
Matthias Naelaron's page

392 posts. Alias of Daniel Gunther 346.


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Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

So, how would you prefer to pursue matters? Matthias asks, Would you prefer to get a measure of who I am with me spending time at your family's home? Get to know me in the comfort of more familiar surroundings? Or would you travel with me?

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Matthias is caught off guard when Sosan kisses him. Unable to help himself, his face reddens a bit. When she pulls back from the kiss, Well, er, yes. That was, umm, most nicely stated. Matthias says as words fall from his mouth in an almost nonsensical flood, not quite sure how to respond at first. Thank you. Though, perhaps we should be a bit more reserved. No need to make those who disapprove more jealous than they have already expressed. His voice matching the warmth and affection in the smile plain for all to see.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9
The Warlord wrote:


"I don't know about kindred spirits, but I think the seven have a plan for us" she chuckles "Fool's quest for power, I can already see it, the knight that sought to be the greatest one" a gentle smile "I won't mind following such a fool as long as he is true to me and himself" and squinting her eyes "Loyal too!" her cheeks glow red.

Matthias looks deep into Sosan's, I will always be true. Loyalty is its companion.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

To be honest I had no intention of seeking an alliance with any house, let alone a marriage. This tourney has enlightened to much, and I've no wish to be drawn into a fool's quest for power. Seeing a kindred spirit in you brought me clarity. Matthias responds ernestly.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

You look lovely this evening. I hope my approaching your Father about my intentions has not caused any difficulties for you. Matthias says as he guides Lady Sosan around the dance floor.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Matthias' eyes widen slightly at Lady Sosan's brazenness, before mastering himself. His smile widening, voice husky, Beast or man, all here are powerless in the face of such Beauty. No, it would seem that the peril is mine. Matthias steps close, taking her hand in his. Smiling warmly, May I have the honor of a dance?

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Taking care to approach her cautiously, Matthias makes his way to Lady Sosan.

"Such espièglerie! I am afraid I must put a stop to you chicanery." Matthias says mischievously, with a smile that touches his eyes.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Awareness: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 5) = 11, Matthias looking for Lady Sosan

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Feeling a bit more settled after spending some time with the Keaths, he makes arrangements with Lady Sosan to attend the ball with her before departing for the distractions of Lord Davian's contests. After considering what the contests entail, Matthias takes part in each.

Eating Contest: 8d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 3) = 24 total of 22 Keep 7

Wrestling Contest: 7d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 4, 3, 1, 6) = 29

Juggling Contest: 5d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 4, 6) = 26 total of 22 -1d flaw

For his costume, he makes himself up to be the Huntsman of House Naelareon, Garran.

Costume Contest: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 2, 6) = 16

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Nice Darne!

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Hmm, Dragons... Can't find a one logical reason to NOT side with a dragon.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Whoops, my apologies.

Weyland: Semi-disgraced Knight of renown looking to restore his name.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Nice suggestion Darne. And I agree with Marcus about how focus shifts. A game in which the social aspect as repercussions every bit as telling as beating on an opponent with weapons is a lot to juggle.

Also, take a look at our characters:

Darne: Noble just starting to get his feet wet playing the Game of Thrones.
Garran: Huntsman of the House with a budding rivalry that could lead to more dramatic issues.
Marcus: Vehemently loyal veteran commander.
Matthias: Uncompromising, puppy hugging, ideologue.

And I agree that opening recruitment to add a couple of others would probably help pick up the pace a bit.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Well, I'ld like to continue. If you would like to maybe put the campaign on hiatus till the New Year, hopefully RL settles down for you, then dive back in. It's a great campaign you have going.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Remember, the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is poison, while the flagon with the dragon has the brew that is true. Bonus points for knowing the movie from which the quote comes.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Kick him in the nards!

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Matthias smiles, feeling a small measure of happiness, then bows slightly to Lord Keath.

I look forward to the future Lord Keath. Matthias readily responds, smiling a bit toward the end, bowing slightly. He then looks to the field as the next bout being announced.

I may be given to being bold, however propriety must still be met. May I have the honor of sitting with House Keath this afternoon?

No need to play out anymore of this. If things are ready to be moved forward, I'm good to go.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Damnit to hell!!! It was supposed to be that Matthias turned to Lord Keath not Lady Sosan. I'd like to retcon that, but missed the edit window. That's what I get for uaing my phone at 5AM.

If you feel it would complicate matters too much to pursue a name change, then consider it an unwise thought to be discarded as useless refuse. Matthias adds, as he considers the potential strife it would create for House Keath.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Matthias ignores the stare, nodding once in understanding. I've no desire to complicate matters for your son. He is your blood and therefore your heir. I am not at liberty to discuss all of the reasons for seeking to be granted the privilege of taking the Keath name.

Matthias looks to the sky and then to Lady Sosan before continuing, One reason stands above all the rest: I cannot in good conscience serve a Lord who would require one to compromise ones oaths, the bedrock upon which I stand.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Matthias brings an arm around Lady Sosan catching her, before nodding at Lord Keath's response.

"I am grateful for your acceptance. However, I should be more clear. Lady Sosan would not be leaving House Keath. When we wed, should I have proven myself worthy, I would take the Keath name as mine own. I had discussed this very matter with Lord Domeric prior to his being poisoned at the feast. Matthias states matter-of-factly.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

After Matthias cleans up enough to be presentable, he makes his way to the Keath pavilion seeking Lady Sosan. Discovering that she was in attendance at the joust, he heads to the tourney grounds, finding her sitting amongst her sisters and house guards.

Waiting for the interval between one bout and the next, Matthias boldly walks forward, looking at Lady Sosan before turning his eyes to Lord Keath, Lord Keath. I shall be forthright with you and not mince words. Much has come to light at this tournament. I am most fond of Lady Sosan. She is a lady of rare character and bearing, a bright star without peer. IF it would please her and House Keath would have me, I ask your blessing and permission to marry Lady Sosan. Matthias' voice never wavers as he speaks, never taking his eyes from Lord Keath.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Then he would spend time with her at the Joust, if her family permits it.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Once Matthias gets cleaned up, he will attempt to see if Lady Sosan is available for an afternoon exploring the Market. If not, then he would attend and witness the Joust.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Now, with all due respect Lord Darne, I must needs clean-up and be seen as you have so tasked me. Even though Matthias' voice is respectful, the obviousness of his dismissal could not be missed. He then turns and proceeds to clean-up, paying no more mind to Darne.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

I like the interaction between Darne and Matthias as well. On one hand you have a young noble who understands the Game of Thrones; on the other, you have an ideologue. Makes for an interesting dynamic.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Matthias rubbed his chin, considering Darne's question. House Naelareon is known for its might at arms. Though we would be hard pressed, yes, I do believe House Naelareon could do exactly that.

Matthias drops his hand as he turns his back to Darne. You will not convince me that the course you have chosen is correct. Deception is for those unable to stand on their own two feet. I had thought you possessed of the same fire of your Lord Father. His blood may flow through your veins, but that is where it ends.

Turning back to Darne, Matthias face is grimx You, Lord Darne have commanded me to clean up and make myself seen. I will do exactly that. No more, no less. If the truth is not made known before this tournament is over, my oath as a Knight in service to you as the Lord Naelareon shall be as meaningful as pig s~*+e.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Your Lord Father wouldn't have lied. He would have wielded the truth like a weapon. Not cowered from it. I will not hide from the truth, nor should you. Matthias stands to his full height before continuing, Are you the Lord Naelareon? Or will you cower from the truth like boy not yet a man.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Matthias storms back to his tent, walking with purpose, his face moving from angry to sorrowful and back as he battles for control of his emotions. Outside his tent, he stands for a moment, eyes closed, Burn you Darne!! Lord Domeric would never have left, no matter his health. This tournament was key to whatever power play he was trying. Yet, you make him look weak! WEAK! I was mistaken supporting you! House Naelareon would be better served with Cassondria as Lady of the House! IF this is the course you choose, one of deception over forthrightness, I cannot serve you.

As Matthias' thoughts gain clarity, his anger disappears. Opening his eyes, Matthias looks upon his tent, before his gaze drops to the ground. Forgetting his squire, Matthias removes his armor and blade, cleans up and tends to his gear, using the simple activity to help find his calm center before going to see Lady Sosan.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Pretense?! Incredulity plainly evident in Matthias' voice. Pretense?! His Lord Father assassinated and now we're to lie about it? It is dishonorable. Better the House own what has occurred. Then they see nothing has changed and that House Naelareon's strength is as it was, albeit changed. BAH!! Matthias stands abruptly, knocking over his chair before storming out and heading to his own tent.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Just waiting for exchange between Darne, Marcus, and Matthias, then ready to move on.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

The short of it is, we defeated the wretched bastard Darry and his faith militants despite treachery. A few of our number faired worse than others. Lady Ophelia is recovered. Matthias' words were wooden, completely devoid of emotion.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Other than meeting with Darne, Matthias will be resting.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Darry is dead. With all that has happened, it was a more honorable death than the deluded bastard deserved. Lady Ophelia is recovered, though the wretch ordered her death when we arrived. We won the duel, but at what cost? It played into the bastard's design. Matthias' voice is measured as he speaks, face absent of any outward expression, save for looking angry for a moment when he spoke Darry's name.

How fare you this ill morning?

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

I thought I was done with the joust, having lost to Ser Arryn of the Vale. Marcus was the last one in the tournament.

Matthias heads back to his tent to clean up, before heading to the Pavillion to meet with Lord Darne. Walking in, he gives Darne a thoughtful look, how much of Lord Domeric resides in you? Our House will need every bit of it in the coming weeks and months.

Lord Darne, Master Fain. Matthias greets, bowing slightly to Darne before nodding to Garran. He then takes a seat, sitting heavily, weary from both the battle and hearing of Lord Domeric's assassination.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Rio, though surprised at the payment up front, does not show it.

All right, Tek and Zach, mount up in the Mechs. Brintak, man the ship's guns.

Rio smoothly moves his hands over the helm controls, initiating a series of evasive maneuvers to make it harder for incoming fire to strike the Eclipse. Here we go Sunrunners. Rio says as he pushes the Eclipse to accelerate to full speed.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Matthias nods, slowly sheathing his blade, never taking his eye from the Guard Captain. Too true, Ser Marcus. I shall clean up then join you with Lord Darne.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

"Nor your leadership as Castellan." Matthias levels a withering look at the Guard Captain, "The standard of excellence demanded has been," Matthias voice fills with contempt, , forgotten and discarded. If their is something salvagable, I don't see it. Matthias' eyes pass over all of the guards before finally resting on the Guard Captain.

Intimidate: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 3) = 8

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

I'll keep that in mind Brintak. And don't be so optomistic. It's never a matter of if, but when. Rio respinds. His eyes widen at what's missing when the light dissipates. He shakes his head at the at comm chatter. Just once I wish we didn't have to work with someone that's S.O.S. Rio thinks to himself.

Always at least one hothead in the bunch. Rio says not quite under his breath to no one in particular.

Shield Company is going to get pounded. I agree, we stick with the Wolves. Though if I was the Wolves, I would've planned for something like Shield Company. Rio voices out loud.

Rio's voice changes, becoming calm and commanding as he issues orders to the Sunrunners and the Eclipse, Eclipse. Acknowledge our orders. Battlestations. Brintak, Tek, hop on guns. Linc, keep an eye on Ships defenses and engines. Zach, let's see if we can't find a weak point to target. Rio rapidly issues orders, his voice calm and cool, demeanor collected. Let's go earn our pay and show who the Sunrunners are.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Send'em our logs.

Looking at Tamm and Brintak, It's not an unusual request. If I was calling the shots, I'd want to know what my assets were and how best to use them for the biggest payoff. Rio cooly says.

As for orders, we wait and find out how they think we can be used. Then we figure out how to uae that to our advantage. I think we'll be bettwr suited for ground operations, but that remains to be seen.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

There's a surprise. Rio muses. Ok, patch us in.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Rio settles in to the Pilots seat, doing a final pre-flight checklist. All systems optimal, backups on stand-by, ready-to-go. Shields up, weapons on stand-by.

I'm showing all systems optimal. Rio says into the shipwide communications. Linc, mind doing a final visual inspection in Cargo. I want to make sure everything's secure just in case things get hairy. I've got a good feeling about this job. Rio out. Rio finishes as he releases the com.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Cool. We are ready to avoid assimilation, shoot Klingons off the starboard bow, not be exterminated, exceed lightspeed and go plad, use slipstream and spool up the FTL drives to find our next payday!

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

In a voice that is not loud, yet carries to everyone in the area, I swear that all Faith Militant found on House Naelareon lands or interfering with House Naelareon affairs shall be executed as heretics to the Seven and crimes against the people of Westeros.

Looking to Ser Marcus, speaking in the same tone of voice, Ser Marcus, what has occurred is neglect of the highest order. An example must be made for such dereliction of duties. Retraining, digging ditches, and sweating blood is not enough. It is not your training that is lacking.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Matthias looks to the sky, not wishing to follow Marcus into the tent. His hand absently clenching the hilt of his sword, knuckles bone white. He then turns and absently watches the men working to mount the corpse.

Dead?! Assassinated! Lord Domeric we are diminished without you. I swear, I will serve Darne to the best of my capacity. Darne may not be a warrior, but he will have the strength of the House you built and make it stronger still. All of Westeros will know the name- Matthias looks to Marcus, disturbed from his introspection at Marcus' tirade. He then walks, taking position next to Marcus, drawing his blade as he does so, holding it at an angle so that the point is down. Eyes locked on the Guard Captain.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Eclipse does sound pretty good. As nice a tie in to the Sunrunners as Lost Light.

I will be available off and on. Will do my best to post and keep up. Question Visnomner: What frequency of posting activity are you looking for from us?

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Matthias' jaw hardened at hearing of the attack, his eyes going wide at hearing of Lord Naelareon being struck down while lying in bed recovering from poison. He starts breathing hard, each breath clearly audible, veins begin to bulge along his neck, face turning red as he fights against the rage seeking release.

In a voice devoid of emotion, Send word off to Lord Darne of our victory. It may help with negotiations with the Ironborn. A sign of strength they will respect.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

I will bow out of the Equestrian competition, if we're even able to participate.

I pray the Seven and the Old Gods grant that Lord Naelareon's condition has improved.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

I know that the wrongs that have been committed against our House and others have been the deluded and dishonorable acts of the Faith Militant, I can't help but think that maybe they were directed to do the dirty work of someone else. I may be blowing snow, but it is in the realm of possibility with all the posturing and maneuvering of the nobles. The question is, who stands to gain?

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

I like Lost Light. Sort of fits with Sunrunners. However, Kestrel does have a nice ring to it.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

I'm all for Matthias' marriage, crushing the Faith Militant, and my personal story. Not sure how the rolls go for playing things out though. I will scour the book to get myself acquainted.

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