place) - Dwarven Forge painted room set, Hero lab's License
Robert Steinhauer (4th place) - Hrothgard's magnetic dice case, hero Lab's License
Monkplayer (5th place) - Hrothgar'd Miniatures Carrying Case, Hero lab,
Krystian Doss(6th Place) - Griffin Tamer Giant Door Entrance, Hero lab (no photo because he had to leave)

Thank's go to the other sponsor's D20 Pro, Hero Labs, Dwarven Forge, Griffin Tamer Studios, and Hrothgard's Horde for providing prizes for all 6 finalists.

If you troll the gaming forums you've probably seen our promotion of The Cheesgrinder coming up February 19-21!

PENSACON presents
The Cheese Grinder - RPG Survival Tournament in Pensacola, FL!

Sponsored by Bobe's Hobby House, d20Pro VTT software, and Herolabs.

PENSACON is pleased to welcome, The Cheese Grinder (TCG) RPG Survival Tournament! The Cheese Grinder has been one of the featured gaming events at DragonCon for the past 12 years. It now comes to the 2016 Pensacon with the same intense, exciting and action packed gaming event.

Players create their biggest, cheesiest, baddest, 11th level Pathfinder character, using TCG rule set, and are thrown into encounters to see how long they can survive.

It is a round robin style tournament. Six players sit down and play begins. When one player’s character is killed, the next player takes that person's seat at the table and play continues. The party’s characters will change often. One minute a balanced party, the next all bards (but who takes a bard to The Cheese Grinder)? You may last 2 hours, or you may only last 10 minutes. The Cheese Grinder starts on Friday and keeps on for 48 hours straight! Want something to do at 3am, come and roll dice with us!

The six top ranked players will be chosen for the finals to fight it out in an arena of death to see who will be crowned the King of Cheese.

Prepare yourself to fight creatures of legend. Stumble through traps of true brutality. Wrack your brain on puzzles, riddles and questions that would try any hero young and old.

To learn how The Cheese Grinder works please visit our website
Pregens are available for quick play!

The founder of Pensacola Roleplaying Association states, “In my 15 years of gaming, there has been no game session that even comes close to the immense excitement, enjoyment, or intensity of The Cheese Grinder. What you experience at this tournament are encounters you would never see in a normal game session which makes it all the more surprising and fun. It’s a must attend event.”

Check out these prizes donated by; D20pro, Herolabs, Dwarven Forge terrain, Hrothgars Hoard Dice Items, and Griffin Tamers Studio terrain.

Dwarven Forge painted lizardfolk miniatures
Dwarven Forge Dwarvenite Room Set
Hrothgards custom miniature & dice carrying cases, and custom wooden dice tower
Griffin Tamer giant entrance
D20 Pro Game Master Software
Hero Labs Certificate for free software packages

Here is the link. Starting price is $1, and I have 100% positive 5 Star Feedback and FREE USPS Priority Mail Shipping!

Hey Gamers,

I wanted to thank Wesley for flying all the way from Arizona to host his Pensacola Cheesgrinder-Rpg Survival Tournament, and Tanner (our Pensacola Roleplayers Association member) for helping to host our VIP Wesley L. while he was here! Tanner was really instrumental in the success of our tournament, and making Wesley feel welcome! Thanks Tanner! THANK YOU to Bobe's Hobby House and Pensacon for hosting this incredible tournament!

I wanted to thank all the gamers who watched or participated in our awesome tournament! We had people come from as far away as Fairhope and Mobile! What was even cooler was every participant came to play for between 1-3 hours, but everyone stayed for an additional 3-6 hours, because they were having such a blast! Every gamer except one (they had to leave) re-entered the tournament after their first character died! They HAD to play again, because it was SO FUN! Sometimes gamers had to wait an hour to re-enter, but they didn't mind at all waiting.

The contest winners had to complete the most encounters overall, or the most encounters based on the characters alignment i.e.; the most rooms lawful aligned, evil aligned, or good aligned.

NOTE: Winner's were based on the encounters completed with only ONE of their characters. If you re-entered a tournament with another character, then the rooms/encounters completed started over with your new character.

L. Montgomery won First Place with an impressive completed 7 encounters (re-entered tournament once)

O. Montgomery won second place with 6 encounters (re-entered tournament twice)

Monkplayer won third place with 5 encounters (re-entered once).

If you can think it up, then we probably battled it, or tried to solve the riddle. From epic level trolls, to invisible Jungle Book characters, Wizard of Oz characters, Allips, BALOR, Burning Skeletons riding burning dogs, ""Snow White" Rakshasa" (we thought) & 7 adamantine golem Dwarfs (another riddle), etc. It was AWESOME!

Remember this was an intro-tournament for Pensacon, so be sure to check it out in February 2016! It will run for 48 hours straight, but will be concluding by adding the top six finalists for the arena player-verses-player fight to determine the final winner on Sunday afternoon.

The winner receiving 1st place: L. Montgomery (wife): 1st place medal, solid stone, full-sized Crystal Caste, Tiger's Eye solid-stone dice set & Horthgard's padauk wood dice case ($130), Hero lab's ($30 voucher), D20 Pro Virtual Table Top software ($60), D20 Pro exclusive Cheesgrinder D20 die (only 750 made), Fat Dragon Games Ultimate Dice Tower ($8), D&D 5e magnetic Battle Mat ($40). "Smack talking" privledges to husband, and other gamers for life ($1,000,000)!

2nd Place: O. Montgomery (husband): 2nd Place Medal, Pathfinder Core Rule Book signed by Paizo CEO/President; Lisa Stevens, Lead Game Developer/designer; Jason Bulhman, Game Designer; Sean K. Reynolds, Publisher; Erik Mona. Medieval Flail, D20 Pro Virtual Table Top software ($60), D20 Pro exclusive Cheesgrinder D20 die (only 750 made), Fat Dragon Games Ultimate Dice Tower ($8). Smack Talking rights to the wife to reduce her $1,00,000 value, and smack talking to people who don't know his wife beat him in the tournament.

3rd:(Monkplayer (who?)): 3rd Place Medal, D20 Pro Virtual Table Top software ($60), D20 Pro exclusive Cheesgrinder D20 die (only 750 made), Fat Dragon Games Ultimate Dice Tower. Does anyone ever remember who won third place, except their mother?

Gamers I've played in this contest 5 times, and no gaming experience has even come remotely close to the intensity and enjoyment! It's truly an amazingly epic level experience!

PENSACON presents Cheesegrinder-RPG Survival Tournament! Sponsored by Bobe's Hobby House!

PENSACON is pleased to welcome The Cheese Grinder RPG Survival Tournament!

The Cheesegrinder has been one of the featured gaming events at DragonCon for the past 12 years, in which over 350 players compete over 48 hours.

The Cheesegrinder now comes to Pensacon 2016 with the same intense, exciting, action packed gaming event. To introduce this unique event to the area, we will be holding a free The Cheese Grinder RPG Survival Tournament! Preview Event on Saturday, November 14 from 10:00am-10:00pm at Bobe’s Hobby House!

Bring your most powerful, most “Cheesed out” 11th level Pathfinder table-top role-playing character (PC), and if your character survives the longest, then you win the tournament! Several different type of “Cheese Points” will also be available to purchase for $1 each. These points can be used for a variety of effects during the game. One of which will allow your PC to change places instantly with another PC at any time.

“The founder of Pensacola Roleplaying Association states, “In my 15 years of gaming, there has been no game session that even comes close to the immense excitement, enjoyment, or intensity of The Cheesegrinder. What you experience at this tournament are encounters you would never see in a normal game session which makes it all the more surprising and fun. It’s a must attend event.”

Your character will face riddles, traps, monsters, and maybe even other PCs in deadly combat, so is your character (PC) tough enough to last longer than the other contestants? When a player’s PC dies then another gamer takes that seat in the tournament. You can even re-enter the tournament with your same PC, once you’ve waited for another gamers character to die.

Pre-made characters will be available for free.

Some current prizes are but more are coming: Medals for 1st through 3rd place d20Pro, Virtual Table Top Software for 1st - 3rd place ( random door prizes 1st prize winner also gets; Crystal Caste Dwarven Stone Tiger Eye full size dice set, and the Hrothgar’s Hoard Dice Case with exclusive custom lining. $130 prize 2nd place winner also gets medal and software: a Pathfinder Core Rule Book autographed by Lisa Steven Paizo CEO, Erik Mona Publisher, Jason Bulhman Lead Designer, and Sean. K. Reynolds former game designer. More prizes to be added soon!

For all the details on character building go to: For questions on specifics of the event, contact For driving directions to Bobe’s Hobby House go to

The wait between encounters is 1 round. The rules for Cheesgrinder are in my first post and the website. LOT's of good ideas so keep them coming...

NOTE: I've played in 5 of these and some essentials for any class are

CL is 11
ALL saves at least 19+
AC at least 35
STEALTH is a huge plus 25+
Acrobatics to avoid AOO a huge plus +25
HP at least 150 (some no save traps are 150
When your at -1 and unconscious your dead

COME ON Down to Pensacola, FL (top western tip of Florida/45 minutes from Mobile, AL) on Saturday, November 14

Belafon wrote:
Monkplayer wrote:
Added magic; Wayfinder and Incadescent Blue Sphere +2 WIS &Blind Fight.
No resonant powers in the Grinder!

Thanks for catching this! Argghh! It's listed at the vey bottom of the banned list.

It's actually a Cheese Wedge pre-tournament to introduce it to our area, in order to build excitement for Pensacon in February. The Cheeagrinder crew will the going VIP special guests!

Here are so,e recent changes;
Removed feats: Agile Manuevers, Blind Fight,Iron Will, .??
Added: Acrobatics, Monkey Style, Moves, Shine.; +5 Acrobatics, stand up prone as swift, fight &iMovie will prone without AOO, climb 1/2 speed and keep DEX to AC., move into opponents square after stun &+4 to my AC and attack opponent.
Added magic; Wayfinder and Incadescent Blue Sphere +2 WIS &Blind Fight

New Acrobatics Skill: 29:(with belt of tumbling) 11 ranks, 4 DEX, 4 belt, 6 WIS (monkey), 4 Acrobatics.

I need to replace Agile Manuver like you mentioned b fore anyone els

Yes I see that now I only get the b merit of Dex on my CMB with Agile Manuevers.

I need to bump up my AC though in case I lose my potions.

This tournament has CR 16 or above, so my chance hitting something will be tough.
Remember every PC has a 40 point by and max HP every level.


Some really good suggestions, especially Spider Climb. I chose Agile Maneuvers due to needing to have a high CMD to avoid being grappled, tripped, bull rushed, etc.

There will be plenty of times when I do have to defend myself due to not being allowed by the rules to ignore all "baddies". I will have to face combat, so spring attack will allow me the slim chance that a stun attempt might work, but then I can move and hide in plain sight.

The fly potion I forgot, and lets see about the boots.

I have a Pathfinder Greatcoat I think I forgot to mention. I'm guessing there isn't a problem with wearing this (torso slot) with my Cloak of Resistance right?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm trying to build the most "broken character" you can get, especially with a high AC & saves.

There is info about this contest below for those that want more info.

11th level character 10 monk/1 shadowdancer
40 point buy
I've chosen an Undine race for swim & +2 Wis & Dex, -2 STR, darkvision and doesn't cost a level (see below).
100,000 GP, no more than 49,000 on 1 item.

AC 22 (before potions), Saves all 19, HP 142, Skills :Acro 18, Perception 19, Stealth 23, swim 13, CMB 13/CMB30, Initiative 6. STR 13, DEX 18, CON 18, INT 10, WIS 20, CHA 7.

AC 22 + 4 (mobility), Mage Armor potion +4, Shield of Faith potion +5, Bearskin potion +5, = 36+4 Mobility + blur (potion) NOTE" this is great if I get time to drink them, and have enough replacement potions.

Agile Manuvers, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Great Fortitude/Will/Reflexes (3 saves), Spring Attack, Weapon Finesses, 3 Traits allowed Birthmark, Reactionary, Resilient.

Note I don't need to be the damage dealer because there is always 6 gamers at the table and one of them will be able to have their PC doing way more damage.

You have to have amazingly high saves, AC, and HP (every level you max your HP).

Magic items chosen:

Cloak of Resistance +5
Belt of tumbling
Decoy Ring
Flask of the Reaper
Long of Feather Falling
Stalker's mask
Wasp Nest of Swarming X5

POTIONS (I've got many of each of these):
Elixir of Hiding
Cure Serious
Mage Armor
Shield of Faith
Neutralize Poison

Create the biggest, baddest 11th level PC; using the following rules.
Only Books Allowed:
Core Series:
Pathfinder Role Playing Game Core Rulebook (*)
Advanced Player’s Guide (*)
Advanced Race Guide (*)
Ultimate Magic (*)
Ultimate Combat
Ultimate Equipment
Bestiary 2
Bestiary 3
Bestiary 4
Gamemastery Guide

Pathfinder Adventure Paths (all volumes):
Carrion Crown
Council of Thieves
Iron Gods
Jade Regent
Mummy’s Mask
Reign of Winter
Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
Serpent's Skull
Shattered Star
Skull & Shackles
Wrath of the Righteous

Pathfinder Campaign Setting:
Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom
Artifacts and Legends
Belkzen, Hold of Orc Lords
Book of the Dammed 1: Princes of Darkness
Book of the Dammed 2: Lords of Chaos
Book of the Damned 3: Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Castles of the Inner Sea
Chronicle of the Righteous
Cites of Golarion
City of Strangers
Dark Markets: A Guide to Katapesh
Distant Worlds
Dragon Empires Gazetteer
Dungeons of Golarion
Faction Guide (*)
Gods & Magic
Guide to Darkmoon Vale
Guide to the River Kingdoms
Heart of the Jungle
Inner Sea Bestiary
Inner Sea Combat
Inner Sea Gods
Inner Sea Magic
Inner Sea World Guide (*)
Into the Darklands
Irrisen - Land of Eternal Winter
Isles of the Shackles
Land of the Linnorn Kings
Lost Cities of Golarion
Lost Kingdoms
Lost Treasures
Magnimar, City of Monuments
Mystery Monsters Revisited
Numeria, Land of the Fallen Stars
Occult Mysteries
Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs
Pathfinder Society Field Guide
Paths of Prestige
Rival Guide
Seekers of Secrets (*)
Ships of the Inner Sea
The Great Beyond
The Worldwound
Tombs of Golarion

Pathfinder Player's Companion:
Advanced Class Origins
Adventurer's Armory (2nd edition)
Alchemical Manual
Andoran, Spirit of Liberty
Animal Archive
Bastards of Golarion
Blood of Angels
Blood of Fiends
Blood of the Elements
Blood of the Moon
Blood of the Night
Champions of Balance
Champions of Corruption
Champions of Purity
Cheliax, Empire of Devils (*)
Cohorts of Champions
Demon Hunter’s Handbook
Dragon Empires Primer
Dragonslayer’s Handbook
Dungeoneer's Handbook
Dwarves of Golarion
Elves of Golarion
Faiths and Philosophies
Faiths of Balance
Faiths of Corruption
Faiths of Purity
Familiar Folio
Giant Hunter’s Handbook
Gnomes of Golarion
Goblins of Golarion
Halflings of Golarion
Harrow Handbook
Heroes of the Wild
Humans of Golarion
Inner Sea Primer
Knights of the Inner Sea
Kobolds of Golarion
Magical Marketplace
Melee Tactics Toolbox
Orcs of Golarion
Osirion, Land of Pharaohs
Pathfinder Society Primer
People of the North
People of the River
People of the Sands
People of the Stars
Pirates of the Inner Sea
Qadria, Gateway of the East
Ranged Tactics Toolbox
Sargava, the Lost Colony
Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Undead Slayers Handbook
Varisia, Birthplace of Legends

(*) = this at the end indicates books with special rules at the bottom of the page

If you use anything that is not in the core books (Not in the Paizo PRD website) you MUST have a copy of the book with you at the table. See Important Rule 2 below for details.
Core rules online at:

Suggested Software Character Generation Tools:
Use Hero Labs character generation tool. Click here for instructions on how to Setup Herolabs for The Cheese Grinder. Then bring your character (.por and hld20Pro file) on CD or thumb drive and we can quickly store them in our database and import them to the game table you are assigned. Will save lots of time, and reduces the risk of getting disqualified because you messed up on your math.
If you have access to d20Pro feel free to import your herolab creature into d20Pro or enter by hand then export the d20Pro creature. This will allow you to ensure all values are correct, layout your attacks, add abilities that have effects, etc. Though we still need the .por file or your hand written character sheet for validation reasons.

Picking your Class(es):
You can be single classed or multi classed. Select one class as your favored class.
Picking your Race:
Using a standard race your character has 11 class levels.
Playing a Non-standard Race

Age, Height, Weight:
Age: You age must be between the minimum for your class (Adulthood + class requirements) and the maximum age of adulthood. You cannot advance your age past adulthood to get stat decreases or increases, or to gain or lose anything else.
Height & Weight: Must be normal height and weight for your race, no 6' tall halflings, 500lbs elves, 3' tall ogres, etc.
Choose Alignment:
Make sure your alignment fits your class(es). No lawful barbarians, or evil Paladins. If you had an alignment change in your characters career make sure you note this somewhere on the sheet. For instance a paladin who falls from grace. Or a rogue who redeems himself and is now a paladin.
Generating Stats:
Use the point buy system listed below; a 40 point buy (Cheesy Stats).
Apply Racial Modifiers
Add stat increase points for 4th and 8th. Add Racial Hit Dice and class level to see if you get the 4th and 8th level bumps. If your racial hit dice and class level only add up to 7th you will only get one stat increase at 4th level.
Calculating Hit Points:
Max hitpoints for PC.

Traits: Pathfinder Traits
Pick 3 traits for your PC. (Two can be from the same area. Example(s): 1 social, 2 combat; 1 social, 1 combat, 1 racial; Cannot do 3 social)

Assigning Skill Points and Feats:
Select your feats for your character. Cannot take achievement feats.
Monster Feats: Only monsters can take monster feats. For TCG to be qualified as a monster your PC must selecte his base race from the Playable Monsters Table.
Calculate skill points, spend skill points.
Item Creation Feats:
No magic item creation feats will be used this year. Below is a rule for crafting poisons.
Poison Creation using craft Alchemy: 50% of base price (must have skill modifier of 10+ in craft Alchemy)
If second roll required (eq Alchemist making Sticky Poison): 70% of base price (must have skill modifier of 15+ in craft Alchemy)
Can only make poisons that have a specific price listed (cannot make Green Prismatic Poison for instance)

Use our Wand Sheet to keep up with charges.
Equipping your Character:
You have 100,000 gp to equip your character. (more than normal 11th level guys, because you are just that cheesy)
No more than 49,000 gp can be spent on any one item. Also the gp value of an item cannot exceed 49,000gp.
Expandable items (scrolls, potions, wands) have a level cap of 13th lvl.
No item, spell, ability, etc. can cause an 8th level or higher spell or spell like effect to occur (example: cannot use candle of invocation to case a Gate spell or planar bind a creature and have it cast a wish for you). This rule can only be broken by items, creatures, rooms, etc. inside the tournament provided by the tournament.
Use our Item Worksheet to keep track of costs and locations.

Feats, Traits, etc. that reduce cost or give more gold
You cannot take any feat, trait, etc. that reduces the purchase cost of item(s) or gives you any more gold. Examples: Noble Scion: Henderthane or Jeggare.

Equipment: You need to buy magical gear and mundane. If you do not have rope written on your character sheet you do not have any rope.
You CANNOT buy cursed items or artifacts.

No non-standard magic items(except for weapons and armor).
All Items bought must be bought fully charged, you may NOT buy partially charged items.

On your character sheet list the Gold Piece value of each item and which book it is from. Use abbreviations PFRG, PFBE, etc.
It is better to have 3,000gp left over then to spend 100,001gp and get DQ'd.
Spell Book Additions:
You get the normal allotment for free, but if you want more than the normal allotment follow these simple rules. (For instance the normal allotment for a wizard is 3+int mod + 2/level beyond 1st = 23+ int mod spells for an 11th level caster)
You can purchase scrolls and scribe them into your spell book. It is assumed your PC made its spell craft rolls
Example: A wizard wants to learn 5 first, 3 third, and 2 fourth level spells for his spell book. It would cost him the following:

5*(1*1*25) + 3*(5*3*25) + 2*(7*4*25))= 125 + 1,125 + 1,400 = 2,650 gp to add the spells to his spell book

Spell Components: You do not have to buy the specific spell component for your spells, just have a gold piece total for bought spell components listed in your gear. Whenever you cast a spell that has a cost to the spell component just subtract that cost from the Spell Component total. For instance if you had 600 gp in spell components you could cast stoneskin twice (250 each casting) and you will have 100 gp left of components. So you cannot cast stone skin again. For Spell Focuses, buy them and list them on your list of equipment, since they are not used up. The spell component gold pile is for components that are used up.

Permanent Spells: If your PC is able to cast permanency (must have it in his spell list and be able to cast it) he may have two permanent spells cast on himself and himself only. List gold spent for the permanencies in equipment.

Summon Spells: It is the player’s responsibility to have all the stats ready when casting any summoning spell. The DM will ask you for the stats so that they can create the creature. If you do not have the stats ready the summoning spell fails.
Spell Memorization: For casters that have to memorize spells you must use one of our Spell Mem Sheet to keep track of what spells your character has memorized.

Animals, hirelings, mounts, cohorts, etc.:
A PC can bring with them any animal companion/eidolon/familiar/special mount their class allows. Use stats listed in Bestiary or other book for the average stats, this is for ability score, hitpoints, etc. (This include hitpoints for the creatures, use average)
All PCs can bring one mount with them: riding horse, war horse, or riding dog. The mounts will use the basic stats from the BE, and the costs listed in the PFRG.

Hirelings, cohorts, undead under PCs control, golem under PC control, dominated creatures, awakened creatures, liveoak, spawn, etc. CANNOT be brought into the tournament with you. They can be created in a room but they cannot be taken to any subsequent rooms.

Hiring someone:
You may not hire somebody to do anything for your PC. This means no having a high level mage put an effect on you with permanency.

1. Only books allowed are a selection Paizo Pathfinder books listed above. You cannot use any book, supplement, website coolness, etc. that is NOT listed above.

2. If you use anything that is not in the core books (Not in the Paizo PRD website) you MUST have a copy of the book with you at the table. You can have a photo copy of the pages. A typed up copy will not cut it. Having a thumb drive with the pdf is ok as well, though be ready to let us read your pdf.

At any time the DM at the table may request to see your book(s), or a photo copy of the pages from the book that contains the class, feat, spell, or item that you are using. To Cover Our Butts: if you have a photo copy of the pages we will assume that you OWN the book and just photo copied it so you do not have to carry the book. We do not approve of breaking copy right(s) of any kind. If you do not have the proof with you, your character is instantly DQ’d

3. Read the Retired/Banned section below! We retire and ban things that go past cheesy and are down right broken for their level/cost/etc.
4. The DM will have final say on anything, right or wrong. Arguing with any staff members get you instantly DQ’d. You can question and discuss rulings in a respectful manner. We make mistakes too we are only human. We ALL just need to live with it. We cannot back up and do something over. Feel free to point out the error, our DMs will do our best to be fair, but the DMs have the final say on how something works. If you wish to “pitch a b##+$” come see Wesley Lee (aka Oge’Xam, Gouda, Draziw, etc.) I will listen to your complaint and solve the problem.

5. Do NOT take our books. We will have a Pathfinders Guide and Bestiary for use at the Con, please do not take them away from the creation area.

6. Items, feats, classes, races, anything can be banned during the tournament if we determine it is beyond cheesy and right into broken. If you get something banned that is actually good for you, we are tipping our hat saying good job!

7. If you make it to the finals, the character you used to get your nomination is the character you will use in the finals. So keep track of all the characters you use by using a different name for each character. You can use the same name then number them. Bob, Bob II, Bob III, ... Bob XLVI (46).

8. No variant rules are used.

9. There are several different Cheese Points at the tournaments for purchase. They types of Cheese Points are not released until the day of the event, so people do not build their characters around the cheese points but have access to them to cheese out their fellow contestants.

10. Have Fun!!!
Pregenerated characters will be available. (They are solid, but not real cheesy).

Retired, Banned, Cheese Grinder Specific Section:
The following section lists all retired and or banned classes, races, items, skills, ect. that are not already listed above. This section will change as we determine it to change. It is a living document and can change up to and including the running of the tournament. Any changes that occur at the tournament will be posted; as well will there be a list of retired banned items.
Applies to all books:
Items, feats, skills, spells, classes, etc. that require Fame - not used
Items, feats, skills, spells, classes, etc. that require Prestige Points (PP)- not used
All firearms - Banned
Pathfinder Roleplaying Guide:
Ring of Blinking - Banned
Leadership - Not used
Advanced Player's Guide:
Hero Points - Not Used
Advanced Race Guide:
Chapter 1: Core Races: Can Use
Chapter 2: Featured Races: Can Use, use Level Adjustments under Playing a Monster
Chapter 3: Uncommond Races: Can Use, use Level Adjustments under Playing a Monster
Chapter 4: Race Builder: Not Used
Spells, Equipment & Magic Items: Any race can use a them, unless it states in the description it can only be used by a certain race.
Archtypes, Feats, Traits, Subtypes & Class Options : Can only be taken by that race
Ultimate Magic:
Arcane Discoveries: True Name - banned
Arcane Discoveries: Staff-like wand – banned
Words of Power - Not Used
Synthesis Summoner archetype - Banned
Inner Sea World Guide:
Pureblooded Azlanti - Banned
Faction Guide:
May be a member of only one faction
Faction Resources: Not Used
Feats: Must be member of faction (assume you have plenty of Current and Total Prestige Points to qualify)
Magic Items: do NOT need to be member of faction
Spells: do NOT need to be member of faction
Traits: If faction named you MUST be member of the faction
Seeker of Secrets:
Resonant Powers - Banned
Cheliax, Empire of Devils
Emergency Force Sphere - Banned

The Cheese Grinder - Survival RPG

Players create their biggest cheesiest 11th level Pathfinder character, using our rule set and are thrown into a dungeon of death to see how long they can survive.

This is a round robin style play tournament. Six players sit down and play begins. When one character is killed, the next player takes that person's seat at the table and play continues. The party will change often. One minute a balanced party, the next all bards (but who takes a bard to The Cheese Grinder?). You may last 10 hours you may only last 10 seconds. The Cheese Grinder usually starts the first day of the con and keeps on cranking out for 48 hours. That’s right 48 hours non-stop.

Six (or more) players will be chosen for the finals after a short break after the 48 hour run (a couple hours) to fight it out in an arena of death to see who will be crowned the King of Cheese. It could be you!

Prepare yourself to fight creatures of legend. 80%+ of room will be combat this year. Stumble through traps of true brutality. Wrack your brain on puzzles, riddles and questions that would try any hero young and old. So brush up on your tactics, ready your reflexes and prepare for insanity.

That would make two of us Aazen.

*bow-bow-bow-* to your awesomeness! This is exactly what I was looking for!

Combat Maneuver-Trip
You can attempt to trip your opponent in place of a melee attack. You can only trip an opponent who is no more than one size category larger than you. If you do not have the Improved Trip feat, or a similar ability, initiating a trip provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of your maneuver.
If your attack exceeds the target's CMD, the target is knocked prone. If your attack fails by 10 or more, you are knocked prone instead. If the target has more than two legs, add +2 to the DC of the combat maneuver attack roll for each additional leg it has. Some creatures—such as oozes, creatures without legs, and flying creatures—cannot be tripped.

So 4th level, the halfling is considered medium, so trip large size creature?

so 8th level, halfling can trip huge size creature?

so 12th level, can trip what size?
Underfoot Trip (Ex)

At 1st level, an underfoot adept learns a number of maneuvers and grabs that can cause even the largest opponents to stumble and fall. He gains Improved Trip as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the requirements. At 4th level, and every four levels thereafter, he acts as if he is one size larger for the purposes of determining the maximum size of creatures he can trip and when determining his CMB and CMD for purposes of a trip combat maneuver.

I have a gnome and want to trip any creature that is large or huge size, and not just giants.

I'm already looking at the Monk of Many Styles and the Earth Child Style for giants.

We have to have our character to our GM by tomorrow, Wednesday.

We're only allowed PF feats! argghh!

Punishing Kick has potential, but the save will be easy to beat, especially at mid level and higher.

link doesn't work, but hopefully this one does. I now see the 1 Ki point per size..Cool thanks.

Looking for any feats/traits/magic items (PF only) that will help my gnome trip any size creatures, but especially the bigger monster the better! So anything that will help improve my character's CMB will especially help!

NOTE: I'm already set on being a monk! And maybe a Master of Many Styles Archetype?

I've found the obvious stuff;

Monk Class-> adds Wis+Monk Levels to CMB/CMD

Combat expertise->Improved Trip->Greater Trip

Archetype: Master of Many Styles-> Earth Child Style/Toppler/Binder
against Giants +6 AC, trip up to huge size giant, trip any size giant subtype+Stunning fist attack after trip, + AOO when they stand from a trip. Also add WIS to CM checks to trip giants.

Ki Throw means I can throw any size creature after spending a Ki Point?

Tripping Strike


Titan Strike
Improved Trip


Ohhh my, "PRECIOUSSSS!" (goblin rider)! I love this mini! What size is this mini? It looks to be at least large? Like Travis asked in the comments are you going to have the goblin's shield covering part of his body?

The orc shaman link does go to the KS page, but (at least on my Mac) there aren't any pics?

Final price is $140+shipping.

CONTACT ME AT heredragondragonATcoxDOTnet.

The price is being ONLY sold as a set and is $175+shipping OBO. I DO ship internationally.

Here is an update with the exact minis and the number is actually 203.

Reaper Bones Miniature Lot from Kickstarter 1

This set is incomplete due to many minis being taken and painted, however there are several add-on mini included.

Mini item # Mini name Mini type Mini # (if over 1)

89002: Pathfinder Pyros Goblin 4
89003: Pathfinder Goblin Warriors 4
89004: Pathfinder Goblin Warchanter

77034: Male High Wizard
7091: Nienna, Female Elf Ranger
89010: Damiel, Iconic Alchemist
89009: Merisiel, Iconic Rogue
77173: Terezinya, Bonepander Wizard
77090: Mason Thornwarden
89005: Amiri, Iconic Barbarian
89006: Seoni, Iconic Sorceress
89008: Feiya, Iconic Witch
77077: Finari, Female Paladin
77036: Devona, Female Wizard
77069: Autumn Bronzeleaf
00000: Kyra, Female Iconic Cleric
89013: Ezren, Iconic Wizard
77054: Galladon, Male Wizard
77040: Satheras, Male Warlock
89007: Valeros, Iconic Fighter
7091: Nienna, Female Elf Ranger

77074: Dain Deepaxe
77075: Khael Stonekindle, Dwarf Wizard

77041: Harpy
77169: Flesh Golem
77171: Stone Golem
77050: Lizardman Warrior
77154: Lizardman Spearman
77155: Lizardman Warrior
77154: Lizardman Spearman
77060: Dragonman Warrior
77153: Snakeman Warrior
77037: Medusa
77043: Eye Beast/Beholder
77010: Kobolds 36
00000: Dungeon Attack Humanoids 33

Evil NPCs
77174: Leisynn, Mercenary Mage
77175: Ghoul Queen
77118: Tiviel, Hellborn Rogue
77172: Malek Necromancer
77160: Judas Bloodspire, Vampire

77147: Mummy Lich
77146: Mummy Warrior (unbagged)
77159: Ghast
77145: Mummy Captain
77014: Zombies 2
77053: Zombies 3

Devils/Demons/Abyssal Monsters
77067: Virina, Female Demon (succubus)
77038: Hell Hound


77017: Skeletal Swordsman 2
77018: Skeletal Archer 2
77018: Skeletal Archer 2

Elves/Dark Elves
77123: Zalash, Dark Elf Assassin
77121: Liela, Dark Elf Wizard
77122: Tierdeleira, Dark Elf Cleric
77066: Shaeress, Dark Elf Queen
77070: Aviriel Tellerion, Female Elf
77124: Dark Elf Warrior
77076: Lysette, Female Elf
77068: Anirion, Wood Elf Wizard
77149: Damien, Hellborn Wizard elf
77049: Arthrand Nightblade, Elf Ranger

77051: Orc Stalker
77059: Orc Berserker (Two Handed Sword)
77056: Orc Sniper (Archer)
77045: Orc Hunter (Spear)
77105: Kagunk, Ogre Chieftain (large size)

77133: Gruff Grimecleaver, Dwarf Pirate
77131: Finaela, Female Pirate

77085: Townsfolk: Wench
77084: Townsfolk: Innkeeper

77016: Rats 33
77127: Vermin: Beetles 4
77128: Vermin: Spider Swarm 4
77126: Vermin: Spiders 2
77129: Vermin: Rat Swarm 4
77130: Vermin: Beetle Swarm 4
77125: Vermin: Scorpions 4


I forgot to mention that they're are several optional minis and sets in this lot, as well as several missing minis from the Vampire Set.

I’ve decided to sell the remaining Reaper Bones minis from the KS I sale. I don’t know how to prices these, because I don’t know what many of these figures are. I’m taking bids here as well as on other gaming forums, so place an offer now! I have 100% positive feedback on all 10 gaming forums I'm on all under the same screename. Check out my references here and by simply Googling "Monkplayer." I will be mailing these minis within a week or two at the most.

I also have for sale the 20 Reaper Bones Orcacopolypse figures too.

Keep the Dice Rollin,


CONTACT ME AT heredragondragonATcoxDOTnet.

Hey Gamers,

I have starting bid of $1 FOR 4-5 Dungeon & Dragon magazines! I also have several other gaming items for auction and But it Now: mugs, GM screen, minis, Pathfinder module set, Pathfinder Player Companion, etc. I have 100% positive 5 Star feedback too! PLEASE help me raise funds for the Miniature Building Authority castle Kickstarter starting in 9 days! I NEED the money!

Keep the Dice Rollin,


A player asked me today if there is the Almighty God in the gods of Pathfinder. I don't see that there is? They want their PC to worship the God Almighty.

Is there any Pathfinder rules surrounding a Paladin worshipping the Almighty God (God of the Holy Bible) in a non-PFS?

I've read several posts on the requirement of a Paladin to worship a god, and don't see it required in the CRB. Can you direct me to the area in the CRB talking about a paladin worshipping a god? All i see is a mention in the first sentence, " shines the power of the divine", and under Divine Bond.."forms a bond with her god."

Click on my Ebay link for my table-top gaming auctions and Buy it Now sales;
100% positive 5 Star Feedback!

Tamago miniature trading and ABprices. Daniel I have an extensive Wish List and Trade List. Email your address again, so we can do some more trading.

NOTE: Please email all replies because, I get my emails live.

I have traded D&D and Pathfinder miniatures on several forums with verifiable positive feedback with my trades. I have numerous minis to trade to include professionally painted custom minis too!

If you want to trade then PM me or email me for a quick reply;


you can also Google my screen name of you want to check my references, since my screen name is the same on all the forums I trade minis on; Monkplayer.

If a Paladin uses Smite Evil does it bypass even DR/Epic? I'm struggling with the idea that a say, a 5th level Paladin can smite a level 10/5 mythic Fighter due to Smite Evil with a +1 sword and bypass all DR.

NOTE: The Mythic rules are the latter rules.


A type of damage reduction, DR/epic can be overcome only by a weapon with an enhancement bonus of +6 or greater. Weapons with special abilities also count as epic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction if the total bonus value of all of their abilities (including the enhancement bonus) is +6 or greater.

Smite Evil (Su)

Once per day, a paladin can call out to the powers of good to aid her in her struggle against evil. As a swift action, the paladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, the paladin adds her Cha bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her paladin level to all damage rolls made against the target of her smite. If the target of smite evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.

If a Paladin uses Smite Evil does it bypass even DR/Epic?

NOTE: The Mythic rules are the latter rules.


A type of damage reduction, DR/epic can be overcome only by a weapon with an enhancement bonus of +6 or greater. Weapons with special abilities also count as epic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction if the total bonus value of all of their abilities (including the enhancement bonus) is +6 or greater.

Smite Evil (Su)

Once per day, a paladin can call out to the powers of good to aid her in her struggle against evil. As a swift action, the paladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, the paladin adds her Cha bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her paladin level to all damage rolls made against the target of her smite. If the target of smite evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.

I have a nice sized group email I send out usually right before I send out posts on gaming forum and then on EBay. Ironically, I didn't send out the email this time.m Are you on my group email list? If not PM me your email address please.

If anyone else wants to be added to my email group list, then please PM me.
100% 5 Star Positive Feedback

For those who don't know me, I have numerous sales here on the gaming forums and on Ebay all with 100% positive feedback! Want to look up my numerous references, then Google "Monkplayer."

I have several gaming items for sale including a small Dwarven Forge lot starting at $1. I also have several Buy it Now sales going too!

Here is the link;

Almost every sale on Ebay is mailed the same day!

I have a group of 5 PCs that are a 9th level Paladin, 11th level Cleric, 12th level rogue, 10th level dwarf barbarian, and 10th level wizard.

I'm putting up CR 14 graveknights, CR 12 bronze dragon with CR2 lich template, CR 11 Orc fighter with 175 HP and 6 orc henchmen and he didn't even get to attack the paladin before he was dead in two hits.

What I'm looking for are creative encounters (I've used Vargouilles that were kind of successful and Dark Creepers) that will be enjoyable and interesting. I'm currently using an CR 12 Evil Eye (beholder) the next session.

The "big baddie" that throwing all these evil/bad monsters at the adventurers is a mythic level necromancer and his boss is a Awakened Demilich. They have a significant amour of resources and they final goal which is almost complete is to kill off the dragon race and make the dragons into dracoliches using the major sword artifact Judgement to fuel this spell to kill the dragons.

thanks for your thoughts.

Here is the Night Hag stats and please pay attention to DREAM HAUNTING. Since the hag causes night terrors AND 1 point of CON drain does this qualify as fatigue? If so, then the spell caster wouldn't get 8 hours of rest, so no spells the next day.

Hag, Night
Grisly fetishes and the rags of once fine clothes hang off the corpse-thin frame of this horrifying, sharp-fanged crone.
Night Hag CR 9
XP 6,400
NE Medium outsider (evil, extraplanar)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+4 Dex, +11 natural)
hp 92 (8d10+48)
Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +11
DR 10/cold iron and magic; Immune charm, cold, fear, fire, sleep; SR 24
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +13 (1d4+5), bite +13 (2d6+5 plus disease)
Special Attacks dream haunting
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th)
Constant—detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic
At will—deep slumber (DC 16), invisibility, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement (DC 14)
At will (with heartstone)—etherealness, soul bind
Str 21, Dex 19, Con 22, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 17
Base Atk +8; CMB +13; CMD 27
Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Deceitful, Mounted Combat
Skills Bluff +16, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +16, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (planes) +15, Perception +16, Ride +15, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +15
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal
SQ change shape (any humanoid, alter self), heartstone
Disease (Su)

Demon Fever: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 20; onset immediate; frequency 1/day; effect 1d6 Con damage (target must save a 2nd time or 1 point of the damage is drain instead); cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Dream Haunting (Su)
A night hag can visit the dreams of chaotic or evil targets by using a special periapt known as a heartstone to become ethereal, then hovering over the creature. Once it does so, it rides on the victim's back until dawn. The sleeper suffers tormenting dreams and takes 1 point of Constitution drain upon awakening. Only another ethereal being can stop these nocturnal intrusions by confronting and defeating the night hag.

Heartstone (Su)
All night hags carry a heartstone—a special gemstone worth at least 1,800 gp that is worn as a periapt. A heartstone's magic is fueled by the hag's spirit and proximity—once separated from its owner (or upon the hag's death), a heartstone retains its magic for only 24 hours before becoming a nonmagical gem again. The heartstone instantly cures any disease contracted by the holder. In addition, a heartstone provides a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws (this bonus is included in the statistics block above). A night hag that loses this charm can no longer use etherealness or soul bind until it finds a replacement gemstone.
This content was created for the Pathfinder rules by Paizo Publishing LLC and is part of the Pathfinder RPG product line.
Environment any evil-aligned plane
Organization solitary, mounted (1 and 1 nightmare), or coven (3 hags of any type)
Treasure standard

Terrifying murderesses and greedy soul brokers, night hags prey upon mortals while they're most vulnerable. Preferring to kill their prey slowly, haunting their dreams night after night, these hags trap the tormented souls of their victims within dark gems so they might be sold in the infernal markets of the outer planes. Night hags vary widely in appearance, standing between 5-1/2 and 7 feet tall, and weighing from 150 to 300 pounds.

I lowered the prices on all my Buy it Now sales and the restarting of new auctions.

All prices lowered on all new auctions and Buy it Now sales! 100% 5 Star Positive Feedback!

I'm in the USA. I'd still be interested and realize the shipping would be costly. I've already mailed several gaming items back and forth to Europe.

giovze wrote:
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
I think you should keep sculpting stuff and either start working for a miniatures company, or start your own store on!

It would be nice, but there's no such a company in Italy.

Moreover, we (me and about 60% of my party) are students at the medical school. But, yeah, It's one of my long date dream.

Monkplayer wrote:
Galeazzo wrote:

So… a friend of mine, current GM of my group, decided it would be cool to have a Tarrasque miniature in his collection. Well, this is the result; what do you think about it?

Tarrasque miniature

I just hope I will never meet it on the road…

I'm totally serious. How do I get him to commission me one of these? My preciousness! Me wants one! Seriously, he can contact me at;

Monkplayer, I made this, I'm Galeazzo's master (even if he'll be master soon, I want to be a player!). So if you need asking me any question, I'm at your service. :-)

I would like to buy this mini or have you make me an identical one. Would you like to make me this mini?

Galeazzo wrote:

So… a friend of mine, current GM of my group, decided it would be cool to have a Tarrasque miniature in his collection. Well, this is the result; what do you think about it?

Tarrasque miniature

I just hope I will never meet it on the road…

I'm totally serious. How do I get him to commission me one of these? My preciousness! Me wants one! Seriously, he can contact me at;


two Miniatures lot, Dwarven Forge Terrain, and medieval feast gear are all for sale;

I've ADDED DF Torch Walls and a Demon Archway! THESE ARE MODIFIED and DON'T have tabs!
I've traded /sold many items, so here is the new list.

I'm taking all offers for trading miniatures BEFORE any cash offers.

I'm especially looking for the following Pathfinder Rise of the Runelord Miniatures:

Aldern Foxglove/ 45
Runelord Karzoug/ 52
Mokmurian/ 56
Warchief Ripnugget/ 59
Lamia Harridan/ 62
Treachery Demon/ 64
Rune Giant

To place a bid/trade/mini Want List please email me; HEREDRAGONDRAGONatCOXdotNET

For those of you who are new to the DF Forums, here is a little about me;
Who am I? You can Google my screen name "Monkplayer" and find I'm in excellent standing on all the role-playing forums I frequent. I'm on at least 10 forums all under the same name Monkplayer. If you need further evidence that I'm an reliable seller I can provide evidence of my Ebay account that's 12 years established as a buyer and seller with 100% positive feedback.

I buy a lot of gaming supplies and as in many cases I don't need every item in a group. I'm NOT a store owner but just an avid collector and GM who prefers to use miniatures and terrain as often as possible.

Here is the list for trade but as last resort for sale. The prices buy some items represent an average retail price;

Dwarven Forge TORCH WALLS and TORCHES NON-TABBED (No bow ties)
Dwarven Forge DEMON ARCHWAY NON-TABBED (No bow ties)
3 Dwarven Forge doors (METAL POSTS-NOT RESIN posts)
Dwarven Forge 1 portcullis
Dwarven Forge elven furniture; 1 bed, round table, 2 chairs, 1 water table, 3 screens
Beer keg with tap
Numerous Dwarven Forge grain/seed bags
Numerous Dwarven Forge crates
Miniature Building Authority distressed water bucket
2 Wood treasure chest
SOLD 3 modules; Wilderland's of High Fantasy SET (FACTORY SEALED) $45, Wilderland's Player's Guide (new), SOLD SOLD Wilderland's Version 3.5, D20. Caverns of Thracia, D20. SOLD shipped internationally
TRADED 2 Miniature Building Authority black tent covers
1 Dwarven Forge rectangular/square tables with benches 2 Custom Made Tables & Benches
TRADED Professionallycustom painted book case with demon head $35 (perfect for evil sorcerer's study)
TRADED 2 alters (need lots of work)
Cannon Custom Made by Yansolo Miniatures
Metal unpainted bench with book and gold pile
SOLD 4 Dwarven Forge window shutters (very rare) $45 SOLD ship Internationally.
TRADED miniature carpet (flying carpet)
2 Dwarven Forge short stone columns
TRADED 3 grey flat columns
2 Dwarven Forge Den of Evil red columns
TRADED 4 huge columns
TRADED 6 metal unpainted vikings/pirates
TRADED 2 Dwarven Forgestairs; one tall, one short that work well together



To place a bid/trade (and get my mini Want List) please email me; HEREDRAGONDRAGONatCOXdotNET

If this listing is up then it's current and the items are still for trade or sale!

I buy FANTASY terrain and FANTASY PRE=miniatures for CASH ONLY as well it you want to sell them outright and not for trade!


No magical weapon, smith=evil u dead, no Power Attack, no Bane. ,

Half-Orc Paladin is smiting and 10th level using a Orc Double Axe doing 1D8+8 damage per hit. On a critical hit he does X3 damage. How can this character do 75+ points on a single hit while smiting? He did over 125 points in two hits last session and only one of these hits was a critical confirmation.

Strength ability score is 20.

Still available.

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