
Maximillian999's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (390 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

Full Name

Delum Thord


Half-Gaint Psychic Warrior 1

AC 19 (11t, 18ff) (17 (9t, 17ff) Expanded) | CMD 16 (17 Ex) | F+3 R+1 (+0 Ex) W+4 | Init +2 (+1 Ex) | Perc +6


HP 15 / 18 | PP 4 / 5 | Tactician 1 / 1










Common, Giant

Strength 18
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 15
Charisma 8

About Delum Thord

Character Stats:

Delum Thord Psychic Warrior 1 L/N

HP 15 / 18
AC 19 (17 Expanded)
Touch 11 (9 Expanded)
Flat-Footed 18 (17 Expanded)
Armor Check -7
Init +2 (+1 Expanded)
Speed 20ft

Str 18 (+2 Racial) (20 Expanded)
Dex 12 (-2 Racial) (10 Expanded)
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 15 (+2 Racial)
Cha 8

Fort +3
Ref +1 (+0 Expanded)
Will +4

BAB +0
CMB +5 (+7 Expanded)
CMD 16 (17 Expanded)

Battleaxe +4 (2d6+4/x3) Expanded : (3d6+5/x3)
Greataxe +4 (3d6+6/x3) Expanded : (4d6+7/x3)
Sling +1 (1d6+4) 50ft

Traits : Bastard, Tactician (1 / 1 Day)

Feats : Psionic Talent, Iron WIll,
Special Abilities : Giant Blood, Low Light Vision, Fire Acclimated, Powerful Build, Half-Giant Psionics (Stomp 1 / 1 Day, DC 10), Psionic Proficiency,

Warrior's Path (Interceptor) : Expansion

Skills : 5 Ranks (4 Level, +1 Int)
Autohypnosis +6, Perception +6, Sense Motive +7, Survival +6, Swim +1

Languages : Common, Giant

Powers : Points : 4 / 5 DC 12+spell level Concentration +3
Talents : My Light, Missive
1-level : Expand, Inevitable Strike

Gear :
Large Battleaxe 12lb
Large Greataxe 24lb
Sling -lb
Sling Bullets x20 - 20lb
Dagger 2lb
Chainmail 40lb
Chain Shirt 25lb
Heavy Wooden Shield 10lb
Backpack 2lb
Belt Pouch .5lb
Flint and Steel
Flask (Mead) 1lb
Trail Rations x5 5lb
Caltrops 2lb
Silk Rope 50ft 5lb
Smelling Salts

Total Weight : 136.5lb
Light Load : 100lb, Medium : 200lb, Heavy : 300lb

PP - 0, GP - 51, SP - , CP -

At the height of his reign the great warleader Bairoth embarked on a bloody campaign against the encrouching presence of the giant clans to the west. The fighting took him and his men away from their homes for over a year but the wait only made their triumphant return all the more glorious. Beyond the accolades, a great deal of speculation was heaped upon the proud warrior. For Bairoth had returned not only with greats spoils and a host of his enemies severed heads but also a newborn babe who bore the telltale parentage of the leader's now vanquished enemies.

Bairoth never spoke of the boy's origins and his companions returned queries with only knowing looks and silence. Regardless of his circumstances, the boy named Delum Thord was raised as a member of the warlord's household. Never acknowledged as a true son and potential successor to Bairoth, Delum was nevertheless raised with purpose. Growing up alongside Bairoth's true-born daughter Samar, Delum was charged as her protector from the time he could understand what was required of him. Delum wove his appointed duty into the very fabric of his being.

All through their childhood Delum was never far from Samar and the two were deeply fond of the other. As the years passed, Samar matured into a fierce young woman who everyone agreed would do her ancestors proud when she took her father's place. It was for this reason that many blamed the sickness that befell Samar on a curse laid by a jealous rival. Whatever the cause the sickness ravaged through her and after a week of torment Delum's sister succumed to oblivion, leaving the half-giant lost and deeply tormented.

Following the traditions of his people, Delum has come to Dragon's Delve seeking a worthy death within it's dark depths. Of course, in persuing such a goal Delum may well find renewed purpose through his newfound companionship.

Two features betray Delum's ancestry, the most notable being his size. This hulking warrior stands nearly eight feet tall, towering over those around him with wide shoulders and a grim expression. The second being his red eyes that seem to glow like a pair of embers from deep within his wide face. A thick coat of mail, oiled but worn hangs to just above his knees and a heavy cloak of what appears to cougar fur falls down his broad back. The greataxe strapped to his back and the one at his waist are monstrous weapons that seem overlarge even for one of Delum's size.