
Maximillian999's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (390 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

Liberty's Edge

Is there a summary anywhere of when Radiance upgrades and what he players need to do?

We just finished the first book. I was skimming the second and I see that it upgrades an additional +1 at then end, but the book didn’t say whether it was to +2 total or +3 and or whether there were any other powers.

Liberty's Edge

Which module has a picture of Ezren as a marionette? It probably takes place in Absalom.

Liberty's Edge

I haven’t played a Druid since 3.5 and then only to about 5th level. My group is going to be playing through Skull and Shackles.
What are people’s thoughts on Saurian Shaman Druids? The archetype seems to allow you to be flexible in your Wild Shapes, the DM says Pterosaurs are ‘close enough’ to dinos to count, plus there’s the various sea snakes, swimming dinos and so forth. Have you tried it and has it worked for you? If not, was there anything you didn’t like?
What is the class’s power level like? We will have one or  two munchkin-ey types who will be optimized to hell and back, one who will design something to fit an interesting concept and a few others who may or may not be optimized. Will a Saurian Shaman feel weak and useless, or will it be able to at least stay within shouting distance of the power gamers?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Besides increasing the character’s Wisdom score, is there any way to increase the DC of Wild Shape special abilities? I assume Spell Focus (Transmutation) would not work because Wild Shape isn’t a spell – How about Ability Focus (Wild Shape)? What about Ability Focus (Trample) or (Poison)?

Is Wild Shape meant to top out around 10-12th level?


Liberty's Edge

The PFS crowd I play with says yes, the home game says no.

I was under the impression that since you didn't actual change squares with the move action that you were allowed to take the step once you stood up.


Liberty's Edge

Does anyone know if there is a cavalier ability or perhaps a feat that allows a character to do double damage on a non-mounted charge, regardless of the weapon used? I don’t see one anywhere, but haven’t checked every last archetype or sourcebook.
I have a player in my game who claims that there is one. This is someone who often plays fast and loose with the rules, so I want to double check the facts before saying anything.

Liberty's Edge

Does anyone have any suggestions for the next 1-2 feats for my PFS Paladin?

Human, L3
Power attack, Fey touched
Wields a greatsword.
Traits are both boosting social skills
I’m currently taking advantage of the bonus to healing he gets from Fey-Touched to spend a lot of time jumping between the rest of the party and danger, often while shouting ‘Ha-HA!’ in the manner of Errol Flynn.
Should I go with something like Lunge to be a better meat-shield?  (Combat Reflexes won’t help too much with a 12 Dex) 
Furious Focus for the fun of running around Power Attacking everything?
Step Up to help foil those horrible caster types?
Something else, to make the character more versatile and fun?
Finally, are there any Paladin build guides that have been updated with the new stuff from the APG & UM?

Liberty's Edge

Does anyone know if there is a way to keyword search the available avatar pictures? I'd like to find a picture of Usagi to use with my new alias.

It doesn't have to be Usagi himself, I'd take a picture of any rabbit samurai, really.


Liberty's Edge

I'm tempted to allow it to work in my game, but don't have a lot of experience with VS. Is there a reason why it would be bad?


Liberty's Edge

[possible tiny spoiler for Serpent's Skull]

I have a party that just finished the Escape From Smuggler’s Shiv in the Serpent’s Skull AP.  They are about to leave the island and head for Eleder (and the second module in the AP).  They let the BBEG escape and missed a bunch of the treasure in the last encounter on the island.  I’m thinking about either having them picked up by a ship that turns out to be full of pirates or have the rescue ship attacked by pirates.
Does anybody have any suggestions for this?  Is there a good side quest like this somewhere out on the internet?  The party is currently level 3, but there are five of them and they are unusually tough for their level due to rolling 4d6 (reroll 1s) for their stats.
I’ve got the GMG and…  Stormwrack (?the 3.5 nautical book) to use.  I suppose I could grab the Stag Lord’s gang from Kingmaker and give a couple of them peg-legs and an Angry Parrot.
I’m also looking at suggestions for setting the atmosphere and making an interesting combat.  After being on Smuggler’s Shiv they are getting a bit tired of fighting monkeys, goats and mindless undead. :)

Liberty's Edge

I believe there is a semi-weekly game at Guardian, are there usually openings? Are there any other regular meetings?

I may be able to GM for an easygoing crowd, but I'd need to beg the players to supply monster minis, I have a tiny collection. :)

Liberty's Edge

Because otherwise my poor Paladin can't see anything!

Liberty's Edge

So I have a "friend" who was too busy to register for con events until now. Is it still possible to sign up for PFS events at this late date?

If it is, how? I... I mean "he" can't find a 'sign up for this event' button anywhere.

If it is too late, are there enough PFS games running to just show up with a character and sit down, or will the weekend contain a lot of tears?

Thank you,

Liberty's Edge

After looking at his picture in the module, I don’t want to have him running around with a spellbook written on vellum using squid-based ink.  What would be more appropriate?  Fetish objects carved from the bones of his enemies?
Can anyone think of a better idea to use to disturb my fastidious wizard player?  (PG-13 only, please)  ;)  Thanks!

P.S. Would there be anything interesting in Nyambe for this?

My party has defeated the cannibals and the ghouls, has found the clues to the Tide Stone ritual, seen the lightning that erupted from the Tide Stones, and found Yarzoth’s tracks leading from the stones and walking straight into the water.
They stopped there, decided that they don’t want to mess with any ancient serpent folk magic, and are hoping to ambush Yarzoth when she comes back from wherever she went.  Last I heard, several of them thought she was lairing on the sunken ship in the cove below the Tide Stones.  The one that Ekubus lives on.
I don’t think they realize what the Tide Stones do and they don’t have any intention of activating them and following Yarzoth.  Ack!  My railroad is going off the track!
Any suggestions?  The best I’ve come up with so far involves either letting them catch a glimpse of the very top of the temple doors at low tide and try to encourage their curiosity or maybe finding a way to have Ekubus talk to them about the 'scary person'.

Has anyone entered the encounters from the island into Hero Lab? I'd like to try them out but don't have quite enough ambition to do the whole thing myself.

I am about to start GMing for a group that believes that all prepared spellcasters are severely underpowered and have been using a set of house rules for (apparently) decades which allows Wizards and Clerics to spontaneously cast almost any spell known.  (It’s basically casting as a Sorcerer but with Spells Known limited to 3 * the number of spells that you can cast per day per level)
I’m told that if I change this house-rule back to rules as written (or even too close to them) I will have a player revolt and they won’t want to play.
To answer the inevitable first response, yes, I would prefer to compromise on this somehow and run the campaign, it would be more fun than putting my foot down and/or hitting them with Mr. Fishy’s stick and then not getting to play.
However, I am concerned about the effect that this will have on game play, especially on the balance between casters and non-casters.  Does anyone have any thoughts on how to deal with this system as a GM?  Or ideas on how to change the system to tone it down a bit (but still sound almost as good!) 
I believe that they have been balancing the Wizard by charging much more than market price for scrolls and very strictly limiting what spells are available to put into the spellbook.  But the Cleric isn’t restricted at all as they technically ‘know’ every Cleric spell in the book.  I think that the Cleric is considered to be so weak that this doesn’t matter.

Liberty's Edge

One of our players is running a converted Warmage class in our Pathfinder campaign He feels that as an arcane caster, he should be able to cast any arcane spell from a scroll or wand. Is this correct? I was under the impression that unless the PC has UMD, the only way to cast from a scroll is to have the spell on he classes' list.
