LegitName's page

Organized Play Member. 166 posts (750 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.

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Female Human Cleric of Desna 3 | HP 14/14 | Init +2 | Perception +5 | AC/T/FF17 12 15 | Saves +2 +3 +7 | Common, Elven, Celestial, Orc | Starknife +5 (1d4+3/x3)
Channel energy 8/8. Bit of Luck 7/7. Agile feet 7/7.

News flash: unconscious people are notoriously bad at reading ledges.

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Female Human Cleric of Desna 3 | HP 14/14 | Init +2 | Perception +5 | AC/T/FF17 12 15 | Saves +2 +3 +7 | Common, Elven, Celestial, Orc | Starknife +5 (1d4+3/x3)
Channel energy 8/8. Bit of Luck 7/7. Agile feet 7/7.

Alex raises an eyebrow at Galen. Is it just me or is raising an eyebrow a fantasy cliche?

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Okay... here goes.

Pt Buy: 20 points

Races: Any paizo

Classes: 1st level Cleric or Paizo Cleric Archetype.

Multiclassing: Can multiclass into divine classes (paladin, inquisitor, oracle, and warpriest, for example) normally or variant (All people of same type will be together, so specify if you plan on variant multiclassing). All other multiclassing must be justified (i.e. someone harms you and you are angry about it, you may take a level in Barb for the Rage)

Skills: Background skills.

Starting balance: 150 gp, and an inherited item worth no more than $1000 gp.

Feats: all Paizo.

Traits: usual 2 at first level, may take a drawback for a 3rd trait.

Alignments: any justifiable. Will try to clump similarly aligned characters.

Equipment: Any paizo.

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Let's necromanciate this thread, shall we?

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Natan Linggod 327 wrote:
LegitName wrote:

I looked through the True Dragons at this link - http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/dragons

The following dragons were said to be able to cast antimagic field (I didn't see any with spellbane):
Copper (Variant)
Dungeon (3pp)
Gold (Variant)
Wrath (3pp)

Dragon spell lists are suggestions not absolutes.

32.) Don't assume the dragon you're facing now uses the same tactics/spells/abilities as the dragon you faced last time.

Ahh! In that case, the solo dragon-hunting spellcaster (We need a better name for that...) better pray the GM takes pitty on him.

33.) Don't pray your your GM to take pity on you.

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Combat Monster wrote:
8. Don't fight dragons naked, unless you're a Savage Barbarian.

Or if you are not proficient with armor, such as the Arcanist, Monk, Sorcerer, Witch, and Wizard.

Which brings me to...

19. Don't solo a dragon if you are playing one of the aforementioned classes.

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If you've never seen one of these posts before, then you're probably wondering what it is. So basically, I post a few things that you shouldn't do in Pathfinder, and then it's up to you guys to continue the list until we hit 1000 things. Guys, I know it'll be hard, but keep it serious.

1. Attempt to Craft a full plate of armor. Going off the crafting rules presented in the core rulebook, crafting a full plate would take years.
2. Forget to roll perception when you enter a new room. Your GM has likely taken the time to make every room fun and unique. Please don't waste all his efforts.
3. Take on an army of weak monsters with just your party. They will swarm you, and your superior strength will not be enough, unless you have Greater Cleave.

And now it's up to you.