Clockwork Spy

Mike Dalrymple's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 47 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I'd like to present Morgan Allison the VL for Houma, La. He'll be runnig PFS an hour south of New Orleans and I look forward to his presence in the area.

Congratulations Morgan and thanks for joining the team!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce our new Venture Lieutenants to the New Orleans area, Walter Helgason the New Orleans VL and James Hazel the Slidell VL.

They have been contributing to the success of the Pathfinder Society for many years and now the can officially get recognized for the work they do.

Thanks for all the help guys!

Liberty's Edge

I'm running Rasputin must die and a situation came up where the mage wanted to fire a prismatic spray into a Troop, FYI a Troop is a new kind of creature very similar to a swarm, and for spell targeting exactly like a swarm.

So while it's an area of effect, it's beams strike individuals within it's area.

Effects that target individuals can't effect a swarm,. but it's an area of effect spell and by definition should effect swarms?

What to do?

I need some outside view points to look at and make up my mind, as I see both sides and can't figure out which is correct for my group(our group is also split and I'm the deciding vote...)

Thanks for reading.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I'm glad to welcome Anthony and Brett to the fold.

Brett will be organizing the PFS in Baton Rouge and surrounding areas. He's got a good thing going and I think his events will continue to grow.

Anthony will help keep our growing New Orleans area PFS organized while I'm off seeing to other parts of the state.

Great to have you guys aboard!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

One of our players is going to be beta testing the new Google glass and was wondering how we could use them at our events. I thought I'd tap you folks for ideas.

Mike D.

Liberty's Edge

My search fu is weak. I've been trying to come up with a way to use the district maps that enables me to remove structures and put new ones in. I'd like to know what are some of the things other people have done with their district maps. (I've seen the HTML solution but that isn't optimal for my needs.)
Any help would be appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

When I click on the "GM/Event coordinator" tab it just reloads the current page. I see you guys are hustling around fixing stuff, just thought I'd bring that up