
LadyMustard's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.


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My husband is planning on creating a Solarian Space Goblin named Yoba for when I do my homebrew version of We Be Goblins in space.

He suggested that for some of the NPCs to have a group of Goblin siblings named by their [lazy] Goblin mom using randomly strung together letters of the alphabet that also happen to be texting acronyms.

Examples: OMG, WTF, LMNOP, BRB and LOL would be pronounced Oemgee, Watafa, Elemenope, Berb and Lol respectively.

This is staying in theme with their ship AI (Gooble) essentially being Google Assistant.


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Partizanski wrote:
Fardragon wrote:
I agree, I can see a medic specialisation for the Mechanic class.
Don't worry, I hacked way all of your bullet wounds

In Iron Gods, Pharmaceuticals were considered an item, so Mechanic could be feasible.

To me, it would make more sense for a Medic to be someone with lots of ranks in Heal, and that doesn't seem like something a Mechanic would take. I don't think that it would be unreasonable for there to be whole separate class for a Medic.

Also, I wanted to send a big thank you to ArchMage for putting all this work into the update list. I've been scouring the internet for a while for info on Starfinder and this thread is by far the most comprehensive.
