
Larcifer's page

Organized Play Member. 652 posts (1,559 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 16 aliases.


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Please cancel all my current subscriptions.

Larry Wilhelm

Thanks Joan!!!

my copy of Starfinder Adventure Path "The Chimera Mystery" arrived damaged in several places. How do I go about getting it replaced?

Thank you,
Larry Wilhelm

Please cancel my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription.

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I'm a huge fan of Larry Wilhelm. Do you think you could ask him to write a starfinder society scenario?

I hear ya, sometimes the decision between a saving throw and a skill check is decided by what has been done in the past. I agree, your PC sounds like this is thier area to excel. So I can learn, what books did you use to make your PC, this might help me in the future when deciding between a skill check or a saving throw.

not sure what you are upset about? The opposed strength check, or not being able to succeed at a DC 15 Climb check? Good thing I didn't leave the area flooded with freezing water and put the snow pile there to make the fall damage less and not cause cold damage, that would have sucked! I think it's fair to expect a PC to be able to climb back up the other side of the rift with a reasonable climb check...

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Author here

my intent was to have the rain of gore ability replace the plague carrier. I'd omit the filth fever, unless the powers that be changed something intentionally

If you read the bestiary entry on river drakes, you will discover that they prefer rotten meat. And yes the horse has no where to go. Furthermore, reading the bestiary on river drakes reveals that these creatures are cruel and like to torment their prey. Leaving the horse alive, the drake "gets off" on seeing and hearing the horse's fear. Hope this answers any questions and anything readers might miss....

I looked at my notes and I have land speed of 30? Hmmm

Author here, the lantern is named after a region in golorian known as the ghostlight marsh. The lantern has nothing to do with seeing invisible or ethereal creatures, the game already had that in the lantern of revealing. Similar names, but that's about it.

Would have been very similar cause my initial idea thought seeing invisible would be cool. I scrapped that when I saw the lantern of revealing. Cool superstar item though ( went back and looked!)

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Hey guys,
I just saw a PM asking me about Trusty Buddy (I am the author of this scenario). The truth is, I have no idea as the developer put this item in after my original turnover. I cannot take credit for this item. Sorry.

Hey guys just noticed this, I done goofed. In my turnover I put a wand of misdirection (my bad I thought I had it covered), but in hindsight, yes nondetection would have been my first choice. I wish I had a time machine :). As always, my unofficial answer is to do whatever is the most fun for you and your players, I know that officially does not help :)

This is so cool! Maybe I'm biased as I've written about all four of these NPCs at one time or another!

Fair enough, but as the authour of these scenarios:

its quite clear that the NPC in the final encounter thinks any fight is not worth the risk, she has greater plans...

Any rate I really enjoyed reading these and actually am flattered at the time you did to perform this exercise. I definatley will be more aware of flying, invisible nuclear arsenals :)
The point I am trying to make in my counter posts is this: If the enemies have nothing in front of them to distract or become an outlet for their rage, they take it out on their nearby victims. Frontline fighters, rogues, and paladins are great at meeting these threats head on to protect the innocent. I once soloed tomb of horrors in a simililar fashion as you describe above. I think the real point here is that high level arcane spellcasters are way too Overpowered when compared to their melee cohorts.
Thanks for doing this, I enjoyed it a lot.
Larry Wilhelm
PS I urge you to do this at the lower tier to appreciate your fellow party members.

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Oh Cassimir.... I need to talk with your GM about putting those softballs directly across the plate, here is how I see things going down...

Encounter 1 pretty much the same. Encounter 2 since the incubi are fully aware of an impending response from the Pathfinder Society via information gleaned from a tortured Karn, when their 2 brethren begin to act confused, they know the jig is up. Rather than stand around like stunned idiots, they act thusly. They take one hostage, read carefully ONE hostage. Immediately they kill Agajprak ( an easy task as she is at -1 hp), After all morlocks are a dime a dozen here, due to this you automatically lose her and Bogipfen as allies (no aid later on and no help securing Rachikan). Next 2 of them flank Karn (the chosen hostage as they believe a fellow pathfinder would elicit a most favorable response). The yell out that you have 1 round to enter through the front door visible, or she dies (also at -1) a threat they follow up on even if you show up, thay are after all CE :)) if even if you take 1 of them out, the remaining uses a readied action to complete the task. Area of effect attacks are risky. The remaining demons fly down into the pit and slaughter the unarmed hellknights. So one round to either surrender or act. AT any rate you lose a lot of resources and most like lose the ability to satisfy the mission.
from here on, even though the battle vs the kalvakas should be harder, I have no doubt the invincible Cassimir can win it. On to the Lich. She sees his eagerness to parlay and she does so dragging it on to outlast the remaining duration on the modified forbiddance spell. After that once she feels the battle is futile (something the genius does quickly) she does the only thing that she can to hurt Casomir, she dimension doors away and ultimately teleprts away taking the ivory baton with her. Casomir's mission, while destructive is an utter failure in terms of missions accomplished.Bravo, you liberated the city for the remaining morlocks...
BTW Karn's level is 10 its in there.

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Yes! But that action to get Marianix karn and Benton Grone would be an epic story!!!! Looking forward to Casomir's next adventure!

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Hey this is cool ! Can you run Casimir through this at the lower tier to see how he does?

Also on your above run through, consider the following:

After being bombarded by an unseen assailant, the huge retirever becomes enraged with frustration and smashes the wooded structure causing many several bound individuals to splash into the frigid waters below. It next dives under the water to feast on its buffet. What do you do now Casimir? How many can you save from drowning or worse? Oh, and by the way, those caryatid columns you dumped into the water earlier, they are on their way too....

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Ah Thursty! Within 5 mins of meeting the chap, he had me up in his hotel room. I remember fondly looking at pictures with Myron about terrain for some hacks PFS scenario! Awesome guy and well deserved! Even though he has tried to stab me on several occasions.....

A big thank you to everyone!

Man this is exciting! I'm hoping this thing funds, I'm pretty stoked to see this thing move forward. If anyone's on the fence, please consider donating anything to push this project over the top!

Glad to have you aboard!

Very glad to hear that Jemstone. I'd like to thank you and all of our backer so far. We are soooo close to the halfway point we need all the help we can get. Sharing us with friends is very helpful. I'm excited to see the reaction we get with our next update!
Larry Wilhelm

So enjoyed reading your Fury of the Fiend story!!

@oceanshieldwolf if you go to our web site linked above, you get to see the first race preview. The diminutive plant-based Sagu! More are in the que as each day passes. Is this what you were speaking to, or did you want something different?

also the city map is just the turnover I sent in. It still needs to be done professionally. Glad you like the rough city map!

Wow cool thread! My names all over this one. As a note, I did propose to the powers that be at the time to write another Devil we Know talking about the two in question and their comeuppance. I loved writing most of my villains, but here are my top 5, in order that I wrote:

1) Chrysalis Black, ( I even have an idea for a sequel hint hint. 2) Tancred Desimire (not my original villain idea but fun to write) (and Algorn his brother) I hope I hear from John when it concerns more from this vile villain! 3) Vaga Underbough, I had a hard time sleeping after I wrote her. 4) Nefti and Kafar, so much that I left a huge hook to revisit them. 5) What ever lies beyond Fiendsmaw at Rachikan! Final note: the guy in First steps part three I wrote him to betray the PCs, but it was changed in development, so he was intended to be bad.

I was feeling pretty good about this thread until I read what Mattastrophic had to say :)
Seriously though Matt please contact me personally and let me know about my shortfalls. I always strive to improve and if I can knock those statblocks out better and create better combats, I'd love to hear about it. Maybe this info can get me to the big leagues of adventure path writing.
In all sincerity to become a better writer my e mail is:
larcifer (at) hotmail (dot) com

Larry Wilhelm
PS I heart Drogon

Very excited to read the feedback on this!

I'll let Scott talk more about this, but we have a page count and a detailed outline on each chapter. Also our focus ( as of now) is on the age of chains with sub content on the other 3 ages. As I type I am drawing the main city map over each age and writing the gazetteer for the same city over the separate ages. I have the most space allotment for the city during the age of chains. I have already turned in work for some spells and monsters. I also know we have an adventure written that is being play tested.

Thanks ShadowcatX and Matt! This stuff is very helpful.

Awe thanks! I hope to see some reviews on this!
Larry Wilhelm

Congrats Ryan!!

Hi Ron,
I wrote this scenario, in the editing something was left out by the developers. See my spoiler. I am not official, so you may want to wait for a Paizo representative to provide direction.

In my turn over I said the following about the main doors at area B1: Due to their eroded state, the dilapidated stone doors (hardness 5, hp 20, Break DC 20, Disable Device 15) have seen better days. However, you can reference the core rulebook to see the stats for doors and walls (pg 175) (I am assuming they can still be battered).

Happy Gaming!
Larry Wilhelm

What about using aether as the "5th element"?

Congrats Ryan,

Ohh ohh excited to see how this one turned out!!!


Add myself plus 2

Congrats Steven!

Congrats Jim!


the encounter is as written and turned over in my original. By hit and run I mean: Nothing is keeping these gargoyles stationary in the short term. Have them retreat to the balcony, get the party chasing them in an effort to spread them out before attacking a smaller group of PCs. The house is multi level and has many areas for the gargoyles to assault the PCs from. There are many windows including the domed glass ceiling above the balcony south of B6. Have them break through the dome and double back to attack the PCs rear or flank, they can reenter through the front door and the window in area A4 is large enough to have them reenter through. Have the monsters use the levels to their advantage. Where they can fly the PCs have to resort to range attacks, magic or sub optimal pursuit. That was my intent.

let me know how it goes this weekend, I can keep it in mind for my future map turnovers. I think the issues you state are found in the higher sub tier. As for the confined issue think of this fight taking place throughout the manor. I understand your issues with the map scale ( I could have went to a 10 foot square scale, I admit I try to avoid that as its a pain for it to be redrawn to 5). I'll keep this in mind going forward.


Hey drogon,

Consider having the first battle spill outside the stable. As for the fountain, when I wrote it I envisioned the creatures flying all over the interior of the manor doing hit and run tactics. This forces the pcs to run throughout the manors "open" concept and have a multi level combat. The creatures would use the balconies for cover as they launch themselves at the pc as they scramble to close the distance. This also lets Vaga hear the battle. Hope this helps. Use the whole manor as the battle ground, not just the area around the fountain.

Hey guys I got a copy. The scale is 5-ft. You can blame me for any issues. In my turn over I had something different in the hay stack... The manor is built on a bluff, not in the mountain. There is squeezing. that shaft symbolizes rebirth into the sect of asmodious, ill let you infer what other shaft we squeeze through involving birth. I may have goofed with the fountain, but the denizens take flight making it have a third dimension thus solving the space issue. I admit the space restriction on maps was a challenge in my map turn over. This feedback helps.
Any other questions I'm happy to attempt to answer....

I do not remember drawing 2 foot hallways, I think the smallest hallway I made was 5 feet.

Can the author get a copy too, pretty please!!!!!
Larry Wilhelm

Super cool guys! Thanks for the hard work Tim!

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I'm the author of this scenario, in my play test he fireballed the bridges.

Hey Guys,
I'm relatively new in the world of freelancing, but I am excited to be an official part of this project. If you like any of my work in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, please consider backing this project so I can work on The Grande Temple of Jing!
Larry Wilhelm

Whoa, cool!

Excited for this!


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