Pathfinder Field Agent

Leshawanna Carter Jackson's page

18 posts. Alias of greg white 722.


"Helen Deakin has lost her memory. Finding out what happened to the beautiful heiress might cost PI Dex Raymond his life."

A noirish game for 'Cthulhu Confidential'.

The Discussion Thread

This is the Gameplay thread for my 'Armitage Papers' campaign for 7th Ed. CoC.

Testing the waters to see if there would be any interest in a 7th ed. CoC
game using "The Armitage Papers" by Pelgrane Press.

The setting is classic New England Jazz Age.

The Investigators would be members of the 'Armitage Inquiry', a clique of academics recruited to fight the horrors of the Mythos.

The game/campaign is an improvisational sand-box, where the ultimate direction of the game largely depends upon Player Character actions.


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Sinophia! You spit the name like a curse. That dreary pit of tech-heresy is your destination, where you are to deliver the Emperor's wrath upon the fallen Tech-Priest Imbulon, who is thought to be hiding among that world's cyber-sorcerers and tech-shamans.

An important assignment, but surely not one worthy of your talents.

Granted, your purging of Agricultural Station BK447 might, to some eyes, appear to have been heavy-handed; but the Blight Shroud cult was well-spread among the Station's populace, and direct and uncompromising action was necessary.

Besides, what is a few years of missed production quotas against the expunging of the stain of heresy.

Still, as the frigate Refulgent Light churns through the Warp towards Sinopha, you cannot help but feel somehow that you are being punished.

So this is for the scenario in Disciples of the Dark Gods .
When creating characters, the initial experience total is 2000 pts.

The Emperor protects!

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So this is a mash-up of the classic Glorantha setting using the Savage Worlds rule-set.

Now Glorantha is the original setting of the Runequest rule-set. I like RQ, and its many iterations, but it I think there's probably more SW players out there (wouldn't mind being proven wrong).

So Glorantha is a more mythic, bronze age setting than your standard FRPG. Think Beowulf and Homer and skalds reciting the great epics in the clan lodge-halls.

I will admit that this will be my first time running SW, so you will need to be a little patient with me, as I'm sure to get many things wrong.

Anyway, here's the initial setting write-up:

A little trouble in the Big Rubble .

You are hastily summoned to a briefing in the Croydon mansion that serves as Department M HQ.

Attending is your Section Head, Dr. Braitwaithe; with him is a RAF major, and an unassuming man in civilian clothes.

"Major Tolling, Mr. Kolb, these are the agents whom we were intending to entrust with the matter that you have brought before us."

A discussion thread.

So I have an idea for two possible games:

"The Gatherer of Nightmares" : This would be a very short game (should be able to wrap it up within two weeks, with regular posting) set in 1910 London. Think Rohmer and M.R.James.

"The Mystery of Loch Feinn": So this is converted from the 3rd ed. Call of Cthulhu . I've adapted some elements from the Achtung! Cthulhu line and the scenario has been "reset" in the spring of 1941.

I tried this before, but I'll give it another shot.

Anybody up for a 13th Age dungeon crawl?

You can of course create your own character; or use one of these five pre-gens (based on the battle so dramatically depicted on the core-book's cover):

13th Age Pregen Characters .

If you choose to use the pregens, but don't like their Backgrounds, Relation-ship point spends, or One Unique Thing, you can choose to change those to something of your own liking.

My regular group is pretty intermittent, so I'm curious who else might be out there.

Willing to play or ref:

D&D 3.5/Pathfinder, D&D 5.0.

D100 family: Call of Cthulhu, Runequest, Basic Roleplaying, The Laundry, Elric.

Gurps. Savage Worlds. Fate.

Would be mainly looking to play Saturdays or Sundays.

Any interest in "13th Age"? I'm thinking of running a game, using a heavily modded "In Search of the Unknown," a very old adventure from the 1.5 ed. days.

I'll warn you from the start, that the pacing might be a slow: I'm not one of the more prolific posters, but I'm also not one to abandon a game once started.

So for the last ten-day, it has been pouring rain, as you've made your way down the Old Road to Thessala, and being dry is just a memory.

Now at last, the rain has stopped, leaving behind a clammy fog.

As you reached the point where the road leaves the Saard highlands, you find that the torrential rains have washed the road out, leaving you trying to find the safest way down the steep, muddy slope.

The two scene scene aspects are Unstable Terrain and Clinging Fog .

And here is the discussion thread.

So the game will use the "Free Fate" rules from here: Vagrant Workshop .

Looking for 3-5 players.

Setting? Well, I'm going to ask that each player choose either a genre, theme, or plot/setting element, that they want to see in the game, and then I'm going to try to come up with a suitable mash-up of what was chosen.

Actual play will probably begin in December.

While your ship, The Luis Wu is loaded with the serum and supplies, you decide to spend some time playing some virtual games.

Traveller 'Game Grid' .

Your VR characters all have 6s across the board in characteristics. Each character has Blade and Gun combat (0). Each is armed with a revolver and a small blade. Each is wearing Jack (1) armor.

You will each enter the 'game grid' through one of the entrances numbered 1-6. Once on the game grid you cannot leave the game grid until all the other players are 'deceased'.

A-H are ceiling to floor columns. Note that there is a 2 meter wall, climbable, between the outer perimeter wall and columns C and G.

Each square is thirty meters to a side.

So choose a door (first come first serve). That door number will also identify your 'character' for the duration of the game.

For the first 'two' rounds of the game the grid will be in total darkness, except for faint light stripes on the columns. Shooting some
silhouetted against such a light source is -2.

This will be a good 'boot camp' of the rules for those of us who haven't played before, or played in a long time. It'll also buy me some time to get more prep work done.

Circle's Traveller Game

So a couple of things I'm interesting in GMing. Note that even if I get any bites, it would still be a couple of weeks before I could have anything running. I'm just testing the waters.

'Old, old school.' Running David Arneson's classic 'Temple of the Frog' with the 'Lamentations of a Flame Princess' hybrid rules: this uses the d20 To Hit roll rather than the old AC/Lvl Matrices, but it is otherwise full of old school crunchiness.Feats, hah. When I was growing up playing D&D we didn't have any stinking feats!

'Summer on Monster Island': A D100 tribute to Ray Harryhausen Monster Island using a yet to be decided member of the D100 family (Runequest, Legend, Basic Roleplaying).

'Have Blaster, will Travel'. The classic science fiction RPG Traveller.

Now I know these aren't your typical Pathfinder offerings but is there any interest in trying something a little different?

Discussion thread here.

Be patient. The setup is going to be a little slow.

As the Spanish Civil War marches to its grim conclusion, and the shadows of a far more titanic struggle fall across Europe, an ancient evil is awakened in hills of Aragorn Spain.