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434 posts. Organized Play character for Scott Young (Contributor).


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Grand Lodge 4/5 *

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Friend Gargrim - we are not all murder hobos; quite the opposite. Our Society is built on a history of resourceful, skilled, quick-witted individuals, with silver tongues back by cold steel when required. I will agree that the Society of today does not recall those glory days; it is no surprise that our masked leaders choose to use us as fodder in gang wars and rank-and-file in armies, since that seems to be what many Pathfinders are suited for.

Yet, there is much to be said for plumbing the unknown, seeing things that no living eye has seen for thousands of years. History is vast, and we are but transient blips; by exploring and discovering, we can glimpse, if only for a moment, the magnificent tapestry of which we are only individual threads. There is grandeur and beauty and power in the tapestry of history, my friend. I bid you, explore the world with eyes wide open, and stay your hand when necessary, lest you destroy knowledge which will never see the light of day. Who knows what secrets your victim might be the last possessor of?

Grand Lodge

31 Erastus, 4714 A.R.

Dear Venture-Captain Valsin,

Thank you for the update on the goings-on up north. As you know, I have been preparing a briefing for our agents on the history of the Sky Citadels, and Jormurdun in particular; I expect this brief to be ready for presentation to my own Lodge in the middle of Rova, and from there made available to other agents as you deem fit. Frankly, I am concerned less with the threats of the Mwangi or the mysteries of the sky key, and more with the instability which seems to have hit our Society from within.

Far be it for me to presume to know the minds of the Ten, but frankly I am astonished that Paracountess Dralneen was allowed a position of such prominence, given her recent doings during the Fifth Crusade. I can only imagine that there is a reason for allowing one of the least-loyal individuals access to the dark archives, but I confess it makes me uneasy to say the least. The criminal elements within the Society also continue to grow, shrugging off even their nominal national affiliations. Truly, Loyalist agents will need to take great care in ensuring the goals of the Society are carried out within interference from within.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to aid you in managing these multiple issues.

Your servant,

Thaddeus Lamplighter

Grand Lodge

Mikaze speaks wisely regarding the use of enchantment magic. Magically compelling a being to not rebel against slavery is a particularly insidious form of slavery.

Grand Lodge

A middle-aged Varisian man wearing the vestments of the Eternal Rose stands and bows slightly.

"Greetings, Jitran, and welcome. I am Thaddeus Lamplighter, Pathfinder Chronicler. In my travels I have learned that orthodoxy is nothing more than unorthodox ideas which have withstood the forge of observation and evidence. As long as we are open-minded to contradictory evidence as well as that which supports our theories, we cannot go astray."

He glances around the room, taking in the mix of cultures among the Grand Lodge members present. "As to your first assertion, there are many biologically-distinct species that can interbreed... horses and donkeys, or horses and griffons, for example. Clearly these creatures are not merely separated by culture?"

"As to you second proposal, clearly the gods are not "merely" mortal. Yet, one may say the same thing of an archmage. I prefer to look at things the other way - not that all gods are mortal, but that we - " he opens his arms to indicate the room - "are all divine."[/b]

Grand Lodge

Have Bad Things(TM) happen when they leave - maybe there's a revolt, or a monster incursion, adn their population starts calling them cowards. Add unrest. Bring back Grigori times a thousand. Have other factions in the Swordlords tell them off. Have the city full of Issian guards, and make it clear that civil war is about to break out. Have civil war break out and besiege Restov.

(Just brainstorming here, I haven't had to face this yet, but I think this is a likely problem to come up.)

Grand Lodge

Is this the one I've been waiting for?

Grand Lodge

Playing 3 quests is not the same as playing a scenario. In a scenario, you may not get to rest, shop, or anything. After a quest, you're back to full and and take on quest 2 and then 3 at full health. It would be the 15-minute work day for PFS.

Quests are designed either as filler for when your game session ends early, or as short intro scenarios for new players (in addition to their *real* purpose of auditioning authors). They're not there as a career track.

Grand Lodge

male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn - 6 / Pathfinder Chronicler -1

Thanks, Ross... and on a Saturday night, too! That's service! :)

Grand Lodge

Ignatious - if you're still in another game, you need a new character. Are you in or out with Soth-Loren?

Grand Lodge

male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn - 6 / Pathfinder Chronicler -1

Well, that's annoying. I hope this isn't the sort of baggage that will show up throughout the game, Ranvar.

This is the PbP I've run on this site, I can't believe there's no way to lock it to "invite only"...

Grand Lodge

male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn - 6 / Pathfinder Chronicler -1

Whoops - Linflass is on standby, Leastrie, you're in. (Too many elves... ;)

Grand Lodge

male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn - 6 / Pathfinder Chronicler -1

"Lady Heidmarch will be with you shortly," the portly man remarks, just before closing the door behind you. The sitting room is beautifully furnished, with an antique Taldane desk near the window and comfortable sofas lining the walls. The room smells faintly of a floral scent that you can't quite place, almost completely masking the smell of the old books and tomes lining the many bookshelves.

Near the center of the room, a large meeting table and several chairs are set out, with pitchers of ice water and a tray of various crackers and cheeses. A large, exquisitely carved clock standing across from the doorway suddenly chimes, marking the hour of your appointment with Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch, the Mistress of the Magnimar Lodge of the Pathfinder Society.

Go ahead and introduce yourselves; it is likely these characters have never met.

Grand Lodge

male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn - 6 / Pathfinder Chronicler -1

Hey folks, this is a good time to discuss a few basic tactics... since initiative doesn't work really well in PbP, you should think about how you can react to a changing situation. Also, some sort of standard marching order would be good.

Since this is a PFS game, remember the 3 cardinal rules of PFS:
1. Don't be a jerk.
2. No Player-vs-player conflict. That means not only can you not attack another player, you also can't do something which would leave another player no choice but to attack you to stop you.
3. Explore, Report, Cooperate.

I'll start the game thread, and we'll let you get into character while I get my maps etc. ready today, and start this evening in earnest.

Grand Lodge

Ignatious - you're in, too - sorry, missed you in the list.

Hassadah - you can't play two scenarios simultaneously with the same character. Once you start playing a PFS scenario with a character, that character can`t do anything else until it`s done.

Linflass, I`ll keep you on standby, then.

This thread is now CLOSED.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *


PCs get raised all the time - so do bad guys, if they're *important* bad guys...

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You mean when you get that fifth star? ;)

Grand Lodge

Hi folks - sorry, spent most of the last 36 hours down with a nasty flu. Back up now.

So, the four players from the other thread who were "auto-in" are:

* Ignatious the Seeker of Flame (played by Beckett) - Cleric 3
* Leastrie Oakenleaf (played by Hawkwen) - Fighter (Lore Warden) 1
* Andrazi (played by Daxter) - Fighter (Cad) 3
* Hadassah Lokrien Savet (played by Akinra) - Halfling Oracle (Dual-Cursed Oracle) 1

This group of four gives us an Average Party Level of 2, so we'd be playing subtier 1-2, but with a healer and a fighter at level 3.

There are some potential new recruits that could be added to the mix:

* Ranvar, human Rogue (spy) 1
* Linflass, elven Ranger 1 (HolmesandWatson - as this is a Pathfinder Society game, you have to start at level 1 unless you've already played other PFS scenarios that have leveled up your PC.)
* Telurian, Human Fighter 1

If we add any of these players, the combats in the game will get easier since the party gets stronger while the enemy doesn't. So, I'd like to sugegst we play this game with the four listed above.

BUT: I will get this game going, and then also start up a First Steps game, which is designed for new 1st level characters. Ranvar, Linflass, Teluriabn, you're all "pre-approved" for that group. Give me a week or so to get this game going and back into the swing of PbP and I'll start the thread.

Ranvar, Leastrie, Andrazi, Hadassah, head over to the discussion thread and we'll get started.

Grand Lodge

male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn - 6 / Pathfinder Chronicler -1

Discussion thread for this game.

Players: Please make sure your Profiles are completely up to date - I will be inputting everything into Herolabs to track things, so I won't be looking at your profiles once we get started. Let me know if you are spending prestige or doing other things before game start.

Grand Lodge

That's 4 players so far - two level 3's and two level 1's. Given we'd be playing subtier 1-2,. I actually would think 4 players is good (especially since you have a full cleric * and* an oracle of life).

One thing: I misspoke a bit when I said you could be playing in the other games from the other thread - of course, you can't also be playing Chris Mortika's run of the same scenario! But I don't mind if you're also playing in Helaman's goblins.

I'll take a look at PCs tonight, send any questions, and we will go!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Righteous might gives a size increase as part of its effects, so this is where the enlarge effect came from. Prepping it now, and to me a while to find as well!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

The point is, this is NOT an alignment issue, it is an Organized Play issue.

Wealth by level is pretty closely regulated, and a player abusing their skills to gain an advantage is not kosher.

Personally, I'd allow it for flavour or minor items, once, but if it got out of hand, or starting including magical items, etc. I'd have the law come down on them. I'm pretty sure store owners are familiar with the Sleight of Hand skill, and have developed countermeasures (which are outside the scope of the game). Heck, the grocery store that was my first job had undercover security posing as shoppers, video cameras, and kept the easily steal-able stuff under lock and key except when it was attended by a staffmember.

Also, remember the limitations of the skill: sleight of hand doesn't let you steal something when someone is watching you constantly... they might not see where you put it, but they sure know that it was in your hand a minute ago and now it's gone, and they will call the watch.

Overall, bad career move for a Pathfinder.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Welcome aboard, William!

Grand Lodge

New recruitment thread here.

Anyone from this thread will get priority, even if you are already playing one of the other two games from this thread. (Please make sure you have the time to play in more than one game, though!]

Grand Lodge

Now recruiting players for a Pathfinder Society-legal PbP game of the Tier 1-5 sceanrio, "Severing Ties". The scenario details:

"The Pathfinder Society has discovered a new Aspis Consortium base in the pirate city of Riddleport and sends a small team of agents to infiltrate the rival cell disguised as newly hired mercenaries from Magnimar. After proving their value to the Aspis Consortium by carrying out a number of tasks throughout the City of Cyphers, the Pathfinders can learn the location of one of the consortium's local allies and ensure that the support the Aspis Consortium is counting on from their friends won't come."

To apply, you need a legal Pathfinder Society Organized Play character of level 1, 2 or 3. Please post details of the character, some background, and tell me why you became a Pathfinder. I will look at the applications and then pick a reasonable group as soon as possible.

There are a couple of folks who were on the waiting list for another run of this who will be given priority.

I expect daily posts from folks during the week, and I like to keep things moving at a decent pace.


Grand Lodge

OK, now that Helaman has his group, I will start a new recruitment thread for Severing Ties. Anyone from this thread that wants to play will get priority.

Grand Lodge

Jorin - WBG is great fun! Although, I prefer it in person just because funny voices don't translate well for me online... it is a great scenario.

Grand Lodge

Andrazi - welcome aboard! D-Kal - either one will work, although Fallen Fortress is designed for new characters. We'll see which group needs the help.

Grand Lodge

Hey folks, I'm happy to run another "table" of "Severing Ties". Helaman has offered to run "Master of the Fallen Fortress" (preferred) or "We Be Goblins".

Please post listing what scenario you want to play, and we'll split the group that way. Once I hear from everyone here, I'll start a new thread to open up any remaining spots to new characters.

A bit about me: I've been playing Pathfinder since 2008, after 20+ years of RPGs. I started and help organize the Pathfinder Society games in my area, the province of Manitoba in Canada. Was appointed as Venture-Captain in 2011, and have had the chance to write one of the quests for the Grand Convocation at PaizoCon 2012. I have run play-by-post games before, and I tend to use maps and tokens to keep combat straight. I like to see daily posts wherever possible, so we can maintain the pace of the game. I like long walks on the beach and my favorite colour is blue.

Looking forward to this!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Hey Chris, I'd be interested in running Severing Ties PbP, if the players are set on that scenario. Let me know.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Also, if you eventually want to play the Eyes of the Ten retirement arc, a lot of season 0 and 1 scenarios have bits that are relevant. Folks who grow up on Season 2-3-4 and then go back for Eyes of the Ten are missing a huge amount of the experience of that arc.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Int 1 is less smart than most animals. Even if you had the ability to still use bombs, you wouldn't be able to think of doing that. I'd allow improvised weapons in melee, but that's about it. While alchemist's bombs and extracts aren't *technically* spells, spellcasting is lost because you're below the minimum stat required to cast even 0-level spells, so I'd say those would go away as well.

Grand Lodge

I thought teiflings only differ from their base race in terms of size? i.e. no, you don't get both sets of benefits. Advanced Race Guide is GM's call whether they allow it, as are any non-core races.

Grand Lodge

I actually am shrinking the map of Sandpoint for my upcoming campaign, as the buildings seem just too big for commoners' houses, and the Cathedral approaches ridiculousness. (This is mostly so I can make the village in paper for some of the big battles, but it seems to make sense as well.)

Also, remember most of the buildings will be 2 or more stories, and average family size would be pretty big, with several generations living together.

Grand Lodge

It says "as per the spell". So, I would rule that you get 1 question/2 levels - and you "use" as many rounds as it takes to ask those questions and get the answers. It may be that the answer to a question takes several rounds to give, depending on complexity of the question. If time or number of questions run out, you're done.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

The intro almost always has spoilers, so I never read it to players before game. I tend to sue it to inform and supplement the Knowledge rolls and V-C's answers to questions, and I try to use it if the PCs take a prisoner. It is usually great stuff, but the trick is to find a way to bring the info ut without giving away things in advance.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

The answer is still no, though. There's no in-game reason, it's entirely a metagame concept.

PFS tries to make sure that the GM doesn't have 6 wonky characters at his or her table with custom items, GM fiat abilities, etc. One way that is accomplished is that the only items that are legal are the ones with purchase prices in the book.

And frankly, "no crafting" has been in since the beginning; it's unlikely to change now, and it's even less likely that a "loophole" would be allowed to exploit what is specifically against the rules. Sorry, but it's part of PFS.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Love this quest, but... I wish it was Tier 1-5. Almost all of the usage I foresee with quests is at the HQ table at a con, where new players have made up characters and have an hour to kill before we can muster them into a "real" game. If I'm level 3 or above, I don't need a quest to show me how to play. I'm sure some folks will play them, but I'd really like to see another Tier 1-5 Quest or three to go along with "Ambush in Absalom".

I'm fine with no gold, etc. but perhaps item access might be useful? Something like partially-charged wands or higher-CL versions of spells on scrolls, or other stuff you can't just buy with fame. Wouldn't affect WBL but just provide a way to make the quest "matter" more.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

1)Dragons - I cautiously agree we could use more of them. Would love to see them as more than just a bad guy, though - big dragons beyond the CR of the players have been used to great effect in a previous scenario, and it really made the dragon seem scary. A dragon where a "win" is escaping with your life (or the item you were sent to find).

2) Goblins - yes, fine, but not as fodder. Goblins are entertaining when they are around a while and can play out their zany pyromaniac antics. With goblin racial boons out (in limited supply), maybe there is a role for goblins as allies rather than enemies or prisoners?

2a) Kobolds - yes please!

3) Orcs - I agree, more orcs!

4) Drow - I like the secret organization ideas, but this should be used sparingly.

5) Dinosaurs - While I *love* dinosaurs, I think you'd need a whole "Lost World" scenario to make this work, I think (which actually sounds like a great idea, and exactly the sort of place Pathfinders would go.)

6) Undead - I agree with Jiggy on this - and you know that makes my head hurt... ;) but undead have been the fodder of choice for too long. I want important undead, big undead, undead that are actually worth channeling energy against instead of just letting the fighter hack them down. SMART undead. Incorporeal undead. Vampire overlords. Mummy high priests. Interesting liches (like the druid lich from Red Hand of Doom... he was fantastic!)

7) Swarms - Most are lame, but some can be a real challenge and cross the line between creature and trap. Swarms of leeches underwater, for example... but these should be higher-tier threats, not lower-tier speed bumps (if you brought alchemist's fire) / deathtraps (if you didn't).

[8]Outsiders[/b] - Personally I'm indifferent on them.

[9]Human/humanoid NPCs[/b] - Humans are far too common as foes - often for good story reasons, but still. Love to hate the Aspis, but it's sometimes hard to make each encounter seem memorable when it's "UsSe the stats on Page 5" over and over again. And humanoid NPCs all need a stat block, which takes up word count.

10) More... Dark Tapestry! Aberrations! Environment-based encounters, and not just the "bridge over the chasm" type, which is moot for anyone with a potion of fly (and that should be anyone at 3rd level or above).

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Welcome aboard, Mike! Where were you 3 months ago, when I was down in Baton Rouge for a conference? I'll just have to go back! :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Well spoken, sir. Some good reminders.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

It doesn't look like it, since they're not listed as a magic weapon ability, and you can't craft it yourself. Flagging for FAQ.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

New season scenarios are designed for 5-hour slots. If you're playing them in less, you will be rushed.

I find the easiest thing to do to shorten combat is to call them when it's clear the PCs have won. Bad guys surrender or flee. If it states the creatures fight to the death, I look at their remaining hit points, how much damage they've been doing, and call the fight, charging the PCs a few extra uses of their wands of CLW or something similar. There's no need to mindlessly grind out rolls to finish a combat that is clearly all over except the math. Oftentimes, an early encounter is a bad guy with lots of HP but no chance to harm the PCs due to DR/AC/whatever - don't waste your time on these, make the call and move on.

Calling out "Biffboff, your turn, Thaddeus, you're next" can prompt the players to be ready on their turn. I then put someone who isn't ready on "delay" until they are ready. Usually only have to do it once.

Finally, and this is important: the GM decides when initiative is rolled. If an NPC is talking and someone says, "I attack", I let the NPC finish, and other players respond first. Remember, PvP isn't allowed, and neither is acting rashly so that your allies' only way to stop you would be considered PvP. This can allow a lot more RP to occur before or instead of combat.

If you're a GM, don't let combat crush RP. If you're a player and another player is doing this, ask your GM to intervene. Don't let "that's what my 7-Int CN Barbarian would do" be a defense for breaking the "don't be a jerk" rule.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Mattastrophic wrote:

At PaizoCon 2012, all my sessions went over time.

I thought I got you out of there on time... although it was largely due to a certain Taldan lady's social graces that sped up one of the encounters!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Michael Brock wrote:
No, a character who is 12.0 can not play in a Special and start EoT at 12.1. Luckily, anything in the Special category is tiered for every level so you would be able to play a different character if you choose to.

Doh... we've already had a group play the Runecarved Key at 12 in September, and they've also played the first part of Eyes of the Ten at 12.1. I was going on the (mis)understanding that they could start Eyes at any point before 13th level.

I understand the reductions, although for the 5 players this affects in my region, it will be a bitter pill - they all had to pay for raises and huge numbers of expendables after the Special, and so although their fame/pp/xp went up I'm not sure they actually made any money. I'm sure they would have chosen to *not* play at level 12 if they knew that to be the case. Any suggestions for how to break the news, anyone?

Grand Lodge

Happler wrote:

I always understood that dice (or amount) listed in the spell where the minimum for the spell.


Grand Lodge

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Never say, "No" to player input into your campaign unless you already have a better idea! They are helping you to build this shared world. The moment you put PCs into it, it's no longer Paizo's campaign, it's the GM's. Let the PC's contribute to the awesome, and they will!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

You don't *get* them, but you do get *access* to them, and can buy them if you want them. You also get full gold and prestige for the level your character is (the one you are applying the Chronicle to).

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I'd say you have to repair it all in one go, not use make whole and then pay for the rest. Not sure how the CLs stack, though, but I'd lean towards paying half the cost and handwaving who actually did it. Not a PC, since there is no crafting, so it doesn't really matter who does it.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Congrats, Ryan the Second! As the nearest V-C to us, we expect our cross-border rivalry to continue unabated!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Like it... a lot.

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