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![]() I think the idea of chaotic neutral / evil seems to differ from people. Once in a campaign I played a "chaotic neutral" barbarian, but the DM claimed the character was "evil" so the character got banned and I had to reroll a new char. Why was the character evil? Because he didn't save a dwarf child cased in magical crystal during one quest. In a magical world with all kind of foul sorcerery, curse, etc., not being paid handsomely to do a quest that may endanger the character's safety seems none persuasive, unless he's aligned toward good. In my opinion, the character I played was chaotic neutral. But in my DM's eyes, he was chaotic evil. So, maybe communicate with the DM first to get the idea of chaotic neutral/evil in his mind. To play a witty&smart chaotic neutral character, I would say plot against everyone who seems profitable, but not necessarily trigger it at any chance. Medieval mercenary might fit the role with them raiding on their ex-employers' land once unemployed, slack off when possible, fought without passion when pitched against fellow mercenaries, Chevauchée on villages, etc. ![]()
![]() Stratagemini wrote:
Auto-pause system don't work well though with RTwP games from past experience. For example, arcanum. You can get more tactical that mode but it makes the game feels frozen, due to no (breathing) animations when auto paused. Now I just hope there is a choose one character and rest of party controlled by AI mode. ![]()
![]() Seeing this line from the update *Our AI can help you control the characters in battle.* I wonder if we can simply choose a character and let the rest of party follow the chosen leader. Really lazy to control a full party in cRPG,unless it's turn based, then I can play it as a war board game. Much prefer NWN: HOU or DAO style. ![]()
![]() I was really hyped when I saw the news, then I saw it has real time with pause system. Playing none casters in said system seems to be rather uninteresting and none responsive imo. The only RTwP crpg with okish gameplay was dragon age origin, and it added many mmo-esque cool down abilities for the none casters. Still waiting for a TOEE sequel with enemies that can grapple... ![]()
![]() Orfamay Quest wrote:
Thanks! The old vigesimal system looks like how shillings to £ worked. :P 7500lb of cheese equivalent to 400 gold would mean 8000 sp, about 1.067 s/lbs. About the price of a merchant's meal. Just a little conversion with plate armor to cows. real life England 10 gp: one cow Cow (good) 10s 12 cen(?) [7] 30
6s = 0.3£
16/0.3 = 53.333 16/0.5 = 32 3.0 and later 1500 / 10 = 150 cows 1st edition 400 / 10 = 40 cows So the earlier edition is actually more close to the actual English number! I wonder why price of cows got deflated in the later edition.. >_> ![]()
![]() Recently I was reading a comic, in it the group of heroes could take some drugs to turn them into anthropomorphism of insect temporarily. It gave me some idea of building up a character that can turn into insect-humanoid to fight for a few rounds. When I looked up through the rules, I found most abilities were about anthropomorphism of animals such as beastmorphs / anthropomorphic animal. Then, I start to think about the most (none scientific) fantasy works I've read. Animal-headed humanoids seem to be pretty common, human-headed animals are rare but still can be seen once for a while. Insect anthropomorphism, however, just seems to be extremely rare. The closest thing is drider but spiders aren't insect. There are some anthropomorphism of spiders and centipedes in classical literature like journey to the west but neither of them are insect as well. Is it some kind of taboo to use it in none-scientific fantasy settings? ![]()
![]() Hope there will be different functions for followers/summons/undead/animal companions. Intelligent humanoids should be the most flexible. Commoners can farm/mine/trade, experts to craft/build, warriors to guard/patrol, etc. The player may even be able to make profit through their activities. Crafting golems are expensive, so maybe relatively low at maintaining cost. Animals / undead also constantly require food, but are easier to be recruited/created. ![]()
![]() Personally I hope there wouldn't be the need to "roll around." It was one of the thing that bothered me the most in Witcher 2, in the first game Geralt could do many other types of dodge moves (side step, somersault, etc.) rather than roll roll roll, and dodging in 1st game wasn't even necessary. DAO had one of the real-time auto combat that I enjoyed. There are plenty of moves a plain melee character can perform, and the moves don't seem to go the over-exaggerating route (at least in the lower~mid levels). In action combat style games, I prefer something like way of samurai. Constantly blocking with your weapons may have weapons "overheat" and break (like weapons being sundered), there are moves you can unbalance enemies, push enemies, etc. Most basic weapons don't have insane moves either. (at least that's what I remembered of the 2nd installment) Different weapons also grant players different move styles (I think Witcher 1 also had this?), and you unlock moves once you are more proficient with the weapons you wield, unlike some action games that use the same 3~5 moves for every single weapon regardless their size/type/shape for the whole game. ![]()
![]() I would love to see some "lawful evil content" in the game. Most "evil" in video games is closer to chaotic evil, in which players go on a killing spree in towns, or neutral evil acts with immoral choices which give some beneficial rewards to the characters. Rarely the genre offers players to roleplay as lawful evil tyrant-type characters. (perhaps due to the nature of most crpg games are adventures based?) Making a charismatic character who began an cult in the city's sewer slowly corrupting the citizens to become his mad followers sounds enticing to me. =) ![]()
![]() Roaming monster tribes - instead of monsters being spawned out of thin air, certain monsters may roam around to search for shelters. Once they found a shelter(and/or food source), the population number would slowly increase. Few monster tribes remain neutral or even friendly terms with the nearby towns, however most eventually become a threat to travelers and nearby towns. The civilization npc community may realize them as a threat once their trade routes / occupants are being harassed, and will find ways to eradicate those threat (usually by asking players to do it, or on rare events they may try it on their own). If a character belongs to the same monster race/monsters that tribe is friendly with (by spell effect or disguise), or simply charismatic enough, the character may even be able to forge a relationship with the tribe. The player will need to know their languages to do so or other ways to communicate however. The spell, reincarnation - Players may be raised as a different race randomly, however if using this method to raise the fallen, the characters' fame/notoriety/owned land would be lost (unless they roll the same race). If raised as a monster race, the player join the monsters' tribes instead, which would be more difficult compared to the civilization counterpart. (if not wanting the penalty, players can always choose to be raised by other spells) Just my 2 cents. |