
Mac Boyce's page

Organized Play Member. 3,124 posts (3,882 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 17 aliases.

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Wonderful toy!!!


My gaming groups have a love/hate relationship with this deck. They HATE it when they mess up for now the consequences for them rolling a one are now even more deadly! But they love it for it brings more fun to a game we love. This is highly recommended!!

You need this book!


Get this book at any cost!!!! The feats are excellent, the classes are good and the spells rock!! What are you waiting for???

Good book, but do we need Illumians?


I love playing humans and their bastard offspring! This book gives me lots of options to add to my ever growing list of characters, but Illumians throw me off a bit. The just seem to lose that D&D flavor for me when I read it. But if you just skip over that chapter in the book, then it is really good!



From the classes to the equipment, this book delivers and is totally worth the price. If you want to be sneaky w/o being referred to as a trap monkey, then get this book and become a scout. You will not regret it.



I wanted to try 4e out before I made any sort of judgment on the game. Unfortunatly I did. The mechanics of the game feel like a video game and the "quick and simple" battles that were promised evidentially didn't take in the factor of bad dice rolls. Some of the ideas are cool (rituals are interesting) but not enough to get me to switch to playing 4e. They seem to stress playing heroes in the PHB and frown on you playing evil. Sad, because the player should have every option available to him/her and not get pigeon-holed into a role they don't want.