Michael Dupler's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 37 posts (42 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


I want to play a Dhampir bard and I am looking for a fig that looks like the Crow from the movies.

anyone got a recommendation?


Everything for druids states "animal" for example, the spell beastspeak. Or Planar Wild Shape.

Treesinger states: This ability replaces, and otherwise functions like, the normal druid wild shape ability.

So would it be fair to assume since the treesinger only gets plant that you could substitute 'animal' for 'plant'

or is the treesinger more screwed than I thought?



The Fourth Horseman wrote:
Michael Dupler wrote:
2: You know when your turn is coming up, you're the one that roll init. Instead of looking at your phone playing some stupid click game, be ready for your action. When I see that, I count to ten then move on to the next player.

I might give them a warning after the first offense.

Michael Dupler wrote:
4: If you need more than 3 books for your build: you're wrong

That's like, your opinion, man. I bought it, it's legal, I can use it.

Otherwise, I agree this is all good advice.

This kind of goes with 1: If it takes that many books to make your build, know it without the table having to wait for you to double check each move you make


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1: READ every word about your class/race and spells that you will be using. Understand how your char works. If you don't understand, ask.

2: You know when your turn is coming up, you're the one that roll init. Instead of looking at your phone playing some stupid click game, be ready for your action. When I see that, I count to ten then move on to the next player.

3: Ask f**king questions after the GM finishes reading the box text for the intro to the mod. I for one am tired of watching no one pay any attention then complain when they lose their second PP because they were not listening/didn't ask questions in the briefing.

4: If you need more than 3 books for your build: you're wrong

5: if you are forcing your b- or g-friend to play, teach them how to play before they get to the table (see #1) and then let them play their own char.

6: Focus fire on mobs. In this game, they are as effective at 1 hp as they are at full hps

7: Teach the group tactics that helps the group, not yourself

8: Buy a fig, it's 3 bucks

9: come prepared. Bring paper, writing tool and dice. One time if understood, 2x we forgive but after that, you're being an a********

10: as it has been said, take a shower and brush your teeth. I ragged a guy at Gencon one year until he got up and let the table. Everyone else gave me a standing O for my effort.

11: and as always, buy whatever equ that is required for your char build to work. Buy the CLW wand, a potion of gaseous form, a potion of fly if you're a melee, find a way to see inviso

12: Have fun but don't get the party killed with your antics or lack of knowing how to use tactics.

13: And finally, remind everyone that it's a game, have fun, be nice and if you're not cheating, you're not trying. If you got caught you weren't trying hard enough.

My Treesinger is about to go 4 and I need a large fig that looks like a Treant that won't brake the bank.



I found a folder with a gm baby, first cert dated 1/7/16 but I forgot to put a faction card with the folder.

What season faction card should I be on for this toon?



Guess I should have said what it was, Emerald Spire Level 1 and 2



If you run a module does it count as 1 or 2 boxes on my faction card : Serve as a GM for an adventure?


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Shadow Projection spell, last 1 hour/level and I can already hear DM's crying about it

yeah bags of holding and portable hole are 10 mins, I need something hours per level

Is there a good way to carry around a comatose body while adventuring? Magic item or spell that can protect or otherwise hide said such body?


Str 14, Cha 28, everything else is a 10, standard paladin, no oaths, no arc types

L1 Toughness
L3 Greater Mercy
L5 Ultimate mercy
L7 extra lay of hands
L9 ?

I was looking at dazzling display since really all I do is heal, UMD for whatever we need and such.

FYI I need it to be PFS legal

any ideas?

Just asking


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the actual statement was "He's an evil outsider, the laws of this plane don't apply to him." Not lawful outsiders, not neutral outsiders, not neutral clerics that channel to harm. EVIL outsiders.

Why is a mindless zombie evil? because it was animated/powered by negative energy. Here on the Prime plane its considered evil.

"Pushing" evil alignment aura on mind controlled blah blah blah what the hell are you talking about? At that point you are as bad as the OP who tried to twist words and spin it in any direction except for the argument at hand.

A Paladin is LG equipped with something called Smite Evil that specifically states "If the target of smite evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses Double damage against evil outsiders" There doesn't seem to be any grey area in that.

Then came the example of a baby green dragon just hatched. Which none of that had anything to do with the statement about evil outsiders.

Sorry if this sounds like a rant but not sure why peeps always feel the need to figure out ways to try and pull a paladin down.

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Or 1 hour/level or more?

want to buy some scrolls and look for the longest bang for my buck


thanks everyone for the great ideas

sounds like its stone time, where are the wayfinders than can hold more than one stone found?


how many ioun stone can you have floating around your head at one time?

Society play char only. I already have
headband +4 cha
rods of extend x2
lesser rod of dazing
rod of wonder
amulet of mighty fists (eidolon)
dex belt +4 (eidolon)

with all his spells on, eidolon has a 38 AC so I was wondering what else could I spend my money on for society play?

even silly stuff would be cool





Sorry if this has been already ruled on but I couldn't find the specific ruling.

per Pro evil spell
This spell wards a creature from attacks by evil creatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures. It creates a magical barrier around the subject at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the subject and has three major effects.

Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by evil summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Summoned creatures that are not evil are immune to this effect. The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.

just to make sure of the wording, a summoned evil creature that uses a weapon or throws something at the warded person should work, right? Also spells that are not trying to mentally control should work as well? Lighting bolts, fireballs and the like? Pro evil only prevents touching and natural weapons from working and only if they are evil?


I believe what: variant assimar abilities are not legal for Pathfinder Society: is page 18-19.

So does a SLA that works like a spell count toward a feat that requires you to be able to cast the spell?

Sunlight Summons

Your summoned minions shine with the power of the sun.

Prerequisites: Spell Focus (conjuration), able to cast summon nature's ally.

Benefit: Creatures that you summon shed light as a light spell. They are immune to blinding or dazzling effects, and their natural weapons are treated as magical for overcoming damage reduction.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Page of Spell Knowledge

Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th; Weight —
Slot none; Price 1,000 gp (1st), 4,000 gp (2nd), 9,000 gp (3rd), 16,000 gp (4th), 25,000 gp (5th), 36,000 gp (6th), 49,000 gp (7th), 64,000 gp (8th), 81,000 gp (9th)

Ring of Spell Knowledge

Aura moderate or strong (no school); CL 7th
Slot ring; Price 1,500 gp (Type I), 6,000 gp (Type II), 13,500 gp (Type III), 24,000 gp (Type IV); Weight —

The pages are a lot more fixed than the ring, but cheaper.


as the title says



Michael Dupler wrote:

Good Morning Pathfinders!

I supported the cause and my local game store by buying the Harrow Handbook and a harrow deck. Checking additional resources, I have found something confusing and I am hoping someone has the answers.

Harrow Handbook says:
Feats: all feats on pages 14-15 and 19 are legal for play;

Inner Sea world guide says:
Feats: all feats on pages 284–289 except Eye of the Arclord, Fortune Teller, Hamatulatsu, Harrowed, and Shade of the Uskwood.

to take the Harrowed Summoning Feat, the preq is Harrowed

So which is? No can't take Harrowed summoning because I can't take Harrowed or I can take Harrowed to get Harrowed Summoning?

I know, that's a lot of harrow . . .


the last line of the thread but there it was, thanks and the answer is yes legal


Good Morning Pathfinders!

I supported the cause and my local game store by buying the Harrow Handbook and a harrow deck. Checking additional resources, I have found something confusing and I am hoping someone has the answers.

Harrow Handbook says:
Feats: all feats on pages 14-15 and 19 are legal for play;

Inner Sea world guide says:
Feats: all feats on pages 284–289 except Eye of the Arclord, Fortune Teller, Hamatulatsu, Harrowed, and Shade of the Uskwood.

to take the Harrowed Summoning Feat, the preq is Harrowed

So which is? No can't take Harrowed summoning because I can't take Harrowed or I can take Harrowed to get Harrowed Summoning?

I know, that's a lot of harrow . . .


I only play PFS so asking for PFS ruling


I figured as much but never hurts to ask


as a Level 13 wizard, here are the feats I took for RW

Evolved Familiar +8 perception L9
Evolved Familiar +8 UMD skill L11
Buy him a Rod of Minor Arcane
Buy him a Ring Spell Knowledge L1 (Magic Missile)

GMs hate my little blaster buddy that scouts for me


I'm going to start playing an Alchemist in PFS and was wondering what other resources I can look at other than the APG

I was told that as an Alchemist I can make alchemy things during game, is that true? If so what are the rules/source book I need?

thanks all

Per the title first time playing a summoner (master) and wondering what general ideas for a feat at level 1


looking for a list, I know elvenkind adds +5


I am an enchantment wiz with these feats / opposed is univ and divination

Spell focus Enchant
G spell focus Enchant
Imp familiar

this is my first char in PFS play and was wondering is there were any suggestions to what might be my next feat to take?


nm I see it, thanks

name of the spell?

I am creating my first PFS char, L1 Wizard, and was wondering for PFS play what is a better investment: Bonded Item or Familiar/imp familiar?

Sorry if this has already been addressed, couldn't find it through search
