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Levis's page

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32. Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 304 posts (819 including aliases). 12 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I'm hoping this is an appropriate place to put this, if not, well ... I don't know where it goes!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee's Religious Studies Student Organization in conjunction with the Creative Writing department are holding their annual spring semester guest lecture, this year featuring renown game designer and author, Monte Cook! Please see the details about this event below.


Real World Deities In Fictional Worlds: The Gods of Dungeons & Dragons

What is the relationship of mythology and imagination in both the fantasy and the reality of the role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons? Get the inside scoop from co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 and the lead designer of the next edition of the world's oldest roleplaying game!

Tuesday, March 6th, 4:00 - 5:00 PM

Located in Bolton Hall 150, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Refreshments to Follow

Free and Open to the Public

Hope to see everyone there! Don't be afraid to ask questions, and if I know the answer I'll get back to you in a timely fashion!

Male Human Game Master 10

The desert wastes of Osirion have always been home to competing clans of nomadic elementals of air, fire, and sand, best known for ushering in the blinding khamsin on a seasonal basis. Something changed this year, though, and the elementals went berserk, scouring the desert with a tireless fury, as seen only once every six decades or so. Thousands of tons of hot desert sand were shifted, with entire villages buried and valuable oases lost. AS a result, the caravan roads have become increasingly deadly. But one man's disaster is another man's opportunity, for in the valleys and canyons left behind by the storms, ancient wonders from fantastic myths have resurfaced. A nearly a dozen previously unknown pyramids now miraculously rise from the sands.

Word has spread. Renowned treasure hunters from across the Inner Sea (and beyond) now congregate in Sothis, capital of Osirion, to prepare for some of the most anticipated dungeon delves in centuries. Within this community of rogues, bandits, mercenaries, and tomb robbers, a rumor has spread like wildfire. One of the resurfaced structures towering out of the desert floor is none other than the legendary pyramid complex of the Four Pharaohs of Ascension...

Play will open on June 6th, this post is a place holder. Please do not post here until June 6th. Until then, hang out in the Discussion Thread.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Here we go team!

We have a very unique group, and some very challenging encounters ahead of us. In this thread feel free to discuss ideas, post about anything that comes to mind, fill us in on your schedule if you're having a rough week, and just get to know each other!

We will open play on Monday, June 6! Until then, tide yourselves over here. Please discuss the following:

-How your group came to be.
-How you are working together, despite strong differences in philosophy.
-What you are doing in Osirion, and what is your interest in tomb raiding?

You can also check out:

-GM Levi's {Advanced} Sands of Osirion PbP (Play Thread)
-GM Levi's {Advanced} SoO PbP Obsidan Portal Page

If you can, please email me at prpg (dot) levi (at) gmail (dot) com, so that I can invite you to join us on the Obsidian Portal page as a player!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Good evening everyone!

This summer I would like to GM a second play-by-post here and I'm looking for individuals who would be interested in playing in:

GameMastery Module J1: Entombed with the Pharaohs (OGL)


Pathfinder Module J4: The Pact Stone Pyramid (OGL)

I have ran both before, but I would like to mix things up and raise the level on each of them. They would be played using the Pathfinder RPG rules and the starting level would be 15. All hardcover Pathfinder material is allowable, but other material may be used on a case-by-case basis.


So here's my thoughts. I would like to raise the level on these because the story is great, but the heightened level could bring a lot more excitement. And besides, why wouldn't the Pharaohs of Ascension be upper level NPCs? Really? A level 7 conjurer ruled an empire? C'mon!

I plan on overhauling the NPCs, reworking the traps, and in general just beefing up the modules. It may be a bit sketchy at times, but it should work out just grand!

If you're interested in playing please post below with the following by Friday, May 27:

*Your character concept, including, but not limited to: Back story, class, religion, associates, etc.
*A sample build @ level 15, using: "organic" 4d6 - lowest roll, average wealth, choose one trait (I will create another for you based on your background), and anything else you deem important.
*Your timezone
*Any past experiences you have had in a PbP.

The FOUR players will be selected primarily based on their creativity and character back story (Really USE that Campaign setting!), I'm not a math-wiz, and for me gaming is all about the story!

*You are a rules lawyer.
*You can't handle the bending of the rules for the enhancement of the story (I tend to let my players run a little wild).
*You're busy all the time - I will expect one post a day on weekdays (M-Th) and one per weekend (Friday/Saturday/Sunday).

If I'm forgetting anything here, I'm sure someone will let me know!

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Male Human Game Master 10

(Far, Lharvion 13, 998 YK)

A cold rain splatters across your exposed skin as you stand with a group of near strangers. There is little talk between you. The silence of your companions is eerie, and only amplified by the soft pitter-patter of the frigid drops of water falling from dark grey sky. The fog around you clears just long enough for you to get a glimpse of your destination, a colossal fortress constructed into the edge of a sheer cliff, looking out into the Lhazaar Sea: Dreadhold.
The name of the fortress prison brings a shiver to your spine, although that may just be from the chilling rain. Your reasons for coming to hellish monolith vary, but your mission is clear enough. Follow the instructions given to you by your employers: break in, locate cell block RED CMXCI, and "rescue" the prisoner located in cell KR-III, and get the Abyss out. Alive.

You look around your group, eying up your unusual companions:

A gaunt and particularly ugly male dwarf stands near the center of your group, holding a heavy dwarven urgosh. He is obviously not of Kundarak stock. Despite his awkward appearance he seems to move with an unusual grace, and his sharp eyes appear to take in every detail of the landscape around him.

You take a moment to survey his companions and then reflects on your mission. You have been hired out by House Deneith to complete some mission for a mysterious elf that only was referred to as "The Baron". Your mission is simple: Play the part of a House Deneith mercenary hired to guard and transport a small group "prisoners" to Dreadhold, and then assist these "prisoners" in emancipating one of the criminals held deep inside the castle-prison. You have been specifically instructed not to discuss your contract with your companions, and to follow direction to a T. For your services you will be paid 700 gold pieces in Kundarak certificates.

Bone's Campaign Trait: Veteran of the Last War- The experiences you went through in the Last War still haunt your dreams, and these flashbacks sometimes make you more dangerous in battle. When engaged in battle, once per day you may choose to receive a +2 trait bonus on your next attack roll.

A tall and well-muscled male half-orc stands off to one side of the group, his dark eyes taking in the group around him. Despite his obvious youth he seems ready for combat and yet surprisingly relaxed in surroundings. His clothing is simple and appears too thin to keep him warm in this frigid Lhazaar air.

It seems only days ago that you were approached by a mysterious elf on the streets of Sharn and told that if you were traveling to Dreadhold and freeing a prisoner if you ever wanted to see your step-father again. In reality, it has been several weeks, and you worry that your step-father may already be dead, or worse, alive and suffering at the hands of some mysterious criminal gang in Karrnath. You only want to free this prisoner, and save your step-father. You were specifically told not to ask questions about your mission, and told not to discuss it with your companions.

Dakvor's Campaign Trait: A Father's Love- Your father spent so much time teaching you how to handle himself in battle against arcane spell casters that Dakvor picked up a couple of tricks yourself. Choose a 0-level spell. You may cast that spell once per day as a spell-like ability. This spell-like ability functions as if your caster level is at CL 1st. The spell like ability's save DC is wisdom based.

A handsome human man garbed in dark armor and clutching a symbol of the Sovereign Host stands slightly towards the rear of the group. He stands with and air of confidence, and clutches his chosen weapon with ease. An unusually dark aura clings to him despite his obvious religious alignment.

You was hired out by House Deneith to guard and transport a small group of "prisoners" to Dreahold. Once there you are to assist his companions in freeing a prisoner of "some importance". For his services he will be paid 700 gold pieces in Kundarak certificates. You have been given the Sivis-approved paperwork to get him, "Bones", and your "charges" into Dreadhold.

Vorik's Campaign Trait: Legacy of the Kesslers- Your family was vey important in Karrnath only decades ago. From a young age you were taught about you heritage. Choose two of the following knowledge skills: History, Nobility, or Religion. Vorik receives a +1 trait bonus on these two skills, and one of them is always a class skill for you.

A brooding elf with dark brown hair stands in the center of the group. His violet eyes gleam with a cunning intelligence and he absentmindedly twirls a vial of greenish liquid between his finders in one hand. An expertly made violin is strapped to his back.

Only three weeks ago "The Shadow" had a run of luck. After being chased out of Sharn he was approached by a mysterious elf that offered him 600 gold pieces plus a rare piece of Phiarlan composed music for the violin, to "test his mettle" in a dangerous mission fit for an assassin. The mysterious elf made it clear that the offer wasn't really up for discussion, you would do it, or be caught by the authorities he was running for. Obviously, this elf had been watching him. Carefully. And so you find himself in his current company, about to break some criminal our of the most dangerous and secure prison in the world. You has been instructed not to discuss his mission with his companions.

Darius' Campaign Trait: Taint of Death- Darius' life has been plagued by death. The death of his father, mother, and friends, plus his profession has made him so separated from death that he has gained some control over it. Darius receives a +1 trait bonus on saves to avoid death effects. In addition, if Darius is dropped below -5 hitpoints he instantly stabilizes.

An ashen skinned human male stoops to one side of the group next to a horridly large stag beetle. He runs his hands along the carapace of the horse sized insect, muttering something under his breath. He is aloof, yet somehow charismatic. His eyes scan the horizon, cutting through some of the fog. The druid misses little. As he stands to the side of the group, his insect companion beats its large wings impatiently.

When you were approached by a mysterious elf who offered you a way to removed the Emerald Claw terrorist from your sect's grove, and help the Children of Winter out in exchange for a simple favor, of course you accepted. Your mission is simple enough, help your companions, do what they do, and additionally collect 5 fist sized Khyber Dragonshards from the depths of the prison. In return, the Emerald Claw would be removed from your grove. You have been instructed to not discuss your mission with your companions.

Loche's Campaign Trait: Winter's Touch- You have become so callous to the cold actions of the natural world that you have gained some resistance to them. You gain energy resistance (cold) 2.

Captivating green eyes stare out from under silver grey cloak, and when the moons manage to peek through the low clouds, a scarred shifter male is revealed to be standing in the midst of the group. He holds a masterfully crafted compound longbow, and matching sets of daggers peek from his belt. Hanging from a thin chain on his neck is a small silver arrowhead, which the shifter displays confidently.

You have been sent on this mission in service to the church. When a mysterious elf approached you late on night while you were deep in prayer, and offered you a way to strengthen the Flame and lay low her enemies you jumped at the opportunity. All you have to do is assist your new companions in breaking someone out of Dreadhold. And for this the Flame will burn ever brighter. The mysterious elf specifically told you not to discuss your mission with your companions, and to work with them to break the prisoner free. From there, your actions are your own.

Desh's Campaign Trait: Embrace of the Flame- Your faith in the Silver Flame is so strong that you can make it physically manifest your faith in your attacks. Once per day, when making an attack, you can choose to call on your faith to sheath your weapon in purifying flames, dealing an extra 1d4 damage. If your target is an evil outsider you instead deal and extra 1d6 damage.

Drawing your attention away from your new companions, you once again stare at the imposing fortress in the distance. The landscape is bathed in a dull silver-green glow from the two closest moons, making your descent to the base of the fortress easier.

What would you like to do?

If any of you have questions/concerns about your personal "spoiler" sections, please email me or put a spoiler in that is marked "GM ONLY". Be sure to check out the Discussion Thread HERE. Let the games begin!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

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Well team, I plan on posting the opener to this adventure tomorrow!

It'll be a flashback that you don't have a ton of control over, but that will bring you all together for the opening sequence. It's a bit of a rail-road on my part, but I think it will be the easiest way to tie you all together, so just roll with it!

From here on out post everything on here!

Also, I will be firing up our Obsidian Portal Wiki page later tonight, and it will be a work in progress, so bear with me!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 aka Levis

Ivory Guardian (Paladin)

The exotic lands of Vudra are home to many evils, from fiendish rakshasas, to the cunning naga. To combat these evils, Vudrani paladins have developed their own unique tradition tied to their religious beliefs. Riding sacred elephants, and eschewing traditional heavy armor, ivory guardians spread peace wherever they go. The ivory guardian has the following class features.

Class Skills: An ivory guardian’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). These replace the standard paladin class skills.

Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ivory guardians are proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Ivory guardians are not proficient with any armor or shields.

AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored and unencumbered, the ivory guardian adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC and her CMD. In addition, an ivory guardian gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four ivory guardian levels thereafter, up to a maximum bonus of +5 at 20th level. These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the ivory guardian is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.

Sacred Weapon: Ivory guardians gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Temple Sword) as a bonus feat at 1st level (see Pathfinder RPG’s Advanced Player’s Guide, page 177).

Aura of Serenity (Su): At 5th level, an ivory guardian gains Touch of Serenity as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites (see Pathfinder RPG’s Advanced Player’s Guide, page 172). An ivory guardian may use a weapon when using touch of serenity. In addition, once per day, an ivory guardian can expend one use of her smite evil ability to grant the ability to use touch of serenity to all her allies within 15 feet, using her bonuses. Allies must use this touch of serenity ability by the start of the ivory guardian’s next turn and the bonuses last for 1 minute. Using this ability is a free action. Evil creatures gain no benefit from this ability. This ability replaces divine bond.

Divine Bond (Su): Upon reaching 8th level, an ivory guardian forms a divine bond with her god. This bond must be to a mount, and the mount must be an elephant (see the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, page 128, for elephant companion statistics). This ability functions otherwise as the paladin ability. This ability replaces aura of resolve.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

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Hi everyone!

I decided that I really don't have enough gaming in my life, and so I have decided I am going to GM my own PbP set in Eberron.

If you are interested, please post a short character back story. I will contact you if I believe you are what I am looking for.

I need four to five players and expect a post everyday. This will be my first time running a PbP, but I've run table top games for four years. Yes, this will be an ADVENTURE!

I will allow ALL Eberron 3.5 materials, the Core Rulebook. The APG will be allowed on a case by case basis, simply because I am not as familiar with the material presented in it as I should be.

I hope you'll want to play!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32


RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 aka Levis

Amulet of the Rakshasa
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot neck; Price 13,000 gp; Weight
This tiger’s eye amulet is carved with various Vudrani runes.
When this item is worn by a character with the wild shape ability, once per day the character can choose to assume a medium sized humanoid animal form similar to a Rakshasa, giving the character the head of the animal while retaining a humanoid body. This effect lasts for the same duration as a normal use of the wild shape ability (1 hour per druid level), or until the character changes back. The form chosen must be that of an animal with which the character is familiar, and is of the appropriate level to assume. The character can speak any language she knows while in this form, and use her hands to manipulate objects. While in this anthropomorphic animal form the character gains all the natural attacks of the animal form she chose to assume. In addition to these benefits, the character also receives a competence bonus to a skill, depending on the animal form she chose:
• Ape: +2 on climb checks
• Bird (Eagle/Hawk/Owl): +2 on Fly checks
• Boar: +2 on Survival checks
• Cat, all: +2 on Stealth checks
• Crocodile (Alligator): +2 on Swim checks
• Elephant: +2 on Knowledge (Geography) checks
• Rhinoceros: +2 on Intimidate checks
• Snake, all: +2 on Escape Artist checks
• Wolf (Jackal/Hyena): +2 on Perception checks
Requirements Craft Wonderous Item, polymorph or wild shape ability; Cost 6,500 gp

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

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Well team, someone had to break down and do it, so I am!

I started really drafting up my version of Vudra the other day. I am trying to follow the canon material as closely as possible, but there is not a ton to work with. Here's what I've been able to dig up:


* Vudra is made of hundreds of smaller kingdoms, each most likely ruled by a Rajah, who may or may not answer to the Maharajah.

* The Maharajah is descended from some God-like Hero, similar to Rama in many aspects.

* Vudra operates with a strong caste system that is tied to their religious system. To me this implies a lawfully aligned society, yet their only representative in the inner sea, Jalmeray, is Chaotic Neutral. Explanations anyone?

* There have been three castes mentioned in the canon material:
- Padapranja – Warriors (and most likely Rulers?)
- Kezavazresthin – Merchants (and most likely Artisans?)
- Atanpratta – Explorers

To the developers - how did you come up with the names of the castes? They don't appear to be actual Sanskrit or Hindi. Please correct me if I am wrong on this.

* There are thousands of Gods in Vudra, but Irori is held above all others. Irori appears to be more of Buddha figure rather than a Hindu styled deity.

* Monks are common in Vudra, along with the misunderstood Psionic Arts.


There are definitely things I will include in my setting that are completely mine, the first of those being a new race called the Elephasi, a race of humanoid elephants who live in a strict matriarchal society. Females are exclusively clerics and healers, where the males are monks, bards, and very rarely paladins.

Beyond this I'm still in the beginning steps. Luckily, I have a fairly extensive base of Indian historical knowledge, and a some background with Hinduism to work with, so I'm at least headed in the right direction.

If anyone wants to help me, give advice, contribute or whatnot please post! And I'd love to hear from the developers on this one.

(Please note that I'm not super-interested in Psionics, so this thread has nothing to do with Mind Magic besides that it is supposedly common in Vudra.)


RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

This is awesome! I can't wait to get my hands on it. It will make going to the city of Katapesh so much more fun!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Besides having the blog, you can also check out the Obsidian Portal wiki for my campaign here!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Besides having the blog, you can also check out the Obsidian Portal wiki for my campaign here!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Isn't this Haleen? The quick fighter from the Battle Bazaar or what not?

Full Name

Daniel Brakefield




Projectionist:6, Singer: 12, Protagonist: 1







Special Abilities

none...none at all.


Lawful Neutral with good tendencies


Robot God?


English, moderate French, small amounts of german...Aklo


Student (studying opera performance), Shift Manager/Projectionist

Strength 8
Dexterity 12
Constitution 8
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 13
Charisma 16

About Daniel Brakefield

I've been playing tabletop RPGs since 1994, beginning with the easy-to-learn Dragonstrike...and shifting into DnD with the Planescape campaign setting sometime around 1995. I began running my own campaigns in 2000...and they were TOTALLY AWESOME and TOTALLY followed all the rules, you guys....TOTALLY. I am participating in the 2013 RPG superstar...the third individual born in little ol' Macomb, Il. (the others being the inaugural RPG superstar competition finalist Clinton Boomer, and RPG superstar 2009 top 16 Matt Banach). I am currently playing in a wonderfully mean-spirited Kingmaker game, and I am currently running a homebrew pickup-style game of my own set in Golarion post-Jade Phoenix campaign setting.

I work in a movie theater...a pretty crappy movie theater. I love my cats (2 of them). I enjoy that I have a male fish named Oprah. I am studying to be a professional opera singer (hopefully not a pipe dream). It takes me a little while to warm up when I am writing...and I wrote this "About Daniel Brakefield" without any brilliant I guess this is all probably reads a little "Ho-hum".