
Many Minis's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts (76 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


The Exchange

Get well, my friend.

The Exchange

PERCEPTION: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Beollimandus moves around the 'top side' of the maze to get into flanking position of this doll as a double move preparing for any attack that may come from it while he tries to get a better view of what is happening to the front lines of the group.

The Exchange

Life long and prosper!

The Exchange

Happy Holidays friends!

The Exchange

Is XP advancement slow, medium or fast? My current XP count assumes medium

Beollimandus LVL 1 -> 2 XP: 2000

HP: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

BAB +1 -> +2
FORT +2 -> +3
SPECIAL: Order Ability - A cavalier that belongs to the order of the shield gains the following ability at second level -> Resolute (Ex) Whenever the cavalier takes damage from a melee or ranged attack while wearing heavy armor, the cavalier can convert one point of lethal damage into one point of nonlethal damage. This ability cannot be use to convert ability damage, ability drain, or energy damage to nonlethal damage. At 6th level, and every four levels thereafter, the amount of damage the cavalier can convert increases by 1.
SKILLS: +1 Ride (+4->+5), +1 Knowledge(local) (+5->+6), +2 Climb (+1->+6), +2 Swim (+1->+6)

The Exchange

Happy Holidays to everyone!

The Exchange

Note to GM: always assume that Beollimandus will be at the front lines with the party - unless the scouting is to be done in stealth. With a high AC and HP value, it is a good assumption to make. If I don't speak up, it may be that I haven't had the time to log into this play-by-play session because I'm too busy to chime in. I can only see myself noting where my character's position is during the case of his unwillingness to be at the front of the line. Since this seems like a minor confrontation, I'm not too worried about it. However if it were a bigger threat, it would be very weird for a Cavalier of the Order of the Shield to be at the back of the party during initiative.

The Exchange

Okay group...sorry for the long hiatus. I'm back and I have a completed character sheet to go with it. One minor change, my character speaks Taldorian not Tien. Other notables, my character is of the Order of the Shield (see Cavalier Class) and is a native of Taldor. He has a bear as his animal mount (it's part of the RoW Player's Guide animal companion list). I will email Craig a scanned copy of my character sheet. I am looking forward to making a regular contribution to the group.

The Exchange

I have a first level human Cavalier named Beollimandus Cepeda. Would that work for the group? If so, how do I add this character already registered with the online Pathfinder Society to this group and this campaign?

The Exchange

New player joining game - what class type does the party need? If there are none, I have a human female witch named Mary Pfister that I can brew up from my character vault. I also have a human male gunslinger named L. Fisch. Advice welcomed :)

The Exchange

I have travel set up but no hotel room. If interested, contact Andy at manyminis@gmail.com

The Exchange

I have my transportation covered but am looking for a roommate. If still interested, contact Andy at manyminis@gmail.com

The Exchange

Speaking of which, I need to find a roommate for the event. Anyone still looking? If so, please contact Andy at manyminis@gmail.com

The Exchange

I am down for some Tier 3 work

The Exchange

Michael Brock wrote:
Severed Ronin wrote:
Got to back out since I won't be able to go.
If you volunteered as a GM and I sent you a schedule, please email me at mike.brock@paizo.com

Is there any need for more volunteers?

The Exchange

Interesting that there are about 9-10 subscriptions, but one of most unique of GameMastery's isn't? I would like to have the Flip-Mats available as a subscription with modules (heck, even some of the modules use a Flip-Map theme in it).

The Exchange

Had a blast - as usual! Thanks for running such a professional convention...my most favorite West Coast convention!!!