Furkas Xoud

Malacronious's page

6 posts (135 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


One of my DM's put a water fountain in a dungeon that had a secret passageway below it. I love the idea of a fountain or some sort of body of water that has a secret within it.

Rolling for hit points. Just to be sure, level 1 I start with the amount of the rogue's hit die correct? So since its d8, I start with 8?:

HP: 2d8 ⇒ (8, 8) = 16

I was able to read through the PDF that you linked. I think I'll take on building a Rogue from scratch so I can get a feel for things. I am at work until 4 today so I'll have plenty of time this evening to get a Rogue Alias built. Let me know if there is anything specific I should know before doing so. Obviously I'll build it close to the pre-generated one as suggested in the dropbox file.


No expectations for posting. I am on the forums a few times a day, but my goal is once per day (per game I play). Weekends are flexible - it can completely depend on what's happening with family commitments.

I'll use this campaign for working with you. I am going to start a second one for the second person that posted. I suspect I can do two at a time since it will be basically the same campaign (plus or minus the roleplay aspect).

Does this work for you?

Yep that works for me. I'll wait for further instruction on how you would like us to proceed. :)

Hey Adaram, I'm up for this. I have played other systems (and some PBP) but never played Pathfinder. I think this would be a great way to get my feet wet. What expectations will you have as far as posting?

I'm posting interest for a second group as well. Appreciate you reaching out to the newbies OP.

I have played D&D 3.5 a bit, 4e a decent amount and 5e once. I have also played Shadowrun, Star Wars Saga edition, Gamma World and Dark heresy. I have not played Pathfinder before and so I would love to start off with a group of players in the same boat (usually I just jump into the deep end with a new system). I have only been playing tabletops for a few years and I have been in a few failed PBP games. So I have some experience, but still a newb.