Amin Jalento

Lord Hathaway Donnachaidh's page

1 post. Alias of Johnny_Panic.

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We can all talk here

We can all talk here

Drow Legendary Cleric/Investigator L20| Initi +9+4d8 take best 2 | HP 186/186 | AC 35 T21 FF20 CMB21/CMD41 | Fort +22 Ref +22 Will +28 | Percep +34 | Intimidate +44/49*|

You set into a large space, with lesser devils and imps running around with paperwork, going here and there. A large screen is on the wall showing a list of top ten wanted.

Its warm and dry, you can feel heat coming form some of the enraces.

ROSEs office complex entrance.

Rosa waves a hand and the postal you just came through closes.

"What do you think?"

She looks around.

"Not bad for an sub domain of the hells"

A small Imp lands close to Rosa and bows its head.

Well my dear players, I have set this up so that we can get started.

This is invite only game.

The premise is simple,
A vast city in the sands is dou to be attached in 7 days by and world ending calamity.
One mine big bad who sends waves of minions to destroy the city. You job is simple, Save the city, well as much of it as you can. While beating the minions and taking out the big bad, who is very big and very bad.

Epic level,
Build info will be PMed to intaited players.

Post none game play things here, I want no Blue walls of text in game play thank you everyone.

or "Shai-Hulud falls players die."


See this image in your minds eye,


The wide open sands outside the ARAKIN city shield wall, sands blazing in the hot sun, and the two Harkons tracking team out here set to fix a burned out comms unit. A unit used Spice haller control. Thire black Harkon Still suits crude and wastfull, Them pulling off the cover to a control unit. And seeing the damage done by a Burn out power unit.

YOU dear players, are laying on a sand dune watch them some 100m away, you hid as soon as you heard the carry thopter come over and drop them of. For a horrible moment you thought the Harkonnens where out for sport hunting freman in the open. But no it came down and dropped the two comms techs off before heading back.

What to do, they look armed with Blade and slug thrower each.
A box of tools and come kind of off world equipment next to them.
They will have short range comms, they could call for help.
Arr but they have not seen you yet, stupid off worlders, It would be
a gift to kill them and take their water, but Harkon slaves water is bad. Full of poisons, best left to spill in the sand. But the things they have with them... now then as the Freman saying goes.

"Shai-Hulud gives and Shai-Hulud takes away"


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The year in Dune is 10,091 A.G. 100 years before the events of the Book DUNE. And house harkonnen controls ARAKIS, it and its two Vasul houses, the House Jarrlo and House Limir, oversee the day to day running of the planet and spice minding. All under the watchful eye of Dmitri Harkonnen who likes nothing more than have them fight over the scraps of power he lets them have. While the new Imperial Planetologist Pardot Kynes sets up labs close to the fringes of the desert. Village Fremen around Arrakeen great bason, suffer from explosion and oppression. some whisper of the wild Fremen out in the deep desert making deals with off world smugglers. This is the setting into which you will play. I am only using Herberts books, not his sons latter works.

House RULES.
NO Magic, Yep no magic, but I will allow Monks, Ki, Gun slingers Grit, Investigators Inspiration. Things that are not explicitly magic.
Be inventive, given this rule, If you have an idea of a PC using ANY class Paizo or 3pp rules, then offer them up. And lets see as a group of players and GM, if we think it will work.

Magic items are out, but there is tech, The rule his is simple, dose it FIT the setting. Your poor so there are LAz guns but your not going to have the credits to own one. There are sand tucks and ATVs but again your not that wealthy, So you may have the skill to drive on, but your not going to own one. Same with still suits, you can own one, but it will be broken and old, Village made. Be inventive and make it fit, being the rule.

Human only, all race traits are open to you, and your getting 5 traits, so you could get cool stuff form other races if clever but the rule goes, offer it and if I think its works in setting you can have it.

Your level 3, becouse dune is a harsh place and there is tech other there which is a one hit kill. Healing is slow with no magic, so you have to be cafull. "Arrakis kills those who are foolish, taking there water as payment for the sin of stupidity." as the freman say.

35 point Buy, no ifs no but, Arrakis, kills the weak, the slow.

Start with,
1: feat a level, + human starting bonus feat.
5 traits
1 Drawbacks + Space addiction, everyone has that if you live on arrakis any length of time
** Elephant in the room

10 min background:

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!

[Example: Martin Tenbones]
1) He is a former pirate and retired adventurer and now owns a tavern in the city of St. Clarice.
2) He is outgoing and charismatic, and attempts to keep abreast of all the local gossip and juicy secrets that pass his way, because he believes that knowledge is power.
3) He and his former adventuring band fought against the forces of the pirate captain Craven, who was a major lieutenant for the current Dread Pirate Hellbeard. He used the wealth that he acquired to build his tavern, but he sometimes worries that the pirates may one day decide to find him and extract revenge.
4) Though he is still friends with most of his former adventuring mates, some of them parted the group on bad terms. His girlfriend went back to the sea to fight pirates once more, but he received word that her vessel was taken by Hellbeard and believes she was killed. He mourns her death.
5) Although he is retired, he can be convinced to adventure again if he hears that Sasha (his lost love) may still be alive, or if he is contacted by the White Foxes during a crisis (see secrets).

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

1) I would like to see Martin reunited with his lost love and perhaps able to mend fences with some of his former adventuring buddies over the course of this campaign.
2) It would be cool to have Martin face and possibly defeat the Dread Pirate Hellbeard once and for all.

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

1) Martin is a member of the White Fox Society, a secret society dedicated to keeping Coralton free of tyranny and evil, as well as keeping local governments honest. He provides information and rumors to them, but can be convinced to take a more active roll if pressed.
2) Sasha LeBell, Marin's lost love, is still alive. She was captured by the Dread Pirate Hellbeard and has been kept as his captive for all these years.
3) (Example of a secret I might make up about your character): Not only is Sasha alive, but also she has escaped captivity and killed Hellbeard. She has taken over his ship and crew, and has turned to piracy out of bitterness. She now IS the new Dread Pirate Hellbeard!

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.

1) Martin's friend Audric Cwellen was one of his adventuring mate. Audric, a holy warrior in the service of the Goddess of Love, is the leader of the local cell of the White Fox society, and provides Martin with information and adventure hooks.
2) Another of Martin's old traveling companions, Aubrey LeVaine, is not as helpful as Audric, because they quarreled over the love of Sasha, and Aubrey is still bitter about losing her to Martin. Still, he can provide some magical support if Martin can convince him to let go of his hate.
3) Yebin Thistledown is a strange little creature from the Feywild called a gnome. Martin met the gnome in the Shroudmist Forest and saved him from a pack of Howlers. The Gnome makes all sorts of alchemical items and gadgets, and loves collecting odd souvenirs and items, as well as "recreational herbs." He operates a bizarre patchwork shop in the Rue Angélique district.

Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

1) Martin remembers growing up in a tavern as a young boy, helping his mother with the cooking. This started his own interest in the culinary arts.
2) Martin remembers the panic he felt when he discovered that the ship he signed on to was a pirate ship after a brutal attack on a merchantman. He vividly recalls the smell of blood and burning timbers.
3) Martin often recalls the goodbye kiss he gave Sasha when she left him. No kiss he's had since ever compares to that memory.
[design notes for the example character] Martin began life as an atypical barkeep. He was a retired adventurer, but still young and vigorous enough to accompany the party on their adventures. His tavern became the party's base for a while, until the BBEG of the game let off a necromantic bomb that killed most of the townsfolk and turned the town into a Zombie Apocalypse nightmare. Martin survived, and he turned into a secondary character for one of the players as he became more important to the ongoing storyline. Most of his background came from this transition from NPC to part-time PC. After the campaign reboot, Martin returned to his role as the barkeep of the party's favorite hang-out, but the players like him enough that he might return to adventuring status in the future.

Starting Money, 3 Leters of water each, spend it well.
The ecomemny of DUNE
Off world Credits is meaningless on Arrakis, where are you going to spend them?
Water as Money: 1 milliliter of water = 1Gp. WHAT!! you mean if I take a pee, Im peeing money down the drain, YES you are. water is wealth, water is life, wast water in sands and you die. Your still suit is your bank. This has been drummed into you from bearth. You very blood is wealth
1 liter of water = 1,000GP The average human has 42 liters of water in there body, so your dead water full body is wroth 42,000gp. Try not to let them bleeds to much when you skill them, we need thier water.
Space as Money. 1KG of refined space is worth 100 Liters of water, so 100,000gp for just 1kg of refined space. Unrefined, well that all depends on who your selling it to.

Water, Still suits and taxs.
Since a properly functioning and fitted stillsuit prevents moisture from being lost by collecting perspiration, wast water and defications, filtering and feeding water to catch pockets, it can reduce the need for water each day to a thimble full. 100ml of water a DAY! thats 100gp a day to live, so how are you going to make your water price?

Where are you, your Village Freemane, kids 20s something that have left home and seeking to make your way. Space or water, off world tech, stealing form the hated harkonnens of their two just as heated Vasul houses.

Ref DOC Dune Encyclopedia

Applications for this
I will keep this open for say 3 weeks. This one will take time to get right, so take your time, ask questions. I would like a Alt link, or post in here you alt so I can have a peek see.

About me.
Well, been a gm for a few years, still learning, so please foegive mistakes. I am dyslexic so spelling and grammer may be fun. I do my best with AI tools these days. Rule of cool, here, I used to say post once a day, but life is not so kind this is PbP so do your beats, just let me know if your having problems and will bot until your back :)

Well thats the idea, one and all, all the best everyone, and above all

Hi all, this is where we out BLUE text, or Questions etc, chat and talk.

The old club shaft was air tight, as two cast iron doors linked it to the main Clan habitat shaft, much much bugger shift than the clue one. In side than this old tunnel it was abut 10m across and some 120m long from door to cave in. Long had it been the hang out of the local clan youth. Some basic seats, a table for feet resting. A music box standing by the bar like area. On the walls nick-nakcs and trophy's going back years. Along with countless tags showed generations of young adults, having been here, and left their mark. The older kids that showed you it, had moved onto adult life. Leaving behind a set of work benches where pet projects and found loot where dumped for others to try and play with, fix or strip sell. There was even a kind of shooting range deeper along the club shaft where the rock callus was.

Today was like every other day, you have done your family can clan chores. And it was time to meet up with your friends and chill.

Please feel free to say how you arrive and what you do once there.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi I am looking for 4 to 5 players, to play a super simple - A Classic TRAVELLER Game / 1970s Golden age SIFI
Tech is simple and made durable, Minimal super SiFi like Magic,
There is no Artificial gravity,
Think "The Expanse" level tech.

Basic Classic Traveller rules here.

The rock TL6 in a TL7 system
You all live in/on a astroid rock, mine'ed out years ago, dart poor, living with your families in whats lift of the minting facility, the hole place makes money form refuelling/resupplying the odd system ship that drops by, and selling reclaimed mining scrap to scrappers once in a blue moon.
You Are Belters, life is hard but you work hard and survive.

Traviller Setting
Your in a binary system, One large red giant [7 Planets 3 gas Giants] one belt with a smaller yellow star going around it. 11 planets [2 Gas Giants, 2 belts]
Two habitable inner planets one around each sun, the Red Giants one a Massive agro world TL6/7
The Yellow sun, an earth like ship building tech world TL 7

You can be a human [Solamarny] or Varga
but no Hivers or Aslan or Zudarny, so no Psionic's.

Strength (Str): [6+1d6 Re-Roll 1s]
A character’s physical strength, fitness and forcefulness.
Dexterity (Dex): [[6+1d6 Re-Roll 1s]
Physical co-ordination and agility, reflexes.
Endurance (End): [6+1d6 Re-Roll 1s]
A character’s ability to sustain damage, stamina and determination.
Intelligence (Int): [8+1d4] [On the rock your ether smart or dead]
A character’s intellect and quickness of mind.
Education (Edu): [6+1d6 Re-Roll 1s] [you are all home school but may live on a rock but you have access to education SIMS]
A measure of a character’s learning and experience.
Social Standing (Soc): [4+1d4]
A character’s place in society. [Your are dart Poor living on a rock, so no nobles or knights, best you can have is a family trade]

[Health is STR+END for this one, so you have a chance to live and not be one shoot'ed]

[SKILLS] [work like this, Roll 2d6 Add you skill level see if you beat the DC, that simple, some skills you just don't have a chance at unless your have 0 or above in them, like computers. Jack of all trades lets you reduce the DC if any skill you don't have 0 or 1 in. If you can roll on it. My call if you can or not.]
Vacc suit +1
Comms +1
Survival +1
4 TL 6/7Skills at +1 Each
6 TL 6/7 Skills at +0 Each
[No Skill at this point can be more than +1, also there are no rail guns so think hard before spending in high level tech skills. computers is fine, there a just a little better than the ones we have now. So think about your spend, make it fit the setting.]
Classic Traviller skills here

Your poor, best weapon you may have is a snub pistol or Shotgun no Lasers or rail guns, and the chances of you getting one in game are low.
Every one Gets
a beat up TL 6 Vacc suit
a short range radio
A Space Survival pack, 1 person Air Tent, food, water, Rope, Multi tool, star campus, Torch, rad-detector.

+1 personal item you found at TL6

The only two super Sifi tech things are, Working Fusion and Jump drives.
If you want to make a basic alt with some background please feel free.

I used to live complex rules and high level games, but I found they get in the way of just having fun with PCs. Yes its nice to Max out a PC, but the fun is on Interactions not showing off for me. So if your into PC fun and shenanigans while trying to live and do better on a rock in space. Then please consider. I HATE rules TPK's so I will always try to get players and out.

Posting speed, I would want most players to post 3 times a week if they can. I'm in no rush but when fun starts things tend to post faster.

is in play, so no matter the rules if its a smart or funny way out, I will try may best to go with it. That being said ALL PLAYERS GETS
1 HERO POINT, but in this game you spend them to take over the Narrative in a cool way. If you fail a roll, face death, need that thing you need to save the day, then you state your spending a COOL HERO POINT and you state what happons next. Its limited to the resolution of a simple problem so no "deus ex machinas" stuff. It has to fit that scene or event. NEW Points will be awarded for fun and entertaining gameplay as judged by ALL players and GM, if players thing that was cool game play, then I can be asked to give a HERO POINT :)

Ok All the best, I will keep this open until I get 5 good solid summations. Or until the 10th feb 2024 then I will take what I have.


As newly minted Agents of the Agency, you are in its HQ doing the final paperwork and collecting your things. It's just past midnight and you're getting ready for bed/sleep/trance when the action bell is rung and a shout goes up.

"ALL AGENTS NOT ALLOCATED MISSIONS REPORT TO Eleonora Silverleaf AT ONCE, lecture room 2 for Brafing"

In the large block of buildings that act as the Agency's HQ, there are laps, private rooms, workshop rooms, officers, training areas, even a Bar and refractory. At the moment most Agents are on missions and even Fenrol is away. So Silverleaf is in charge. You know where her office is, but if you are being called as agents, you will need to head to the lecture rooms and find her.

I want players to introduce themselves, describe PCs and what they are carrying, and say where they are when the call comes. Then head to lecture room 2 and greet each other before the briefing.

This is going to be your 1st mission and you have no idea who will be coming with you until you get there or what you will be sent to investigate.

Here is where we talk out of game players. Please can we not have walls of OCC text in game play. It only takes a moment to pop in here and post your games questions. Thanks

I'm thinking of running a game, set on the pathfinder world.

The Premice is this.

ALL players with be Investigators Level 1,
You were found as a child/sold too and then freed by/recused into/Family member in or any other back story means for joining the Agencey
A private organization that gets paid to Investigate.

Any core or, featured Race. I will not be picking to races the same so if a lot of applicants go for mega races they may have less chance of being picked.

25 point buy for states
1 roll of 6x[2d6+6] and you take them in the order you rolled them.
One OR the other, do you feel lucky, well do ya :)

MAX HP for 1st level.

Background skills = Yes.
Unchained = Yes.
NO templets not even CR 0 ones.
NO Race biulder
You will gain level 2 fast so, have no fear.

NO of players to be picked, up to 7 [There is a high chance of PC death so be ready, your PCs life may depend on it, but no TPC just a high risk game, and NO PvP please, like be nice]

All players start at ​1th level PCs.

And must take all levels
in Investigators [or an Archetype of it]

You have 25gp of clothing and will be supplied for your mission kit once the games starts, that's weapons and all.


Please use
10 Minute Background format for background.

We will start with your award day to become Agents [Ruk-cce] in a WHO DONE IT? kind of setting

Please post links to ALTS, not full PCs builds here, thanks.

ME as a GM,
Fun and simple, I have tried to high-level GM games and well, just feel apart. So keeping it simple and also fun. So feel free to ham up and have fun. Pick a kind of cop or detective trope from TV/books or film and go with it.

CLOSING DATE IS in 7 days time


We who write, we, walk-in other worlds.

I have tried this before and found it hard to get a good idea going.
But I think I have a much better outline now.

About Me what I want Gameplay-wise.

4 players
I'm looking for 4 players, this is fixed so I can deal with this.

1 shot
It's going to be a 1 shot, which may have legs given how we do.
I promise nothing

Fast posting
All players MUST commit to one post a day min. I want a fast past game and no waiting. You miss a post in 24 hours and I auto-bot you.

No Initiative
Players act as they post per round, I sum up, next round
As a say, I want a fast game.

PC Build and limits

We will use PF d20 as ref for rules, links to anything you use on d20 is good.

All others are fine if played within the team.

A single roll set of 2d6+7 x 6
You take the roll 'IN ORDER'
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha in that order as you roll.
You take what you roll, good or bad.
No moving points or rolls.
This then gives you the Challenge of finding a good class or race for what you rolled.

Max per Level.
Have no fear the bad guys will be maxed as well.

Hero Points
We will be using hero points
Because at level 16 players can get one shot-ed with high-power bad guys. I want to give you a chance of surviving that.

Core [Raw] races only
No Subraces
No Alternate Race Features

Core/Base/Hybrid [Raw] Classes only
Yes multiclass
No prestige classes
No Unchained
No Archetype / Alternate Class Features

Level 16, yep that's is right, level 16.

We will be using ABP
To balance PCs and because your not going to get much cash for items.

Starting cash
100,000 gold
No Pre-game Crafting, you pay full price.
I want you poor at the start of the game.
Pregame spells that cost, [Demi Plane] [wish] if you're using them you pay for them from you 100k.
Guns are everywhere,

We will be using
Outside of that, you get feats as per level and class.

2 Traits and 1 Drawback
4 Traits and 2 Drawbacks
pick 1

Last of all Background

10 Min Background:

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!

[Example: Martin Tenbones]
1) He is a former pirate and retired adventurer and now owns a tavern in the city of St. Clarice.
2) He is outgoing and charismatic, and attempts to keep abreast of all the local gossip and juicy secrets that pass his way, because he believes that knowledge is power.
3) He and his former adventuring band fought against the forces of the pirate captain Craven, who was a major lieutenant for the current Dread Pirate Hellbeard. He used the wealth that he acquired to build his tavern, but he sometimes worries that the pirates may one day decide to find him and extract revenge.
4) Though he is still friends with most of his former adventuring mates, some of them parted the group on bad terms. His girlfriend went back to the sea to fight pirates once more, but he received word that her vessel was taken by Hellbeard and believes she was killed. He mourns her death.
5) Although he is retired, he can be convinced to adventure again if he hears that Sasha (his lost love) may still be alive, or if he is contacted by the White Foxes during a crisis (see secrets).

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

1) I would like to see Martin reunited with his lost love and perhaps able to mend fences with some of his former adventuring buddies over the course of this campaign.
2) It would be cool to have Martin face and possibly defeat the Dread Pirate Hellbeard once and for all.

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

1) Martin is a member of the White Fox Society, a secret society dedicated to keeping Coralton free of tyranny and evil, as well as keeping local governments honest. He provides information and rumors to them, but can be convinced to take a more active roll if pressed.
2) Sasha LeBell, Marin's lost love, is still alive. She was captured by the Dread Pirate Hellbeard and has been kept as his captive for all these years.
3) (Example of a secret I might make up about your character): Not only is Sasha alive, but also she has escaped captivity and killed Hellbeard. She has taken over his ship and crew, and has turned to piracy out of bitterness. She now IS the new Dread Pirate Hellbeard!

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.

1) Martin's friend Audric Cwellen was one of his adventuring mate. Audric, a holy warrior in the service of the Goddess of Love, is the leader of the local cell of the White Fox society, and provides Martin with information and adventure hooks.
2) Another of Martin's old traveling companions, Aubrey LeVaine, is not as helpful as Audric, because they quarreled over the love of Sasha, and Aubrey is still bitter about losing her to Martin. Still, he can provide some magical support if Martin can convince him to let go of his hate.
3) Yebin Thistledown is a strange little creature from the Feywild called a gnome. Martin met the gnome in the Shroudmist Forest and saved him from a pack of Howlers. The Gnome makes all sorts of alchemical items and gadgets, and loves collecting odd souvenirs and items, as well as "recreational herbs." He operates a bizarre patchwork shop in the Rue Angélique district.

Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

1) Martin remembers growing up in a tavern as a young boy, helping his mother with the cooking. This started his own interest in the culinary arts.
2) Martin remembers the panic he felt when he discovered that the ship he signed on to was a pirate ship after a brutal attack on a merchantman. He vividly recalls the smell of blood and burning timbers.
3) Martin often recalls the goodbye kiss he gave Sasha when she left him. No kiss he's had since ever compares to that memory.
[design notes for the example character] Martin began life as an atypical barkeep. He was a retired adventurer, but still young and vigorous enough to accompany the party on their adventures. His tavern became the party's base for a while, until the BBEG of the game let off a necromantic bomb that killed most of the townsfolk and turned the town into a Zombie Apocalypse nightmare. Martin survived, and he turned into a secondary character for one of the players as he became more important to the ongoing storyline. Most of his background came from this transition from NPC to part-time PC. After the campaign reboot, Martin returned to his role as the barkeep of the party's favorite hang-out, but the players like him enough that he might return to adventuring status in the future.

Other Rules
Please don't ask me about other rules like 3ed Party, Psionics or Sphears of power etc. It's an auto-no to all but what has been posted here.

Game premice

The lady [god] sits in her Demi-plane brooding, It's unknown where the god came from. Only that it's a paradise realm of art and culture. With universities, workshops of high art, and centers of spiritual study. Within this realm sits the Simple but elegant building known simply known as the 'Archive of things'. It staff custodians, the keepers, and collectors of wonders from the many planes of existence.
Many layers of rank sit within the staff, but the one that is seen as the most romantic is the one of Field collector. custodians in Teams of 4 who travel to planes of being to collect and receive things for the Active. Missions simple to very, well you know the mortality rates.

This is your team, Bata 4, a team that is known to do sold work, simple jump, and shop trips. BUT with the total loss of the ALPHA 9 team. You and other Beta teams are being tested to see who will get ALPHA 9s slot.

You know each other done many 'runs' now this is your chance for the big time. Will you make it through the mission and get that spot?

I will leave this recruitment open for 2 weeks, Then I find 4 players with fully made up PC I think will work as a team. Open until then.

Please Build a PC Alt on Paixo, so I can find things and with links to D20.


Good luck, have fun with this and Any questions, post here, please no PMs

Have at it, GM Panic.

We can all talk OOC here YAAAA!

Day Extira location
The camera moves in an arial shot over a vast forest of endless trees as for as the eye can see.

As this music players

The trees flash past and then ahead something blue, water, a like, and next to it buildings, and smoke coming from charcoal burners in the near by woods. Panning down the camera passes over a lake and a few boats fishing on it. Then slowing its tracks across the few streets of the lake side village. Below can been see daily like. The odd stalls, the cobbler, blacksmith, small school, fishermen, farmer and hunter. And the on the village green a bunch on the young, chatting and joking. In such a simple world they seemed happy.

Welcome to the Village of Criglysnot
Criglysnot is a place at the butt end of the backside of nowhere.
A few wood and mud houses, a few fields a small lake and all around big dark woods with no one in but Ted the Hunter, the Gilly Brothers who burn and make charcoal for cooking. And the old wise woman Sagaty the hag.
The roads all head into the woods and stop there.

The few families that call this place home eak out a living farming or fishing. Its a tight knit community.
Where everyone knows everyone.

Nothing has happened for time out of memory in Criglysnot and no one expect anything to happen.
The only excitement in the trouble you kids start for the grown ups. And today is going to be one such day.

The Rules for making a character

Level: 1
Gold: 1d3 coper coins. No using traits to get more, that is it
Items home made clothing basic and anything you can make or scrounge.
HP: Max at 1st.
Race: Well here is the fun part, you can have ANY race of 16RP of less IF you can convince me that 1: Would live in the village as a family of that race, so Androids are out 2: Can get along with the others in the village of generations.
18/8 and Roll 4x[4d6] Remove the lowest dice from each 4d6 and thats it.
If you don't know what that means someone will explain.
Classes Any Paizo, If your a gun slinger your gun is very old, grand dad had it from his grand dad.
You have to have a class that would fit the setting, so grand knight of such and such order, who has full amror and a warhorse not a chance. In a nut shell your class has to fit the setting of a small village beyond the back of beyond
We will be using automatic-bonus-progression
With added stuff.
1st level: You get extra traits as a free feat.
2ed level: you get 1 more Free feat.
Number of players
5 pos 6 if I'm inclined, but that will be it. Any player who dose my work for me of making a list will 100%, gold plated slightly nigher chance of getting in over other applicants. YAaa, Could been be as crazy high as a 7 NO! even 8% [and Im mad for doing this], better chance of getting in. :0

What I am looking for at the moment
Interest check and some basic ideas for PCs
At the moment I don't want Crunch. I want all applications, so outline their idea of the PC they wish to play.
Please read 10-minute-background And start from that,
[ooc]Knowing each other.[/url] As applicants start to apply I encourage applicants to start to link to each other, in their PCs 10 min background.

100 word description
Describe your PC in 100 words or less.

Closing date for applications. 16th of May, two weeks time, I will consider any player who has done a basic 10 min background and 100 word description.

Q: Where is the Village of Criglysnot? A:You have no real idea its come place on Golarion but where no one is really shore.
Q: Well I will ask a travler, or someone who has left the village. A: Thats not a question but you can't no one can remember the last time someone came in our out of the village. There was some talk of a star falling or some thing way back in the past but other than that who knows.
Q: Ill just as the wild life then A: Now your being checky, look even the local birds say its woods forever in all directions. chill out nothing out there to see anyone.
Q: Great great great Granddad is undead ok, its in my back story so he tells me. A: keep going, here have some more rope. Look No one can remember where you are in the big old world, and no one you know has ever seen or knows of anyone ever leaving the village other to see the wise woman or take a ^()* in the woods ok.
Q: Can I come from a place in the village like a single building. A:Well yes you can, just say thats where my family lives v the map and your home sorted.
Q: What about inheritance, my great sword was left to my by my nan, and.. A: Yes and your an adolescent so all the grown ups in the village lock such things away so you don't hurt you self, Now roll that 1d3 copper.

Ill stop there I know there will be more.

Game play:
A light hearted game, with fun and high jinks. HAZZAR!

Note on the GM:
I Like a good story, so fluff means a lot to me. I will be posting a lot so the key is for you lot to keep up. :)
I ask player to play nice. And not I will seek ways to pit you all against each other at every opportunity I can. Crack your PCs friendships, brake them with moral dilemmas and be and around sneaky under handed rat bag, Who would love nothing more than to have two Childhood friends PCs at each others throats. So to counter my evil ways as a GM, you must work as a team and trust each other. MOwwhgagagaga.
Evil Gm Laughter.

Ok all done, So that is it, have fun and ask away.

We can talk about none game and game rules here.

The last thing you remember was setting off for an Adventure.
You packed your things and close the door to your wood shake.

Now your some other place, something or someone has moved you.
You don't know where you are but you think in some woods.
You can smell the plants and feel the moss underfoot.

But the woods are dark, all around you sounds of the woods
you can hear the wind blow over the tree tops.

Your need light to see, what do you do?

This is a solo game and its [closed Recruitment]

Hi all here we have the place where OCC walls of blue texts goes and other chit chats about things. PC talk in game play, Players talk here.

So how about we all say hello to each other.

No I will be away working for the next 3 weeks BUT I will try and post as you explore and get to know each other.

The winds blow warm in the hidden kitsune Village, as long as there have been kitsune there has been this place. Fok kin know of it from tails and pass from parent to child. A safe place locked away from the prime where kitsune life lives of farming, hunting and from time to time trade to the prime and other places.

The Temples, bath houses, homes, tea houses and trading shops, small street with paper walled houses. Here and there a water/fire troff.

With Spring as always the weather can change, warm to cold and even snow. But for the last week has been warm and the blossums have started to come out on the trees.

Soon trading will start up again, and the elders will need help with other matters,

Please feel free to make up NPCs, places and other things as long as they FIT the setting.

Hi all this is check, to see who would like to play a little game idea i had.

The idea is your ALL Kitsune, based in or around the Inner sea.
Your a clan of Kitsune who move about as group for hire.

I will let the picked know more of the setting and world time, if an when I pick them.

I just wanted to see who would be up for this, and what kind of PC Kitsune ideas they would like to play.

Just a note on PCs starting,

21 point buy OR roll 2d6+7 once picked you must keep it.
[no stat lower then 8 no stat higher then 18 BEFORE Racial stat change

You can have 2 traits + 1 more with a Drawback.
You can used Alternate Racial Traits when making your PC

Free feat for all players
Fox Shape at level 3

You start at level 3
Pathfinder Classes only NO 3pp
NO background skills
Crafting feats OK'ed but No before game crafting.

Starting Cash 3000gp

I will also be using the

10 min background:

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!

[Example: Martin Tenbones]
1) He is a former pirate and retired adventurer and now owns a tavern in the city of St. Clarice.
2) He is outgoing and charismatic, and attempts to keep abreast of all the local gossip and juicy secrets that pass his way, because he believes that knowledge is power.
3) He and his former adventuring band fought against the forces of the pirate captain Craven, who was a major lieutenant for the current Dread Pirate Hellbeard. He used the wealth that he acquired to build his tavern, but he sometimes worries that the pirates may one day decide to find him and extract revenge.
4) Though he is still friends with most of his former adventuring mates, some of them parted the group on bad terms. His girlfriend went back to the sea to fight pirates once more, but he received word that her vessel was taken by Hellbeard and believes she was killed. He mourns her death.
5) Although he is retired, he can be convinced to adventure again if he hears that Sasha (his lost love) may still be alive, or if he is contacted by the White Foxes during a crisis (see secrets).

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

1) I would like to see Martin reunited with his lost love and perhaps able to mend fences with some of his former adventuring buddies over the course of this campaign.
2) It would be cool to have Martin face and possibly defeat the Dread Pirate Hellbeard once and for all.

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

1) Martin is a member of the White Fox Society, a secret society dedicated to keeping Coralton free of tyranny and evil, as well as keeping local governments honest. He provides information and rumors to them, but can be convinced to take a more active roll if pressed.
2) Sasha LeBell, Marin's lost love, is still alive. She was captured by the Dread Pirate Hellbeard and has been kept as his captive for all these years.
3) (Example of a secret I might make up about your character): Not only is Sasha alive, but also she has escaped captivity and killed Hellbeard. She has taken over his ship and crew, and has turned to piracy out of bitterness. She now IS the new Dread Pirate Hellbeard!

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.

1) Martin's friend Audric Cwellen was one of his adventuring mate. Audric, a holy warrior in the service of the Goddess of Love, is the leader of the local cell of the White Fox society, and provides Martin with information and adventure hooks.
2) Another of Martin's old traveling companions, Aubrey LeVaine, is not as helpful as Audric, because they quarreled over the love of Sasha, and Aubrey is still bitter about losing her to Martin. Still, he can provide some magical support if Martin can convince him to let go of his hate.
3) Yebin Thistledown is a strange little creature from the Feywild called a gnome. Martin met the gnome in the Shroudmist Forest and saved him from a pack of Howlers. The Gnome makes all sorts of alchemical items and gadgets, and loves collecting odd souvenirs and items, as well as "recreational herbs." He operates a bizarre patchwork shop in the Rue Angélique district.

Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

1) Martin remembers growing up in a tavern as a young boy, helping his mother with the cooking. This started his own interest in the culinary arts.
2) Martin remembers the panic he felt when he discovered that the ship he signed on to was a pirate ship after a brutal attack on a merchantman. He vividly recalls the smell of blood and burning timbers.
3) Martin often recalls the goodbye kiss he gave Sasha when she left him. No kiss he's had since ever compares to that memory.
[design notes for the example character] Martin began life as an atypical barkeep. He was a retired adventurer, but still young and vigorous enough to accompany the party on their adventures. His tavern became the party's base for a while, until the BBEG of the game let off a necromantic bomb that killed most of the townsfolk and turned the town into a Zombie Apocalypse nightmare. Martin survived, and he turned into a secondary character for one of the players as he became more important to the ongoing storyline. Most of his background came from this transition from NPC to part-time PC. After the campaign reboot, Martin returned to his role as the barkeep of the party's favorite hang-out, but the players like him enough that he might return to adventuring status in the future.

So who would be interested and what would your PC be like.
You need only an outline at the moment

"London Blitz"

London, SoHo, Noel Street, Night, cold, Raining. Here is the range trade
now bent on making clothing for the war effort. Windows tapped or bored up. Signs of war all around, from Over head barrage balloons, to blasted out building. Now and then signs showing where bombs, where. Keep away.
The few read busses taking Oxford street. Here and there the odd car or truck. Figures move in the darkness, the sirens called not long ago, "All to the shelters" but who ever they are, they have taken to a small shop. Entering one by one.

Welcome all to Table two of the WW2 spy game, I am going to jump strait in. You are have all been sent or called to a small tailers at No9 Noel street London soho. You show your idea when you get there and each is shown into a small Chaning space, where you wait alone.

Panic here
And Welcome to "Fancy being a magic spy in WWII?" [Table 2] Discussion.
Here players can chat.
I ask the you NOT post all OOC [blue] posts in game play.
If you want to Chin-wag here is the place.
Questions on game mechanics as well go here NOT in game play.

Other than that Chin-up chaps it will all be over by Christmas.

This is a holding thread for a closed game.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is an Interest Check Gestalt L3 Game [The Detectives]

I want to see how this goes before I commit the time to GMing.

The Game idea is simple, [You start in]
A Detective agency ["The Agency"] in the world of Golarion.
In the city of Absalom in an old manner house, Is "The Agency", an origination steeped in tradition, it sits outside of stats and such things as temporal power. "The Agency" is an organisation dedicated to the detective arts. Kings, queens, angels and demon lords have called in its services over the years. If you have the price to hire them, then they are at your service.

It is unknown who started the Agency, or in fact when. The halls and rooms of "The Agency" are packed with images and paintings going back millennia. Agents who have uncovered plots and crimes the world over.
Many a student has stood looking at such images wondering if one day they will be a well know in the ranks of "The Agency"

Head Agent Falice Alsop Wilkins is the current head of the
"The Agency" with the council of 12 under Her. An old Elf she is said to have been the Head agent for over 800 years.

The old manner house is much larger on the inside than out and it is said has doors that lead to every continent in the world and very plane. Today is the last class for this years graduating recruits. They came to join the "The Agency" in different ways, passing the tests needed to stay over the 8 years it has taken them to become junior detectives. No is thire final exam. A real investigation for a real client.


Gestalt L3 Game [The Detectives]

I am Thinking of 5 to 6 players and I want a range of PC ideas,
If your new here don't worry I am just as likely to pick you if I like the idea if I go full recruitment

I was thinking of this for PC build

Building your PC:

starting Level: 3ed level

21 point Buy OR Roll 6x[7+2d6] Ex: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (1, 3) + 7 = 11
NOTE: If you roll, do it here and, that's it, you go with what you roll.

Starting class
This is Gestalt, So PCs will have two classes, one class as to be Prime class - Investigator, with each player being core or one of its acre types.
Second class: A single Paizo published class+acre type if you want.
The Only 3pp - Psionics unleashed [ races no classes only]

[note: summoner must be unchained, Gun Slinger. yes, in fact look to steal hound]

Background Skills
Yes so you get 6 points to spend on Background skills at 3ed level.

core, other and Uncommon Races.
NOTE: ALL races will get +2/+2/-2 to, stats, This changes the normal build. As Investigators are INT based, and your going for a 2ed class as well. This should widen the field for playable races. Rule here is of the RP price in race builder for you PC is more than 13 its to high/But its a case by case thing out side of core, other and Uncommon Races.

1 Free GM feat
[Pick one]
-: Eschew materials
-: Blind Fight
-: Weapon fineness
-: Weapon Proficiency

5 + 1 drawback
Note: you can take more than one trait from the SAME list.
This changes the normal rules on traits.

No Chaotic sorry.

Starting gold: 500gp + Items.

Starting Items:

All PCs start with
1x Detectives uniform
1x MW weapon [Normal martial, unless you pay]
1x Ring of sustenance
1x mithral-shirt +1 [AC5]
1x Pathfinder Pouch
1x Note book and pen in pouch.
1x Wayfinder [+2 Survival rolls]
Slotted Ioun Stones
-:Iridescent Spindle (Ioun Stone Cracked)
This stone grants a +4 competence bonus on Constitution checks to hold your breath. Price:
*Slotted power, Iridescent spindle: Endure elements, [Constant] as the spell, as well as protection against exposure to vacuum and underwater pressure.

10 Minute Background:

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!

[Example: Martin Tenbones]
1) He is a former pirate and retired adventurer and now owns a tavern in the city of St. Clarice.
2) He is outgoing and charismatic, and attempts to keep abreast of all the local gossip and juicy secrets that pass his way, because he believes that knowledge is power.
3) He and his former adventuring band fought against the forces of the pirate captain Craven, who was a major lieutenant for the current Dread Pirate Hellbeard. He used the wealth that he acquired to build his tavern, but he sometimes worries that the pirates may one day decide to find him and extract revenge.
4) Though he is still friends with most of his former adventuring mates, some of them parted the group on bad terms. His girlfriend went back to the sea to fight pirates once more, but he received word that her vessel was taken by Hellbeard and believes she was killed. He mourns her death.
5) Although he is retired, he can be convinced to adventure again if he hears that Sasha (his lost love) may still be alive, or if he is contacted by the White Foxes during a crisis (see secrets).

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

1) I would like to see Martin reunited with his lost love and perhaps able to mend fences with some of his former adventuring buddies over the course of this campaign.
2) It would be cool to have Martin face and possibly defeat the Dread Pirate Hellbeard once and for all.

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

1) Martin is a member of the White Fox Society, a secret society dedicated to keeping Coralton free of tyranny and evil, as well as keeping local governments honest. He provides information and rumors to them, but can be convinced to take a more active roll if pressed.
2) Sasha LeBell, Marin's lost love, is still alive. She was captured by the Dread Pirate Hellbeard and has been kept as his captive for all these years.
3) (Example of a secret I might make up about your character): Not only is Sasha alive, but also she has escaped captivity and killed Hellbeard. She has taken over his ship and crew, and has turned to piracy out of bitterness. She now IS the new Dread Pirate Hellbeard!

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.

1) Martin's friend Audric Cwellen was one of his adventuring mate. Audric, a holy warrior in the service of the Goddess of Love, is the leader of the local cell of the White Fox society, and provides Martin with information and adventure hooks.
2) Another of Martin's old traveling companions, Aubrey LeVaine, is not as helpful as Audric, because they quarreled over the love of Sasha, and Aubrey is still bitter about losing her to Martin. Still, he can provide some magical support if Martin can convince him to let go of his hate.
3) Yebin Thistledown is a strange little creature from the Feywild called a gnome. Martin met the gnome in the Shroudmist Forest and saved him from a pack of Howlers. The Gnome makes all sorts of alchemical items and gadgets, and loves collecting odd souvenirs and items, as well as "recreational herbs." He operates a bizarre patchwork shop in the Rue Angélique district.

Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

1) Martin remembers growing up in a tavern as a young boy, helping his mother with the cooking. This started his own interest in the culinary arts.
2) Martin remembers the panic he felt when he discovered that the ship he signed on to was a pirate ship after a brutal attack on a merchantman. He vividly recalls the smell of blood and burning timbers.
3) Martin often recalls the goodbye kiss he gave Sasha when she left him. No kiss he's had since ever compares to that memory.
[design notes for the example character] Martin began life as an atypical barkeep. He was a retired adventurer, but still young and vigorous enough to accompany the party on their adventures. His tavern became the party's base for a while, until the BBEG of the game let off a necromantic bomb that killed most of the townsfolk and turned the town into a Zombie Apocalypse nightmare. Martin survived, and he turned into a secondary character for one of the players as he became more important to the ongoing storyline. Most of his background came from this transition from NPC to part-time PC. After the campaign reboot, Martin returned to his role as the barkeep of the party's favorite hang-out, but the players like him enough that he might return to adventuring status in the future.

About the GM:

So me, GM Panic, been on here a while, leaned a lot, and had some fun.
I have been a roll players from year dot. I think I am good at plots but a bit weak with rules heavy fights

I am Dyslexic, spelling can be hard for me and my grammar can suck some times. IF you a pedant best run now :)

I love fluff and the Rule of cool, Rules are good but if they get in the way of good RP then I will bend em.

Please link here to an alt or sheet of your PC as a response if you want to show your PC build, Please don't past the whole PC build here.

End date for Recruitment, Well as this is just sounding out interest, O will not give one yet. But once I get some feed back on the idea. I will make my mind up on if I will go full recruitment.

I can't wait to see what you come up with!

This is a interest check for a silly idea I had, if I get the players and something like a working game set up, my hope is to have a short one off and see where we go from there.


"The emperor protects Mr Frodo sir"
LoTR Vs War-hammer 40k

Is a one shot game.

The idea is simple.

The setting of Lord of the rings, the events of the book underway.
They are out in the far reaches of the Galaxy knowing nothing
of the empire of man or anything outside thire world.

Mean while in the Imperium of Man an exploratory ship with a Explorator of the Adeptus Mechanicus [Tech-priest] has just translated into orbit. Is following up a report of a newly found world way out in the middle of no-ware. This World maybe of strategic importance in fighting a suspected Tyranid sub fleet in the area. with him is a hastily cobbled together troop of Space Marines from an number of chapters, Sisters of battle and Imperial guard who in the rush where recruited to assists the Adeptus Mechanicus in this urgent matter. The objective of this mission is simple.

1:See what the world is like and asses it for inclusion into the empire.

That is it.


So there is the idea, you don't know when in the LoTR story arch you will hit planet, you don't know where as well. That's up to me.


Making a PC

Now All the LoTR NPCs will be pathfinder rules based, so I also need a means to shift you war-hammer 40k PC idea also to Pathfinder.

This then I think will be the hard part, the good news is as I am one sick puppy, players state the game as.

10th level gestalt Pcs

Where One side of your PC MUST be a Fighter with guns or
Gun Slinger etc.

The other side is up to you but NOT, you have ALL got to be Lawful
and you must not take any class with none divine magic.
So for librarians etc us clerics/paladin/Inquisitor
with law Domain and faith is Cult of the Emperor.

for psykers use psionics-unleashed flavored to The Cult of the Emperor

Ki is ok but be careful.

Anything that may be seen as having the tint of Chaos and your PC may be shot on the drop ship.

Races I will use RP and creating-new-races Be careful what you pick, find other players find it heretical or mutant your PC will be shot on sight soon as you show it.

[21 point buy

Imperial guard = Human + 12RP [Can't buy up states] [18 point buy 1:1][+3 more free feats at 1st level]
Space Marine = Human + [21 point buy 1:1][+Large][+advanced Template]
Sisters of battle = Human +8RP [+2Dex/+2Int/+2Cha] [25 point buy 1:1]

Weapons, we can hammer out.
Your will ALL be proficient with all advanced weapons you PC
would be used to.

All PCs will also be using the honor sub system where as the NPCs will be using HERO POINTS system.

Yes that is right, where you felt you had the upper hand now you know this is not going to be that easy.

Some Interesting stuff on WH40k conversions


Game play, I fully expect this to be a blood bath, so if you get squeamish at the typed word blood or detailed posting of the blood and guts that will be spilled in the dark distant future then this is NOT the game for you. How ever if you would really like to see what Rivendail looks like once a group of Space Marines pop in for tea and crumpet then this is 100% the game for you.


So lets chuck around ideas and see if this thing has legs.

Where we talk rules and OOC stuff like the weather.

Where we talk rules and OOC stuff like the weather.

Where we talk rules and OOC stuff like the weather.

Where we talk rules and OOC stuff like the weather.

Atop a Hill is a hotel like no other.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Rosa Luminass's "Hotel Resurrection". The place where drinks are cheap, the Rooms are clean, the talk is free and all are welcome.

How you got here, well there are as many ways as there are steps to be taken. Some get interrupted on thire way to the bone yard, some just open the wrong door. Some dream and find themselves in a whole new life. Some find a token that takes them some where safe.

No one knows just how or when it came into being. But that know it know that take the right turn and you get get there.
The "Hotel Resurrection" in its own little Well not really little Pocket Dimension. From the outside it looks like an old rundown Inn, siting in woods on a hell top. But inside its has rooms a meany, they say every faith has a room somewhere, rooms above and below ground. They say vaults dark red with heat like the Hells and Sky rooms high in the storms air. Rooms made to order. They say it even has a pool with water slides some place. The main bar has staff off all kinds. waiting on your table. The Bar is run my most of the time by Smegly, a kindly half giant who well sort you room and what ever you need. He will also book you a 'SIM' room, that is a magic room where you can try out your fighting, show off, sleep for the night. Try out that new bow or Blow up a world, any thing you want. You can't die at the "Hotel Resurrection" no matter how hard you true. You can also switch on the viewer so friends in the bar can see you having fun.

So ask Smegly, he will book you in and off you go. Costs, Don't worry it get added to you tab.

As for the owner of "Hotel Resurrection" the one known as Rosa. They say she was once a god and walked away form the Job. How a god dos that who knows. They say she won this place on a game of Battle ship with death. They say she is the sister of the lady of pain, what ever that means. Could be, truth is no one has a clue who or what she is other than she is big scary and likes a cigar now then then.

Her place, this place Its a place to come and chat, drink and talk over ones life and dreams. Pop into a Sim room and have a fight, drink or what ever.

A bit about what this is all about. Ok 1: I'm a bad GM, yep I am, I'm ok with the story telling and setting up plots but when it comes to Fights, rules and number, My brain dies. Just falls over and runs away. So I have started games here and time and again, just run form the time need to do the math work. So A game with out fights. OK. Next old PCs. How often have you made a great PC and thought, RATS!! not picked and waited for another game just like it to have a go playing that PC. Well here is your chance to Resurrection that PC and come meet others, EVEN book a room and have a little fun. This idea is simple, no long campaign just a place to Meet, chat and have small bits of RPG FUN. I will set up NPCs. There are three ways you can play, 1: Just come in a meet who is there. 2: Book a sim room for some small bit of RPG fun. 3: Become an NPC working as staff. Recruitment is always open and I will pop in from time to time to check things. In the SIM rooms you can be your own GM, or a group can pick one as a GM. The Rules is simple NO LONG Games, you can cut pits out of other campaigns and just play that. No need for the whole set up thing or payoff. If your a crater then come and sell your wares. All are welcome.

1: Be NICE, or your out. Its that simple.
2: Your PC can never die, so PvP and simrooms for FUN only and done always in SIM room and with BOTH sides in PVP agreeing to it.
3: PC Creation, this is hotel Resurrection ANY ALL Paizo and 3PP is allowed. You have PCs you have made so bring them in, there is no limit to how many you want to stay in the "Hotel Resurrection".
4: PCs, not gods, sorry, just like the lady of Pain in Sigil Rosa will take a dim view if a god walks in. Epic find, godling find, full god no can do.
6: Tech Level, emergent guns, no modem or high tech sorry, this is a 100% fantasy setting, I may call them sim rooms but they are in fact just magic rooms.
7: To have a PC enter "Hotel Resurrection" just post in here, with the alt, and Ill sign it off. IF its not TO Daft and mad, like a PC with an Army filling the Bar etc.

Note: I am dyslexic sorry about the, well you know.

Your Johnny Panic.




Then... a breath... breathing. The familiar, yet somehow unusual feeling of air moving in and out of lungs. And sound. Other creatures breathing. As eyelids part, light rushes in...

The Library {Table 2} [Discussion]

The Library {Table 2} [Closed Recruitment]

This where players Chaitty Chat about OOC things.
Gags Jocks and all round fun.

This where players Chaitty Chat about OOC things.
Gags Jocks and all round fun.

Location: The Throaty Mermaid
Time: Evening, about 8:30
Weather: Windy and wet for this time of year.

The Throaty Mermaid, A classic dock side tavern, in the more seedy part of Port town. Know for its cheap ale, experience imported spirits, the fact it lets orcs, Goblins and Tifelings in the place. As Old blind Tom likes to say about letting just about anyone in to the place. "Bleeding Coins as good as anyone's"

On the door a Butter and Miss Flowers, two male Minotaur bouncers, Butter is your typical 8' tall Minotaur with a very large Axe and evil look and drunks get thrown out on their butts. Where as Miss Flowers is also 8' tall with Axe and a dress. He, sorry she, will come over as ask you nicely to stop fighting or what ever and then thrown you out on their butts. It is an unwritten rule and a very good idea NOT to ask a cross dressing 8' tall Minotaur with a very large Axe, why he's are a cross dressing 8' tall Minotaur with a very large Axe., or once could find out just how big that axe really is.

The tavern, has a second floor, around the bar is a balcony from which doors can be seen. Stairs lead up to a very fat woman, half orc buy the looks of her, This is the realm of Big Betty, Old Blind Toms wife, and mistress of the working girls who hire her rooms. Its always a bit of pot look who you get in one of Big Bets rooms, as she is not every good with numbers and gets rooms mixed up. But one number she never forgets and that is the 10 gold it takes to get past her and to a room. What the lady in side charges you for what every you do in there is no ones business but your own. But its 10 gold to peek at the wares. Butty has a soft voice and a very big stick, its always a good idea to show her respect.

Down below there is a bard platform, behind a chicken wire fence. Many bottles have been know to be thrown at bards who did not please the clients. A nice warm fire and all around the lowlife on port town. Cut throats, Pirates, Sell swords, Spell throwers and even a group of real scum!, layers, sit at one table, all in suits, drinking white wine spritzers and talking the client billing.

There is a doll like form to one side, buy her stands a stunningly attractive an large Female half orc, the half Orc waves you over.
Seems there may be work to be hand.

Table 2 The bad Guys

This is semi closed to players who made PCs and where not picked for this thread.>>>

Please see this recruitment thread.

The space was vast, high overhead stars sparkled,

On a sea bluff stood a woman, by her side to small drones giving off light. She stood looking out of the artificial sea. The waves broke on the beach far below. Close to her rested a transport pod.

There was a shimmer behind her and figures came into being.

She turned and recognised two, there others where unknown to here.

::"The committee has meet Da Qill, they have agreed to allow you to initiate your action plan in that sector of Divinity space. It is felt it will aid to have a new front there and it may, may just work."::

She smiled to herself, well this is what the wait had been for. Years of planning, years of having her Proxy working away studying the cultures and words. Finding the minds that wanted the same thing, that could see a way past the way things where for them. Or just wanted more, some even know how they where trapped.

::"Thank you, I will inform my proxy, and support, what do you offer, a ship, fleet full incursion?"::

The Aviator of an AI she knew well looked at her.

::"Minimal, they only agreed if you can get this done with as little support as possible, This has to be done under the noses of the grater Divinity. Its way they liked your plan over some others. We'er playing the long game here as you well know and they want Deniability. Once you hand over it will mean a mind wipe, I'm sorry."

She nodded, she was going to do that anyway. It would not be the 1st time or the last. What she was good at why they let her come up with ideas like this was the fact she was happy once done to have it removed form her mind state.

::"Understood, well thank you all for coming and letting me know. My only wish is that once this is all over one you come and tell me how it worked out."::

::"Its the least I can do Annarra"::

Then they winked out of being, She looked over at the sea once more.

::"Ship, link me please to my proxy"::

The wind blow and darkness rolled on, She walked home soon after happy that her walk as good and thinking of her next painting.

This is where payers and GMs will chat on how this may work.

This is a close recruitment based on the work done on the

Dawn Of The Material Plane

Expanding is setting and restating what the starting point is.

Three GMs are in place with myself being the prime GM.

This is an on going project, to work out means using the pathfinder system where by a war on the gods themselves can be undertaken.

The starting point for this game is level 18 up, with Mythic coming in when needed.

[This game is for invited players and GMs only, the resin for this is so that experienced gamers who can show they are able to makes and run 18th level + PCs in a group setting can be shown and entrusted.]

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