Song of Ice and Fire: Dragons at War (Inactive)

Game Master Deiros

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Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne is indeed thankful for her stellar dancing skills making him look better. He looks a bit upset that he brought up a subject that made her upset. "Forgive me my dear, I should not have brought it up. I only hoped that I would hear that my actions had brought you comfort." he said softly as they danced.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2
The Warlord wrote:
"I'm a third born son Ser Weyland, all honor I make is for house Roxton, so I don't see who can control that rabble of fanatics.Regarding an alliance, I think your House needs to pick a proper color for that to happen Ser Weyland, then we can have this talk again"

"As am I Ser Jon, you and I have much in common though we have traveled very different roads, you displaying much more wisdom than I, to my own detriment. I shall speak about this with Lord Naelaron before I approach you again".

With that Weyland takes his leave and look for Maid Dainis Charlton next all the while keeping an eye out for his own Father and Brother.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9
The Warlord wrote:


"I don't know about kindred spirits, but I think the seven have a plan for us" she chuckles "Fool's quest for power, I can already see it, the knight that sought to be the greatest one" a gentle smile "I won't mind following such a fool as long as he is true to me and himself" and squinting her eyes "Loyal too!" her cheeks glow red.

Matthias looks deep into Sosan's, I will always be true. Loyalty is its companion.

Lady Sofia smiles "They do, just not all of them, and we shall see if you are as graceful dancer as you are in other place" her face or what it can be seen does not betray nothing and leaves it ambiguous to make you think her meaning.

Ser Weyland does find lady Dainis in a charcoal black costume that looks like she is literally a charcoal with red lines of fire crossing randomly through her, no luck in his father or brother, at least for Ser Weyland...

Lady Sosan breaks etiquette for a moment kissing Matthias, which brings murmurs, some approving, some not.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Matthias is caught off guard when Sosan kisses him. Unable to help himself, his face reddens a bit. When she pulls back from the kiss, Well, er, yes. That was, umm, most nicely stated. Matthias says as words fall from his mouth in an almost nonsensical flood, not quite sure how to respond at first. Thank you. Though, perhaps we should be a bit more reserved. No need to make those who disapprove more jealous than they have already expressed. His voice matching the warmth and affection in the smile plain for all to see.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

"My Lady. My apologies for my abrupt departure the other night, something did not quite agree with me. How do you fare this evening? Let me guess at your costume, are you the living embodiment of red hot desire?"

Ser Weyland
"Well I heard of your honeyed words, just never thought were true after the way you left the other night" she smiles "What has the dragon been up to, hoarding some treasure and now a damsel in distress" chuckling and putting her arm around yours "Let's walk around I tire of the same preying eyes"

Sosan can only smile "Well let them then, they can rot in it while they are at it too"

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

"Even Dragons can be waylaid by mysterious forces such was my predicament. I assure you, nothing I have done since I left you has been as pleasant as returning to see you".

Ser Weyland strolls with her to the edge of the room looking for privacy.

"I do not see you as a damsel my dear, you are much too willful for that. Beware the villain that seeks to take advantage of you! I imagine you would put them in their place. Tell me, how have you found this Tourney thus far?"

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne gave a a look of curiosity "Oh, am I expected for another dance elsewhere? I'll have to let my steward know so I am sure to show up. Don't want to have another appointment and all..." he said with a bit of a mischievous voice.

"I find it interesting Ser Weyland, and as a Charlton, not many villains would come near me" she speaks in a matter of fact way.

"Well lord Darne, that depends entirely on you"

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

"I suppose they would not at that.

What has been your favorite part of the festivities thus far my dear?"

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

So, how would you prefer to pursue matters? Matthias asks, Would you prefer to get a measure of who I am with me spending time at your family's home? Get to know me in the comfort of more familiar surroundings? Or would you travel with me?

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne chuckles a bit at her answer "It's on me? Well, I do love a good party. Tell me, which one are we referring to?"

Ser Weyland
"Jousting is always very exiting, and a proper ball is always fun and delightful to have Ser Weyland"

Sosan thinks for a moment "Normally better to travel with you, so I get accustomed to life in Naelareon lands where I would be"

She has no answer to the question, but a smile.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

"A ball is certainly that much better when with present company", he smiles at her.

"I do have a more serious question, have you heard of any rumors of these recent spate of attacks on the Noble Houses?"

"The Faith Militant is just a constant reminder of our past mistakes that has come back to haunt us Ser Weyland, and every time we pay a heavy price"

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Weyland just nods at her in agreement though he is not sure he himself agrees with the assessment.

"What is the road ahead for you after this Tournament is over my Lady? What are your hopes and dreams?"

"Do my duty to my House, but really find someone I want to marry, preferably a decent man, but is living in peace to much now a days?" she wonders

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

"I fear we will be at war soon my Lady. I too wish to find someone to marry. It is not easy to escape one's past and I have my Boys to consider. By the Light of the Seven I have had my eyes open so very recently.

I can only hope that a woman of good character can look past transgressions to the future of what could be".

"That will depend on the man and his action, proof of what he says is true and no woman would deny him"

Ser Weyland has been challenged to show proof of his change of ways, and not with word but deed.

Wrap up mode

The night was calm, people were able to let go of their troubles as peace and what should have been was, an event to remember. House Bartheld party lives up to the expectations and maybe some more for those new to such things.

Perhaps this is the calm to the storm then?
Perhaps peace and normalcy has finally returned?

Destiny-P: 0 | Intrique: 9 Composure: 9 / Combat-Defense: 7 Health: 11/11 Armor: 9 information: House Naelareon

Day 8: Early Morning

Waking up early with the raising sun, Marcus begin his normal activities. Washing his face and preparing for the coming event in the mid-day as a leader of the group.

Sharpening his sword while listening last night events from the guard and going through the to-do list. Moving towards the pavillion of the House Naelaron.

"Lord Darne, may I request a moment of your time? I would like to go through today orders and if we should do preparation for today? Also should I assume that Lady Naelareon will be joining your company?

Was this the Grandmelee event, where we had the group and working against other groups?

Today is the melee day!

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne had started on his way out of the tent dressed in his finery and a bit of protection. He was of course caught by Marcus on his way out. He halted and adjusted his tunic while he listened to what the man had to say. "Ah, I can spare a moment. I was off to see my sister in person given that she didn't respond to a summons. I figured early morning was best as she enjoys the luxuries of sleeping in a bit...I think." he said before responding to his later question. "I imagine mother shall, also send a missive to House Blackwood offering an invitation to make the Grand Melee into a luncheon/meeting for everyone to get to know each other better. I'm not completely confident that they will except but it would be a delightful occasion to get to know them better. I feel bad that I won't be able to join the rest of you in the melee." he said somberly.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Day 8: Early Morning

Weyland breaks his fast early so that he can walk around and test his health level. The Grand Melee was this day and he certainly did not wish to miss it!

As he walks the grounds he sees Marcus and Darne speaking and approaches, "Alone you are off to see your sister alone? I think not, I will escort you. Let me get myself ready and I will join you. I do need to be back before the afternoon though Lord Darne as my son is competing in the squire melee".

Yes Darne would not go very far in the Melee... specially wounded.

Grand Melee contestants signed up

Lord Haigh Bracken
Lord Forrest Frey
Lord Bryan Blackwood
Lord Petyr Mallister

Ser Weyland Wylde - (Pending)
Ser Tyron Blackwood
Ser Wyll Bracken
Ser Jaime Mallister

Ser Hugo Rivers
Ser Jayse Paege
Ser Varlo Darry
Ser Rendal Erenford
Toren Ulryden
Ser Tygor Lugus
Ser Alayne Vance
Ser Tom Piper

Teams of 4 men (Each led by a Lord, since those 4 choose to participate they will lead their own teams)

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne turned and looked at Ser Weyland "I can understand your concern, I had planned to ask for a guard or two but if you're willing to come along I think that will be well enough." He looked back and forth between the men before him. "Do we have anyone left in the Grand Melee. Marcus, I believe you earned leadership for the event yes? Do you still feel up to it after the rescue?" he asked trying to keep everything in mind after all that has happened.

Destiny-P: 0 | Intrique: 9 Composure: 9 / Combat-Defense: 7 Health: 11/11 Armor: 9 information: House Naelareon

Considering his lords words for a moment before giving his answers "I do feel myself more comfortable with my blade and body although there are still effects lingering. But that should not be a problem as long as there is some efficient teamfighting" Marcus voices his opinion

"I will of course see Maester Lucen soon to get a better opinion of my conditions but otherwise all is well my Lord. I will send one of my men to carry message to your Mother and one to House Blackwood as you requested" as Marcus salutes in the end and nods to Ser Weyland

I had from the duel of Seven 3 Wounds. Not sure how well healed Marcus is in the end

A wound takes -1D from all your dice pools, unless you have injuries? those impose a -1 to all rolls. The best Maester can do is remove 1 wound a month with light physical activity in your part, the injuries can go at a rate of 1 a day or 2 in a particular awesome roll, I do not recommend participating, but that is up to you.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

"Yes I wish to see Maester Lucen as well, I wish to know what it is that laid me so low and how it may ave been ingested..."

He salutes back to Marcus, "I feel not well at all but I would rather lose in the Melee than simply forfeit my position..." He whispers to the Castellan.

Walking with Darne:
Weyland whispers to Darne, I spoke with Jon Roxton last night My Lord. He and his House are interested in an alliance but only if the colors we fly are Green..."

I can do some diagnosis and heal injuries, wounds take 1 month to heal per book (I think) so there aint much he can do and will say no to both of you participating

Destiny-P: 0 | Intrique: 9 Composure: 9 / Combat-Defense: 7 Health: 11/11 Armor: 9 information: House Naelareon

I thought I had posted a response to that but somehow I missed that and on my own delusions

Thinking for a moment after the meeting with Maester Lucen while sending the messages to both Lady Naelareon as well to House Blackwood.

Looking at his sword resting next to him Marcus came to a decision. Rising slowly up and moving up to leave his tent to inform that he would not take part to the Grand Melee tournament and giving the leadership to someone else. "Hm.. No honor is there to be gained while being injured and what use is it to go there pride" pondering to himself as Marcus keeps going through the daily routines

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne listened to what Ser Weyland said but shook his head "Currently I have no intentions of striking the banner of the house to any one color. We have a lot of feelers out as far as alliances are concerned and there is a lot of information and strategy that will needed to be discussed come the closing of the faire. I will not go into this war blindly and I don't go into this by myself. The family and its allies are affected by the decision and I will not make a decision until I have heard all voices loud and clear and weighed them with their merit. " he said a bit matter of factly as they made their way to see his sister.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Weyland nods to Darne, "Understood, I figured that such knowledge would be useful to you in the decision making process. If my understanding is correct, the Greens already see Matthias as a potential ally.

I have placed feelers as to a potential marriage for myself with one of the lesser Houses allied with the Frey's to hopefully diffuse some of the tensions resulting from our encounters with them here at the Tourney.

On a different subject, tell me, do you believe I should participate in the Melee despite my, condition?"

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne stopped for a moment and looked at Ser Weyland. He took a few moments to think before he answered "You wish to be wed, tell me then. What would you want your new bride and her family to think? That you are a man of honor who fought at great personal risk and succeeded...or would you prefer them to think of your possible poor performance and the fool hardiness of entering a competition that could take your life at anything but your best? Personally, if I were to give a daughter away, I'd give it to the first man over the latter any day." he said waiting for Ser Weyland's reply before beginning to walk again.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Weyland winces, "Point taken. I simply hate to be sidelined but I suppose there is nothing for it..." He continues walking with Darne in silence.

No participant in the melee then? Players have their time free to engage NPC's or players until the next event of the day which is the celebration of the joust champion and "end" of tournament and stay in Riverrun... or it ;)

Darne, let me know when you are done conversing with other PC's unless they are traveling with you to visit your sister, since the guard will stop and announce you, etc...

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Sadly no, no participation, damn poison! I will be accompanying Darne to the visit with his sister.

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

I believe that the PC talking is done.

The House Banefort pavilion looks somewhat out of place, a regal yet haunting experience it seems, with a few hooded knights inside, but you are topped by the men at the entrance.

Once they announce you, a burly men picking his nose comes, dressed as a nobleman.

"My lord and his future lady wife are currently absent lord Darne, perhaps you could wait for them or go meet them in the outskirts were they are having some refreshments"

Destiny-P: 0 | Intrique: 9 Composure: 9 / Combat-Defense: 7 Health: 11/11 Armor: 9 information: House Naelareon

Hm, thinking what to do in the meantime

Preparing his clothes for the day and otherwise taking care of his wounds, Marcus sits outside watching the normal procedures of Hosue Naelareon camp before a thought comes to his mind.

Might as well give a visit to the House Tully library to see if there is something worthwhile to see and read for a while before getting back for later event. Looking around and informing his Guard Captains about his destination before taking off

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne frowns slightly before thinking for a moment and smiling "I would not wish to dampen a nice outing with such conversation as is unfortunate to be brought this morning. I'll wait if you'll have me, no need for any fuss over us." he said being polite.

"Not a problem lord Darne, the lord of the Banefort is here if you wish to converse with him instead?"

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Weyland stands next to Darne remaining silent at the moment simply being vigilant.

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne smiled "Hmm, I would be delighted of course provided he wishes to take the time to speak to me or if he would enjoy the company then I will of course be happy to oblige." he said before looking sidelong at Ser Weyland and noting his rather vigilant demeanor.

Darne and Weyland are shown into the pavilion to meet the lord of the Banefort which is overseeing the daily training of his men with an ironfist, with a small group of hooded men carrying great swords... the hooded knights of the Banefort. Elite personal guards to the Banefort lords.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Weyland watches the training with interest but allows Darne to speak first as he is the Lord after all.

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne watches quietly for a bit as he sees the men being put thru their paces. He waits a few minutes before stepping forwards and politely speaking up "Your men are in excellent form, I'm happy to see that my sister and perhaps soon to be brother in law will be safe to say the least. How has your house fared so far in this faire?" he said trying to keep the subject light and good natured to start.

"Lord Darne, an honor to have you as a guest, soon as family how is your father? Was hoping to eventually go through the details of the wedding with him at some point. Your sister and my son look great together" he looks back at his men "We had no issues, the people still remember the hooded men of house banefort and they are naturally fearful, plus this is a show of strength more than anything. I heard Ser Marcus does rather well, fine sword for your House lord Darne"

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne had a slight pause before answering the lord's question. "He is not doing well, his health hasn't been the best in the last few years and all this excitement has been a bit much for him. I am glad to hear that your house fared so well. Unfortunately with all the excitement that has gone on during all this celebration we've had to withdraw from all the fun." he said as he watched the hooded men.

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