
LadyMustard's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.



I'm considering using a CR10 Thresher Lord as a template and modifying some of the abilities / immunities, while lowering the damage die to 1d10 for the main melee attack.


Quest Backstory
My group is currently playing the Dead Suns Adventure Path and is docked on Eox. This quest happens after the events of the third book while they're waiting for the Starfinder Society to send in some mechanics to fix up their ship. 

The group is greeted by an animated skeleton dressed in middle-class finery. He tells the party that he was granted un-life about 20 years ago, but thanks to someone going to a lot of trouble to preserve his body and paying for him to be granted sentience in his next life, he's pretty well-off for a grunt un-dead. He wanted to know who was responsible for his state of life. He can't remember anything from when he was alive, so he did a bit of research.

He learned that in life, he died of a sickness that he struggled with for over a dozen years before eventually passing away. His wife cared for him, and put a great deal of credits toward ensuring that his un-life was much more comfortable than his living years.  His research led him to find out that her health suffered and she no longer had the money to take herself. His wife passed away a couple years ago, and as a part of the deal to get grant him middle class, she volunteered her body for menial labor here on Eox as a mindless factory zombie.Factory zombies never last very long, only a decade or so, before the magic holding their bodies together crumbles. 
She may not be sentient and he may not remember the sacrifice that she made to help him, but he desperately wants to repay her dedication to him. He wants the party to help him get the rights to her contract, so that he can take care of HER for once. He doesn't know WHY it's so important to him, but he needs to help her. 

Main Quest: 
Getting the wife's contract is actually pretty straight forward. The Bonesage that created the skeleton's wife is looking for someone to take care of a monster for him. In exchange, the BoneSage is willing to negotiate for the wife's contract, as well as adding in some tasty extras to incentivize the deal. The monster is particularly dangerous to undead. The aura it releases absorbs undead energy... but since the party is living, they shouldn't have a problem. 

If the party does particularly well with diplomacy, the Bone Sage reveals that the reason he wants the monster dead so badly is that his  electroencephalon is hidden in a bunker near the creature's lair. It's aura is weakening the device, and in turn, is weakening him. He understands that the party has caught the attention of several Bone Sages in their recent dealings in fighting the corpse fleet. The party will need someone on their side and he doesn't care one way or the other about the fleet.He adds one further incentive: a favor. If he catches wind from the other bonesages that the Corpse Fleet is up to something, he will contact them. 

The Monster 
The group will have 4 party members, all around level 7. The alien I'm looking for would be around CR10. For plot's sake, I would need a really nasty, OP aura that heals it by absorbing HP from undead. Go nuts making this aura stupidly, insanely strong against undead. It would need to be strong to warrant a Bonesage offering a high reward for it. 

Aside from the aura, I want it to be big and nasty, but with no other surprises. Large/Huge size category LOTS of HP, average to med-high AC and hits like a truck, but nothing else super fancy. Their fort saves are abysmal, so I want to avoid diseases/radiation/paralysis. I'd also like to avoid anything involving will saves, because I find that it just sucks the fun out of combat (Srsly, who ACTUALLY enjoys having their fighter spend the entire fight punching themselves in the face from confusion instead of getting to describe their character doing cool stuff?) 

A special ability/ attack that requires reflex saves might be a good choice. Maybe a tail swipe that deals damage and gives the monster a free bull-rush attempt. Coupled with combat reflexes, it would make for a nasty combat strategy for the monster: Bull rush enemies back using a tail attack, provoking AoO when they move back in to engage.

Final Notes: I've literally never built a monster from scratch before, so even a base stat block would help me out a lot. I also need names for the animated skeleton, his wife and for the Bonesage, if folks want to deliberate. :) If it helps, our party has 2 Operatives, a Mechanic (exo-cortex) and a Technomancer. 

TLDR: I want the party to have something that they can go all out on and use all their new level 7 abilities on and have it last a couple rounds but without penalties from diseases/paralysis/confusion etc.


Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello LadyMustard,

I'm glad to hear you'll be going home soon!

I have lifted the suspension on your order. I noticed you have a replacement Satrfinder Limited Edition book on the order. We are still waiting for the replacements to get to us from our printer. Did you want me to move that to your sidecart so everything else can ship or did you prefer it stay in the order even if it holds the order up?

I'd prefer for it to all go out at once please. =)


Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello LadyMustard,

I have left the order suspended. When you're ready for the order just let us know by posting here on our forums, giving us a call at 425-250-0800 between 10am and 5pm pacific time, or sending us an email at

We just got the okay from the apartment manager and they said that we can move back in sometime mid-week.

Please send out the order when you get the chance. =)


Nevermind. Just talked to hubby and he said that it would be better if we just waited on it. Please leave it suspended.

Who will I contact when I'm ready for it to be sent out?

Would I just put up another post here or is there an e-mail that I should use?


Everyone is fine. Even the cats. =) We were lucky and our place was on the back of the building.

Would the package be sent UPS or USPS?


I've got a subscription for Starfinder (the main books) and I have the deliver location set for my home address.

Unfortunately, last Saturday there was a fire at our apartment complex and the entire building has been boarded up until they can get it fixed. All of the mailboxes are inside the building, so there isn't really a place to deliver the mail right now.

Would it be possible to either put a hold on the shipping or to change the address on the order to the place that I'm staying now so that my package doesn't wind up getting returned or stolen?


Mary Yamato wrote:

The lunatic resurrection squad is at it again; they aren't satisfied with the plan to resurrect the dropship (they haven't done it yet but have promised to, and probably will), but are now also planning to raise Casandalee.

In the AP as written she's been dead too long, but I didn't stick to that (I didn't like the idea that Unity has been stalled for millenia; it makes the Unity threat seem too remote). They might have to scale up to True Resurrection, but they are weirdly obsessed with resurrection for some reason, and they might!

My question is: what will that do? I can see several possibilities:

(1) Casandalee's soul is "long gone" says the AP, but True Resurrection will drag it back anyway, and they will end up with a living android Casandalee--and an AI Casandalee. Casandalees for everyone!

(2) The AI contains Casandalee's soul, so she can't be raised unless it is "killed". If they kill it, they can resurrect her as an android (or as an AI?)

(3) Resurrecting android Casandalee will kill AI Casandalee. She might object to that.

(4) Resurrecting android Casandalee will de-soul AI Casandalee, leaving something sinisterly inhuman.

Related to this, I am wondering if in the past there was a living android Casandalee (who ran off to Iadenveigh and died there) and a "living" AI Casandalee (who got left at the Scar). Alternatively, the neurocam is like a Clone spell and the copy isn't "live" until the original dies. That would imply (2), I think.

From what I understand, the AI is just a copy of the original person/intelligence. If her soul had been sucked into the AI facet, she would've dropped dead on the spot and the third book of the adventure path wouldn't exist. Instead of thinking of the AI as a clone, I prefer to think of it as a whole new person, born from the memories and experiences of Casandalee (who is now dead). Just treat them as two different people, and it simplifies things a lot.

As for bringing Casandalee back, I'd say that it's impossible as written. It says right in its description that True Resurrection functions like Raise Dead, so "If the subject’s soul is not willing to return, the spell does not work". If Casandalee's soul is already gone and off to another life, regardless of how long she's been dead, then it would be impossible.


Thank you! =)


I accidently pre-ordered the same product twice and I'm not sure how to cancel the above listed Order number.

Would it be possible for it to be canceled for me (or at least be directed to thread that tells me how to do so on my own?)



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My husband is planning on creating a Solarian Space Goblin named Yoba for when I do my homebrew version of We Be Goblins in space.

He suggested that for some of the NPCs to have a group of Goblin siblings named by their [lazy] Goblin mom using randomly strung together letters of the alphabet that also happen to be texting acronyms.

Examples: OMG, WTF, LMNOP, BRB and LOL would be pronounced Oemgee, Watafa, Elemenope, Berb and Lol respectively.

This is staying in theme with their ship AI (Gooble) essentially being Google Assistant.


Iphigenia von Saltz wrote:
The sun goddess being carried by their pregnant charge has been increasingly enraged; the goddess has started to posess her, causing violent magical outbursts and rapid deteriorations in her bodily health... and if they don't do something to address it before they reach their destination they might be doing more harm than good by returning the sun goddess to her full power.
Collin Young 84 wrote:
I second the idea of using the Dragon Turtle to cross the straits...but have them prove their worth to it by performing a quest of some sort.

Why not tie these two things together? Maybe the turtle refuses to carry them over because he can sense the Sun Goddess' unstable mood? In shintoism, there is a lot of focus on purity/impurity and the rituals needed to remove impurities in order to appease the Kami.

Perhaps he could direct them to a shrine where they can use a ritual to appease the Goddess. For the ritual itself, the wiki page on shintoism has a lot of fodder that you can use for inspiration.The article mentions something that sounds very close to your homebrew Goddess:

"Shinto teaches that certain deeds create a kind of ritual impurity that one should want cleansed for one's own peace of mind and good fortune rather than because impurity is wrong. Wrong deeds are called "impurity" (穢れ kegare?), which is opposed to "purity" (清め kiyome). Those who are killed without being shown gratitude for their sacrifice will hold a grudge (怨み urami?) (grudge) and become powerful and evil kami who seek revenge (aragami)."

The cleansing can be as short or as long (RP speaking) as you want. Perhaps they will need the party to collect materials for the ritual, perhaps due to the raging Storm God. Or you can just have them go through the ritual and have the Goddess warn them about the angry storm God and have them fight it on the way to the final area.


IonutRO wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Meanwhile, the Iron Gods of Numeria are bit miffed xD
Unless they're one and the same! Or they're long gone.

Regardless of whether or not they're included in cannon, I'm planning on including them for my homebrew campaign for the group that played Iron Gods.

Such a fun AP...


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Partizanski wrote:
Fardragon wrote:
I agree, I can see a medic specialisation for the Mechanic class.
Don't worry, I hacked way all of your bullet wounds

In Iron Gods, Pharmaceuticals were considered an item, so Mechanic could be feasible.

To me, it would make more sense for a Medic to be someone with lots of ranks in Heal, and that doesn't seem like something a Mechanic would take. I don't think that it would be unreasonable for there to be whole separate class for a Medic.

Also, I wanted to send a big thank you to ArchMage for putting all this work into the update list. I've been scouring the internet for a while for info on Starfinder and this thread is by far the most comprehensive.



XanaverForgedawn wrote:

I'm pretty sure Kasatha is core so.....

Kasatha Solerion
Dragon Rider

Heck yes.

I'm REALLY surprised that you were the very first one that mentioned Kasatha!!

I'm dying to make a Kasatha engineer/pilot. That's 4 arms and 20 fingers for hitting ALL the mother-trucking buttons, knobs and gears. Heck, he could pilot the ship and still have a hand free for flicking off whatever pathetic soul thinks that they could out fly his ship. XD

Also, I want to play a Vesk as a space marine. ALL THE BEEF BABY. xD


Flack Jack wrote:
My campaign is going to assume that Unity won in the Iron Gods adventure path and that is the cause of the Gap. My IG group never finished so it's a continuation of epic proportions. Anyone else doing something similar?

My husband and I are currently working through Iron Gods (we are currently plowing our way through the Scar of the Spider). We're hoping to finish by the time that Starfinder comes out.

For the New Adventure Path:
We wound up adding another (homebrew) Iron God to the pantheon along with Casandalee, a Neutral-Good Cyborg IronGod based off of Cyborg of the DC universe. I'd run the AP with those two gods available as options.

Also, Trett worked as a double-agent for the the PC's after they caught him and after the Technic League fell, he wound up starting his own business by taking over the Silverdisk hall. He eventually became a millionare tycoon and I'm thinking of having a couple name drops in his memory in the new AP: Trett Industries or something like that.

Separate from the adventure path:
I'm also thinking about throwing together a couple one-shot "Goblins in Space" adventures. The "Gooble" Goblin search engine AI that a previous poster mentioned is a fantastic idea and I'm planning on using it. XD