
Michael New's page

Organized Play Member. 576 posts (2,664 including aliases). No reviews. 3 lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters. 6 aliases.

Silver Crusade

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What happens if you use a Handy Grapnel rope (transformed into an arrow) as a weapon? The spell states you can shoot it at an object; does that mean it just won't work if you shoot it at a creature?

Silver Crusade

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Kalindlara wrote:

So... is there any way to know what content is new, or do I have to compare it to my old edition of the Guide point-by-point?

I can't imagine there isn't something...

I second the question.

Reading 44 pages of material that is 90% already known is not my idea of a good time. This is supposed to be fun, right?

Silver Crusade

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Haladir wrote:

There seems to be a bug in the Spell List Index.

All of the witch spells from the ACG seem to come up in the spell list index as one spell level lower than they really are.

e.g. all of the Witch first-level spells show up as cantrips; second-level spells show up in the 1st-level spell list, etc.

Also-- the two Witch cantrips from the APG each show up twice.

I would not have noticed if I hadn't just started playing a witch PC in a PbP...

Same for Cleric spells. If you choose just 3rd level cleric spells, you get a list of 4th levels. They're off all the way down to Orisons, which show first level spells. Except 8th level, which is correct.

Other classes seem okay.

The witch spells look okay from level 4 up. There are no 3rd level Witch spells in the list, and choosing the 2nd level ones shows the 3rd level ones.

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One RoF can't duplicate a higher level spell. If it takes a hundred such spells to cover a 10x10 area with ice, that's a different story. A hundred rays of frost also do 100d3 damage, which is far beyond any Cone of Cold.

Silver Crusade

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Interested! Never heard of E6, but I've recently been contemplating something similar, so I'd love to give it a try!

Silver Crusade

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The product sounds like dice, while the description makes it sound like a role-playing game. Maybe there needs to be a description of what physical items are in the box...

Silver Crusade

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According the the Errata I just received, we are to remove the line

Race: Elf or half-elf.

from the Arcane Archer description.

However, the PRD still has the line in it. Please fix this, and ensure all other errata are updated in the PRD too!