Okay... here goes.
Pt Buy: 20 points
Races: Any paizo
Classes: 1st level Cleric or Paizo Cleric Archetype.
Multiclassing: Can multiclass into divine classes (paladin, inquisitor, oracle, and warpriest, for example) normally or variant (All people of same type will be together, so specify if you plan on variant multiclassing). All other multiclassing must be justified (i.e. someone harms you and you are angry about it, you may take a level in Barb for the Rage)
Skills: Background skills.
Starting balance: 150 gp, and an inherited item worth no more than $1000 gp.
Feats: all Paizo.
Traits: usual 2 at first level, may take a drawback for a 3rd trait.
Alignments: any justifiable. Will try to clump similarly aligned characters.
Equipment: Any paizo.