Hey everyone. I've scoured the depths of internet trying to find a game of Ars Magica somewhere, hoping beyond hope that there is a place where a kind GM would be willing to run this unique game, and which doesn't have a community that's so far up its ass they can cast spells through their belly button.
Well, I haven't found anything up until now so I'm asking here. Ars Magica? Anyone? Please?
Gnome sorcerer. color spray with spell focus. You have a 18 DC spell that can one shot things.
High strength Human thug rogue with blade of mercy(trait allows non-lethal with a bladed weapon no penalty) Enforcer and Intimidating Prowess. You hit them, they run away.
Human Cleric neagtive alt channeling rulership/envy/alochol. With traits and feats a 30 foot burst dc18 that basically takes their turn.
Please link to the PRD, and not d20pfsrd. One is official, while the other is 3rd party.
Also, be sure to read the guide below on "How to format your text". When you just copy and paste the URL of a link Paizo often breaks it in half as an attempt to curtail spam.
No where in the CRB does it say that characters get the armor proficiency feats. It merely says that they start with a proficiency, which is not the same thing as a feat.
Special: All characters except monks, sorcerers, and wizards automatically have Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. They need not select it.
The same text (Modified for appropriate classes) is present for the Medium and Heavy Armor Proficiency feats as well. Page 118 of the CRB (5th printing, if that matters).
Yes, and? As has been noted, the FAQ states that this is no longer true, and no one has those feats.
No where in the CRB does it say that characters get the armor proficiency feats. It merely says that they start with a proficiency, which is not the same thing as a feat.
There is Armor Proficiency that lets you wear armor. There are two ways to get this character trait: A class which grants it or a feat which provides it. The proficiency is what is required for wearing armor or obtaining other feats.
No. Everyone gets Armor Proficiency feat as a bonus feat with the first level of the class. The feat description says so. FAQ overrides this, by saying that everyone has Armor Proficiency ability, instead of the feat. Medium Armor Proficiency requires Light Armor Proficiency feast as a prerequisite. Which no one has.
Fighter: Can I learn a new fighter bonus feat in place of one of my armor proficiency feats?
No. Despite wording in the Armor Proficiency feats, fighters (and other classes) have a class ability that grants proficiency in those armors--it doesn't actually grant those specific feats. Therefore, the fighter's ability to learn a new feat in place of another feat does not apply to these proficiencies.
Does this mean that the Fighter doesn't meet the prerequisites for any feats that require (Type) Armor Proficiency, such as Mythic (Type) Armor?
If the village's existence is hidden by the conspiracy, then how do the town leaders instantly know that it is gone? Did the PCs come back to Sandpoint and said "Oh, hey, we kinda sorta slaughtered a gobling village nearby. Is it okay with you guys?"
Unrelated: how do you hide a village that is apparently located close to the Sandpoint?
Um they need to get a loan and resurrect the children. Bring them all back.
Since restoring the village back to life is a long and arduous process, I would slowly restore their powers as more and more villagers are restored. And only during times that he is actively involved in something that will directly bring back another villager.
Saranrae: Child of light, I have taken away your powers and will only give them back in times of great need and in the name of this village. It will take a life time of work.
Paladin: Wait, your holding my powers ransom and you expect me to work for a lifetime? Yeah.... No. I think I'm going to go be a barbarian or something now.
Saranrae: Then you child, were never a paladin to begin with
I think I'll clarify. Alignment in DnD is strictly digital - you have Good/Neutral/Evil and Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic. You can't be half-good half-neutral, because that's not how the system works.
The evil wizard stays evil until he becomes neutral until he becomes good.
When an NPC lies to the players it is a bluff vs sense motive check, meaning it is up to you to tell the players they need to roll for sense motive. Otherwise your players will spend every following conversation with a NPC rolling SM to catch lies instead of listening to what the NPC is saying.
You're saying whenever a player is lied to the GM should immediately say 'make a sense motive check'? That seems like a bit of a giveaway...
Your alternative is "Hm... "The sky is blue"? That might be a lie, I'm going to try and disbelieve it. Sense motive check!"
Have you considered how to make Darkness work with your allies, rather than against them? If your GM will count Count Ranalc's Shadows Portfolio as Darkness (seems reasonable ... he even has the Darkness Domain, not that this matters one bit for Variant Channeling) then you could use Variant Channeling (Darkness), which might help your main approach. Not sure whether you would choose to Heal or Harm, but you must choose one or the other.
Also, have you considered ways to accomplish your main goal (function in darkness, bad touch) with minimal build resources, so can still be good at something else for when your main tactic won't work? Your main goal seems easy enough that you could do that and also be good at something else, like summoning, Channeling, melee, or even two of the above ...
Keep in mind this only happens if a PC openly mocks/disrepects a diety. Redering them mute.
Keep in mind that openly mocking or disrespecting someone is not an offense legitimately punishable by blinding, maiming, and near-death experience... at least, not by the tenets of Iomedae's own religion.
Yes it is, just not in the modern era.
It's called Lèse-majesté. Please look it up.
No thanks. I won't be looking it up, and my players especially won't be. TBH, I suspect the vast majority of players won't be doing so either.
If that's what's required, then it's a failure of the AP's writing. Again - bad design.
So it's bad design because you personally don't like it?
No. It's bad writing, because the character is inconsistent with her definition and her previous appearances. It's a bad design, because it expects PCs to be impressed by scenery and DMPC and to act in a certain way. They aren't. They never are.
Hi everyone! I've got a build idea, and I'd like to hear everyone's suggestions on advancement and dips.
Blurry bastard:
Race: Fetchling
Alternate traits: Gloom Shimmer
Trait 1: Reactionary. We want to act first
Trait 2: Looking for Work [Perception]. Perception as a class skill is always useful.
Feat: Weapon finesse - the favored weapon is a rapier, and we want to be good with it.
Tactics: Darkness domain would create shadows/darkness for a fetchling's ability to activate. Then we'll use superior mobility and 50% miss chance to move around the battlefield and bad touch/attack the enemies.