Sosiel Vaenic

M'baba's page

37 posts. Organized Play character for Veniir.


Grand Archive

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Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions


M'baba nods and says "You're right. It's a good idea to set up a meeting point." He helps her to pick a place that would serve as a a center for their progress. He says "While I agree that we may have more luck finding chickens if we go a different direction as the others, in truth we know so little about this market that we may profit to not be that far. We may also help them if they get into trouble or need some... uhm... unofficial assistance. I suppose for now I think that any direction is as good as any other."

He watches Nyandra a bit before saying "If you're feeling overwhelmed, I have a tip for you. Focus on only one thing. Choose something and fixate on that. Anything will do, a specific ware being sold, a piece of clothing, some trash on the floor. Just focus on that thing and ignore everything else. You'll be able to collect your senses and calm down. Then you can look up again." He tries a reassuring smile.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions


M'baba is a bit overwhelmed by the crowd and wonders how this market evaded the group so. He says to Nyandra "I prefer to just wander about buying the occasional fruit. If we find a bald head with big loopy earrings or a purple umbrella, we make a note and check if our fellow initiates are ok. But I recommend we keep an ear out for any talk about exotic animals or different than standard merchandise. What do you think?"

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba is extremely confused about this market. "Big cities are weird", he thinks. To him, a market's whereabouts should be as loudly shouted in all directions to attract more buyers. He shrugs this off as the morning search is very exhausting to him. Doing tedious door to door work is not what gets his blood pumping.

When the group finally finds the market, he sighs relieved, even forgetting what they were doing here in the first place. As Za and Ikto talk about the chickens, M'baba is a bit lost about what to do, but his mind races a bit and he finally says "Well, I can think of 3 ways to handle this. The first, more direct is just Za's suggestion. We find the people we heard of and ask them directly. Another way is to ask around for sellers of rare animals, birds in particular. This would be a little less obvious and we would seem a bit less desperate. The third way would require a bit more patience of us, as we walk the market and keep our heads low, listening and watching for clues that might expose the seller to us. This would be the least conspicuous path and a bit more passive, with a small risk that we don't actually see or hear anything."

He says "I don't really like to draw attention to me, so I prefer the third option, as we have a higher chance of seeing or hearing something with so many eyes and ears in our group. But I'll follow what you guys find best. My way doesn't always turn out to be the best."

For secret rolls purposes: Diplomacy is +4, Stealth is +6 and Perception is +5

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

On the way, M'baba asks Ikto "Say, do you know anything special about these chickens? Do they turn invisible or something of the sort?" He had once had bad experiences with animals with magical abilities. He tries to remember something about these specific animals himself.

Recall knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba says "Unless it's a very secret market, I think it would be in their best interest to be easy to find. I don't think it's going to require much asking around."

He goes with Nyandra, asking around as they go.

AoN says that Gather information is a secret check. My diplo is +4

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba also removes his bead string and chooses to wait for others to act first. He likes to react.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba notes the comments on his idea and says "Well, we don't have to go with this plan, but my idea was to make the chicks transaction before the negotiations with the more expensive item is done. Only back out after. Although, it could be risky, yes."

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba replies to Iovia "I think that's a great suggestion. Your idea made me think of something more... hmm, not devious, but ingenious." He recalls having read in his youth some stories about slave traders and a man who sought to free his love. He came up with a stratagem that involved tricking the slavers into releasing the man's object of desire for a very low price.

This is an easy reference to get, let me know who gets it!

M'baba continues "What if we come looking for another item, something very exotic and expensive. We offer a very high price for it. After lengthy negotiations, we ask to add the chickens as a sort of extra sweetener, maybe something comical to paint the buyer, as someone who is so awfully rich that they'd buy rare chicks as guest entertainment, or something just as whimsical. We pay for the chickens and, when they're safely stored away, we find an irredeemable defect on the original expensive item and back out of the sale." He looks at the others inquisitively.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba wakes up in a good mood, which he often does. He wakes up early and stretches his muscles a bit before cleaning his teeth with a special paste he makes. He gets out ready for any weather, but looks outside to see whether he needs to be already wearing his doubly folded cloak to stop the rain, or if it can stay in his backpack, neatly folded.

He says a short "Good morning" to all his fellow initiates and eats little for breakfast. He has not known abundance in his life, so he is used to eating little. During breakfast, he decides to ask a little about the others, to know them better "Say Ikto, do you mind killing my curiosity? How is a storm druid different from other druids?"


As Esi and the dwarf appears, M'baba lets out a smile at her without realizing it. He quickly recomposes himself and listens to the task at hand. He is definitely not the best at haggling, but he's not the worst either.

He sees the others are still taking in the task, so he speaks what's in his mind "Assuming we're great at getting those birds, I assume they will need some sort of cage to bring them in. Do you provide some? I can create a few that are easier to carry when they're still empty." Of course, he has already thought of a self-folding cage that should be able to carry up to 4 chicks.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba smiles politely to Xhokan and later Esi, wondering... He has no problems to solve, nothing to do. He feels a bit empty and excited. He decides to take a bath and change into fresh clothes. As it turns out, he is very tired from the traveling and his first school activities. He dozes off in the bath.

He wakes up with the water already cold. After drying himself and putting on clean clothes, he goes to his room and arranges it so it is easy to get anything he might need at short notice.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

Should we keep track of the beads we have?

M'baba follows silently as the others interact with the friendly people in the school. He cannot help but feel a bit uneasy, as if all was too friendly and pleasant. He keeps looking over his shoulder, expecting something awful to happen. He adds the beads to his growing collection.

He finds it odd that Xhokan asks him to make him a bead. "Could this be a mind-control type of magical reagent?", he thinks. However, seeing the others comply, he gives in and starts to think of something unique he could do. "To be unique is to be oneself", he remembers old man Jarr, telling him in his hometown. He starts squeezing and pulling the piece of clay.

Craft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

In the end, it is a slightly curved but long cylinder. He hands it to the kobold and says "Here, not pretty, but functional. I imagine everyone should try to do something intricate, and didn't go for something simple. Should be unique." He waits for him to react to it.

Afterwards, he tells Xhokan, "If you need help with anything, I can be very crafty and resourceful. Also, I sort of dream of having my own shop of goods and services one day. Maybe I can learn one thing or two from the Magaambya Student supply store."

After the tour is over, he asks Esi "Say, you seem knowledgeable. Do you have anything you need help with? If you're not busy, I don't want my tour to end now." He only realizes he sounded a bit flirty after the words came out of his mouth, but tried staying serious.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

I might only be able to post on Monday.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions
Ikto wrote:
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
I am not sure what construction you are referencing? I was confused before as well...There is not a part of the Spire Dorm that is under construction at present.

I think there was a misunderstanding from the term "The dormitory has an open construction" and then you mentioned no exterior doors. Some may have misread construction as in progress, rather than the building as is and intentionally meant to be like that.

That's my guess anyway

Yeah, this was it. My bad.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

Za's post reminded me: Where is the construction happening? I can't see it in the map.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba thanks Esi again. He has many plans of what to do before regathering, however only one hour to do it. He figures "Every big building have one thing in common. Secrets" He decides to start with his own room, as he'd hate to be surprised in his own room.

He'll do a very detailed search of the room. A take 20, if that's a thing in 2e.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba pays close attention to Esi's tour. As Ignaci introduces himself, M'baba replies "I am M'baba. I think we're going to talk about these items often." He also says [b]"I should also attend this game night. I can be a little competitive, but I think I can take it easy."[b]

After Anchor Root is introduced, M'baba doesn't try to interact with her. He imagines she prefers to stay to herself. If they are to talk, he'll let her come to him if she feels comfortable. He moves quickly to get a room for him. He is used to small spaces and likes his privacy, so he takes the northeastern-most room. Taking the small one with the yellow rug.

After leaving his things, he comes back out to explore all the corners of the dorm.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba is satisfied with Za's reply, as he was a little worried he might have taken his comment as arrogance. He is completely unsure how to start the research the ghoran intends to do, and is glad it's not up to him to do it.

As teacher Ot leads them into the rain, M'baba pulls the double hood of his cloak back up. The rain is strong and it won't be long until the water makes its way through the reinforced cloth, so he tries to make his way faster. He notices the building still under construction and wonders how long it's been in this state. However, he is more worried about the rain and not being sick for the start of his magical studies.

He bows his head shortly as teacher Ot leaves and simply says "M'baba" when Esi introduces herself. Being under a roof makes him feel more comfortable. The exchange with Chizire leaves M'baba a little confused, considering how hard it is to enter the school. "Why wouldn't someone take this opportunity seriously?", he asks himself. However, he doesn't react to the conversation thinking he is here to learn. Maybe there is some wisdom in Chizire's behavior that he doesn't see yet. He waits a bit until he feels he can turn the conversation towards the construction.

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba feels the wisdom in each of the tales, although Ntuni's simple dream does not resonate with him. He chooses not to linger on it much as Nyandra opens her heart. However, it is only when Za tells his tale that the young man loses his posture, as he cannot bear the weight of this story.

He sees the other initiates are speaking encouraging words. M'baba, however, thinks a bit before saying "It's pretentious of me to try to give advice to a being that is generations old, but maybe a new view might just help you. It feels to me that true freedom can only be achieved by distancing yourself from Ghorus. By the way you tell it, his design has been started and finished. You've evolved as far as you will, I'd say. Of course more knowledge will be helpful, but I feel the only way to achieve reproduction will involve... well... stopping being ghorans, and become something else entirely."

Trying to finish with a note, he says "Sometimes the way forward is sideways."

Grand Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

I appreciate you telling us how much total XP we have. Despite working in an applied math field, I am terrible at keeping track of XP.

After feeling the vibration, M'baba immediately tests his new magic. Being the first time he actually makes magic, his face lightens up brighter than the lights he conjures. He lets out an audible gasp and plays a bit with the lights.

Afterwards, teacher Ot talks about people's strengths and weaknesses. M'baba feels a bit defensive, given he doesn't like to expose himself much. The teacher asks what about him defines him, that even other people don't see. M'baba thinks "And I'm supposed to just share this with strangers?" Still, he gives it much thought. After a while, he finally says "I am a person who moves forward by dealing with each situation at hand, practical and direct. But if I stop to think about it, I do wish my actions had more meaning." He is not sure he understands what he said, but these were the words he chose to speak.

As he receives his bead, he carefully slides it into his twine. He wonders for a moment where he can wear it so it won't be in his way when he's doing something. He doesn't want to wear on his cloak, as he will not always be wearing his cloak. But inside the cloak risks it not being seen when he is wearing it. Finally, he decides to wear it around his wrist, thinking this is a temporary solution.
When he's done, he looks up and studies the school grounds a bit more while he waits to be taken to the dorm.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba is completely uncertain as to what to choose. He thinks What would it mean not to choose? The balanced scales and the candle were left not picked. He considered the key for himself, as he thinks magic is the key to many solutions. The candle would also be useful for him, as he is at a disadvantage without proper light.

The hourglass is useless to him, he thinks, as he is patient. He also knows the scales are not for him, as he believes that sometimes the way forward is to add some imbalance.

Finally, he smiles, and goes for the candle.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

Thievery: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba takes his stone and looks at it puzzled. A few moments pass and he lightens up. He says "You didn't really say for how long, so..." He gets down close to the floor and looks for a smooth surface. He takes the stone and turns it in his hand, looking for a point where it is as balanced as he can find. Then, he sets the stone so that the ground touches the spot he found and spins it. Due to its uneven nature, it doesn't spin for long. However, during the spin, the young man says "Behold, the Qadiran dervish dance."

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba also joins in singing, trying to focus on remembering every part correctly. He figures, it's an attempt, sometimes one attempt is enough.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba looks at the femur puzzled. How did it fit in that pouch?, he asks himself wondering. He says "If you know of a way to soothe a soul in a bone, then it looks like you purposely did not do it just for this exercise, which seems cruel."

He thinks to himself that this might be a bit trick question. The bone is polished and clearly has been groomed. Would a suffering soul be lingering in a bone for that long?, he asks himself. He thinks of the wording of the teacher. The soul of the bone, not in. He turns to the others and says "What does the soul of a bone mean?"

He tries remembering what he has heard of philosophy regarding bone soul.

Society: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Lore: philosophy would be more appropriate but I don't have it.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

As the others discuss the philosophy of what a secret is, M'baba spends his time imagining that this snake is actually a polymorphed one-eyed pirate, but all the scenarios keep bumping into the snake's skin. There must be something with it, he thinks.

He asks to hold the snake again, and strokes its skin in different directions, half expecting a djinni would fly out.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba comments "The patterns on its skin are not related to any magic, it seems."

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

Although M'baba is a bit disappointed that he couldn't explore more options with the bird, he's glad to know someone who actually communicated with it. It makes him think there is room for many types of solution in the school.

Upon looking at the snake, when he has a turn with it, he focuses on the hourglasses-like markings. They make him a bit dizzy and makes him think of magic could deal with time. He tries holding it for a longer time and tries remembering what he remembers of time magic.

Recall knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba likes that teacher Ot accepted the burning candle and grinned as he admitted an error. Then, he presents another challenge. As the others discuss strategy which turns out to talk to the bird, the young man studies it, trying to remember everything he knows about it. He was never fond of studying natural beings, but understands it might come in handy, like now!

Recall Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Recall Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

I'm trying specifically to remember two things. The first roll is if this bird is easily tamed. The second is whether there are known things that cause this species to lose feathers naturally.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions


M'baba takes notes of the others. He does not linger looking at them too much, even those whose kind are not usually seen, such as Za. He is impressed and even a bit humbled by what appears to be far more trained initiates. He realizes that competing won't do much good to him here.

In the end, he thinks to himself "This Ntuni will make a nice friend. She's the only one down to earth. Literally!" He suppresses a chuckle letting out a grin, which, to any onlookers would seem out of place. He doesn't care. He listens to the others reply about their interests and ideals. He finds himself a bit alien among such high achievers. At least Iovia sounds more like him, as well.

He finally feels at ease to speak "What interests me are solutions. When problems arise, I like to see and hear what solutions can be applied, especially if they're not conventional." Satisfied with his answer, he quickly remembers there are other questions. He continues "My greatest strength is maybe... I don't know..." He realizes he didn't think before answering and now has put himself in a tight spot.

He moves on hoping the others will forget his blunder soon "I haven't been to Magaambya before, so I can't really talk about work done in the past. But here I do hope to find what type of things the smartest minds of the world came up with." He goes on quickly and attempts a joke "And look, if we're looking for solutions, magic is a great way to start, right? I mean, it's magic!" He looks around hoping for a reaction, but decides he is not a comedian.

Finally, he answers "After I've learned how smart people think, I... well, I'll just be smart myself, won't I? Maybe I'll know what to do then."


Upon being presented the candle, M'baba thinks "A candle usually lights with some heat." and immediately concludes "the sun!" However, as he looks up, he realizes that it is still raining. For the first time, even, he realizes that he is wearing his rain protecting hood needlessly, since the rain is being stopped by magic. He pulls back his hood revealing a young man's symmetrical face, with flawless skin.

M'baba sees Iovia expertly creating light on the candle and he finds it a bit suspicious, wondering if that's a flame or not. Gladly for him, it is not up to him to approve this candle or not. Since teacher Ot offers the problem to the whole group, M'baba waits to see his reaction, while continuing to think of a possible solution.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions
Iovia wrote:
I hope your baby is feeling well again soon.

Thanks, she's doing much better today, no fever, only a stuffy nose. She was supposed to start at the daycare today, but if she continues this well, she'll start tomorrow already. =D

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

My baby has a high fever, so I might not have time to react to all questions and answers for a few days. Apologies.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

This is a sensitive topic, Nyandra. I'm ok with it, but I'd ask if the others are as well.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba awkwardly returns the gestures and is a bit stunned by the teacher's response. He thinks So this is a test then...

The young man is oblivious to the fact that he is terrified to fail, given how much his village invested to get him here. Considering the fact that he has never cast a single cantrip in his life, he feels he is starting behind already. He wonders if some day he'll be the one appraising new initiates.

Grand Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

Getting so many Harry Potter vibes!

One of the group is a young man who is so amazed by the magnitude of everything he is seeing, that one would think he never set foot in a middle sized city before. He takes a mental note of all who came in with him, but this was short enough that he could marvel at the dimensions.

He wears an unimpressive cloak over his clothes over his dark skin. If one pays attention, one can see that it is doubly folded around the head in an intricate way. The reason for this becomes clear as the outermost layer is wet from the rain, and the innermost is moist, but this keeps his head dry. Perhaps due to this fact, the young man doesn't notice that it isn't raining on him anymore, and keeps his double hood up. It is hard to see what's underneath his clothes.

He is startled when he notices the teacher speaking, as if he hadn't noticed him coming in. In truth, he actually continued marveling at the school. The teacher speaks, and then the other initiate replies. The young man twists his mouth before saying "That's all fair and nice, mr. dancer, but I believe the teacher said that this was a group interview. Perhaps he means to ask us who we are as a group?" From his tone and wording, it is clear that the young man does not speak in this way often. It is unclear whether he is making fun of the druid or just plain doesn't know how to behave in the city.

He addresses teacher Ot and says "We are a group of initiates at Magaambya, hoping to learn the ways of magic and wield the strenght of thousands. Some of us are likely smart, others wise, but I'm sure we are all energetic. Although we don't really know each other that well to answer you as a group. My name is M'baba, I'm a problem solver." He says the last bit with a grin.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

I'm still set as Cascade Bearers for primary and unsure for secondary.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

All right, M'baba is ready. I did him with the help of Pathbuilder.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

Hello Dr. Evil, I'll work on M'baba's crunch as fast as I can, but it might take me a few days given my inexperience with 2e and the fact that I am abroad. Basically my wife is doing a course and I am babysitting during until Friday. This means that my available time to post (and build the character) is strictly the time when baby is napping (like right now).

But the character concept is still the same. It's a jury rig focused rogue going for wizard archetype.