
Maelchar's page

1,526 posts. Alias of JAF0.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I have a question about level+ a for kineticist impulse. Lightning Blast is a 4th level feat, and says that at level +3 you get +1d12 damage and +5' range. I thought that meant the increase happens at lvl 7, 10, 13, etc. My GM says it happens at lvl 4, 7, 10 and so forth. My reasoning is that since you can't get the feat til lvl 4, the original level is 4, not 1. GM says otherwise. Please someone clarify, thanks.

1/5 ** Venture-Agent, California—Los Angeles (Camarillo)

Just curious ... my linguist dedication character just completed 4-12 and now she is eager to learn the language of the locals... However it does not appear on any lists of available languages.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

On page 22 of book 3, there is reference to a monster in one of the rooms of map A. the creature is called Og-Zeugus, and on that page, it says the creature appears in Bestiary 6. I cannot find any reference to the creature in the pathfinderwiki lists for Bestiary 6. I'm trying to prep this part of the book for my players and am leery of purchasing Bestiary 6 unless I KNOW the Og-Zeugus appears in that book before spending the money.

Can anyone confirm that it appears in the book for me? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I cannot seem to find a definitive answer to my question, so I will ask it here.

Can a Pathfinder Savant select a spell from another class spell list that appears on his own spell list at a higher level? For example, Greater Angelic Aspect appears on the Wizard list at 8th lvl. It appears on the Paladin spell list at 4th level. Can a Pathfinder savant take the spell from the paladin list and hence cast it as a 5th level spell?

So far, I've encountered table variation on this matter, just looking for a definitive answer or faq reference about such selections. Thanks.

1/5 ** Venture-Agent, California—Los Angeles (Camarillo)

A player in one of my pfs games sent me this email... and I don't know how to answer him, so I'm asking here.

"I want to buy masterwork platemail. I have just over 1500 gp. Enough to buy platemail but not masterwork platemail. Can I spend 2 prestige points to pay the extra cost (150gp) for the masterwork? I guess from a roleplay perspective it would like asking someone from the guild to ask the master craftsman to make the armor rather than a journeyman."

1/5 ** Venture-Agent, California—Los Angeles (Camarillo)

I ran a scenario at my LGS and assigned the credit to the wrong character ID #... Is there any way to fix this or is it set in stone now that it's been entered online?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

What happens with your ioun stone(s) when you beastshape? Since they aren't in contact with you when you change, do they become part of the new form or continue to circle over the head of the new form?

If they become part of the new form, since they are not activated items, but continuous, do they continue to work? Would the new form, for example, glow if it was an ioun torch?

Monolith map & handout

Welcome to Monolith.

Monolith map & handout

Monolith begins here.

1/5 ** Venture-Agent, California—Los Angeles (Camarillo)

I am planning on playing Quinn in a game online and I'm having a bit of trouble with the character sheet. It says he took the feat 'extra investigator talent' three times, and the class itself grants him talents at levels 3, 5 and 7. Which means he should have 6 talents, but I can only find three listed on his sheet.

The iconic pregen sheets are not formatted very well, I think, so maybe I just missed it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated... thanks!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Phantasmal Killer is an illusion... it says it makes an image of what you're afraid of. since it causes death without doing damage, is it a 'death effect' (ie does death ward protect you against it... and if so, does it protect you from the 3d6 if you fail will but make fort?)

Thanks for input as I might have to reverse a ruling in my game depending on the answer to this question.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hi - we play on ROll20 on Sunday evenings from 5-7pm pacific time and are looking for 1-2 replacement characters.

character builds:

20 point buy
2 traits, one of which must be a campaign trait

The group started with 4 players and our wizard lost his internet access permanently due to a move. We are still in the beginnings of book1 - the group is in the middle of exploring the Glassworks.

We are looking for at least one arcane caster of some kind, but the other position is open to any class.

Prefer core races, you are welcome to submit others, but preference will be given to core races.

For equipment, everyone starting now may have max gold for class +500 gp to spend on gear.

If I left anything out, I'll post with more info... in the meantime, I look forward to all submissions.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Is the witch healing hex usable on self as well as other creatures touched? (i.e. can 'self' be a 'creature touched' for a viable target of the hex?)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I have a question about the Pack Lord's empathic link ability. In the rules, it simply says the pack lord has this ability and it replaces the 6th level second daily use of wild shape. It does not definitively state WHEN the pack lord gains this ability. We have a druid in our party who is using it at second level, because RAW do not state he doesn't have it yet. However it seems logical to me that it wouldn't kick in until the level of the ability it replaces, so I'm asking for RAW to state that, or at least a definitive statement here to do so, thanks.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Subject line pretty much says it all... any chance of going back to the previous format where the links are listed in a column under the campaign title instead of all on a single line? It's really hard to tell where new posts are located.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It says in the rules that the raven and thrush familiars know one single language of their master's AS A SUPERNATURAL ABILITY. It also says they can use their master's skill level in a skill if it exceeds their own. Does this mean if the master spends a point in linguistics the bird learns that new language too, or is linguistics one of those skills that familiars cannot use?

Our GM ruled that the familiar could use the languages but I disagree since it is a supernatural ability, not a skill, that they can speak at all. I'm curious as to what the real ruling is.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I have a question about crafting magic items.
Can the base masterwork piece for a wondrous item be any like item of clothing?

For example, can a belt of giant strength be crafted into any clothing item that fills the belt slot or does it HAVE to be a thick leather belt with large metal buckles. For example, could a Minkaian crafter put giant strength into an obi designed to be worn with martial gear?

Same question about boots of striding and springing - can the features of the magic item be imbued into any piece of footgear that fills the same slot as a pair of boots?

9 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

When a magus uses spellstrike to deliver a shocking grasp through his weapon, if his opponent is wearing metal armor, does the magus still get the +3 to hit in melee?