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snakebite striket

Sneak Attack (Ex)

At 1st level, the snakebite striker can make a sneak attack. This is as the rogue ability of the same name. At 1st level, her sneak attack damage is +1d6. This increases by 1d6 at 6th, 10th, 12th, and 20th levels. If she gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonuses on damage stack.

This ability replaces martial flexibility.

Martial Flexibility (Ex)

A free-style fighter gains martial flexibility as per the brawler class feature, treating his fighter level as his brawler level for the purposes of this ability.

Is there any synergy between these two archetype?

Gory Finish (Combat)

Prerequisite: Dazzling Display, Weapon Focus.

Benefit: When you use the attack action, you can use a weapon with which you have Weapon Focus to make a single attack at your highest base attack bonus. If you reduce your target to negative hit points, you can spend a swift action to make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet who could see your attack.


It doesn't seem to specify whether your target needs to be a creature, an equipment like sword and shield, a wall, or merely a candle.

Nor does the rules say anything about the target have to be on the enemy's side.

Can a character just gory finish an object he brought like an egg then intimidate enemies in the radius?

Hi, recently I did some easy (google) search and found the price gap between cheese and plate armor is nearly identical in pathfinder and D&D 3e as in 14th century England!

price of plate armor

From one of many quotes

Although examples of the price of armor, weapons, and equipment are known from several periods in history, it is difficult to translate historical monetary value into modern terms. It is clear, however, that the value of armor ranged from low-quality or outdated second-hand items quite affordable to citizens and mercenaries, to the cost of an entire armory of an English knight, the contents of which were valued in 1374 at over £16. This was equivalent to about five to eight years of rent for a London merchant’s house, or over three years’ worth of wages for a skilled laborer, a single helmet (a bascinet, probably with aventail) being worth the purchase price of a cow.

Many website has this but not sure where it comes from.

price of cheese

80 lb cheese 3s 4d late 13 cen [3]

1 lb = 0.5d

In D&D and pathfinder, 1lb of cheese costs 2sp.

Plate armor costs 1500 gold, 15000s, aka 7500lb cheese

7500lb x 0.5 = 3750 d

3750d / 12 = 312.5 shillings / 20 = £15.625

Yeah, I know later these armor got their prices inflated but still I would say it's pretty close to the £16 figure.

Did earleir D&D already have this close number, or was it a later change to make the economy more realistic?

In the elemental annihilator's ability description, it says you can not get utility wild talents.

Dampened Versatility (Ex)

An elemental annihilator can never gain utility wild talents.

In the Augmented element feat description, it says if you've tread utility talent away, you can gain the wild talent back.

Augmented Elements

You have the spark of psionic power, allowing you to broaden your elemental abilities.
Prerequisites: Kineticist level 1st.
Benefit: You learn a simple blast from any element (including your primary element, if there is another blast for you to choose). Unless you later gain access to this blast through another method, you increase its burn cost by 1 whenever you use it.

In addition, you gain the psionic subtype, allowing you to take psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats.

If you do not have your primary element’s basic utility talent (for example, if you have traded it away with an archetype), you also gain that wild talent.

So do these two work together? Or is augmented elements a specific feat for blood kineticist since no other archetype trading away utility wild talent from what I read.

BTW, Is Kineticist's level eligible for taking feats with manifest level? Some descriptions in Kineticist's page did mention about manifest. In the description under psionics, manifest was mentioned 9 times while under kineticist's page it was mentioned 5 times.

Recently I beat the game age of decadence and the idea of playing a alien-like humanoid with tentacles and jadi like ability comes to mind.

Here is a rough build.


DEX 14
CON 10
INT 13
WIS 12
CHA 12

The stats's not really optimized for RP purpose.
(such as a regular person in today society thrown into a fantasy world, only finding got 10 points and the stats are spread out)

1st level summoner synthesist

Biped 3 evolution points.
2 would be used for 2 tentacle (mass)
1 for reach, unnatural aura, or improved natural armor (all seem pretty good in low level campaign)

Known spells - shield and Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser

The rest 5 levels go to kineticists, taking elmental water as focus so he would get the an equivalent +4 armor bonus as mage armor replacement.

Once at level 6, the tentacles (and claws) would have +2d6 damages from kinetic fist, not counting further improvements taking extra evolution twice.

The blast damage would be at 3d6 + eidolon's con modification.

Using gather power would also be safer due to synthesist's superior ac.

He would be able to use 5 levels of synthesist abilities regularly. And if the eidolon gets banished, his kinetic blast actually gets a boost due to having higher dex.

Will this build be any good in a e6 party or would he fall behind later?

Going a straight 6 level synthesist seems easier (and probably stronger) but he has no telekinesis ability other than cantrip, which defeats the idea of a tentacle telekinesis user.

Since druids are supposed to revere nature, does the act of using human society currency counter against the code?

Assuming trees are cut down to make furniture, houses, tools, toy, cart, ship or used as fuel to keep fire/maintain furnace etc., human society probably does more damages to nature than evil baddies.

To keep road safe, trees beside roads were also trimmed down in order for safer passage during medieval.

In cities, much excrement was collected and poured down in river which further damage the ecology system.

Why would a druid even use currency which not only goes against contact with man made metal, but also promotes trade flow which would require the usages of cart/ship that use woods?

The supplement pdf rumors & lies isn't here? Cannot seem to find it on the pages.

Hi, I've already searched about multiattack threads, which most discuss about Eidolon.

Then, I just checked Xill's status chart on d20srd and found this.

Melee short swords +13/+13/+8 (1d6+3/19–20), claw +13 (1d4+3 plus grab), bite +7 (1d3+1 plus paralysis)

Multiweapon Mastery (Ex)

A xill never takes penalties to an attack roll when fighting with multiple weapons, and treats claws as primary attacks even when also wielding weapons.

Since Xill holds 3 short sword, wouldn't it have +13/+8 from primary arm, +13 sword x 2 from secondary arms, +13 claw from the last arm?

Or am I missing something here? Thanks in advance.

Back in 3.5 monster manual, there were always a line showing the probability of said creatures' alignments. (for example, goblins were listed as "usually" neutral evil) But I cannot seem to find this kind of phrases in bestiary, is it simply missing or is there a new way to determine this?

Hi, in fictions/novels/movies and many other media, the main character usually has an extraordinary fortune which prevents him from getting seriously injured (fatal injuries that cause permanent death or permanent disability with no other ways for the protagonist to revive/recover), unless the story wants to introduce a new protagonist, is near the end, or wants to explore the world after death, etc.

I've been searching around google but cannot find any term similar. While I know it is a plot device (like deu ex machina), I cannot seem to find the adjective for this. Does such term exist?

English is not my first language; that's reason I've trouble trying to find the word for this setup. Thanks in advance.

Hi, I'm just wondering does a character damage another if he falls and "hits" the other guy. If it does, how would it be calculated?

Also, when you cast create pit that can be 30 feet deep into a space where a creature is 25 feet underneath ground (by abilities such as burrow), do you force it into the pit or compressed it further downward?

Hi, I think I've read this somewhere but can no longer find it.

For example, if I remember correctly, the barbarian distrust wizard due to wiz draw power from words which the barb is not familiar with. There are views on classes from different race's perspective from APHB and general views on the classes in the campaign book and adventure path player guide, but I cannot find the opinions on each other.

Hi, I've looked through PHB and APHB but the only thing I can find is the carrying capacity. I'm interested in seeing how much does STR and size affect the maximum weight a character is able to lift overhead. Thanks in advance.

Hi, I've thought through this puzzle for a long time and changed the situation a bit to describe my question about it.

Instead of the guest vs host, there are three people choosing from the door.

A choose 1st B choose 2nd C choose 3rd

Each of the guest has 33.33% of winning.

B and C are friends so they decide to team up.

Their team has the probability of winning raised to 66.66%. No problems yet.

B checked the door but found goat. C decides to betray his friend
and disengage his alliance with B.

Now what is the chance of C winning? Is it the initial 33.33% (which turns into 50 50 against A), or 66.66% from the previous alliance he had with B?

Will A get a better chance winning if he exchange the door with C?

If B and C didn't team up from start, would A get a better chance winning if he exchange the door with C after B got it wrong?

Hi, in gothic 2 when you've the character's weapon skill exceeding a certain amount, the skill level would change and the character would get a n improved combat animation. Since normally there are less things a fighter can do than other classes especially in a mmo (climb tree, grapple, sunder,exotic weapons like net/mancatcher, etc.), will there be some kind of combat style upgrade (not "cool down attacks") for a fighter type?

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Recently I was reading a comic, in it the group of heroes could take some drugs to turn them into anthropomorphism of insect temporarily. It gave me some idea of building up a character that can turn into insect-humanoid to fight for a few rounds. When I looked up through the rules, I found most abilities were about anthropomorphism of animals such as beastmorphs / anthropomorphic animal.

Then, I start to think about the most (none scientific) fantasy works I've read. Animal-headed humanoids seem to be pretty common, human-headed animals are rare but still can be seen once for a while. Insect anthropomorphism, however, just seems to be extremely rare. The closest thing is drider but spiders aren't insect. There are some anthropomorphism of spiders and centipedes in classical literature like journey to the west but neither of them are insect as well.

Is it some kind of taboo to use it in none-scientific fantasy settings?

Good night, everyone.(it's 3 a.m here)

Recently, I was imagining an old cliche about modern humans get thrown into a fantasy world and wondered how would they survive with lower than commoner physical stats (my personal assumption) & restricted, low magic / high fantasy setting (so they wouldn't all go casty) & starting class as commoners.

Then, this notion brought up the question. If I roleplay as one of the modern humans in a fantasy world, how do I find my "character sheet with stats?" Do I go through some kind of physical tests & mental exams to gain the knowledge of my character stats?

Within a story, do characters know their stats and choose the most suited profession/class? If they have no knowledge of their character sheet, wouldn't there be int/wis/cha lower than 9 characters who wanted the power of magic and spent time training in caster classes despite their inability to cast from their chosen classes?

Not sure if this had been asked before, I've searched around internet but haven't found anything similar.

Just wondering if the possibility of making characters (limited to some races) being slim/fat/muscular/slightly taller or shorter than the norm, and the opinions to choose different postures for holding weapons stance(including bare hands fighting & monk style) exist.

What happens if a barbarian/duelist ready himself (for come and get me) and leave one attack to parry? Does the AOO happen first or the parry when enemy attacks?

If the parry resolves first and succeed canceling the opponent's attack, how many times (assuming he has riposte) does he strike back?

Thanks in advance.

I'm curious about what will be done with the reach weapons. There were several D&D game I played (IWD/IWD2/NWN/NWN2/toee/pool of radiance/BG2/etc.,), but the only one that implemented reach weapons having the distance advantage was toee.

Will these weapons be treated the same as all other melee weapons in PFO?

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Improvement over the vanilla shifter, lesser than a druid


Typed a long post but got error due to 30 minutes limitation. This is a rewritten post.

The legendary shifter is limited to basic beast and magical beast form, unavailable to elemental nor plant. So while you can get an ability that allows you to do chimeric animal aspects, you cannot combine beast shape with either elemental nor plant. Meanwhile, feral shifter the druid archetype isn't limited by such.

Elemental nexus feels like a kinetic stuck with elemental fist with less tricks but elemental body.

The intro about the book is a bit misleading. You cannot really play a chimeric elemental because expanded elemental replaced chimeric aspect, and from the wording it seems there are only the base 4 elemental available. You're also forbidden from taking a feat to learn basic animal shapes.

You only beat the druid in elemental form I progression by one level, later the elemental nexus has the same elemental shape progression as the druid while missing many shapes.

For example, elemental nexus learns 3 type of the basic 4 elemental, while vanilla druid has it all (animal, 4 elemental, vermin, verdant, shapechange) and only get better with archetypes.

Oddly, it has one line claiming you cannot gain magical beast form. <An elemental nexus cannot take the shape of a magical beast.> But there are no way gaining magical beast form from the book anyway unless by heavily multiclassing.

Dragon archetype is stuck with one scale color till mid level. It's also a bit weak, highest buff he can get before level 8 is +2 to STR & CON and cannot fly in said shape till level 11.

Here, the ability draconic shape also says altered shifter shape, however it does not specify about "cannot take the shape of a magical beast" unlike the elemental nexus.

In later sector of the booklet, bestial root specifies it (draconic shape) could be one of the prerequisite to learn shifter shape (without magical beast form), therefore I believe it's editing errors.

The giant archetype loses the ability to change into any animals other than a giant, unlike a goliath druid who has a limited selections of animals other than giant to choose from.

However from the way it's sentenced I would say you can turn into a gargantuan / colossal animal if you take bestial roots, making it bit more viable.

Overall I would say the book is an improvement over the vanilla ultimate wilderness shifter, but often feels lesser lacking in shape choices than a druid.

There are also oddities such as the prestige class almost nullifies the point of the dragon archetype at the same level.

I think it would be great if the archetypes were combat styles that player get to choose from like ranger rather than replacing most features.

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Somewhat flawed


Personally, I found myself having trouble with some of the art direction. Back in the inner sea campaign book, the humans look varied despite they're all humans. In ARG, there are many portraits for different races that somewhat look alike and many of them have the noses (and face) of Gerard (who is supposed to be unattractive) from Dragonlance novel. Otherwise, most none "human-faced" race have good portraits.

Also kind of disappointed in lack of insect people, and felt the book being too short like the Ultimate line.