Pathfinder Field Agent

Leshawanna Carter Jackson's page

18 posts. Alias of greg white 722.


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Female Human

That which is not dead/Can eternally lie/It might be a strange aeon/Before this campaign revives.

Female Human

Nervously, Leshawanna watches the swirling chaos of battle.

Female Human

Hey, funny man!

She's addressing Sommers over the comm link.

Tell me you've sent some help: or we'll be finding out how well your jokes go over at our funeral!

Female Human

Hopefully what I saw was the cavalry riding in.

Female Human

Can I distinguish between a Tager and a Dhohanoid at a distance; am I that familiar with the different types, either through training or experience?

Female Human

Leshawanna gasps in shock as hell explodes out of the warehouse.

observation (unskilled): 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Female Human

It's probably too late to bring this up now; but if we get scattered, do we have anything besides or phones to communicate with? Did we think to exchange #s? Are our phones encrypted?

Female Human

Standing nervously between the parked cars, Leshawanna watches the dark, twisted shapes gather on the warehouse's roof.

initiative: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Female Human

Leshawanna shudders, seeing her ally's transformation, and wonders if that is something she'll ever get used to.

Female Human

Nervously, Leshawanna checks that there is a full clip in Defender pistol.

Female Human

Thank you.

Female Human

I guess I can always drop the Regional Knowledge: Novice, after all, I'm not in Louisiana so knowing where the best place is for catfish fritters is probably not going to come into play.

Female Human

Uggh. So I see I pretty much have to have Herbalism to be able to actually use my spells.

Can I make a correction to my character? Or perhaps I have an 'old aunt' who helped with the preparation?

Female Human

Somewhat shyly: Perhaps its best that we simply tail them. A firefight on the busy streets could get really messy, really fast.

Female Human

Leshawanna quietly gives thanks to whatever spirits have kept us alive so far.

Female Human

Can I have any Restorative Balm/Ibn Gazi Powder already prepared?

I'll be in Sarah's car, muttering invocations to the Loas, praying that they keep us safe from a flaming death on the interstate.

Female Human

I noted I have a car as a character possession, but I didn't actually purchase the associated skill! I dunno if this means I perform very rudimentary driving tasks at just my Agility; or perhaps by this time most cars are 'self driving.'

Most definitely though I'm not taking part in any high speed pursuits.

Uhh. We're off to a good start. I don't see that anyone can drive. Wasn't someone planning on playing an ex-Mecha pilot? We need a wheel-man!

Female Human

Leshawanna shivers, and stamps her booted feet on the crumbling asphalt of the closed truck-stop parking lot. Overhead the stars shone with needle-clarity above the Blue Mountains.

She puffed on her cigarillo, and watched the vehicles race past on the interstate.

Dam, but it was too cold in these mountains for a Louisiana girl.

She hoped her contacts would get here soon.

There were only stumps of rusted metal where the pumps once stood, the dark windows of the closed diner were depthless holes of shadow behind her, as she again made a slow circuit of the lot; her hands thrust into the pockets of her voluminous coat.