
Leoian Mousekewitz's page

Organized Play Member. 214 posts (1,186 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 18 aliases.

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I've also been listening to Androids and Aliens, I just went to the Glass Cannon Podcast site. https://glasscannonpodcast.com that way no iTunes, or anything. Their podcasts are great.

Like you said Treppa listening to them learn the game and talk about rule differences and etc feels like it helps me learn it too, and those guys are a lot of fun.

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F Goblin Barbarian 1

I'm also eager to go.

Ingrid, I took a peek at your stats, and I think you might have shorted yourself on your perception bonus and Fort save.

Looks like you may not have added your level to your perception for being trained. 4 for wis 1 for trained at level 1 would be 5

and may not have added the extra +1 to Fort for expert rank. 1 for con, 1+1 for expert at level 1 would be 3.

I could be wrong though or just missing something.

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Male Southern Water Tribe Gestalt Kineticist/Flowing Mnk 2 HP 24/24 NL11(2) AC 21 Touch 17, FF 17 FDef 24

Tikaani makes his way through the crowd, weaving carefully through it. He has no particular destination in mind, just wandering around the festival seeing what there is to be seen. A hand on his shoulder causes him to stop and turn.

A man, a local maybe judging from his garb, likely descended from Earth Kingdom by his facial features, was peering down at him his eyes practically shining. Tik wasn't great at judging ages, but he presumed the man to likely be in his early thirties. "It's you isn't it? The Wolf?"

Tikaani gave a somewhat crooked smile to the man "You actually recognize me? I didn't think I made enough of an impact to be famous... Well I don't normally go by The Wolf, Tikaani Kesuk, nice to meet you." he offers a hand to the man.

"Merle!" The man said excitedly shaking Tikaani's hand "You're kidding right? I watched your match against the Zebra Frogs with my son, you were untouchable!"

"Zebra Frogs? We lost that match." The waterbender said recalling the match.

"By a technicality!" the man said vehemently "I can't believe that ref! Three on one and you took them all out without even taking a hit!" The man raved "I couldn't believe the ref ruled the last player fell after the round ended..."

"It was close alright, I thought I had em, but I guess I took too long."

"You got robbed! That was the best bending performance I've ever seen! When your teammates got taken out I figured the match was over. Where'd you get that Firebender anyway, what was his name? Aiko? That guy is useless, worse than useless, bad enough he got himself nailed, but he fell into Mica and knocked them both over the edge."

"Well it's not like he did it on purpose." Tik countered

The man spread out his hands waving them slightly "Yeah sorry... I don't mean to bash your teammate, but after your miraculous round, you just missed the K.O. and tied up the match. You guys lost the coin toss, and of course they picked fire, and he blew it... seriously you and Mica could go all the way, but that guy's weighing you down. OH! my son's over watching the puppet show, he catches all your matches, he really loves pro bending says he wants to be a waterbender. Umm you know if you have time Mr. Tikaani..."

"Please, just Tikaani, and sure, I have to meet someone later, but just taking in Avatar Day for now I have some time. Tikaani furrows his brow at the man "A waterbender? but umm..."

The man nods, and starts leading the way towards the puppet show "I know... with my lineage that's basically impossible, I tried to tell him, but he insisted. He'll be overjoyed to meet you, his name's Bipin. There he is" Merle points "Sitting just in front of that Ostrich Horse"

"I'm not really used to meeting fans, it's the first time I've been recognized outside of Yu Dao." Tik said a little nervously

"You keep it up and I'm sure it'll happen more and more, I'm sure we're not your only fans." Merle leans down to talk quietly to a boy watching the puppets who looks to be 7 or 8 years old.

Turning to look back the boy's eyes widen and he quickly stands "Oh wow, you're really him aren't you? Tikaani Kesuk, The Wolf! I can't believe it." The boy simply stares for a few moments.

"That's me, though you can just call me Tik. I understand you're Bipin, and you're interested in waterbending."

"Oh yeah! I'm gonna be a great waterbender when I grow up, like you, I'll join up with a Pro bending team and win the championship!" then questions started pouring out like someone had popped the cork "Are you here for a match? How old are you? Why do they call you The Wolf? Can you teach me about waterbending?"

Merle laughed softly "Easy Bipin don't harass the boy, he's only here to enjoy Avatar Day just like us."

Tik smiled "That's alright, I'll try to answer..." He starts giving answers counting the questions back on his fingers "Umm no match, I'm here to meet someone. I'm sixteen. The Wolf is a sort of nickname, my name Tikaani means wolf, the announcers like to use nicknames like that, sounds more exciting. Waterbending..." He considers how to answer this last question "Well not everyone can waterbend, I can teach you about waterbending, but no techniques or anything."

"Come on Tikaani!" The boy pleaded "I'm good already, I've been following your movements. I think I'm really close!" The boy tried to show how good by attempting to reproduce some of Tikaani's moves from his matches, unfortunately he does not quite have the smooth flowing grace perfected yet, and loses his balance tumbling over towards the Ostrich horse, and the young woman with it.

"Watch out!" Tik cries seeing the boy tumbling backwards, and he moves quickly to catch him, but the momentum carries him over as well, and it looks like both he and the boy are going to crash into the woman.

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Male Goblin Investigator (Cipher)/2 HP 15/15 AC 19 Inspiration 4/4

Glen lays curled up in a small corner of the bed, since Ali did not come up to the room, there was enough space left that could fairly comfortably fit two medium sized humanoids, or perhaps one with Miyari's sleeping habits. He twitched slightly as he slept

Gobbo Dreams:
A wall, or a door, Glen wasn't sure which, it seemed like it should open, but he saw no mechanism for doing so. It would not yield to his strongest experimental pushes and even with his knowledge of engineering he found no weakness to exploit only a small hole at the foot gave hint at what was on the other side. The short goblin crouched down putting his cheek to the ground so he could peer in seeing fascinating contraptions on the other side, at least bits and pieces of them how could he get over there to explore the mysteries they hid? His view was suddenly blocked by some fuzzy black creature.

"Oh pardon me" The creature, which Glen now could see was a cat, said politely in a feminine voice "I didn't see you there, are you looking to go in?" The jet black cat squeezes effortlessly out of the hole that seems far to small to allow her. "Sorry but I can't let you in, you'll scare off any decent folk. Bye bye now." The cat continues on her way.

Glen moves to follow opens his mouth to ask a question, but abruptly runs into thick iron bars that he's certain were not there a moment ago. He reaches through the bars towards the cat, but she was gone without a trace. Turning away from the bars he finds the wall gone as well and himself left alone in an iron cage. Correction it seems he's not alone there was a squirming mass in another corner of the metallic cage. Glen became aware that it was making noises speaking perhaps a rudimentary form of Goblin perhaps, he understood words here and there but they were nonsense. The mass suddenly surges towards him splitting into multiple shapes and spreading to the full width of the cage. As they surged towards him glen saw that the shapes for what they were, goblin children. They were as big as he was or rather he had been reduced to the size of a child trapped in the communal cage once again forced to fight his siblings back or be ripped to shreds by them. The tide of tiny goblins descends on him like an avalanche glen is unprepared and they easily overtake him. With a maddening ravenous gleam in their eyes, their combined mass bears down on him and drags him to the ground hand clawing at him everywhere, and tiny jagged teeth sink into his flesh.

Glen wakes with a start his breath coming in short pants he keeps his eyes closed until the panic of the dream fades his fingers touching the scar on his arm were the tiny teeth had marked him. Slowly forcing his eyes open he finds a pair of yellow eyes and a black feline face staring back at him, only inches away. "Did you know people consider black cats unlucky? Really as if the colour of my fur would have any bearing on your fortune" She said somewhat indignantly.

Glen furrowed his brow now that she mentioned it his luck did indeed turn quite foul last time he met her. "Come now" The ebony cat said as if reading Glen's mind "That cage nonsense wasn't my fault, that happened before you ever met me. You haven't even told me about that yet though you will someday" The strange cat talks as if time had no bearing on her, like she had already stolen glimpses into the future, and knew what the outcome would be, already knew everything he would say to her. She interrupts his thoughts by jumping onto his shoulder as he stands "We must hurry" she said seating herself on his small shoulder. "It is an important day, or at least it will be when it comes, the others are waiting for us." Glen couldn't help but wonder why they needed to hurry, time didn't seem to matter to this cat she talked about the future as if it had already happened either way he went along with her.

Following the black cat's directions he found himself once again staring at the wall. "Now you can come in" His feline companion said hopping down of his shoulder. "I guess I had better do the carrying this time." Glen suddenly found himself looking up at the cat as she towered over him. With some inspection he found he'd become a rather diminutive speckled frog "Come now, we mustn't keep the others waiting." Trying a jump his powerful amphibian legs easily launch him onto the cat's shoulder she then sets about easily squeezing into the hole at the base of the wall (door?) less than half her size, and taking froggy Glen with her.

The other side of the wall was just as interesting and intricate as Glen had imagined gears and cogs turned everywhere it was a maze of complicated machinery. Glen peering around wanted to stop wanted to examine each one find out how it worked and what it was for. The cat once again understanding without him uttering a word laughs "Don't be silly Glen you know more about them than anyone we spent years building them together after-all. Ah here we are everyone is ready." The cat stops in a grand hall a red carpet leading to an ornate throne, and Glen dismounts. The others he'd met at the bar were there lining either side of the carpet. The jet black feline walked purposefully up the carpet hoping up and sitting herself on the throne regally. A small bejeweled crown was placed on he head and an ornate cape around her shoulders. Yellow eyes turning towards the frog sitting nearby she speaks in a voice sounding more commanding than earlier "Your task is done foolish goblin your meager ambition is no longer needed, and we can't have you ruining the new kingdom." she makes a pointing motion towards Glen with her feline chin and addresses the others lining the carpet "Take him away." It is an excessive group to corral one frog and as they capture him Glen can hear the yellow eyed cat say "Nothing personal, I couldn't have gotten here without you after all."

Locked behind bars again Glen sits in the dark, he couldn't even tell if he was still a frog let alone how much time had past. An hour? A year? it seemed like an eternity as he sat there alone not even his savage siblings for company. A scraping sound came from somewhere slowly moving closer, and eventually Glen could see a dim light slowly edging closer swaying back and forth. The light made it all the way to the bars of his cell before Glen realized it was a small glowing jewel around the cat's neck. The cat easily slipped through the bars. "Hello old friend" She said softly, her voice sounded tired and she had clear gray patches around her whiskers she seems to have aged considerably since he had last seen her. "I've come to spend my last moments with you." She climbs into Glen's lap and curls up purring quietly "I have missed you, missed our time adventuring together... I don't suppose I deserve it" The cats words sound laboured as she makes an effort to push each one out "But can you forgive me? Can we... try again?"

Her soft purring ceases, and the jewel's glow dims, flickers, then leaves Glen once again alone in the dark. "We can try again Miyari" the goblin's strained voice chokes out "Just don't go."

Grand Lodge

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Male Human Knife Master/7

Billy grins towards Mari "You joke m'dear, but I see that you're still wearing the feather to this day. It seems you may have more faith in me than ya'd like ta put on."

He wrinkles his nose a bit when Alan decides to start playing it's despite the fact that the song isn't too bad, and fairly soft he doesn't seem to appreciate the distraction. Either way he continues with his divination.

"Alright Tanasha-Lu le's see what's in store for ya." With that he draws the first card contemplating it for a moment, it's a picture of a giant man with a huge lizard slung over his shoulder. He's standing over what looks to be a farm house. "The Mountain Man, hmmm he represents an encounter with a physical power outside of your control, this could very well be our visit."

He continues drawing the next card, it's a rather nasty looking tornado personified with angry red eyes with a bit of a grimace he attempts to interpret it "The Cyclone... this is probably Alan" He says with a glance towards the man as he plays his song "Well not Alan himself, but consequences of getting too close to him." Billy leans in closer to be more discreet with Tanasha-Lu with the next part "Seriously watch out for that guy he's only got one thing on his mind, and 'm pretty sure yer dad'll flip his wig if he finds out."

He focuses again on the cards drawing one more, this one is an armoured man with angelic wings and a halo sounding a trumpet "Ah, the trumpet this signifies an archon diving in righteously to face the danger." He puts his hand up playfully to the side of his mouth as if it could block the sound of his voice from carrying over in the musician's direction "Obviously me swooping in to rescue you from a certain someone's vile, impure intentions" He makes a not too discreet sort of pointing motion towards Alan.

"Alright one more" He draws a final card turning it up for Tanasha-Lu to see. Upon the card are two men looking very similar but wearing opposite colours, and one seems to have a dagger behind his back. "The twin duality and indecision, it looks like you have a very difficult decision ahead of ya an unclear choice between good and evil perhaps... this could very well mean that depending on how you choose you could experience the bright light of the Archon the trumpet predicts, or the unmitigated disaster of the cyclone."

The dark haired young man crosses his arms and leans back in his chair studying the cards all together. "Hmmm... I think this maybe doesn't help you very much." He doesn't seem all that pleased with the fortune "It seems you have a choice to make, and depending on your decisions things could go amazingly well, or very very badly." He looks at her and shrugs then smiles "But don't worry about it too much, I'm sure you'll make the right choice when the time comes."

Profession: Fortune Telling: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 9 + 2 = 14

First Card: 1d54 ⇒ 23
Second Card: 1d54 ⇒ 9
Third Card: 1d54 ⇒ 19
Fourth Card: 1d54 ⇒ 49

I do hope we roll better when the rolls actually matter

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Did we explain what colours invoke what emotions somewhere? I thought green would probably be envy, but Cassie doing the worm and trying to tear off her dress, although it makes her the life of the party, isn't the reaction I'd expect. Figured I better check before deciding on a colour for Ralph.

Lantern Lodge

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Male Halfling Ranger/1

Leotian glares at the law man "Do all law men in this area take pleasure in harassing those smaller than them? Does it make you feel like a big man? I'm only here because this is where I fell when you struck, I'm hardly trying to block your path. And sir, if you even attempt to thwonk me again, I'll have to consider it an attempt on my life, and be forced to defend myself." He moves past Aldaara, assuming she'll let him, to stand between Kensington and Horfil.

If Colwin takes care of the fire:

"Nicely done Colwin, your grease kept the oaf's companions at bay, and you took care of the fire too. Great job"

He looks up at Kensington. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude and ignore your question. You can certainly call me Leo, the others too, we're friends now right? And if you prefer Lute that's ok, like a nickname?"

Lantern Lodge

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Male Halfling Ranger/1

Leotian takes a fist in the back from the supposed lawman "Augh!" The force of the blow pushes the small man to the edge of the table, and he flails his arms trying to keep his balance. He keeps his balance long enough to hop off the table to the left of Aldaara.

Seeing that Grelm has fled he really has no reason to continue fighting, he reaches for his back where the man hit him. "Ow ow ow ow ow, what kind of lawman hits a halfling in the back for trying to defend a lady under assault?" He winces, and looks towards Kensington "Oooh that's going to leave a bruise the size of my head. You're bleeding... You ok Ken? Do you mind if I call you Ken?"

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"Don't bother talking to him, the dagger is just an excuse, this guy wants a fight no matter what." His eyes widen when the large man punches Kensington and he growls "Hey, don't hit Kensington! She's a nice lady!" Despite the assault on Kensington Leo doesn't feel right drawing his bow against the unarmed man. Instead he hops up on the table from where he was standing on his chair and takes a swing at him.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Well, it's the thought that counts right? Not that it matters with this role, but the +2 is assuming Grelm is human