Michael New's page
Organized Play Member. 576 posts (2,664 including aliases). No reviews. 3 lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters. 6 aliases.
Ezekieru wrote: Michael New wrote: If a character is unconscious at 0 hit points (but not dying), and that character is injured, does he gain the dying condition? If so, please show the page or link indicating it if you can.
From what I can tell an unconscious character at 0 who's not dying doesn't gain the dying condition, but that seems weird and maybe I'm just missing the relevant text.
After a period of time determined by the GM, the unconscious person will return to 1 HP and awaken. So, you can treat them as having 1 HP the moment they are injured with a lethal attack, bringing them into the dying condition as per the death/dying rules.
It's not spelt out necessarily, but given how the unconscious condition works, I'd play it out like that. I agree that must be the intent. I was just looking for how to handle it. The wording could be clearer: "An unconscious character at 0 hit points who takes damage gains dying condition (dying 1)."
If a character is unconscious at 0 hit points (but not dying), and that character is injured, does he gain the dying condition? If so, please show the page or link indicating it if you can.
From what I can tell an unconscious character at 0 who's not dying doesn't gain the dying condition, but that seems weird and maybe I'm just missing the relevant text.
If a character is unconscious at 0 hit points (but not dying), and that character is injured, does he gain the dying condition? If so, please show the page or link indicating it if you can.
From what I can tell an unconscious character at 0 who's not dying doesn't gain the dying condition, but that seems weird and maybe I'm just missing the relevant text.
In other words, does it compress three actions into one or two?
The spell takes an action to cast, but then the movement mentioned in the spell also takes an action; is that a second action, or can you move in the same action as you cast the spell?
shroudb wrote: no, what specialty crafting says is "even if you pick this feat, you need Alchemical crafting to craft alchemical items"
Specialty crafting just grant a bonus on your "specialty" which you can pick from any of the list below, it just points out that to even begin crafting some items, you may need some other feats first.
I agree with what you're saying, but doesn't it seem odd that a Tinker could become a Specialty Crafter at something he can't actually craft yet?
I'll ask my GM to allow me to take Alchemical Crafting instead of Specialty Crafting for the Tinker feat, because the way it is written makes no sense to me.
I think caster level = character level which is used in all proficiencies.
And the power of the spell is dependent on what level spell slot it in, in most cases, I believe.
Could you just buy an instrument? Am I missing something?
Gaulin wrote: I have two main questions about alchemist crafting. The first is I'm unable to find anything on replacing a formula book. It seems very expensive to get formula and if your book were to be taken or destroyed... In fact, if an alchemist were in the sort of scenario where everything was taken from them (maybe the group was captured or the like) they would probably be the most useless of all the characters. So yeah, are there rules for remaking a formula book?
On the main adventuring equipment page and here they have a forumula book for 1gp.
I have a question which I'm not sure is answered anywhere just yet....
With the Tinker background, it says:
You're trained in the Crafting skill and the Engineering Lore skill. You gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat.
Now if I look up the Specialty Crafting feat, it says Alchemy is one of those types ("Alchemical items such as elixirs"), and it has an asterisk which points to text saying "You must have the Alchemical Crafting skill feat to Craft alchemical items. "
There is a feat called Alchemical Crafting.
My question is: are these two feats different? Alchemical Crafting and Specialty Crafting (Alchemy)? They both need the crafting skill as a prereq, and it seems each one says you can create alchemical items with it. But the way it's written up, it's confusing, as if they are separate feats.
Specialty Crafting (Alchemy) is the only one of those Specialty Crafting items with an asterisk, and the only one that has a similar, separate feat...
I see the list of familiar abilities but it's unclear to me which one a given familiar might have, and how to get more. For instance, what familiars would know a language, or have darkvision? Which ones would fly at 25 and which at 40? Are there other rules about familiars I haven't found?
The Half-Races get to each choose two abilities (from a set of four), and I think they make that choice a balance.
That said, I agree that races seem weaker and less distinct than 1e because of a lack of these feats, and fewer choices.
MelodicCodes wrote: A lot of people, myself included, have major complaints with regards to the current playtest release of PF2e right out of the gate. I am among them. Now would be a great time to "break down" these major design issues so they can be quickly corrected/iterated on and we can focus on more specific minutia.
Well written post! I haven't read all the rules yet, but this is an excellent set of points, IMO.
Where do we provide feedback on the content of the playtest? For instance, on the content of the Rulebook?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
What happens if you use a Handy Grapnel rope (transformed into an arrow) as a weapon? The spell states you can shoot it at an object; does that mean it just won't work if you shoot it at a creature?
I'm looking for a PFS Game. Is this one big thread the best place to look, or do the individual threads work better?
I'm afraid... Is it okay to be afraid?
Reunions are the norm as two distinct groups of comrades are brought together by two non-magical adventurers. It is very late, and you are all very tired, yet still there is enough concern that it is agreed watches should be taken.
The morning comes soon, and most sleep through it, until around noon, when everyone is up and fully rested.
Momordica remains abed, but she is in good spirits, and is glad to see her new visitors, who are the friends and students of her beloved uncle, Dainoth. She listens to your stories with great interest, and is shocked when she hears about Dainoth's mutilation and capture. She has been through hell with the Goblins, ("Imagine the worst children you can, double that, and then give them weapons and no parents,") and is very grateful you rescued her. She too was swarmed by spiders, but also by wasps, and the goblins poked hot sticks at her, pointy sticks, sticks with feces and live bugs and rotten meat, and all three combined, on fire at one point. She made a point of listening to their talk (she understands their tongue), and discovered some interesting strategic information: 1) the Big Hobgoblin 'talks funny' (not that she can tell, but they mentioned it) and is likely not a Hobgoblin at all. The goblins revere and fear him, though he only appear rarely, disappearing into the forest at other times. Some said he turns into an owl or a bat, but others dispute that, possibly because of their fear of magic. 2) They were pushed away from the south side of the plateau by orcs, who are living there and getting more bold and more dangerous. 3) They kidnapped her and tortured her on the command of the Big Hobgoblin, but they were not to kill her. She has no idea what creature she was to be bait for.
She is not old; rather quite young - in her thirties. She has been on the Isle of Doldrom since she was twenty, after finishing her studies. Blackburn was her home until she was driven out by some nasty people with ties to Caern, led by Father Obdur of the Church of Abadar.
Momordica offers you rewards - you have your picks from a selection of items she has in her private chambers. She also offers the place to you, to stay as long as you like. She may take it as an opportunity to build on a few extra rooms, for it is somewhat small for sleeping seven and a dog.
It is clear that Momoridica will recover. She is soon going to reward you all with gifts from her special stash.
Each of you choose one or two magic items worth a total of no more than $4500 pieces of gold. (she has a magic bag that you dial into, I guess). Those will be yours to keep. Please do this before the hand-off to Loki.
Also, it's that time... CLANG! you are now level 2. No, wait... 3! (effective after a good sleep)
Tamarind answers Wrathe's question with a shake of his head, as he attends to the badly injured, poisoned and burned Momordica. "I know she has or had enemies in Blackburn, but I do not know them. They drove her away from there, for her connections to the magic."
You all listen to Daxniss' story, injecting questions where it makes sense to.
Yuzu, Ssilax, and Argon help Tamarind cleaning up Momordica and attending to her injuries. They try to get some warm herbal infusions down her throat, and Tamarind also casts a few healing spells upon her. Soon she awakes, and looks around in confusion.
It was only a glimpse, but what you saw running were not goblins. They were too big for goblins, and their heads were the wrong shape. They looked like humans, in all likelihood.
Tamarind says, "Sometimes the goblins do pay us a visit, but they stay clear of the yard, thanks to Momordica's wards and other tricks."
Daxniss and Argon, with Momordica (you assume it's her), move quickly to the east, back toward the house. After several minutes, Argon says in undercommon, "Want to call them? In case we miss the place?"
But the two remember enough landmarks that they find their way back. They enter one gate and find everyone up, waiting for them.
Yuzu and Tamarind rush forward, and it's obvious that they are looking at Momordica as they follow Argon into the temple. Argon says, "Daxniss changed the plan. I hope you don't mind..." as he smiles at the others. He starts relating the story to the others, as they work to heal the Theurge, letting Daxniss fill in her (very significant) part of the tale.
Yuzu has a crossbow and he stands in the yard, looking and listening. After a bit of time, he apparently hears something, though none of you do. He quickly casts a spell of Light on the loaded crossbow bolt, aims, and fires it into the forest. You all watch after it, and as it streaks through the trees you catch a glimpse of two human sized figures running away, though the trees to the east, perhaps a hundred feet or more from you. It is only for an instant, as the bolt bypasses all trees and buries itself into something far away.
"A quarter candle" is the answer given by Yuzu to Wrathe's question. (Very roughly, a standard candle burns for a third of a day. During a very long meal, a candle might burn a quarter of the way down.)
bolt direction: 1d5 ⇒ 4
Daxniss is trying to figure out how to get up the tree with an unconscious woman when Argon appears, somewhat out of breath. He looks behind him, looking for something, and whispers in a breathy voice, in undercommon, "Something followed me. The gobs are too slow, but this was flying. Maybe a bat or an owl." He looks at Daxniss significantly. "Let's go. Can you fly more? If not, I can carry her."
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
(Daxniss, feel free to make a Perception check if looking for the bat or owl.)
You can hear goblin shouts in the distance, getting closer.
Daxniss cannot see Argon below - too many trees obscure her view of the ground. Besides, flying in a straight line she feels she must be faster than him running. She flies like a breeze over the trees, unseen by any. Soon she feels a bit cold, as the night wind goes through her clothes.
After about five minutes, perhaps less time, she feels herself dropping, and she has to maneuver a little to get through the trees without scratching herself or Momordica on the branches. She lands on the forest floor and notes that she appears to be quite visible. The tree is several hundred yards ahead of you, and there's no sign of Argon.
Daxniss and Argon do not hear Ssilax's call, for they are still too far away (1 mile limit).
Dog goes in and heads to the room where Wrathe is sleeping. He stands at the door and starts barking, moving closer to the wizard until he wakes.
Yuzu is up quickly, and Tamarind also gets up, going to the door and asking, "What's this all about?"
Argon hears and sees the place explode with activity. As the goblins start searching for interlopers, he realizes they are searching for him, the interloper. Making a quick decision, and figuring he can probably outrun the goblins, he decides to bolt. He tries to stay low at the start as he runs back the way he came from, into the forest, and toward the tree.
Daxniss is moving toward the bushes at the edge of the clearing where Argon was hiding when she sees him taking off into the forest. She hears the big Hobgoblin yelling instructions: Search! Run! Wake up!
The forest is probably too thick to fly through at any reasonable speed - she'll have to go above. As she looks ahead, she sees the big tree off in the distance, the dim moonlight shining off it.
Yuzu leaves after a bit of smalltalk with Ssilax. He seems wise and perhaps a little world-weary.
Dog is awake, and he sniffs at the air. Standing up, he growls and look out into the darkness. Ssilax feels there is danger out there; someone or something nearby.
The woman inside is unconscious. She flinches unconsciously when Daxniss touches her, and seems to almost be rousing, but fails at that task and remains sleeping. Daxniss gently lifts her - she is not heavy, but neither is she really light (represents a medium load - so fly speed of 40, or 80 with two move actions in a round).
Argon observes from the bushes. He sees one side of the cage open up, quietly, and the form inside roused, slightly. He sees her moving, and soon the form disappears as Daxniss lifts her. As he contacts Daxniss, he hears another voice, in the clearing.
A loud voice, ringing out in the harsh goblin tongue, calls for the sleeping goblins to wake. Soon a huge figure, a hobgoblin ten feet tall at least, appears, and as he yells he knocks lean-to's and kicks at sleeping goblins. Daxniss can hear that he is complaining of an escape of the prisoner, and that the goblins should look for interlopers and attackers. The goblins start to wake, and run around in fear, very much like chickens being visited by a fox. A few of them start to draw weapons and look in the bushes, though.
The goblin bard stands in shock, looking up at the empty cage.
I wasn't disputing the potions... There was one of Cat's Grace and one of Invisibility, as stated here (last post on the page):
http://paizo.com/campaigns/WithStrangeAeonsEvenDeathMayDie/discussion&p age=14
I'm just asking you to keep you character sheets up to date, that's all.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
The poles below are lying on the ground, and pose no danger.
The ropes cut simply, and unravel. The goblin bard is too engrossed in his song to look up and see anything.
Why are the potions not on your character sheet, Dax? And how did you remember them? Do you have another record you're keeping?
Magics work their miracles, somehow, and Daxniss is as a bird, unseen, and bound by to the earth by gravity. She quickly learns the basics of flight: think about moving in a direction, and zoom, there you go. She can hover, turn, move, and turn sideways if she likes. It is an amazing feeling!
The cage is just a crudely constructed box with small trees or thick branches as bars. One of the sides of the cage is tied to the others via some kind of twine, using the long used strategy of "wrap it around a hundred times" instead of any cleverer technique to remain tied and true. Cutting it off should be a simple trick, and unless someone is watching, will probably go unnoticed by the musical goblin below.
She nears the cage and looks inside, and can see a human woman, almost naked, with several small injuries on her body, along with what look like the bites that Argon and Wrathe had. Her arms are tied, even her fingers, and she is gagged. Her legs are not tied. She seems to be sleeping.
(Please roll a Stealth roll for each action, unless you are not trying to be stealthy)
Ssilax is joined on the bench by Yuzu.
"Can't sleep? Yeah, me neither. She has that too. Inner demons, nightmares. She knows a lot about demons you know? Devils, too. All those nasty things that, thankfully, have a hard time making it to our little paradise. Don't know why she knows so much, but she does. Something... Secrets. She has secrets. Tamarind, too. Me, I'm not so much a devout, and I have no secrets, I think. Not that I mind. Most people have them. I have my simple magic instead."
He sits, quiet, for a while, looking up at the stars in the spaces between the clouds, which are dimly lit by two moons. "Something happened to her. Down there, Blackburn, to make her come up here. I think there are people down there - bad people. People who want something. You're here for the outsiders, the ones live above the mount. That's good, I think. We're going to need them, I think."
Argon observes, as Daxniss sneaks about.
The goblins are mostly sleeping. Daxniss notes a sack of something, just near the fence to the enclosure. She notices there is no gate, or opening to it. Near one spot is this sack, and it has flies buzzing around it. She can smell food, perhaps potatoes? She can't get close to it without being noticed by the Large Drunk Goblin. The drunk is now making up a tune; you assume he is the goblin equivalent of a bard, perhaps. He's trying to make goblin rhymes (which are different from human rhymes, in a strange way) with words about some 'giant hobgoblin' which must be something from their myths or history, you guess. It seems Large Drunk Goblin both fears and reveres this giant hobgoblin. Then he mentions something about capturing Mama Digger, and how she squealed like a pig, and then he laughs, and starts on about cooking funny-shaped roots over a fire.
About this time Daxniss notices something briefly block out the smaller moon, and she looks to see what it was. She can't find it in the dark sky, but whatever it was it made no noise.
The two goblins who were walking together pass a mere ten feet from Argon as they head deeper into the bushes. He's going to have to be careful when he leaves.
No other guards are seen, standing at least. As the two watch and count, a few goblins can be seen moving together, towards Argon and Daxniss. They are ambling slowly, and chuckling and chatting quietly with each other.
Argon counts probably twenty-two lean-tos, and in the few closer ones where he could count accurately there were five in three of them, six in one, three in one and four in one.
Things darken as the clouds increase in coverage, and then only items within darkvision range are seen, plus the few things illuminated by the fire. Occasional sounds - a shout here, a laugh there - are heard, in addition to the continued singing of the 'bard' in the enclosure.
The two up the tree get slightly more comfortable as they observe. The forest is quiet, and the forest floor can barely be seen, and only in patches where the moonlight hits it. No goblins, or other bipedal creatures, are seen on patrol or even just lounging around. Perhaps it is too far from the camp. After an hour, all you've seen are a few rabbits with moonlight glancing off their backs.
You climb back down, and move forward quietly. Eventually, you hear singing. You cannot understand the words, either because they're in another language or because their singer is intoxicated. Daxniss wonders about the magic of her robe. Perhaps it does not really allow her to understand the goblin tongue?
Soon, you see flame light, and then fires. And you smell both rotting and cooked meat of some sort. You find a few bushes to hide behind, and observe the makeshift goblin village.
You see several small fires, with crude lean-to's nearby, many of them. The singing is coming from a large goblin with a bone helmet of some humanoid, and he's meandering, tipsy, around inside an enclosure. The enclosure is surrounded by a crude fence, made of logs interlocked and tied together. Its space is shared by a large, sickly looking tailed primate of some kind, which is chained to a post; three wild boars, which are free within the enclosure but which are staying away from the drunk goblin; and a deer, inside but tied to the fence. There is also a fire pit with a roaring fire, and a large tree with something hanging off it. A box.
No, it is not a box, it is a cage, made from thick sticks or trees bound together. It is hanging via a rope, which is tied to the tree and to the top of the cage. The bottom of the cage is about ten feet above the ground. It turns slowly in the breeze. The light from the fire comes from below, so it is hard to see inside the cage, but there does seem to be something slumped inside it. Below the cage can be seen several long poles, lying on the ground.
Daxniss-goblin starts to make out words to the song, in the goblin tongue. He might be an okay singer, if he were not drunk. The song refers to victories of certain individuals, goblins likely, in battle, and to the prizes won thereby; these include jewels, burning of buildings and the individuals who lost, raping of the females from the losing side, killing of dogs and horses, and singing loudly of the victories. The singer wields a thick spear, with small leather strips hanging from it in decoration.
Argon climbs, finding it easy near the bottom because of the rough nature of the bark. In fact, it seems that some handholds have been cut into the side of the tree, for the handholds he finds are remarkably convenient. Perhaps that is not so surprising, for if there is one tree to climb in this forest, this is it.
Daxniss follows (one climb check, please).
The first branches are fairly high up. The tops of the nearby trees are passed, and after some maneuvering it is possible to look out into the darkness. No fires are seen, not directly. But the moonlight picks something white out of the darkness, something moving. A small number of great monsters a mile away rise above the trees, and you realize they are four or five clouds of smoke.
The forest is a colorless painting of trees, bushes, roots, leaves and plenty of branches. The moonlight gives things a whitish glow, while the shadows that might be impenetrable to some are merely other shades to the two trekking westward.
They move quietly, naturally, having been trained to do so. A few small animals are startled to see the two rush by; a raccoon watches, unafraid, and later a pair of hares sprint off faster than expected.
Using the moons and small clearings as guides, the two are able to spot and eventually reach the large tree. Tamarind had called it the Knight Tree, but didn't know why it had that moniker. It is in an area which is sparse of other trees, perhaps because of the immense shade it imposes during the day, but also you note there are several old stumps around. In the past, someone had cut some of the neighboring trees down.
The tree itself is as wide as a small house, perhaps thirty feet in diameter. It rises up, and from next to it you can see many branches splayed out, until it becomes too dark too see. But it must go up hundreds of feet.
According to Tamarind, you are still perhaps a mile from their camp. A decision must be made as to whether or not the tree should be climbed tonight.
After resting most of the afternoon and evening, it is not too hard to get up at the witching hour. Tamarind had said the goblin camp was a few miles away. He is at first concerned about lights, but Argon assures him that he and Daxniss can both see in total darkness. The darkness is not total, however, as Mahina, though only at a quarter, provides around the same light as his much smaller sister Luna, which is nearly full. Tamarind is surprised at Argon's assurance, and perhaps a little impressed. Darkvision is not magical but it is special.
The directions are to go west, and Argon is confident he will be able to retain that heading. There is a very large tree (much taller than the others in its vicinity) west and slightly north. It could be climbed and fires spotted a mile or more away if they are bright enough. Neither Tamarind nor Yuzu know if they will be bright enough. The tree, at least, can be used as a guide to help those ranging know they are going the right way.
Those who are going head out into the night.
Is it just Daxniss and Argon going to recon, or are Wrathe and/or Ssilax coming too?
Wrathe has healed one of his four lost Strength points. Otherwise you are all healed up, and fed too (not fed up, I hope).
Rest looks immensely inviting, as early afternoon had become late. Wrathe, especially, with all the poison in his system still, needs the rest, even with all the healing herbs Tamarind had given him.
In the evening, when you are all up for a late dinner, Yuzu brings out a few things. "These might come in handy, in an emergency. Potion of flying. Tanglefoot bag. And this robe, a Robe of Blending, which will allow you to take the form of a goblin and speak and understand their language. This one we should probably save for the rescue attempt. Momordica used it in the past to infiltrate them and spread misinformation about this place."
Dinner is fresh from the garden, but there is no meat. It seems Momordica does not eat meat ever, and the others do only occasionally, but they don't seem to mind. Yuzu is full of vigor during the meal, while Tamarind is somewhat reserved. The latter is especially quiet when speaking to Argon or Daxniss. This may stem from the belief that some Nethys worshippers follow; they think of nonmagical people as less worthy, as if their god had made wizards and sorcerers magical as some kind of reward of virtue, and left the others as is as some kind of punishment.
Tamarind ensures all physical wounds are healed using his cure spells. The poison takes longer (8 hours rest restores 1 Str point, 2 with successful heal check) but Wrathe feels somewhat better, and Argon much better.
Tamarind hears the plans, and agrees that a reconnoiter might be useful, though it would also be dangerous. "The goblins know you are here, and if they are smart they will realize you are connected to Momoridica and will want her back. They are expert hiders, and though they are typically lax with their guards, if one is on guard, you will likely not see it before it sees you. But if you are spotted you could always run back here to safety. The benefit, of course, would be that we could better assess the situation and prepare accordingly."
Regarding help, he says, "Of course I will help in the rescue effort, as will Yuzu. We owe... all we have to Momordica, and I can't bear to think of her being tortured by those crazed little demons! When I saw her she was in a cage made of thick wooden bars, and sitting in the middle of a crude fenced area where they keep 'livestock' - really whatever animals, tame or wild, they happen to have with them. I saw a boar, a deer tied to the fence, and very sickly looking baboon, also tied up. Momordica herself had her hands behind her back, presumably tied, too, and she may have been gagged; I couldn't be sure."
Tamarind listens to the story and nods as it is told.
You are in the dining room, which is right next to the kitchen, and Yuzu provides water for coffee or whatever else strikes your fancy. He also starts making a meal for you all - it is past lunch time, after all.
While you eat, Tamarind prepares makeshift beds. There are a few guest beds, but others must be set up. Each of the rooms has a small statuette of Nethys in it.
Wrathe has read plenty about goblins; how they are superstitious, and regard fire with delight and the written word with fear. They hate dogs and horses, and love slimy and sticky things. They are very much like children, but bad children. They are as fast as humans even though their legs are short, and they are very good at hiding in places you would think no one could hide.
When the subject arises again, "Regarding Momordica," says Tamarind, "I have been thinking about how to free her, but have not come up with any good plan. I suppose that kind of strategic thinking is not my strong suit. Fire, indeed, might work."
"You need your rest. The poison will take time to be cleansed from you, even with the remedies I have given you," says Brother Tamarind.
"Mamma Digger? Momordica? They sound similar, don't they? Perhaps that's what the goblins think her name is? But I'd like to hear your stories, too. How did you come to be here? How did you get by the goblins, albeit with injuries?"
Heal, long term care, Wrathe, DC15: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Heal, long term care, Argon, DC15: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
When asked about goblins, Tamarind says that he thinks they are more active by night, and can see in the dark. They are not well organized - more like spiteful children who like to torture others. It was not Yuzu who observed them, but Tamarind. They have a big camp with many little lean-tos. When he saw them, there were many of them about, some of them watching Momordica in the cage. He didn't see any obvious leader, though some of them seemed more respected than others.
Knowledge/local for knowledge about goblins.
Yuzu makes tea while Tamarind makes herbal remedies and tends to wounds, especially those of Argon and Wrathe.
He takes his time, and as he works he explains things.
The temple started off as a simple home that Momordica built. He had lived down below in Blackburn, but had run into the usual troubles even though she had tried to keep her religion and talents, and even her appearance, secret. So she had started to explore, and loved the plateau and the forest. There is a spot not far away, where the edge of the forest meets a vertical cliff, and overlooks the bay below; and you can also see Dragon Head and Ayrtor; and it's quite a magical sight first thing in the morning.
She built a house here. In time, Yuzu found his way here, chased away for magical abilities he barely knew he had. Together, they added to the house and added on a temple; and they had some financial help from her great uncle, Dainoth. More recently, only last year, Tamarind sought out and found Momordica as his mentor and teacher.
Momordica uses the place to pray and to do magical research, with help from Tamarind.
The goblin tribe that had been living on the south side of the plateau were gradually pushed away by a small orc tribe, and earlier this year they arrived in this area. This spurred the group to put up some magical wards. Momordica even took advantage of the goblins' fear of magic by spreading rumors of a curse to any who entered the yard. These measures have been working well to keep the goblins away so far, but it only works at this location.
Three days ago Momordica went into town, disguised at first as the older woman the townsfolk expect, then transformed back into herself once getting close to town. At least, that was the plan. They are not sure what happened, except that Momordica didn't return that day, nor the next. At that point, Tamarind went to investigate and found a snare trap. He then went spying the goblins, and was able to spot Momordica, kept in a cage in the middle of the goblins temporary settlement of perhaps ninety goblins or more.
Yuzu, satisfied that you are indeed who you say you are, leads you into the house, through the main door. It is bigger than it first seemed, though you do not think this is due to any magical trickery, just the effects of distance and optics.
You enter a small hall, with a number of wooden chairs which must be used for prayers, though you may well wonder who would pray besides Momordica, Yuzu, and this new person you see. Standing at the back of the hall is another middle aged man, dressed in everyday clothes, though Ssilax recognizes some subtle Nethys symbols and effects. He is next to a small altar with the recognizable face of the same god displayed prominently upon it. There are a few small shuttered windows high on the walls, so the room is relatively dark.
He moves forward and says, "Greetings, travelers! Welcome! I am Brother Tamarind, a mere acolyte. Don't let my advanced age fool you, for I came late to this calling." He goes to shake Ssilax's hand and Wrathe's. "I overheard you had some problem with goblins on the way up here. That is unfortunate, but not surprising considering their behavior and boldness of late. Please come into the house, where it is more comfortable. Yuzu, perhaps you could boil water? I shall attend to the injuries of our guests."
He leads you past the altar and into the living area, which is more welcoming and bright because of a magical light on the ceiling between the kitchen and dining areas. It is space which looks well used - in likelihood, the three spend much time in here.
Sorry, no post last night. Will get on it today as soon as I can.
The man smiles, waves a hand, and the gate creaks open. "You needn't fear the wards, they're only for the goblins and similar disruptive creatures."
As you enter, he continues, "I didn't know when to expect you, as Momordica had heard only vaguely that her great uncle might send some help. It's good that you're here now, for she has been snatched by those very same goblins, only two days past. Oh, where are my manners? I am Yuzu, the groundskeeper. Please come in and rest. If you are injured we can heal you. And discuss what can be done about Sister Momordica. Tamarind is inside."
The chickens gather round him as he puts down the shovel and feeds them, spreading seed around the ground, which is covered by long grasses, small flower beds, and stones. Closer to the house is a small fig tree.
Yuzu shakes your hands, and looks at each of you earnestly, in turn.
Several seconds pass before a middle aged human male comes out from behind the house. He walks up a path of stones toward you, stopping a good twenty feet away from the gate.
He looks at you suspiciously, and says, "You're all very young, aren't you? Not that I mean any disrespect, but.... who are you, and who sent you?" He's wearing working clothes, and they are really quite dirty. He is of average height, about sixty years old you would guess, with a sun hat hiding how much hair he has or has not. In one of his hands is a bag of some kind of grain, and in the other, a shovel. He is currently followed by seven chickens.
Wrathe's hypothesis is further strengthened by what he sees in the arcane spectrum. The walls themselves radiate magic, with necromancy, illusion, and abjuration all present. The building is too far back to sense its auras.
You notice a few chickens running around behind the house, and also a few rabbits in the yard.
After untying Moog's hands and feet, he steps back, and looks at you with a look of confusion on his face. He takes the gold coin, and smiles, and says, "Thank you. I smelled better before you magicked me..." He bows and scurries off down the direction you came from.
The path continues, and rock outcroppings and small hills abound. The forest is rich with deciduous trees, bushes and other forest plants. Small mammals scurry from your reach, and the occasional spider and snake are seen.
After some time you see a clearing ahead. It is about two hundred feet long, a little less than that wide, and it's surrounded by a short rock wall. A small gate connects it to the path you're on. A few other gates can be seen around the wall. In the clearing is a small structure built of smooth stone. It has an unusual design, as if a potter had done an experiment and then enlarged it. Its smooth walls are curved, and the roof sits at an unlikely angle. Windows occupy unlikely positions all over the 'sides' you can see, and a great door of bronze sits on the front, out of place, it seems. The door is not rectangular, but instead is a four sided polygon with none of the angles right, and none of the sides parallel. Despite its unusual look, or perhaps because of it, it appears inviting and welcoming to Ssilax and Wrathe; and hazardous and foreboding to Argon and Daxniss.
With the spell it says 20 bulk additionally to just you, so could that 20 bulk make up another creature or person to ride along with you?
I have a level 15 Oracle and just found a ring of continuation, basically it will keep any spell with range of personal for a duration of 24 hours or until the next personal range spell is casted. So I was wondering if my Spirit of the warrior revelation would work with it?
My mystery is Ancestors if you need to look it up, thanks in advance!
I'm making a high level oracle that uses the Ancestor mystery, I was curious if the spirit shield's armor bonus stacks on top of my breastplates armor bonus? Or does the does it go with the higher AC of the two?
Thanks in advance for your answers!