Gnaeus Gnaru

Kyresh Scarmaker's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Kyshkumen.


Feel free to check in after you've leveled up and made purchases.


Drendle Dreng summons you to his chambers at his usual hours, the hours most people are trying to get a good nights rest. "Pathfinders, with the resent discovery and completion of the sky key we find ourselves lacking in some basic elements, one of those is a material known as middenstone. I won't bore you with the details of the material or why we need it, but I need you to get it. That is why I am sending you to Ustalav, more specifically to a town called Carrion Hill. Secure a supply and make any deals you need to, just make sure we have a steady supply of the stuff. Any questions before you go?"


We should have an official start on Tuesday. This is a busy Con weekend and I know at least one player that has his hands full.


You have been stationed at the Grand Lodge in Absalom,awaiting assignment for a mission of utmost importance. Things finally seemed in motion when Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng sent out a summons for available agents. Specialized in the history of Absalom, Dreng is known for putting off-duty agents
to work on sundry tasks when he finds them resting within the city’s limits. Coming to the meeting place—an odd choice of venue, as it is a street corner far from the Grand Lodge—a lone beggar garbed in baggy robes approaches. The only figure visible in the constant drizzle, the beggar sticks out his hands for currency. “Have you any coin to spare, fine folk?”

The question hangs in the air for only a scant moment before the figure pulls back his hood to reveal the wizened face of Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng. He gives a crooked smile, soaked head to toe from his unprotected time in the rain. His clothes smell faintly of cabbage. “Sorry about that,” he says with a wink. “I always like to play a little joke on agents when I stumble across them during my jaunts into town. Now, why did I summon you fine folk here again…?” Dreng shakes his head from side to side, as though trying to knock water out of his ears, despite the constant downpour.

“Ah yes, the Wounded Wisp! I’m undercover now and can’t stray far from the site I’m watching, but I need someone to retrieve a package for me from that fine establishment. It’s among Absalom’s most storied taverns, you see, and one that holds a special place of privilege in the Society’s lore as the place where the organization began. Well, I could drone on and on about it, but standing out in the rain is doing none of us any favors.” As if anticipating agreement, the bedraggled venturecaptain produces a small slip of folded paper from one of his
many stitched pockets. Dreng quickly shows a glimpse of the page’s contents: a map detailing the location of the Wounded Wisp bar. “The bartender is a woman by the name of Heryn Gale, a fine lady who came to own the Wisp after the passing of her father from—oh, bah, it’s really getting too cold for me to give a proper history lesson! If you could just go to the Wisp, and tell Heryn you’re there to pick up my parcel, it would be most appreciated. I’ll be around here for several more hours at least.”


Feel free to check in and introduce yourselves. We have a few new members and the main group may need some time to level up after their last adventure.


Balentiir shutters the windows in his second-story office overlooking the lodge's tranquil gardens and seats himself behind his writing desk. He nods and intorduces a thin, aging Garundi man in an ornately bejeweled and feathered turban. "This is Amenopheus, the Sapphire Sage. I trust most of you know of him already. If you don't, know that he has served both the Ruby Prince and the Pathfinder Society for many years, uncovering vast troves of lore from Ancient Osirion and mentoring some of our finest agents. He recently approached my colleagues and I with a request for assistance, and the Society has agreed to step up and aid its ally. The arrangement is , in fact, rather mutually beneficial." He nods to Amenopheus, signaling the elder man to speak.

"Faithful servants of the past, I bid you greetings," the wizened sage says with a shallow bow. "Our esteemed ruler, the Ruby Prince, recently released me from his service, which has freed me to learn more about a little-known organization to which I belong: the Jeweled Sages, protectors of Osirion's history and chroniclers of its past glories. Quite by accident, I found myself initiated into this group, and have long believed myself to be its sole surviving member. Each sage in the group possesses a unique jewel-a priceless artifact that contains memories of Osirion's golden age." He pauses as if considering how to express his thoughts "For many years, I have sought news of any other members of the Jeweled Sages. My agents recently learned of the Diamond Sage, whom they traced to the city of Eto in the Osirian Desert. At the same time, I received word from a reliable source that several other jewels are in the vicinity. I ask that you travel to Eto, negotiate with my contact in the city for his assistance, and then use what you learn to find the Diamond Sageand these lost jewels."

Venture-Captain Balentiir frowns and adds, "This contact has tried to remain anonymous, but we suspect he is none other then Grandmaster Torch. If you've heard of him-or worse, met him-you may know trading favors is his signature. Regardless of Torch's past treacheries, we need you to deal with him fairly for the information. There is a caravan leaving for Eto in a few hours, so don't delay."

Sczarni 5/5

I recently had a player that wanted to use this boon on his half-Orc Cavalier character as his mount. According to the boon he could select a bear. This became problematic as a bear animal companion only gets to size medium and without a feat or some other resource expenditure makes it to small for him to ride. We could not think of any other way to make this a working option for his character and I was wondering if anyone else had some ideas or could point out something we might be missing.


Welcome everyone, please feel free to post a list of possible character levels you can bring so we can figure out APL. I know one player has a max level of 2 right now.


Venture-Captain Drandle Drang looks tired as he calls an emergency meeting in the middle of night at his chambers in the Grand Lodge. “I’m sorry to call you in on such short notice and on such a dark night, but a friend of the Society needs your help immediately.” From an adjoining chamber, an elegantly dressed woman of middle age with olive skin and long, straight black hair and piercing eyes steps into the room. “Allow me to introduce to you Hamaria Blakros, of the esteemed Blakros family, whose name I’m sure you all know.”

Hamaria sits at Dreng’s side, smooths her satin dress over her knees, and speaks in a clear though pained voice. “I’m afraid my forebears made a terrible mistake, and I need you to help remedy the situation. When the Blakroses were first gaining a financial and social foothold centuries ago, my ancestors made a pact called the Penumbral Accords with a strange organization on the Shadow Plane called the Onyx Alliance, which granted us trade routes through its dark realm to avoid unpleasant searches, tariffs, and questions among the many parties with whom we traded. At the time, this was an invaluable service, but as our wealth and influence grew, the benefits became less pronounced.

Now, almost five centuries later, we no longer want to pay the ongoing price of this agreement. Since that time, we’ve been providing a steady stream of slaves to the Onyx Alliance... including the eldest of our daughters each generation. This year we have two eldest daughters—my twins Eleanir and Michellia—and I refuse to let them be taken! “But we can’t actively break the Penumbral Accords ourselves. We don’t know all the details other than our end of the bargain, which requires us to deliver slaves to our very own Blakros Museum on the night of each new moon—and to deliver the eldest Blackros daughter of each generation on the new moon after her 21st birthday. We are told to stay away until dawn, and have honored this command thus far. In every instance for generations, we’ve returned to find no sign of the slaves or our own heirs left in the building. They’ve got some device that lets them take our daughters to their plane, something that only functions one night a month, and only until dawn. That night is tonight, and my Eleanir and Michellia are already there! I need you to get in before the sun rises and deactivate or destroy whatever allows them to keep stealing our people. If that prevents them from ever threatening us and holding the Penumbral Accords over our heads again, even better.”

Dreng leans forward. “You understand, I’m sure, how valuable our relationship with the Blakros family is to the Decemvirate. Their assets at the museum are immense, and assisting the Lady Hamaria tonight will go along way to ensuring that both her family and our organization can form a long-lasting alliance that will benefit all parties.” He glances at Hamaria, who nods once in agreement. “Hurry to Blakros Museum, friends. There isn’t much time!”


Welcome please feel free to introduce yourself and we can also discuss character levels and level tier before we get started.


It's been nearly a month since Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng, a decrepit yet well-respected Pathfinder, instructed you to meet him dockside in Absalom. On arrival, Dreng herded you on to a Korvosa-bound merchant vessel and gave you a series of quick, stern instructions. "One of my good friends, a merchant in the Varisian outcast's haven known as Kaer Maga, sent me a very strange letter, which I need you to investigate. The merchant-his name is is Horis Collgardie-tells me that the residents of Kaer Maga are very upset about the Society's plan to build a lodge in their city and even further upset that the agents we sent are making trouble, stirring up the delicate balance of power that exists in the so-called City of Strangers. The trouble is, not the Decemvirate or any venture-captain I can find gave the okay to build a lodge there. We know it would be folly to do so-at least right now-and so this idea that Collgardie has that the Society is there and doing just that is worrisome. In a few weeks time, you'll be in Korvosa. From there, book passage on a river ship for Harse, then travel overland to the road's end at the cliffs below Kaer Maga-the so-called Twisted Door. There you must pay the Duskwardens to escort you through the Halflight Path to reach Kaer Maga. Once inside the city, find Collgardie and find out what he's talking about. If there are Pathfinders in the city founding a lodge, tell them I order them to stop at once. If this is some kind of ruse, get to the bottom of it and do what you can to keep our Society's good name in Kaer Maga-we may not be completely welcome there, but neither are we unwelcome. Let's keep it that way. Any questions?"


Feel free to check in and introduce your character as the intro to this scenario does not really give a great opportunity to do so.


In Absalom, the Venture-Captains claimed it would be a nice walk in the woods, a pleasant change of pace from the bustle of the city. Obviously they forgot about the brambles, boulders, and biting insects of the Verduran Forest, which turned the journey into an arduous three-day scramble of detours, torn clothe, and near falls. Fortunately, Venture-Captain Dennel Hamshanks made a firm impression before the expedition left Absalom.

Flash back, these were common in season 0

The air grew still as Hamshanks rolled into a meeting room deep inside the Pathfinder Lodge in Absalom, his jowls flowing and his enormous axe clanking against his thigh. The man's black eyes scanned the room. "You lot?" Hamshanks spat. "Well, maybe you'll surprise me. Your boat leaves in an hour, so I'll be brief. One of the Society's contacts in Andoran sent us an interesting little nugget this morning. A druid named Hemzel swept into Augustana's Civic Library last week, demanding his right of research. Our contact learned that Hemzel acquired a lorestone from somewhere in the Verduran Forest. Heard of suach a thing?" Hamshanks paused expectantly and spat again. "Of course not. Heard of druids, at least? And their crazy stone circles? Well thanks Gorum for that. Lorestones are somehow connected to them-supposedly they can bestow you with all of the knowledge of the druids. We'd like to know how, so we want that stone and you're going to get it for us.

[b]"Unfortunately, the Society is not a friend to Hemzel. He's the self-declared protector of the Verduran Forest inside Andoran's borders and some of our more eager explorers have angered him and his little band of gnomes. He's sworn a blood feud with the Pathfinders. Break out your skills of persuasion and get me that lorestone. Do what you need to-sweep the floors or plant some trees for the old man. SOmething nice-let him know we're there to study and not to slash and burn."

Back to the present, you can probably guess why they stopped doing it this way.

As the sun sets on the third day of travel in the Verduran Forest, the welcome sight of a puffing chimney-Hemzel's home, according to the map-reveals itself atop a hill.

Sczarni 5/5

I found the class total thread interesting and I noticed some one list their races as well. I was curious to see how diverse the Society is so here is my list of played races.

Human 3
Half-Elf 2
Half-Orc 2
Wayang 2
Gnome 1
Tiefling 1
Kitsune 1
Tengu 1

Edit: These are the number of characters I have of the listed race not a list of levels played.


Feel free to check in here or ask any questions you like.


A five-by-seven-foot tapestry hangs on the wall, surrounded by a series of platforms and ladders to allow a close view of any spot upon it. The room is otherwise empty, save for the Pathfinder Society’s Master of Spells, Aram Zey, who paces impatiently before the Hao Jin Tapestry, glancing up as the door creaks open. “Thank you for your quick arrival, Pathfinders,” Zey says curtly, speaking without making eye contact, as though his mind is moving faster than his mouth. As he continues his focused pacing, he gestures toward the tapestry. “As I’m sure you know, we recently came into possession of this wonder behind me—the Hao Jin Tapestry—by winning the Ruby Phoenix Tournament in distant Goka. Within this piece of fabric lies an entire world in which one of Golarion’s greatest magicians placed treasures and mysteries beyond imagining. And it was supposed to be ours alone. This promise of exclusive access was made a lie, however, when the Aspis Consortium found a way into Hao Jin’s astral vault that bypassed the tapestry altogether, and Aspis agents are now busy stealing whatever they can move, hoping we will act too slowly to protect our winnings. Fortunately, a recent mission into the tapestry managed to uncover a clue about a possible Aspis base within the tapestry. That is your destination. “The camp, interestingly, is within a great stone temple complex uprooted from the Vudran jungle many centuries ago by the sorceress herself. Since her disappearance, that part of the tapestry has been encased in a massive glacier. This temple—dedicated to a Vudran monkey-god, we believe—could prove enlightening on its own, notwithstanding the Aspis presence there. It’s a grim thought imagining what the Consortium has done to the place, but apparently more than three-quarters of it is still protected by the glacier, so we can still salvage a great deal. “Vanaras—the simian humanoids responsible for constructing this temple—are great builders, and this temple is representative of the huge complexes that once graced the Vimada Forest
before their wars with men and the rise of Khiben-Sald. It’s a representation of the cosmos, really, a series of nested squares with symbolic shrine-mountains all directed toward great Bahmenu, the mountain birthplace of the god Ragdya and, the vanaras believe, the center of the universe. This symmetry may serve you well, since it will help you predict the layout and functions of the temple as you make your way around it. Every corner of the temple will be fitted with a small shrine, all facing the symbolic mountain.” “Even an abandoned temple is a holy place to the vanaras, as it is to most of us Vudrani as well, and we hope you respect that fact. If you can save the sanctuary from the insolence of the gods-damned Aspis, it may draw the mirthful and enlightened eye of Ragdya himself upon our Society.”
Aram Zey looks quickly at each of the party members for any questions.




Going to get this thread started. Feel free to ask questions, if you have any. I would also like you to post your characters here when they are finished. I expect Painlord will want some special exception.


Feel free to talk among yourselves. I will be busy chopping up a giant map till game day.


This game is part of the 2nd PbP game day starting April 5th.


Welcome, feel free to check in here until we get started.


Your current mission brings you to Oppara the capitol city of Taldor. The directions you were given lead you to a small bait and tackle shop. The Venture-Captain Muesello greets you with a warm smile as the bell on the door jingles. He motions you into the back room while he locks up the shop and puts up a sign in the window that says, "Gone fishing". A finely dressed noble woman is already seated and waiting for you. Muesello introduces Lady Gloriana Morilla of Taldor.

Venture-Captain Muesello quietly closes the door behind him before speaking. “The Pathfinder Society does not have a sterling reputation in Taldor, despite my and others’ efforts to impress the local moves and shakers. As a result, the most prestigious universities and colleges often deny our agents access to the best libraries in Oppara, thinking we are meddling good-for-nothings. As one of the oldest intact civilizations near the Inner Sea, these libraries no doubt house some very precious volumes. Recently we received a most wonderful opportunity—an invitation, really, from a very powerful patron,” he adds as he withdraws a scroll tube with a broken wax seal from his apron. “This patron will secure us a couple hours in the rare books collection at the Kitharodian Academy, during which we may peruse for whatever we wish so long as we also retrieve several documents of interest for our friend. That,” he punctuates by tapping the scroll tube on the table, “is where things get interesting. Apparently there is an even more precious archive hidden beneath the academy’s library, and our patron believes it to contain numerous original records and undoctored historical accounts otherwise unknown to the world! Our contact knows how to get into the archive and has shared the secret with us. “Two hours is little time, so you must make the most of your time. I know it will be tempting to research other interests, but it would be selfish for the Society to think of itself when the Worldwound’s borders threaten to envelop Mendev and beyond. I am sending you in with the express purpose of uncovering more information about the Shining Crusade, the sustained war against the Whispering Tyrant a millennium ago.” Lady Morilla snaps open a fan to fend off the room’s growing warmth, adding, “Historically, Taldor is the authority on massive military campaigns, but most texts have undergone extensive revision to serve some political agenda or another. Entering this hidden archive is an excellent opportunity to learn from the real mistakes of the past and apply those lessons to the Mendevian Crusade. “Remember that you have permission to be in the academy’s library, but not in this secret archive, so do everything you can to avoid being noticed while exploring. In fact, the fewer clues you leave of your passage, the better. Specifically do not steal or destroy any of the library’s contents. A few slip-ups might alert the authorities that someone has been poking around, and too many with give them enough evidence to trace this act to us.” Muesello opens a drawer in the table and begins pulling out a couple small parcels wrapped in cloth. “Any questions?”


Discussion thread now open. Sorry about that


Your current mission brings you to Oppara the capitol city of Taldor. The directions you were given lead you to a small bait and tackle shop. The Venture-Captain Muesello greets you with a warm smile as the bell on the door jingles. He motions you into the back room while he locks up the shop and puts up a sign in the window that says, "Gone fishing". A finely dressed noble woman is already seated and waiting for you. Muesello introduces Lady Gloriana Morilla of Taldor.

Venture-Captain Muesello quietly closes the door behind him before speaking. “The Pathfinder Society does not have a sterling reputation in Taldor, despite my and others’ efforts to impress the local moves and shakers. As a result, the most prestigious universities and colleges often deny our agents access to the best libraries in Oppara, thinking we are meddling good-for-nothings. As one of the oldest intact civilizations near the Inner Sea, these libraries no doubt house some very precious volumes. Recently we received a most wonderful opportunity—an invitation, really, from a very powerful patron,” he adds as he withdraws a scroll tube with a broken wax seal from his apron. “This patron will secure us a couple hours in the rare books collection at the Kitharodian Academy, during which we may peruse for whatever we wish so long as we also retrieve several documents of interest for our friend. That,” he punctuates by tapping the scroll tube on the table, “is where things get interesting. Apparently there is an even more precious archive hidden beneath the academy’s library, and our patron believes it to contain numerous original records and undoctored historical accounts otherwise unknown to the world! Our contact knows how to get into the archive and has shared the secret with us. “Two hours is little time, so you must make the most of your time. I know it will be tempting to research other interests, but it would be selfish for the Society to think of itself when the Worldwound’s borders threaten to envelop Mendev and beyond. I am sending you in with the express purpose of uncovering more information about the Shining Crusade, the sustained war against the Whispering Tyrant a millennium ago.” Lady Morilla snaps open a fan to fend off the room’s growing warmth, adding, “Historically, Taldor is the authority on massive military campaigns, but most texts have undergone extensive revision to serve some political agenda or another. Entering this hidden archive is an excellent opportunity to learn from the real mistakes of the past and apply those lessons to the Mendevian Crusade. “Remember that you have permission to be in the academy’s library, but not in this secret archive, so do everything you can to avoid being noticed while exploring. In fact, the fewer clues you leave of your passage, the better. Specifically do not steal or destroy any of the library’s contents. A few slip-ups might alert the authorities that someone has been poking around, and too many with give them enough evidence to trace this act to us.” Muesello opens a drawer in the table and begins pulling out a couple small parcels wrapped in cloth. “Any questions?”


Going to go ahead and get the thread started. So go ahead a post up with the characters you are bringing on this adventure.