
Marcus Sarius's page

42 posts. Alias of XanaverForgedawn.

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There's been dragons here since long as I remember. Little Jimmy down the street got too close to a red one. Never saw him again.

This is a campaign about a world where dragons are common. Everybody is associated with dragons, whether they be riders or slayers.


4d6 drop lowest or 20 point buy.
No occult or technology classes.
15 rp or lower races.
Start at level 3.
Start with 1 mythic rank.
No variant multiclassing.
No background skills.

Everybody chooses a type of dragon. You get to choose if you are a slayer or rider.
Slayers get favored enemy bonuses against their type of chosen dragon with their total level being treated as their ranger level.
Riders get an egg corresponding to the type of dragon they chose.

Feel free to chat and ask questions in here.

Dot when you're ready.

Ask any questions here.

Dot in here when you're ready.

So I've only read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, but I've been seeing Tolkien themed games, and I've wanted to run one with the Pathfinder system.

Character Creation:

Your race choices are:
& Halflings (Which may be flavored as hobbit)

You can choose any class, but I'm less likely to accept divine casters (Except druids, as skinchanging was shown)

Starting Gold: 100 GP
Starting Level: 1
Background Skills: Yes
Variant Multi-Classing: No
Piece-Mail Armor: Yes
2 Traits

Hope to see some great submissions!

This campaign is going to be about fighting Golems and Colossi. The campaign will be formatted like an adventure path, but will be pretty hard.

Character Creation:

25 Point Buy or
4d6, reroll ones, then drop the lowest

Any official class or allowed 3pp content
Starting Level 5

Core Races, Android, Kasatha, Kitsune, Drow (Not Noble), and Orc are all allowed

You will be starting a MT 1

Variant Rules Allowed
Background Skills
Piece-mail Armor
Variant Multiclassing

Allowed 3pp Content
Spheres of Power
Ultimate Psionics

Take 2 regular traits
You can take an extra trait for every drawback you take

10000 starting GP

Hope to see some good submissions!

Dot in here if you're selected.

Dot in here if you're selected.

Can a Kasatha Magus make 3 longsword attacks, and still use Spell Combat?
Can spellstrike be applied to multiple melee attacks in a round?
Can spellstrike be applied to AoOs?
And can a Kasatha gunslinger wield multiple guns?

So I had an idea for a sandbox game, where you jump between hundreds of small pocket dimensions, chasing bad guys and grabbing artifacts

Character Creation:

4d6, reroll ones, drop lowest or 25 point buy
Start at level 5
You can play any race (excluding drider, drow noble, sniverblin, and duergar noble), or make a 15 RP race (Yes, I'm sure, just give me a story)
You can play any class
2 traits
Yes to background skills
Optimizing is fine
10000 starting gp, spend it wisely
Yes to variant multiclassing

Post away

Dot in here with your character if you've been accepted.

If you've been selected dot in here with your character.

All races except duergar royal, drow noble, sniveblin, drider, and gargoyles.
All classes are allowed.
All archetypes are allowed.
25 point buy, or 4d6 reroll ones, drop lowest in this thread.
500 starting gold.

Cade Goodbarrel and Kargas Stormscar have been accepted already.

So a while ago, an Unearthed Arcana article came out with the Rune Caster prestige class.

So now I'm converting old prestige classes to 5e, & making some old classes as prestige classes.

Any PrCs you would like to see? I'm looking for suggestions on popular ones to convert.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just thought this would be fun.

I'll provide a few here, let's see if we can get this to 1000.

1. UES Contact Light
2. Angel's Wing
3. 983 Starwing

I'm gonna make a table out of the first 1000 so people have a bunch of random ship names.

Feel free to talk in here.

Dot in here when you're ready.

I only buy the pdfs of the products & was wondering. Are the pdf files coming out at the same time as the hard copies?

I've never played pfs before, & had a question. Is Kasatha a legal race? Just want a straight answer, not a link to the additional resources.

A while ago, I made a steampunk campaign, but totally forgot to close recruitment & select players, so it died in the womb. The system was broken anyways.

The campaign is set in a steampunk world of airships. The races are quite different, so a small description of their culture is included in their spoilers. You will be playing as pirates.

Before anything, I would like to warn that your class options are restricted by race.

Character Creation:

Your race options are listed in their own spoilers below. Every race is modified heavily, so really, they're all homebrew.
Your class options are listed in the race spoilers.
Start at level 5.
10000 starting gp.
Any alignment is allowed.
No archetypes. Sorry.
For stats, either 4d6, drop lowest, or 20 point buy.


ASI: One score of your choice increases by 2.
Size: Medium.
Bonus Feat: You gain an extra feat.
Bonus Skills: At each level, you get an extra skill rank.
Speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common.

Class Choices: Fighter, Barbarian, Rogue, & Gunslinger.

Humans are an unorganized mess of a culture. Their only big achievement is guns. They're chaotic, & most feel little kinship. Pirates are very frequent among them.


ASI: Orcs get a +2 to their strength.
Size: Medium.
Darkvision: Orcs have darkvision 60 ft.
Intimidating: Orcs get a +2 bonus to intimidation checks. Intimidate is always a class skill, & they start with a free rank in it.
Speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common & Orc.

Class Choices: Fighter, Barbarian, Paladin, & Cleric.

Orcs are a warlike species, but have managed to set aside their differences with the Magi. They believe firmly in a code of honor, & abide by it at all times. Pirates are outcast among them.


ASI: Magi get a +2 to intelligence.
Size: Medium.
Master Spellcasters: Magi are considered to have +2 to their spellcasting ability for determining bonus spells.
Speed: 40 ft.
Languages: Common & Elven.

Class Choices: Magus, Wizard, & Sorcerer.

The Magi are the only common race capable of magic. They have a diverse culture, & are the most civilized creatures. They spend the majority of their time studying. Pirates are infrequent among them, but they aren't shunned.

Deity Choices:

This is only important to Paladins & Clerics.

Domains: Glory, Law, Protection, Strength, & War.

Domains: Air, War, & Weather.

Domains: Glory, Good, Law, & War.

Domains: Charm, Healing, & Nobility.

Feel free to talk here.

Dot here when you're ready.

This is for the AP found here

Character Creation Rules:

Gestalt See here.
Any offical paizo classes, races, & archetypes are allowed, but no race builder. Use the unchained versions of classes.
1000 starting gold.
No magic items can be bought with starting gold except potions.
1 campaign trait & 2 other non-campaign traits.
Background skills are used. I recommend "Profession Black Market" because of the AP.
Choose up to 2 crimes. Your character can be wicked. (I'm sorry about that)

Allowed 3pp Content:

Anything from the Way of the Wicked books is allowed.
I'm also allowing the book In the Company of Dragons.

Post when you are ready.

Don't mind this. Move along.

I'm a starting dm, & i'm looking to find some fun content for my games. Any suggestions?

Stuff I Already Have:

In the Company of Dragons

That's all

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello. This is my first PbP GMing experience. I'm going to GM a custom campaign setting & I'm looking for some players. The setting is in a giant hurricane, caused by a great cataclysm years ago. You're a bunch of pirates. (Or if nobody wants to play pirates, people who go around fighting demons.)

Character Creation:

For character creation, I'm only allowing 6 races. Those races are human, orc, dwarf, & elf. The other two allowed are half-elf & half-orc.

For orcs, they believe in norse mythology, & all the other races are atheist.

Now for class restrictions.
No 3pp. Don't ask.
Only elves are allowed to play arcane spell-casters. They are the only race capable of magic.
Only orcs are allowed to play divine spell-casters, since they're the only ones with religion.
Don't even ask about occult.
No psionics.
Ask about any classes not in core & not mentioned above. You don't have to ask about magus or gunslinger though. I like those too very well.
Don't even ask about occult.

Either do 4d6, drop the lowest, or 25 point buy. Your choice.
Starting at level 1.

Feel free to post any questions I didn't answer.

I'm currently looking for a PbP campaign to join. I only have a few requirements, 1st being that I enjoy playing a magus/gunslinger multi-class or gestalt. Either is fine. 2nd is that I want to play a kitsune. I'm also not the kind of guy to optimize, so I won't unless I do it by accident.