Telakin (Doppleganger)

Lucas VerBeek's page

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber. 59 posts (573 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

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Reminds me of that episode of Avatar the Last Airbender, which feels appropriate with an Exemplar involved!

Love the touch of Nahoa not knowing what hailstones are.

While yes this can be talking about the War of Immortals, I’m more focusing on the mortal side, as noted during the reveal stream two classes are getting play tested, that are forged in the wars that spread across Golarion.

Therefore, who do you think is getting into an open war?

I mean clearly we’re seeing what might end hii ok being longstanding hostilities with the Verduran forest and its neighbors with Wardens of Wildwood, I’m thinking we’re going to be seeing another Glorious Reclamation or rather Andoran and Cheliax finally cutting loose and commit to the war that’s been building up between them since the start of 2E.

A Brevic Civil War similarly seems primed to finally begin in Ernest particularly with the demise of one of their central deities.

While yes this can be talking about the War of Immortals, I’m more focusing on the mortal side, as noted during the reveal stream two classes are getting play tested, that are forged in the wars that spread across Golarion.

Therefore, who do you think is getting into an open war?

I mean clearly we’re seeing what might end hii ok being longstanding hostilities with the Verduran forest and its neighbors with Wardens of Wildwood, I’m thinking we’re going to be seeing another Glorious Reclamation or rather Andoran and Cheliax finally cutting loose and commit to the war that’s been building up between them since the start of 2E.

A Brevic Civil War similarly seems primed to finally begin in Ernest particularly with the demise of one of their central deities.

Paizo Employee Marketing & Media Specialist

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oh ho ho!!!!!

Wow...I knew Nethys was strong but this is way more than I expected.

That is a wild-looking character

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The funny thing is eventually we are going to go from the Magaambya to Akiton in the new AP.

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Well damn, combining Near Space with hints of the New Adventure Path.

I dig it.

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This adventure seems like so much fun, too bad my parties only play 5e and Starfinder...

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Saved from Death, BY ACTING!

Man I love these so much, I defintely want to see more of Tahja and Estrik, need to make plans.

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Asanatown...for a city in the sun it’s pretty damn dark.

I like J4K3, think I might use him for my party.

Any chance ZK could become connected to the kytons? Between the look and the Plain of Shadows, it seems like a good fit. Of course that doesn't quite fit with my desire that kytons become occult instead of divine (they haven't shown up yet, so no reason they couldn't be occult), but it isn't that big a difference, since the Outer Rifts could be connected to occult power.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Damn Harsk...isn't playing around anymore. Like that they kept his love of tea though.

I do find it a bit odd that he needs this to be personal though, he used to be about efficiency.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Wait, what's the Crimson Festival? Are they celebrating Ileosa or are they celebrating her defeat?

I have so many questions and worries about what happened in Korvasa now, considering the reprint was one of the first Adventure Paths I ever got into.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

The trek through the jungle had been hard, but at least you'd lost your pursuers. You stopped to breath in a small gap between the trees, quickly checking your pack for your canteen when you here the sound of a gun charging up. You look up slowly, as slinking our of the undergrowth to your left is a lithe, humanoid creature with a distinctively cat like features. "Did you honestly think you'd gotten away? I've hunted quad-horns quieter than you."

Amurrun- 4 HP

Attributes- +2 Dexterity +2 Cha, -2 Wis Amurrun are fast and sociable, but often lack common sense

Size and Type- Amurrun are Medium Humanoids with the Amurrun subtype.

Low-Light Vision- In dim light, Amurruns can see twice as far as humans.

Cat's Luck- Once per day when a Amurrun attempts a Reflex saving throw, they can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result.

Natural Hunter- Amurrun receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks.

Cat's Claws- Amurrun are always considered armed. They can do 1d3 lethal damage with unarmed strikes.

Amurrun, also known as Catfolk, are a people in disarray. The Gap found their race fractured, separated along ethnic and cultural lines for reasons they have yet to remember. Looking back through their own history they discovered the supposed origin of their race on Lost Golarion, as the Hunters of some unnamed darkness. This instigated a cultural renaissance where numerous Amurrun's formed a fleet, called the Claws of Bast, pulled from each of their new homelands of Castrovel, Absalom Station, Verces, and Triaxus. These crusading explorers, set out almost immediately seeking Golarion or any clues on it's whereabouts.

There are several different breeds of Amurrun, separated truly only in appearance and culture.

The Castroveli Amurrun tend to be taller, standing around six feet tall and weighing a lithe hundred-fifty pounds. They tend towards brightly colored fur with stripes or spots perfect for blending into the lush jungles they now call home. Interestingly, these Cat-folk are allowed to enter Sovyrian while non-native Amurrun are not, the reason behind this the Elves do not feel at all bothered to say.

The Absolum Amurrun are much smaller, standing about four feet and weighing ninety pounds. Tending towards darker fur colors, that they usually paint with fluorescent paint. Most spend their time amongst the Arms and Spire, often committing small amounts of burglary. It is of note that these Amurrun, have a burning hatred of Goblins and go out of there way to exterminate any they find.

The Vercite Amurrun are fast runners, with sand colored fur and have longer legs than the other breeds. They stick towards the Fullbright, avoiding much of the Inner Ring of Nations. They live in constantly moving caravans, moving in a circuit along the edge of the Ring of Nations.

The Triaxus Amurrun tend to be more active in the Winter years, covered in thick spotted white fur and are much more compact than the other breeds. Standing around five feet and weighing around a hundred-ninety pounds.

Amurrun over all have heads reminiscent of the great cats of Lost Golarion, with slit pupils, sharp fangs and rounded ears. Their entire bodies are covered in thick soft fur that changes coloration depending on breed. Almost all have long tails that tend move in different ways depending on their moods, and their legs have a digitigrade bend ending in heavily calloused paws.

Amurruns make quick friends with most races excluding Ysoki and Goblins with whom they share a antipathy. They also hold a great hatred for the Dominion of the Black, many believing that they are the darkness they were created to hunt down. This has lead to several small mercenary groups that assault any Dominion ships that leave Aucturn space. Strangely the closet relationship the Amurrun race has is with the Dwarves, which seems odd due to each races attitudes, and beliefs. However despite personality clashes, the Amurrun and Dwarven people are united in one goal, the eventual rediscovery of Golarion. It is quite likely to find Amurrun dressed in the gold-and-green armor of the Claws of Bast walking around Dwarven Star Citadels, they're joint fleets hunting their way across the galaxy.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Man now I'm even more excited for this book to come out! So many new characters to make and races to play with!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

You had gotten a mile away from the prison before the Hobvesk hunters had tracked you and your companions down. In a short time however the hunters had become the hunted, standing above you great-axe covered in the blackish gore of five Hobvesk stood a large goat-headed figure covered in thick brown fur dressed in salvaged Vesk armor. "More no-hooves the greyskins have taken captive we see...come we bring you to Shepard-Mother.

Fathari- 6 HP

Attributes- +2 Str +2 Con -2 Int Fathari are a hearty people but they lack some higher functioning.

Size and Type- Medium Humanoids with the Fathari subtype.

Bestial Knowledge- Fathari gain a +2 bonus to Athletic, Stealth and Survival checks.

Iron Rage- In the heat of battle Fathari can enter a blood rage that allows them to gain a +2 to any melee attacks.

Hated Enemy- Fathari gain a +4 bonus to attacks against beings with the goblinoid or vesk subtype.

Bounder- Fathari gain a jumping ability of twenty feet thanks to their powerful leg muscles.

The Fathari were the first race to waken in the plains and moss forests of what is now known as Kaoling. Formally a peace-loving druidic race that lived in harmony with nature, grazing peacefully while tracing the stars in the sky, the Fathari have taken a turn for the savage since the arrival of the Hobgoblin war-machine. Under the yoke of the Hobs the Fathari perished in droves leaving a only a few tribes left alive barely hanging on. In their desperation these last few tribes came together and prayed to all their ancestors and gods for salvation and something from beyond their world answered. Appearing before them was a being with gleaming red eyes the only part of it's body visible under it's full suit of ancient plate armor. "You have asked for aid and I the Lord in Iron have heard you, bow to me and I will give you the power to take back your home." After a period of brief debate the desperate individuals bent the knee and found themselves rewarded with strength and rage beyond their imagining.

The Fathari of the past were lithe, white furred beings with thin straight horns and placid blue eyes. The Fathari of today however are covered in thick brown fur with green moss that allows them to disappear into their native habitat. Their eyes are a steel grey and their horns have thickened and curved sideways like the horns of a bighorn sheep. Very rarely a Fathari called an Iron Horn is born with slate grey fur, glinting silver eyes and horns seemingly cast of black iron. They are destined to be great warriors that lead great reaving parties on unexpecting Hobgoblin loggers. Standing 8'0" tall and weighing 300 pounds the Fathari are a force to behold, having become a nightmare for the Hobgoblin and Bugbear natives of the Kaoling's Northern Most Continent.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

You watch as the Android races forward, bronze skin glinting in the distorted green light, red-gold hair flickering like a hearth fire, orange eyes set in a determined scowl. Before her stands a raving horde of Drider's purple bladed plasma lances raised in defiance. "Sarenrae be praised!" She cries, her entire body catching fire as she crashed into the forefront of the Drider soldiers. To say the least you are more then a bit surprised when a minute later the entire front row disappears in a cloud of ash.

Jinni-Core- 4 HP


Inferno-Core- +2 Dex +2 Cha -2 Wis, Inferno are quick with a punch and a witty remark but tend to not think ahead.

Quake-Core- +2 Str +2 Wis -2 Cha, Quake are strong of morals and might but lack charm.

Tempest-Core- +2 Dex + 2 Int -2 Con, Tempest are move like the wind in body and mind but are made of more fragile materiel.

Tide-Core- +2 Dex +2 Wis -2 Str, Tide are watchful and quick but lack in the muscle department.

Size and Type- JInni-Core are Medium Humanoids with the android and outsider subtypes

Elemental Tongues-Jinni start off speaking the language their spirit was stolen away from. Ignus=Ignan, Terras=Terran, Ventus=Auran, and Fluctus=Aquan.

Energy Resistance- Inferno- +4 Fire Resistance Quake- +4 Acid Resistance Tempest- +4 Lightning Resistance Tide- +4 Frost Resistance

Elemental Magic- Jinni-Core can use Kinetic Blast once per day using their respective element.

Jinni-Core Androids are the Jinns response to the Material-born Androids, crafted out of precious metals with trapped elementals powering their cores. Separated into four "models" based on their elemental alignment many have emigrated to the Material Plane seeking to escape the yoke of their Genie Creators. Inferno's can be found living amongst the Sarenites in the Burning Archipelago emigrating there through portals leading to the City of Brass and helping in the defense against Efreet Invasions. Quake's are often found amongst the Diaspora living amongst Dwarven Mining Clans and in the tunnels of Apostae having traded one cruel master for another. Tempest's ride the solar winds always on the move however a large faction have joined together on Bretheda skimming the surface in delicate kayak shaped aircraft. Tide's ply the waters of Kalo-Mahoi and the River Between in the Diaspora allying with the natives for mutual defense against the leviathans hunting their native waters.

Inferno's are crafted of burnished bronze or scorched lead with glowing amber embers for eyes, and heads of reddish gold hair. Standing 5'0" to 6'0" feet tall and weighing around 200 pounds the Inferno carry a little spark in their hearts.

Quake's are made of darkened steel or tarnished steel with no hair and glimmering diamonds set in their eye sockets. Standing 6'0" to 7'0" feet tall and weighing 270 pounds the Quake's core is made of the geode heart of an earth elemental.

Tempest's are made of pure silver with long flowing white or pale grey hair with sparks of lightning instead of eyes. Standing 4'0" t0 5'0" feet tall and weighing around 150 pounds, a raging storm trapped within their core.

Tide's are made of greened copper with short cropped blue hair with ice lenses for eyes. Standing 5'0 feet tall and weighing around 175 pound, a constantly swirling ball of water powers their hearts.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

You wake up in a cold sweat the sounds of children screaming still echoing in your mind. "I'm sorry" A childish voice says, turning your blood to ice. You turn and start at the sight at the end of your bunk. Staring at you is a child with skin the color of fog and pitch black hair and unblinking ebony eyes, dressed in rags. "I'm sorry...but they're coming...I'm afraid. You need to know." Suddenly your vison goes black and you sit up again in bed...with only a lingering feeling of dread.

Graykin- 4 HP

Attributes- +2 Wis +2 Int -2 Str, Graykin have a great mental prowess but are physically infirm.

Size and Type- Graykin are Small Humanoids with the Human and Gray subtypes

Telepathy- Graykin can telepathically communicate using images with anyone within 60 feet.

Gray Magic- Graykin gain the following Spell-like abilities,

Phase- Once Per Day a Graykin can become out of phase, allowing it to pass through walls or material obstacles.

Fearful Scream- Once Per Day a Graykin can let out a scream that inflicts the Fear spell if the enemy fails a Will Save.

Mind Thrust- A Gray can use Mind Thrust as a racial ability, dealing 1d10 damage.

Graykin are a mystery to all accept the most in the know politicians/military officers or maddest conspiracy theorists. The bastard children of Humans and their Gray kidnappers Graykin created in darkened sadistic labs through a process of mind alteration and artificial insemination. Abandoned soon after birth Graykin age incredibly quickly reaching maturity about a week after birth though after gaining the appearance of an eight to ten year old child all external aging stops. Graykin work to reveal the presence of their disguised progenitors visiting people of all races of great importance in their sleep using their inbred telepathy to sow paranoia and wariness of invaders in the shadows. This has lead to Graykin becoming a sort of bogeyman however despite their benevolent goals. Graykin have no homeland, or overarching culture outside the instinctual fear of Grays except for a deep almost religious connection to the greater cosmos leading to most feeling a profound devotion for Ibra. Standing only 3'0" feet tall and weighing under 60 pounds Graykin resemble young children or halflings with foggy grey skin, pitch black hair and solid ebony eyes. Sightings have been reported everywhere from the Dome of Absalom Station to the Ice Fields of Preluria.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

*Strongly built with charcoal grey skin and piercing solid red eyes, the hobgoblin glared down at the assembled prisoners, the symbol of Darmitosh stamped into the center of their chest armor. He levels the rifle directly at you, finger itching to pull the trigger, "Listen up worms, you were found smuggling contraband into sovereign Vesk Space. Class punishment is indentured servitude for a full the prison forges of Kaoling, Empire Designation Vesk 13. Hopefully you'll live long enough to get off the planet again."*


Attributes +2 Dex +2 Con -2 Int, Hobgoblins are fast and hardy but tend to scorn intellectual pursuits.

Size and Type Hobgoblins are Medium Humanoids with the Goblinoid Subtype

Darkvision Hobgoblins can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.

Disiplined Hobgoblins gain a +2 To Constitution Saves

After their failed conquest of Castrovel during the Year of Iron Skies the Hobgoblins fled the Pact World's System eventually finding a world in an uncharted section of Near space. Naming the newly found planet Kaoling,after a long-lost Kingdom on Golarion. The Hobs went about claiming it as their own around the same time a Planet Capturing Legion from the Veskarium arrived. When the two forces eventually clashed however both were surprised to see their actions on the battlefield almost enitrely matched. After a few more skirmishes a parlay was eventually called which lead to the Hobgoblins being inducted into the Veskarium as a vassal race. Hobgoblins stand around five feet tall and weigh a lithe 180 pounds, with skin tone ranging from bluish green to a dark charcoal grey with bright crimson eyes, pointed ears and a distinct lack of any kind of hair. Most interesting are rumors of a strange fusion of hobgoblin tenacity and vesk strength that seem to be appearing more frequently during skirmishes between the thinly veiled "rogue" Hobgoblin mercenary groups and Steward forces.

Hobvesk appear to be tall, muscular hobgoblins with scaled ridges along the backs of their arms and down their spines. The most definitive feature however is the muscular scaled tail that often whips back and forth aggressively when Hobvesk become agitated. Created through a mixture of Hobgoblin Alchemy and Vesk Technomancy Hobvesk are a slowly growing race of servitor-soldiers that can and often do breed true. They stand around six feet tall and weigh abput 230 pounds most of that pure muscle.

Attributes +2 Str +2 Dex -4 Int Hobvesk combine the strength of the Vesk with the speed of the Hobgoblins into a sturdy form but they have severely degraded minds.

Size and Type Hobvesk are Medium Humanoids with the goblinoid and vesk subtypes

Darkvision Hobvesk can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.

Natural Weapons Hobvesk can deal 1d3 lethal damage with unarmed strikes.

Fearless Hobvesk receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against fear effects

Sneaky Hobvesk gain a +2 racial bonus on Stealth Checks

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Name:Kaoling or Vesk 13

Object Type: Planet

Composition: Terrestrial, 65% Water 35% Land. Four Continents with a smattering of smaller islands.

Gravity:Golarion Standard

Status: Uplifted

Drift Capable: Yes

Magic: Mysticism is outright outlawed across much of Kaoling excluding those who have the push with the Veskarium to avoid court martial. Technomancy however is seen as the next evolution of Alchemy to the Hobgoblin race though it is much more forceful then other practices found in Near Space.

Tech Level: Space Faring, a fusion of Vesk efficiency and Hobgoblin ingenuity.

Description: A large world on the cusp of Veskarium Space, Kaoling is the new Homeworld of the Hobgoblin race. After their unsuccessful Grey Conquest of Castorvel, called the Year of Iron Skies by the Lashunta, the Hobgoblins fled into Near Space eventually finding Kaoling. Taking the name from a hobgoblin nation on Long Lost Golarion, the Hobs set about taming their new world, landing on each of the four continents killing off or enslaving the former inhabitants of the planet a peaceful ovid race call the Fathari. Out of the fires of war four nations were born named after the Four Hero Gods of Goblinoid Myth.

**Zarong** on the thickly forested northern continent, which is also home to a sizable enclave of Bugbears that have reverted to the tribal ways of their ancestors. Fires burn day and night around the city as Hobgoblin loggers cull the great trees for the Vesk-Hob warmachine.

**Kelvore** in the swamp ridden eastern continent, screams echoing out from the ichor drenched steel walls.

**Mugot** in the icy southern continent, where ships are laid to rest and scavenged for parts.

And the greatest and home to it's large Veskarium backed space port, **Hadreg**, the Iron Enclave.

Soon after settling down the Veskarium made contact with the Hobgoblins, and found to their surprise a mirror image of eachother, however distorted it might have been. The Vesk soon annexed the planet and named the Hobgoblins a client race of the great empire. A century later a movement has arisen amongst the warlike peoples of Kaoling, who have started referring to themselves as Hobvesk, seeing a kindred in their reptilian allies that could never be found with their cowardly progenitors.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

*This lashunta seems to combine the slight build of the Damaya and short height of the Korasha into a shockingly agile package that at the moment is piecing a broken drone back together faster to your eyes can follow. The drone and the lashunta let out an almost identical trills as the little robot returns to life. At that point she notices you and shy;s away before disappearing into the guts of engine she was leaning against leaving you more then a tad perplexed.*

**Attributes**- +2 Dex +2 Int -2 Cha Devari are quick with their hands and minds but lack the charm their genetic cousins are born with.

**Size and Type**-Devari are Medium Humanoids with the Lashunta subtype

**Devari Quirks**-Devari gain the following Spell-like abilities and Skills.

**All the Time**
Mending-Devari can restore 1d4 Hit Points to an Object or Construct
Telecode-Devari's natural telepathy is keyed into cybernetic signals allowing them to converse with computers and drones.

**Once Per Day**
Bypass-Devari are skilled at getting inside computer systems and electronic devices.

**Engineer**-Devari love tinkering with technology and gain a +2 on Engineering and Computing checks.

Devari are a recently discoverd third subspecies of Lashunta that evolved on *The Shotalashu* a great Lashuntan Arkship due to the environmental pressures of living within and maintaining a large space-ship. The Devari evolved solely amongst the Engineers, Mechanics and Sanitation Workers of the great vessel slowly losing their natural charisma but gain sharper reflexes and minds to adapt with their complicated and often times dangerous work. They have since bred true and upon the discovery of *The Shotalashu* by a Starfinder exploration made up twenty-five percent of the vessel's population. Since their arrival back in the Pact Worlds the introverted Devari have taken to Absalom Station and the ability to slip away in this apex of mechanical engineering. The most interesting fact about Devari however remains that they seem to have lost the ability to converse telepathically with others instead they seem to have formed this biorganic ability to understand the coded speak of *The Shotalashu*'s robotic drones. Devari stand around 5'0" tall and weigh 125 lbs on average, they tend to look similar to their genetic cousins except one key feature their antenna tend to droop across their foreheads instead of stand up straight

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Name: The Shotalashu

Object Type: Generation Ship

Composition: Adamantine-Steel Hull, Polysteel and Plastic Interiors, excluding the Biosphere which was terrestrial composition similar to the Lost Pre-Gap Age Lashunta Colony-World Devaris, with an Oxygen rich atmosphere and carbon enriched soil.

Gravity: 3/4 Golarion Standard.

Status: Contacted

Drift Capable: No

Magic: Lots

Tech Level: Space-Faring.

Description: The Shotalashu was a mystery to the Lashunta of the Pact Worlds, sparse audio recordings saying it was on a one way journey back to their homeland, after the unexpected death of their world. However all other details of the ship, it's travel and occupants were erased by the Gap. Those in the know believed the Shotalashu to be long lost, and mourned their deceased cousins in silence. That changed however when a Starfinder Team Lead by Shanti Aronosti, an Iconic Sarcesian Star-pilot took a blind jump into the Vast and returned a month later with the massive Shotalshtu in tow.

Most surprising however was the discovery of a third subspecies of Lashunta that had evolved through external pressures had adapted perfectly to life in the mechanic innards of the ship and better repair their free floating home. Called the Devari this admittedly small subspecies has bred true and at least a fourth of the Shotalashu's population is made up of them. Most interestingly the Devari seem to lack the near instinctual ability to converse mentally as the other Lashunta subspecies are able to do. Instead they seem to understand the basic binary that most Pregap computing systems run on. This year the City State of Qabarat have opened their home to their long lost Cousin's of the Shotalashu while most Devari have insisted on staring on the relative familiarity of Absolum Station. The Shotalashu is leaving Absolum space at the end of the week with plans on it forming an orbit around Castrovel now in place. -Absolum Central News Signing Off.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

One of my players wanted to play a robotic race but didn't like the Androids so I started playing around with the Anacite's...however since we know literally nothing about them I have taken quite a few liberties in their creation. Thoughts about changes are welcome.

The Bastion-Former Front Line Fighters of the Swarm War.

+2 Str +2 Con -2 Dex: Bastion's were built to be able to deal and take great amounts of damage but tend to be on the slower side of things

Size and Type
Bastions are Large Humanoids with the Anacite subtype

For effects targeting a creatures by type, anacite's count as both humanoids and constructs(whichever effect is worse) They receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, mind affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs. In addition Anacites do not need to breath, or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in the void.

Upgrade Slot
Anacite's have a single armor slot in their bodies. Bastion's however have two due to their inability to wear armor.

Slow and Steady
Bastion's have a movement speed of 20 but are not encumbered by changes in their armor plating.

Bastion's start off at first level with an extra weapon built into to part of their body. This weapon can be anything from a base melee weapon to a Heavy Weapon but it must match up with the Bastion's Class Proficiency. After Reaching Level Ten they can access another built in weapon but it can not be of the same type.