Baron Galdur Vendikon

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409 posts. Alias of Ross Byers (RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32).

Full Name

Sylvester Solstar


| HP 72/72| AC 15 Incorp T 12 T 12 FF 14 | CMB -1 CMD 10 | F +10 R +5 W +6, +2 vs Illusion| INIT +7| PER +16 Low Light SM -1| Speed 20' |Resist Fire 5|


Re-roll 1/1, Dancing Lights 1/1, Ghost Sound 1/1, Prestidigitation 1/1, Speak with Animals 1/1, Claws 9/9, +3 vs Spells 1/1, +2 UMD 1/1| Spells: Sorcerer 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 5/5


Male N Gnome Sorcerer 7 Buffs:


S (3'4", 39#)


Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Giant.

Strength 5
Dexterity 12
Constitution 18
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 23

About Sylvester Solstar

Male N Gnome Sorcerer 7

Str 5 Dex 12 Con 18 Int 12 Wis 8 Cha 23

HP 72 Init +7 Speed 20' Senses Low Light Vision Perception +16
AC 15 T 12 FF 14 BAB +3 CMB -1 CMD 10
F+10 R+5 W+6, +2 vs Illusions.
Resist: Fire 5

Significant Boons
+1 Perception, Sense Motive, Will save vs. Illusions. Lasts for the entire adventure (3)
Re-roll any Attack, Save or Skill roll (1)
Re-roll Attack or Save vs. Undead only (1)
Endure Elements (3) - CL 7
Force Aspis to re-roll a d20 roll as an immediate action (1)
Magic Boon (2) - Spend a standard action to recover a cast spell.

Faction: Dark Archive

Enduring Scholar (Dark Archive): 1/Adventure: +3 vs Spells (applied before the roll).

Magical Tinkerer: 1/Adventure:+2 on a UMD check.

Bluff +10,K-Arcana +5,K-Nature +2,Fly +14*,Perception +16,Ride +4,Spellcraft +7,UMD +15/17(with masterwork tool).

*Fly spell.

Untrained skills of note: Craft-Alchemy +3, Diplomacy +6, Stealth +5.

Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Giant.

(Eschew Materials), Improved Initiative, Toughness, Spell Focus (Conjuration), (Great Fortitude), Empower Spell.

Reactionary,Magical Knack (up to +2 CL - Bard).

Sorcerer Class Abilities

Bloodline (Draconic), Skill(Perception).

Arcana - fire +1 damage/die rolled.
Power 1st level- gold dragon,2 claws (d4, counts as magical) 9 rounds/day.
Power 3rd level - resist fire 5, +1 NA.
Bloodline Feat: Great Fortitude.

FCB (Sorcerer 7, +7 hp)
+1 CHA (4th level).

Spell Casting

Concentration: Sorcerer +13.

Spells per Day (Sorcerer 1st-8, 2nd-8, 3rd-5)

Spells Known
0 - Detect Magic, Read Magic,Daze Will DC 16, Acid Splash (+5 Touch 1d3 40'),Light, Mending, Mage Hand(40',5#).

1 - Silent Image Will DC 18, SR No, Burning Hands 5d4+5 Fire Reflex DC 17 1/2, Grease Reflex DC 18, 40', SR No, Mage Armor (+4 AC, 7 hours), Magic Missile 4d4+4 Force damage 170', Reduce Person, 7 minutes.

2- Glitterdust Will DC 19, SR No, 170', Resist Energy (20, 70 minutes), Mirror Image 1d4+2 Images, 7 minutes, Scorching Ray (2 rays, +5 touch 4d6+4 damage, 40').

3- Fireball 7d6+7 Fire, 20' Radius. Reflex DC 19 1/2, Fly(60' +14, 7 minutes),Heroism, 70 minutes.

Racial Abilities
Low light vision, Keen Senses, Defensive Training,Gnome Magic, Hatred, Illusion Resistance, Obsessive(Alchemy +2),Weapon Familiarity.

Magical Items
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2, Eyes of the Eagle, Cloak of Protection +2, Mithril Buckler +1, Belt of Mighty Constitution +2.

Scrolls - Fly, Levitate, Invisibility, Alter Self, Comprehend Languages, Obscuring Mist, Disguise Self, Silent Image, Reduce Person, Identify, Endure Elements, Longstrider.

Wands - Mage Armor(1),Cure Light Wounds(14).

Spell Component Pouch
MW Tool Riding- Riding Boots.
MW Tool UMD - Rabbit Foot.
Scroll Case(3)
Entertainer's Outfit.
3428.5 gold
Weight 10.25# (Light - CC 12#)

18.5 XP, 32 Fame, 8 Prestige.


Scroll Case (1):Fly, Invisibility, Silent Image, Obscuring Mist.
Scroll Case (2):Levitate, Alter Self, Reduce Person, Disguise Self.
Scroll Case (3)*:Endure Elements, Longstrider, Comprehend Languages, Identify.

Dog - Riding "Shaggy" - Standard Riding Dog (Wolfhound, Cream color), Riding Saddle, Saddle Bags, 2 Water skins, 2 Days rations, Backpack, Scroll Case (3)*.


| HP 72/72| AC 15 Incorp T 12 T 12 FF 14 | CMB -1 CMD 10 | F +9 R +4 W +5, +2 vs Illusion| INIT +7| PER +15 Low Light SM -1| Speed 20' |Resist Fire 5|

Re-roll 1/1, Dancing Lights 1/1, Ghost Sound 1/1, Prestidigitation 1/1, Speak with Animals 1/1, Claws 9/9, +3 vs Spells 1/1, +2 UMD 1/1| Spells: Sorcerer 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 5/5