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Shadow Lodge

Was looking at the Sylvan Trickster who gets witch hexes and Rose Warden, who is Roguey but also gets a lot of Int based abilities.

So my thought is, how practical is an Int based build based on this? I'm thinking an 18 on a 20 point build.

Shadow Lodge

Take a Figment Familar, who starting at 3rd level gains evolution points that are changeable each day (1 at 3rd, 2 at 7th, 3 at 13th) and more often with a feat but cannot be the source of spells like a witch's or shaman's familar.

Use the Evolved Familar feat to get:
Shared Evolution (Su) 1 point

Select a 1-point or 2-point evolution the eidolon has. As a standard action, the eidolon can touch the summoner and transfer the selected evolution to him. This functions as the summoner’s aspect ability, and the same limitations apply. The summoner can touch the eidolon as a standard action to return the evolution. The evolution returns to the eidolon automatically if the eidolon is dismissed by the summoner or sent back to its home plane.

Essentially, you can provide the character with whichever 1-2 point eidolon evolution they want.

My question is, which kinda character would benefit most from this type of combo?

I'm thinking things like Carnivalist Rogues, Eldritch Guardian Fighters, or some kinda cleric, might be fun on the otherwise wimpy magical child vigilante.

But I'm wondering what others think.

Shadow Lodge

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I was looking at the Monk rules and noticed there wasn't an alignment restriction (and they had gotten tougher on other alignment questions). So, I thought, gee, let's make it a CG "bar fighter" and screw the RP suggestions, multiclass into rogue at second level.

And she's so totally a Cayden Cailyn fangirl.

Seriously, I want to make a HtH character and have always hated monk fluff (no better reason than it's not to my taste).

So my question to you:

Is this idea something that will be killed because I just pointed it out?

Have anyone else any cool and interesting twists in the play tests?

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Once played a Lantern Lodge Paladin and she fit brilliantly without issues. Know some other factions Paladins would not fit well. Any take on how Paladin friendly is this faction yet?

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I, for awhile, have been thinking of creating a developmentally disabled character, perhaps having Down Snydrome and representing this by dumping Int. It would be possibly a Chosen One Paladin of Andoletta or a spiritualist whose spirit is his guardian/protector.

In both cases, I'm thinking of making the familar and/or Spirit sometimes the senior partner in decision making.

On the other hand, if handled badly, this character concept could be offensive. I wonder how others would handle such a character?

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Add a verse,

On the first day of Critmas, John Compton gave to me, an archetype and carnivorous tree.

Shadow Lodge

I am looking good for third party "takes" on darker subject matter. Could be anything from cursed items and spells to scenarios or whatever that are mature in the best sense of the word.

By that, I mean Battlestar Galactica 2003 or Game of Thrones or Shakespeare where actions have consequences and don't shy away from hard topics mature as opposed to "Junior high adult" mature.

Thanks in advance suggestions?

Shadow Lodge

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Is what it says on the tin. Basically, I designing a place which is cursed and I'm wondering how people would approach it. Some thoughts:

The whole building is an intelligent cursed item.

Setting is a demiplane with lingering effects.

Setting has permanent magical effects in place.

Basically, what rules would you use?

Shadow Lodge 1/5

First of all this is not about crunch, at least I don't think it is. But reading through the Starfinder rpg, I got an idea for a PFS character built in a way that suggests they are a "prototype" of something in the Starfinder verse.

And since I know I won't be only one (but I can claim it first!) to think such thoughts I thought it might be worthwhile to start a discussion on the subject.

How much "crossover" of ideas do you want, both from Paizo and from players? What is your acceptable in your mind, and what is not in the context of PFS?

My idea btw

is an Oracle whose behavior and a few other things suggest she may be an aspect of Waylan; the CG deity who breaks off pieces of himself and then crafts that piece into a mortal of any species or sex to live in the world, free from the responsibilities of godhood. Wouldn't worship a Starfinder diety. Was born in the usual way etc but has ties to something... unknown.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

I filled out the survey that Tanya and co put together on what we liked and disliked, what kind of characters you played etc.

My question is what questions do you wish they had asked or asked differently?

Questions they should have asked IMHO:

How do you feel about the inclusion of subsystems, like mass combat rules, overland travel, etc?

If you were to add or subtract a faction, what would it be?

Asked Differently-

What was your favorite season?

I named season three just because of the quality of adventures, things like Godsmarket, Tempel of Emypemeral Enlightenment, Haunting of Hinojai, Frostfur Captives are all classics.

But it came down to that being the best written season with the right combination of meta plot and individual adventure focus.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Feat is printed in the traits pdf that is allowed in core. Does that mean it is legal?

Shadow Lodge

Started an Unchained Monk Scaled Fist for PFS.

Am planning on taking her into Devoted Muse Prestige at 6th level.
Stats are--

Race Kitsume:

Str 10
Dex 17 (18 at 4th), Agile weapons ASAP.
Con 12 (yes I know)
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 17 (18 at 8th)

or changing it to

Str 10
dex 17
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 8 (yes, I know)
Cha 15

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Combat Reflexes (Monk 1), Dodge (monk 2) Dirty fighting (3rd), Improved Feint (5th)

What what I'm considering:
1-2 level dip in brawler to pick up Agile Manuevers for levels 4-5 or just 4 to open up some manuever possiblities.

1-2 level dip in Vigilante
+4 on bluff and Agile Manuevers.

1 level dip in Swashbuckler for Panache, Class Skills.

Dumping Devoted Muse or delaying til 6th, 5th level feat for Agile Manuevers and picking up improved feint at 6th w/monk bonus feat.

Whatever I'm not thinking of.

Opinions and options?

Shadow Lodge

The original BSG fed my great life long love of watching civilization collapse and watching people respond.

Your show was my show when I was eight, and I thank you for it.

My warmest wishes to you and your family.

Shadow Lodge

Tried to order from the website.

Got order declined. Called Debit card company, confirmed funds. Asked customer service to check why order was turned down.

Answer, PIN number incorrect.

So I removed the payment method and then recreated it. Came up with no prompt to enter PIN. Tried to put order through again. No prompt to enter PIN.

Second time this has happened and it is not your problem, so I will create another payment method, however due to time limits(This week) you can reset again.


EDIT: Saw note about weather closure. Good luck there.

Shadow Lodge

Any way to do this?

Shadow Lodge

I am designing a spell, and the internal logic behind it suggests it would only effect a mammal. Doesn't matter if it is an animal, humaniod, monstourus humanoind or whatever. But there is no catagory that is only mammals. How would, if you were writing a spell, specify a catagory that is mammal only?

Shadow Lodge

Do they work together, And why or why not?


Bladed Brush

You know how to balance a polearm perfectly, striking with artful, yet deadly precision.

Prerequisite(s): Weapon Focus (glaive), must be a worshiper of Sheyln.

Benefit(s): You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a glaive sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon. When wielding a glaive, you can treat it as a one-handed piercing or slashing melee weapon and as if you were not making attacks with your off-hand for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a duelist’s or swashbuckler’s precise strike).

As a move action, you can shorten your grip on the glaive, treating it as though it lacked the reach weapon property. You can adjust your grip to grant the weapon the reach property as a move action.


Piranha Strike

Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: When wielding a light weapon, you can choose to take a -1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (-50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and for every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by -1 and the bonus on damage rolls increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before the attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage. This feat cannot be used in conjunction with the Power Attack feat.

Thanks in advance.

Shadow Lodge

Tried to order from the website.

Got order declined. Called Debit card company, confirmed funds. Asked customer service to check why order was turned down.

Answer, PIN number incorrect.

So I removed the payment method and then recreated it. Came up with no prompt to enter PIN. Tried to put order through again. No prompt to enter PIN.

Not using my usual computer. Please advise.

Shadow Lodge

Saw it, kinda liked it but also felt the plot holes were unrealistic. On one hand ship was cool with lots of realistic touches like rotating artificial gravity.

On the other hand the world was way too comfortable/luxurious (doesn't mean I don't want that pool), Aurora's reasoning for the trip was foolish beyond belief.

Would have killed off Chris Pratt at the end and made Jennifer Lawrence preggers.

Basically I wanted to like this movie and to some extent do, but it could have been a lot better. It's like the Thirteenth Warrior, where there are a lot of cool moments of awesomeness, only the package doesn't come together and I feel sorry for the script writer who wrote this probably wrote the script to please industry executives (at least that's what it felt like) who wanted a nice safe, luxurious universe for the characters.

Shadow Lodge

Theory crafting here to see why this wouldn't work.

1 Agathion blooded enlightened warrior trait gets you NG or N. Possibily using adopted.

2 1-2 level dip in Vigilante then allows for a chaotic persona.

Does this work for for pfs?

Shadow Lodge

Looking for a teamwork feat to share skills.

Shadow Lodge

Not the Monk archetype, but in general, particularly trip and dirty trick. Am thinking either Brawler or Lore Warden fighter. Would prefer a dex build but I think it costs too much in feats. Race, human or half elf but will look at others.

Looking at 20 pt buy.
For Brawler

Str 18 (10 pts+2)
Dex 14 (5pts)
Con 14 (5pts)
Int 10
Wis 12 (for the weak will save)
Cha 8

Feats 1)Dirty fighting, Improved dirty trick 2)Kitsume style 3)Kitsume tricks 5) Combat reflexes 6) Kitsume Vengeance or Greater dirty trick 7) the other


Str 12
Dex 19 (13 pts+2, 4th level increase)
Con 15 (7 pts, 8th Level)
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 7

Feats 1)Dirty fighting, Agile, 2) Improved dirty trick 3)Kitsume style 5)Kitsume tricks 6) Kitsume Vengeance or Greater dirty trick 7) the other

Am thinking of putting some unchained rogue levels (no more than 3) in the latter build.

What am I not seeing?

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Let's say pathfinder players suddenly manifest the abilities of the character they are most emotionally attached to in the real world. Let's say it happens in one moment in time to everyone who has previously played the game even once.

Changes are permanent.

Shadow Lodge

This is a idea that amuses me as a pfs idea. Multi class Oracle with clouded vision curse and gunslinger, probably mysterious stranger for obvious reasons. Race, most likely half elf.

All the rest is open.

Shadow Lodge

Might sound silly, but I need some advice for Kellid, particularly Sarkorian clan names.

Shadow Lodge

Trying to find out info on the machine gods. Looked through the first of the AP and read references but could not find more info like domains etc online.

Shadow Lodge

The Mission:
Give the original text with the standard built in reason for "why" a character has an alternate racial trait. Then give a character specific version as to why which may or may not fit with the "standard" version.

Race(for these examples) Half Orc

1)Skilled: Second- and third-generation half-orcs often favor their human heritage more than their orc heritage. Half-orcs with this trait gain 1 additional skill rank per level. This racial trait replaces darkvision.

Character Specific Version: Character was raised by Sisters of the Golden Eryines (Asmodean Nuns). In order make sure she did not develop the "unfair" advantage of darkvision she was made to sleep in a room with a light spell always lit. She took advantage of this, reading books late into the night. They were her comfort and solace. But never exposed to dark enviroments until adulthood, she never developed the darkvision she would normally have acquired.

2)Sacred Tattoo: Many half-orcs decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification, which they consider sacred markings. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.

Character Specific Version:Same character was whipped by the sisters on a regular basis, in order to "beat the orc" out of her and punish her for infractions, real and made up. To this day her back is filled with scars (like slaves pre civil war). Fortunately, a good spirit was attracted and continues to watch over her.

Shadow Lodge

Know it exists, can't remember name of it.

Shadow Lodge Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

After reading and observing the top 32 and then the entire contest there where times where I thought, this part should be easy and other times, reading the requirements and said to, if this were me I'd be so screwed.

My thought on myself--

Round 2--Came up with two great ideas, a Kaer Maga dining establishment and an Osirian temple complex. Either would probably have me advance.

Round 3--Monster round, came up with a great idea but realised my experience in making monsters would make it hard for me to fully realise my vision. This is the round I'd probably go out. If I didn't, I'd probably go through like Crystal did i.e. with no judge recomendations but lots of "this idea is so dang cool I have to vote for it." More likely, I'd get a wtf reaction and come in dead last in the voting.

Lesson for me, create more monsters.

Round 4-- I'd probably have a 50/50 shot of advancing do to stiffening competition. I would not use the bridge.

Round 5-- I've always had this great idea for when I make the finals. Unfortunately, it's set in Mendev and the Worldwound. Oops. I'd think over adapting it but if I I'm smart, reject the idea.

So I go with my list of cool ideas and probably settle on the one about a Changeling child being kidnapped and the pcs going to rescue her.

I'm sure no one else would think to include that in their final entry.

Regardless, I'd loose. Nicks was much better than mine.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

I'm going to be working somewhere between West Palm Beach and Port St Lucie between November 9th and December 22nd.

What is the PFS scene like in that part of the state like?

Am availble to play or gm. Also, at least part of the time I will be on public transportation and my assumption based off past experince in that part of the country that its poor.

Am I wrong about this?

Shadow Lodge

A spell caster's equivilent of Spring Attack or Shot on the Run, which allows you to move cast move.

Shadow Lodge

Watched the first two episodes and have read the books.

A little disappointed that they didn't stay with young Uhtred longer and cover his transition from Saxon to Dane better. Also the Danes are fun in the book in a bloody minded way compared to the Saxons that you really sometimes feel the world would be better has Wessex had been snuffed out.

I like that Alfred is dislikeable. They simplified Breda's character unfortunately and downplaying the religous conflict a little too much for my taste by Thor.

Basically the show feels like it is on fast forward, and I guess I was hopeing for a little better.

As a Pathfinder player I can't help but think Uhtred would be a great modle for a half orc or half elf.

Shadow Lodge

Background: The first part of Snows of Summer takes place on Earth: Forest of Dean, England 1941. All pcs are evacuated kids between 10 and 14. Soulbound Doll is one of their schoolmates. It is evident that the gate is to expand into Earth.

Special rules:

Characters are human...apparently and intially. Will probably apply one wookie rule.

Initally, everyone has access to improvised weapons, clubs etc and no magic. When they meet the rider he will provide standard equitment, familars, spell books, etc. Once in Irrisen characters will intuitively know how to swing a sword, cast a spell, etc. Combats will be simularly adjusted to account for weaker characters.

Players will pick class destined for at start of campaign even though they will initially be npc classes.

Ancestors will show up in Rastputin Must Die.

What I'm looking for:

Suggestions for sources, ww2 era equitment, british slang, etc.

Tie inns etc and anything else that might be helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Shadow Lodge Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

Question to the judges?

I've noticed the last few times you've done monsters rather than npcs in your create a npc/monster round where as before it seemed (without looking) that it was 50/50 as the contest has evolve into its current form.

Is there something to this?

Shadow Lodge

Note that free rpg day modules tend to do unique things, like play goblins, kobolds, or aspis agents or whatever. So, what would you like to play that's weird warped and wonderful.

Dark Archive 1/5

It is obvious that the deceverite framed Grandmaster Torch. Only I am yet to figure out how. Perhaps this pernicious plot can be exposed and the Shadow Lodge restored.

I look forward to hearing your leads.

Shadow Lodge

How do these work in the Archetype. I'm looking to do a wood school savant and am wondering whether I need 1 or 2 opposed schools. Since this is a pfs character I'm looking for something offical.

Shadow Lodge

By this, I mean classes like witch where every one has either the misfortune or the slumber hex and all witches cackle. Or summoner (either version) where most eidolons are dpr monsters with an occasional skill monkey but making a manuever master or ranged eidolon is not practical. (In fact, I think the lack of these concepts are part of the summoners image problem)

Basically, I'm wondering what classes fit this criteria, where many options exist on paper, but which for all practical purposes only one or two see play.

What would you do for a player who wanted to buck "the concept" and what classes do you think fit this criteria. Where is it possible to work around it and where is it not so much?

Comments? Opinions?

Shadow Lodge

I'm thinking of a character for pfs with a based on a sexy librarian trope but am having some problems deciding which class to go with. Choices are (so far) some sort of witch, archeologist bard, arcanist, lore mystery oracle. Don't think I want to go wizard.

Any other suggestions?

Shadow Lodge Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

On a Delain, Nightwish kick and alternating between their albums while voting.

And I think I like Anette more than Tarja.

Anyway this is yet another pointless but fun thread.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

What are your to five to run/play of all time.

1) Godsmarket Gamble-
2) Pallid Plague
3) Feast of Ravenmoor (yea, a module, sue me) played and ran, both times 4 of 5 unconscious in the last battle).
4) Blackros Matrimony (for me maybe because my summoner's eidilon got to protest to an Andoran official of the GROSS oversight of the Eagle Knights not allowing eidilons full membership).
5) The Bloodcove Disguise

Shadow Lodge

Got an idea for a Witch or Carnivalist Rogue. Basically, I was thinking of taking Evolved Familiar feat, Skilled Evolution:Use Magical Device, and giving my familiar a wand have them sitting in the bushes or wherever. The mental image I have is a squirrel clutching its body around a wand shooting a lighting bolt.

I want to do this. I was thinking of doing it for pfs or saving it for a home game.

Wondering what people think.

All the best,


Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

What this thread is not: Yet another thread to argue about the balance issues of the Summoner class or tell us how you hate the class. There are plenty of threads for that.

What it is A thread to give examples of fictional characters that could provide good origin stories for Eidolons, perhaps with some reininterpretation because, gee not all fiction is structured with Pathfinder rules in mind. If it touches on an argument about summoners, feel free to mention it, but only in passing.

Stitch--Lilo and Stitch, dangerous, comes from another planet but it would work as another dimension. Also good example of the "imaginarry friend" of a child summoner which isn't so imaginary and a good example to bring up as a counter argument to the idea that an inexperinced (low level) character can't have an eidolon.

Other Dimensional Magical Girlfriends--Two come to mind. Jeanie from I dream of Jeannie and Belldandy from the Manga/Anime Oh My Goddess. Both are supernatural and come from out there. There is tension with the human. Both but Belldandy in particular would have an archtype increasing mental stats probably at the cost of physical stats which Paizo has not given us (but should). While both too powerful for the standard Eidolon, they could be inspiration for an eidolon.

R2D2--Could be a good model for an Eidolon. Very Loyal to master Luke. Skill monkey rather than combat monster. Literally falls from another world.

Hope this is interesting.


Shadow Lodge

I've sometimes made nods to concept over mechanics, for example, spending a skill point every level in Profession: Orcish Barbacue for my half orc alchemist. I think doing so is a good thing in general.

However, with a half elf witch I'm designing, I found myself spending both traits on concept to give me the skills she needed to survive in such an environment (bluff and sense motive) raised by an abusive mom, a winter witch, who raped her father and then sent him to the bone mill. I found myself picking the ancestors patron (i.e. father) and was considering elven spirit as her first feat or getting extra traits to get the other things I need.

Basically, I found I was using everything to justify backstory and wasn't optimizing as well as I could/would normally do.

I'm considering dropping the character concept because I was using so much on background. So my question is, to what extent do your characters use thematic choices over the 'best mechanical option'.