M1G4L's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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Got a batch of minies from Archon. :)
Thanks to Paizo and Archon for continuing to work on it.
I now have begun wanting to play Starfinder again. A game I really loved. So thanks. :)

I got my first and second wave while buying Elzebo and Zo!

I like the miniatures and Archon has done well so far.
Thank you Archon-people and thanks to the Paizo team that made a solution.

I hope it will continue being nice.

Archon is communicating via their web-site:

https://archon-studio.com/blog/archon-studio-and-paizo-partnership-announce ment


Thank you guys for still posting.

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I keep coming back to this thread hoping for some progress.

I stopped my subscriptions due to Ninja Divisions stunt and don't participate, organize or GM Starfinder games anymore.

I thought the scenarios where fantastic and was so invested in the story. But now I have only anger when I hear of Paizo. I really hope that'll change someday, so I keep coming back here to this thread.

<<Pirate parrot>>

Tier 1 (60 credits)
Mini 1
Artificial Personality

My first computer had the voice and size of a parrot. Perfect for my pirate character.

We were confronted with it yesterday evening.

My GM played it most disgustingly and started with only just missing me on a roll of 2. And I missed it on a pretty god roll.
Pretty horrifying.

So the truly hideous takes a bite out of the other melee character at its second turn and our backs run cold with fear!
When it heals we were ready to just lay down and die in real life.

But we survived! (Also in real life).

And it was one of my best encounters ever.

So i think it's okay. Horrible difficult. But okay.

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We briefly ran a Space Pirate themed campaign.
When starfinder first came out and we had a discussion of what we wanted to play. Space Pirates or Society Scenarios.

It started out as a mix between the two where we used pirate names for starfinder stuff.

So it became the Lootspire instead of Lorespire and so on.

It was quite fun, but most of the fun was in the adventures and not the different names and it became a bit of a chore with the renaming process. So our pirates are now Starfinders.