The Warlord |

Darne deals 4dmg x3 Dos =12 - 4 = 8dmg total
Disposition: Indifferent (DR 4)
Objective: Friendship
Initiative: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5) = 16
1 Reputation
Intrigue Defense 9
Composure: 1/9
"Father hopes I find a wife soon, but I'm not a great jouster, so I hope to do a good showing at the melee at least, and my charms in a not so bloody dance" drinking a bit before eating "You found any prospects Darne? a mischievous devil smile in his face.
Persuasion (Charm): 6d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 4) = 30 keep 4 22
3 DoS x4 = 12 dmg
No yield offer

Darne Naelareon |

I believe I can take two more frustration but then I'm pretty much shot so it'd be a last ditched effort...so might as well
Disposition: Indifferent (DR 4)
Objective: Friendship
Initiative:3d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 4) = 10
Intrigue Defense 9
Composure: 2/9
Yield: Further talks towards becoming friends.
"The joust is certainly not everything, though just getting out there and proving your bravery is good enough for some. I unfortunately do not see myself entering the melee, that hit that Lord Frey offered was most unforgiving and my sword arm will not be up to the task. Now, the dance...well I hope to at least show proper form there." he said before taking a bit of food and following it with drink. "Hmm...you could say I have a prospect, though I hope it has become more then that at present...I have begun attempting to court Lady Sofia Blackwood. I do hope that my reach hasn't exceeding my grasp in this...but I feel I've played my hand very very carefully and she is a fine woman regardless of her status." he offered, trying to be friendly and show him that he is honest in his intentions with him.
Persuasion Charm: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 1) + 2 = 5 I believe I take a -1D per frustration yes? Making my dice roll rather low. If that's not the case I'll add 3 more real quick
Full Persuasion Charm: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 2) = 8 Which is a 4 if the above is correct or a 9 if it's just a -1 penalty per frustration.

The Warlord |

Frustration: The other way to reduce outside Influence upon you is to accept a measure of frustration. Each point of frustration gained removes an amount of Influence equal to your Will rank. However, each point of frustration gained imposes –1D on all Deception and Persuasion tests for the duration of the intrigue. If your accumulated frustration exceeds your Will rank, you are defeated because you lose your Composure.
At the end of the intrigue, win or lose, all accumulated frustration is

Matthias Naelaron |

Remember, the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is poison, while the flagon with the dragon has the brew that is true. Bonus points for knowing the movie from which the quote comes.

Darne Naelareon |

With no yield offered, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna lose lest he has a very s#@+ty roll. I don't think I can even make a dent in him any further so he is likely to win. I'm not sure what his actual aim was though. I mean if it was the same then...yay? Or was it to increase my disposition to him vs me trying to increase his disposition to me kind of deal?

Darne Naelareon |

Hmm...sure why, I'm not sure what I would have to do to do such a thing. After reading the rules...I believe I simply roll a Status check against his base will then. Here goes nothing.
Status: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 5) = 11

The Warlord |

Welcome One and All
Lord Davian, in keeping with his desire that all enjoy the festivities of House Bartheld, is sponsoring a number of contests during the evening for the pleasure of the participants and the entertainment of his guests. Each contest carries a prize of 30SS for first place and 15SS for second. The Grand Prize winner will also receive a bonus prize of 50SS.
Costume Contest
Deception (Disguise) + Persuasion (Specialty appropriate for costume)
[You can use the 'take your time' rules for the Deception roll if you devote a slot to your costume before hand.]
Wrestling Contest
Fighting (Brawl) + Athletics (Strength)
Eating Contest
Endurance (Stamina) + Will (Dedication)
Juggling Contest
Agility (Quickness) + Thievery (Slight of Hand)

Ser Weyland Wylde |

Ser Weyland will attend the festivities once he has seen after Lady Ophelia glad to have her back safe if not entirely sound. Setting a few guards to watch his children who he brings with him to the contest, Weyland enters the Wrestling match followed by the Eating Contest. He enters to show his health is unaffected by whatever rumors persist of his condition after the events of the previous day.
Wrestling - Fighting + Athletics 7d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 1, 3, 5, 4, 1) = 22. Would be 9d6 but I am down to 1 Athletics still correct Warlord?
Eating Contest - Endurance + Will 8d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 2) = 19.
His makeshift Costume, a red Dragon, is poor but matches those of his sons, a family of three much like the Dragons of Old. Trying to make 3 costumes leaves little time for taking time!
Costume - Deception+Persuasion 5d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 5, 4) = 16.

Marcus Stormborn |

Marcus sighing at the contests and thinking if he should take part at all but in the end decides that at least eating should not pose so much danger for now. Fighting would be a bad idea for his health, at least for now. Costume contest... well, Marucs never really had any idea about such things but maybe he could pose as a famous figure. Looking for a tools and blankets for later Marcus began to design his costume.
Taking his place among the seats and taking care to not over do it, Marcus start to stuff himself with food slowly but surely
Eating Contest: 6d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 4) = 23
As the fighting part came Marcus took a part but feebled through it and tried to prevent his wounds from opening again, deciding to just give some small love taps before moving out from the event as to not getting more seriously injured
Fighting Contest: 7d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4) = 17 keep 5
Later during the contest Marcus would dwell back but this time resembling more the legendary figure or at least trying to, "Aegon Targaryen, The Conqueror" with his costume and some stuffing done here and there.
Deception Contest: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 6, 6, 1) = 25

Matthias Naelaron |

Feeling a bit more settled after spending some time with the Keaths, he makes arrangements with Lady Sosan to attend the ball with her before departing for the distractions of Lord Davian's contests. After considering what the contests entail, Matthias takes part in each.
Eating Contest: 8d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 3) = 24 total of 22 Keep 7
Wrestling Contest: 7d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 4, 3, 1, 6) = 29
Juggling Contest: 5d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 4, 6) = 26 total of 22 -1d flaw
For his costume, he makes himself up to be the Huntsman of House Naelareon, Garran.
Costume Contest: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 2, 6) = 16

Marcus Stormborn |

well, since we got the whole "marriage-episode" on, I am pretty sure Marcus does have some interest still towards Darry girl. Would be an interesting thing to find out

Darne Naelareon |

Darne tries his best to put together a lavish attire and makes a costume of a Baavosi Noble. He goes around pretending to be quite the fop, looking like he's trying to woo the menfolk. I believe that this a correct...stereotype yes? Ends up being a 29. The rest are what they are.
Costume Contest: 4d6 + 6d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 4) + (4, 4, 5, 3, 5, 2) = 34
Wrestling Contest: 3d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3) + (5, 2) = 20
Eating Contest: 3d6 + 3d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 2) + (3, 4, 1) = 22
Juggling Contest: 3d6 + 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4) + (5, 6, 3) = 23

Garran Fain |

Garran has no real skill at making costumes, he finds such activities fun, and so manages to make himself a wolf mask, as befits his huntsman profession.
Costume Contest: 5d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 1, 6, 2) = 15
He avoids participating in other contests, as given the recent events, he remains on his guard for the evening.

The Warlord |

A large portion of the Bartheld encampment has been fenced off with fine velvet rope, marking the outer limits of the masked ball for the nobility and their personal guests. Gaily colored lanterns light up the area, while still leaving significant parts suggestively shadowed.
A large central pavilion is the venue for feasting, drinking and much hobnobbing. It is here that the steady stream of guests comes to be announced to their Bartheld hosts, but it is a most curious form of introduction that the herald provides. A typical introduction might be: "My lords Bartheld, honored guests. We are now joined by...a Parrot and his Dread Pirate!"
The pavilion opens out onto a large open air dance floor, where skilled musicians play pieces both old and new, to delight dancers of all ages and levels of fitness. Scattered around the encampment, far enough apart so as not to disturb each other, are mummers of every type, from fire-eaters and jugglers to singers that will play any song a guest may care to request. An amusingly risqué puppet show draws many watchers, and everyone is eagerly awaiting the promised jousting dwarfs.
The whole affair is kept running by a small army of liveried serving staff, who are in constant rotation to make sure that no one runs out of drink or food. Watching over everyone are Bartheld guardsmen, resplendent in polished armor and newly washed surcoats.
So Spake Herald Harlan!
(Early Evening]
As the guest continue to arrive, Darne is noticed, but left in peace hie does not need more attention than he has.
"My lords and ladies, House Bartheld is honored by the attendance The White Hart, a Red Fox, and the Starry Sky itself!"
"...a Fat Fool and a Coldbrook Stallion!"
"Honored guests, my lords Bartheld, guard your eyes well this night, for a fearsome White Walker now stalks this merry feast!"
After a few more came, the Herald made his pick to announce leaving some guest in peace or ignominy.
[Mid Evening]
So Spake Herald Harlan
Herald Harlan raises a single sceptical eyebrow at the next guest to arrive, a tall, lean man in a simply beastly mask. "Gentle sirs and ladies fair, House Bartheld is pleased to extend its fabled hospitality to one and all this fine evening, even unto a...umm...Small But Vicious Dog?"
"...welcomes the Sea Hawk and his fair companion, Ladyhawke!"
"My lords Bartheld, a visitor from distant lands, the Cockatrice of Gargalen...who appears to have brought his own food," he finishes with an unsubtle nod to the black snake.
"A murder of crows, or is it mosquitoes, descends upon House Bartheld's feast! Nay, they are neither, but not even the Maesters could tell what manner of beasts these are, so House Bartheld welcomes instead Lord Longsnout and his doppelgangers!"
"Noble sers, guard your fair ladies well, for House Bartheld's revel is afflicted by savagery from the mysterious East! A fearsome White Lion and a Horse Witch from the Haunted Lands of Essos join us this night!"

Ser Weyland Wylde |

Ser Weyland will mingle with the crowd in his Dragon costume with the boys for a while. As the sun begins to set he send them home with a soldier and begins to look for Ser Jon Roxton amid the crowd. His eyes though will move towards Darne frequently knowing that the young Lord must be watched after now more than ever before.

Marcus Stormborn |

Moving around the party and exchanging some polite greetings with other guests Marcus keeps his eyes open to see if he could spot Tylea Darry.
Wanting to continue their talk and see what is maybe become of the situation as of lately and to prope the grounds a bit. It has been a long time since there was other things to worry or think about outside of training the soldiers, well-being of hamlet and his lord that maybe, well, maybe he should try to think something else
Awareness: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 5) = 11

Ser Weyland Wylde |

Perception 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 1, 4) = 14

Darne Naelareon |

While Darne wouldn't be looking for anyone in particular, he would be keeping an eye on who comes close to him to make his 'enemies' aren't trying anything. And possible for Lady Blackwood
Perception: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 5) = 15 For once....my perception is decent o.o
Darne plays a bit of the fool as he watches the others carefully, keeping his eyes open for any I'll intentions or a lovely lady.

Ser Weyland Wylde |

Ser Weyland approaches the WhiteWalker, "This may be the first time two such figures of myth have met in person", he jests. "Good to see you Ser Jon, a fine costume idea. It is a shame you did not see my sons, with their costumes matching mine we were a set of three red dragons. As you know, wearing the colors of other dragons gives an impression that may not suit the tastes of one side or another here in attendance..."

The Warlord |

You do find lady Blackwood, she is disguised as a mountain lion
"Best you fear me then knave! I'm twice the monster to be feared" he jests back with Ser Weyland "I saw the little dragons, it was not very amusing to the real dragons, but fitting I suppose, now people will wonder what dragon were you mocking or supporting even if it wasn't your intention that's why some people have a bit of green and some black. Then you have those that don't give a f$#* or neutral"

Marcus Stormborn |

Walking slowly towards the person with orange color and fox mask, a small smile or rather grin appears on Marcus face "I have only heard about foxes, which look like fire in autumn frolicking through the forest and enjoying the time. Where I come from we usually see or another way said, we do not see, foxes due to their white colours. Beautiful white, as in pure and just a mirror of nature and snow itself, silently running through and you would not see it. Some think they are legends along direwolves but what do I know. Maybe a cousin of them could tell me if it is true or not?" speaking the last words with bit humour in them

Darne Naelareon |

Darne eventually tires of his playful act in his costume before making his way over to Lady Sofia and smiling "You look like quite the fine specimen, I dare say I may have to call for a hunt." he said in a teasing and playful manner but quietly so as not to offend or embarrass her too terribly.

The Warlord |

Lady Sosan is dressed like a Hag with a mask of a twisted leering woman and a luring dress.
"Well then, she says with a smile shall we dance oh peerless hunter" her eyes piercing and you are no longer quite sure who is hunting who!
"I've seen the fur of white foxes, but never more than a glimpse" shrugging her shoulders "If there be dragons, I'm sure it's easier to believe there are direwolves, you must keep an open mind" she smiled "I'm pleased you returned, but it saddens me we lost a Darry to the Faith Militant swords"
Changing the subject abruptly "I heard a rumor that the Ser Ereth is challenging my brother for the hand of lady Ophelia?"

Marcus Stormborn |

A surprised look appears on Marcus face due to this new rumour before the same calm look returns and answers "That is some interesting news even for me. As far as I saw it and understood, Ser Ereth just helped lady Ophelia to come back like we all but as in to the possibility of them marrying, I would not really fathom it. I will however speak with my Lord about this since it is still a thing, no one wants" Marcus finishes and looks around at the others
Turning his head slowly and looking at the fox "What about you? How are you feeling or doing? Yesterday... was quite hectic as I understood and no harm has come upon to you or your family, I hope so." and as an afterthough Marcus slowly speaks about "... and... I am pleased to hear you worrying about me"

Matthias Naelaron |

Taking care to approach her cautiously, Matthias makes his way to Lady Sosan.
"Such espièglerie! I am afraid I must put a stop to you chicanery." Matthias says mischievously, with a smile that touches his eyes.

The Warlord |

"Hectic is a nice way to put it, and yes I did worry about you, after all you are to be my husband, might as well get used to the idea and worrying comes with it after all. You do have to think of this things now, you have someone that depends on you and it's not your lord either!"
Some hushed words at the barely passable performance of Darne's dancing and muffled laugh, yet lady Blackwood seems to not care and she is enjoying herself.
"Best you run away, lest you think this body my lure you to your death" she winks and blushes a bit as she passes a hand through her body in a tempting manner "Then again a hag wouldn't show her face until it's to late for you to notice" revealing a more beautiful mask of white porcelain that covers here entire face except her eye. The mask has beautiful features and not to far from what her face really looks like "I'm in need of a knight that will rescue me from peril! I have heard of lions and other barbarians in this gathering" simple words like a play, a courtly game and she acts the part, apparently she was prepared or is preparing Ser Matthias for something.

Ser Weyland Wylde |

"Best you fear me then knave! I'm twice the monster to be feared" he jests back with Ser Weyland "I saw the little dragons, it was not very amusing to the real dragons, but fitting I suppose, now people will wonder what dragon were you mocking or supporting even if it wasn't your intention that's why some people have a bit of green and some black. Then you have those that don't give a f+!~ or neutral"
Ser Weyland shrugs, "I am no Lord of a House to mock Dragons or throw support behind one or another.
House Wylde and I have parted ways so I speak not for them. House Naelareon, to whom I have pledged my blade, is neutral.
My costume was a nod of respect to the Beasts themselves and not intended to offend Dragons of another color.
Amazing is it not, how easy it has become to offend these days? If they wish to know they can ask me, I am rather easy to speak with and not difficult to find. Tell me Ser Jon, what is your opinion on the events of the past few treachery filled days?"

Matthias Naelaron |

Matthias' eyes widen slightly at Lady Sosan's brazenness, before mastering himself. His smile widening, voice husky, Beast or man, all here are powerless in the face of such Beauty. No, it would seem that the peril is mine. Matthias steps close, taking her hand in his. Smiling warmly, May I have the honor of a dance?

The Warlord |

"Well Ser Weyland, you are the son of the Master of Laws, and serving in another House can be interpreted as an agent of your father, but then again, it's a time were people want to know how strong their allies and enemies are and who they are" shrugging his shoulders "It was probably the Faith militant doing, if not they will be held accountable so many people can save face and a readily available escape goat"
Ser Matthias and lord Darne are now in the dance floor, accompanied by a white lion and a huntress, the silver hawks, a shadow cat and a bear. and three more couples with complex masks.

Marcus Stormborn |

Just playing some Game of Trones on PS4 and daaamn, am I taken away by it. Whole Forrester family thing plus how the characters are interracting (although it is pretty much linear in someway)
Considering spoken words Marcus silently looks at Tylia and finally nodding "You are absolutely right. Most of things has been avoiding me due to circumstances but now with marriage, I guess its about a time to give some thought about others."
Looking over the dancefloor and then back at soon-to-become-wife "What would you say if we had some otherkind of battlefield in front of us, without bloodshed? I have never fancied myself as a... delicate dancer but everyone needs to face everything at somepoint or another." as a small smile again appears on Marcus face "and it is always the most assuring feeling, when you have a trusted "ally" near you to help you out"

Matthias Naelaron |

You look lovely this evening. I hope my approaching your Father about my intentions has not caused any difficulties for you. Matthias says as he guides Lady Sosan around the dance floor.

Ser Weyland Wylde |

"Yes they may well be scapegoats, vicious bloodthirsty scapegoats but scapegoats nonetheless. Whether there is a force behind them or they act on their own remains to be seen. As I understand it, House Naelaron slew their leader yesterday so we'll get no answers from him".
"In these dark times it is best to have more friends than enemies. Perhaps an alliance between Roxton and Naelaron? I cannot speak for House Wylde, at least no longer but I can make introductions to my Brother if you wish".

The Warlord |

Lady Darry is more than a match for any lady in the dance floor, while she cannot seem as a jet black raven that attracts most of the attention and the white maned lion gentleman, she is no slouch.
None what so ever" Sosan smiles "I'm surprised your House even showed interested in one like mine, even if I'm just the third born daughter, at least I marry for love and not just as a tool"
"I'm a third born son Ser Weyland, all honor I make is for house Roxton, so I don't see who can control that rabble of fanatics.Regarding an alliance, I think your House needs to pick a proper color for that to happen Ser Weyland, then we can have this talk again" clear interest in an alliance, but House Naelareon remains neutral and not green.

Darne Naelareon |

Dance: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 1) = 10
Darne did his best to show that he was at least competent in the ways of ballroom etiquette. As they are dancing he smiles at her "You make for a delightful partner, you've surprised me with your demeanor I must say. I am glad to see you smiling and enjoying yourself, how fares your father with all the recent...activity? How have you been my dear with all the nastiness over?" he asked politely and quietly between the two as they danced.

Matthias Naelaron |

To be honest I had no intention of seeking an alliance with any house, let alone a marriage. This tourney has enlightened to much, and I've no wish to be drawn into a fool's quest for power. Seeing a kindred spirit in you brought me clarity. Matthias responds ernestly.

The Warlord |

"We lost a great retainer, so not very well and some wounded" as she continues to dance and making Darne loo better than he really is. The comments and memory of the events did not sit well with her and her silence speaks volumes for it.
"I don't know about kindred spirits, but I think the seven have a plan for us" she chuckles [b]"Fool's quest for power, I can already see it, the knight that sought to be the greatest one" a gentle smile "I won't mind following such a fool as long as he is true to me and himself" and squinting her eyes "Loyal too!" her cheeks glow red.