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oh i’m sorry James i never meant to troll or cause offense.

I was genuinely wondering how a persons self image of themselves effects them in the Afterlife. and if Trans People have the bodies of their “souls”

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if a trans person dies and becomes a Petitioner do they become the sex of what they identify/“true” gender and not their Assigned sex? does this stay true if they become a Outsider?

is it possible for a child to be able to entire a pact with a devil/other outsider? or does Hell discourage this because it would make Celestials very upset?

James what’s your favorite third party/OGL supplement for Pathfinder?

can people make supplements with the 2E Paththinder rules?

In the Book of the Dammed collected edition it’s mentioned Socothbenoth attacked Nocticula his sister/lover for whatever ever reason and she trounced him. knowing that Nocticula latter becomes a CN goddess. It seems to me that the reason for Socothbenoth attacked Nocticula was because he sensed that she was plotting to become a Goddess and did a preemptive Pazuzu on her. is that true?

also Noc and Socothbenoth are said to be siblings but what does that mean? where they “pure” demons born in Hell to demon parents instead of made from human souls. or something else?

if Copyright and Trademark law where not a thing what should you add to Golarion?

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James I noticed that most Fungi creatures are evil and i’m wondering why? did you get a nasty yeast infection when you where a teenager?

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sorry James. the tabletop community regularly use “fluff” as a value neutral statement of lore in comparison to “crunch” lore.

and speaking of parasites. Ghlauder is most commonly seen as a mosquito and has mosquito like minions. but in nature only female mosquitos drink blood. with the males only drinking nectar.

i know Ghlauder isn’t a flesh and blood mosquito. but is it that you didn’t know that only female mosquitos drank blood when creating him? and if you did would you make Ghlauder female?

or did you know and made him make too diffrate him from Desna and Lamutshu?

reading fluff on Calistia. it seems to be that prostitution seems to generally legalized and destimatized. at least where the Savored Sting is worshiped. is that correct?

on what places on Golarion is sex work illegal?

I also Head cannon the church of Calista or the nicer ones consider all sex workers under their protection and inflect violent revenge on those that try to harem or corece sex workers.

and another question does Calistia have any specific associations with Parastoidic wasps? types of wasp that lay eggs in a host and then est them form the inside out?

oh Abadar was original a antagonistic faith that you couldt just kill to solve your issues.

what has changed between your campaign and official published Pathfinder lore?

James how much are you involved with Pathfinder cross-media products like the Dynamite Comics and the Owlcat games? do you think other media could help get newcomers into Pathfinder and other TTRPGs like how many people get into DnD because of Critical Roll?

also would Abadar support unions and other Worker moments? people seem to meme on him being the “God of Capitalism” when he actually is the god of trade and cited neither of which are inherently capitalist.

Is there anyway to permanently incapacitate in someway a spawn of Rovagug?

and by incapacitate i don’t necessarily mean destroy. it could be throw them into a deep layer of the Abyss. but actually giving the nature of Rovagug you might have actually just make a family union.

plus why would anyone ever worship Rovagug? like I can understand Nov, Lam, Z-K, and Aszie but why Rovagug he just wants to see everything destroyed.

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it says that Intelligent devours host still have a “modicum of awareness” despite their brain being eaten. and i presume it is basic emotional states like fear and surprise. but i’d like to know what exactly “modicum of awareness” means.

do you have any pets? what are their names?

what part of copyrighted/trademarked DnD lore/concepts would you have like to be OGL and be able to be added to Pathfinder.

are you planning more about Arcadia? i’d love to see a Mesoamerican fantasy setting that has basic cultural sensitivity. one of the most positive portrayals of a Mesoamerican inspired fantasy culture is the freaking Lizardmen from Warhammer Fantasy.

i’d like it if you make the deities more nuanced where every “Teotl” often translated as god but means something more nuanced. more like mana in Polynesian context. or vaugue forces.

like take Tezcatlihpoca the god of slaves and trickery. one of his titles was “He who we are all slaves too” which at a first glance appears to be a stereotypical evil fantasy god. but his “god of slaves” title means he considered enslaved people to be his protectorate and would sometimes intact vengeances on those that mistreat slaves.

sorry for this being rambling and conversational. but Mesoamerican culture is something i’m passionate about.

also on another note why are Zon-Kuthon and Urthgotha considered alliesin the lost omens Gods and Magic book? are they dating?

how do you decide when amd what to take “artistic liberties” with the folklore you use as inspiration?

like how Tzitzimitl in Nathaul myths wanted to destroy the sun and also helped protect pregnant women. kind of like how you kept Pazuzu protecting fetus’s from Lamusthu out of his hatred tored her.

in general mesoamerican folkloric creatures where while being scary monsters could sometimes help you. to use a Pathfinder example think of every “supernatural” creature god/monster as Nethys being able to help and harm.

like the water dog things whose name i forgot. they where said to be responsible for drownings. but the people they drowned would go to the glorious afterlife ruled over by the water god.

rarely in mesoamerica folklore are Tetols a word which means the supernatural. clearly good or bad.

of course sometimes artistic license can make folkloric creatures more interesting. but the goal should be to make monsters more interesting not less.

Was Desna inspired by Morhra from the Godzilla movies?

and was the whole Abyssal episode with Aolar inspired by the plot of the first Mothra movie. where Mothra loses her s$@$ and makes a wave of destruction to rescue her two worshipers?

James to make this easier what about the Pathfinder setting wasn’t inspired by your campaign or official DnD lore?

does Pharama turn some of the good puppers and Horseies into pyscochamps?

canids are associated with the underworld in many religions. see Anubis, Cerberus, the guide dogs in Aztecs myths.

and since your a Pokémon fan James what Pokémon would the deities have/be assioated with? Nethys is a Morepeka

ok got it.

what happens to animals when they die? do they recarnate tell they build up enough Karma to become a sapient being?

did Desna’s mentor take them because he was the god of Beasts?

by romance i mean the thing Lex and Superman or Joker and Batman sometimes show.

like this https://youtu.be/gSCmDRQuYXU for context this is Lex talking to a Superman clone after the original died fighting doomsday.

I always pictured Cayden as pansexual too. speaking of it. I remember someone making a joke about how Geb and Nex and Tar-Baphon and Aroden have “no heterosexual explanation” was their ever a romantic aspect of Geb and Nex’s relationship?

I presume people do claim ancestry from Nethys or Iomde as a political ploy all the gosh darn time.

Also this might sound acusearty and that’s not my intention. but I noticed that their are a lot more prominent queer female characters then male ones,

three of the core deities Goddesses are in a Poly three way. two of the main female iconic are in a lesbian marriage.

while Queer male characters are usually much more minor. which is a issue in media in general see She-Ra and Steven Universe..

the most prominent queer male characters is the Magnus Iconic whose LE and SOCOTHBENOTH and other Demon Lords of the Abyss. none of the male appearing gods have been even hinted as being in same-sex relationships.

have you noticed the lack of major positive queer male characters and are trying to to fix it?

oh so oh. say alien beings with a utterly foreign concept of mortality and who can’t be judged under the alignment system go tot heir own weird alien afterlives?

I presume that the main Pathfinder deities of Golarion hang out with alien gods from the Circinus galaxy?

I presume that different gods focus in different worlds. amd that their are some that focus on different planets. and like on Golarion. aliens can become deities like what Irori and Nethys did?

i think this is answered in Starfinder but I want to be sure.

also you mentioned way earlier that none of the formerly mortal deities ever had any children when they where mortal. I presume it’s a meta thing. but it’s quite interesting that no one who ascended to divinity that we know of where parents.

James this has probably been asked before. but everyone who dies in the Martial plane goes to the Boneyard including beings that live on Non-Golarion planets?

like a chaotic evil space slug goes to the Abyss?

and since Earth is part of the Material realm when people their die they go to the Boneyard too? that has some interesting implications.

i guess this is covered in StarFinder but i’m not in to science fiction.

Can I bring up a tendency in media for their to be more queer females/WLW then queer males/MLM.

like even in Pathfinder when you look at the major deities three of the main female deities are in a Polymorus open throuple. and Calistia sleeping with everyone. but none of the “main” male gods has ever been said to have been in a Same sex relationship.

I headcannon that Cayden is pansexual and has bedded men, women, and other both as a mortal and as a god. but that’s never been confirmed.

alongside Zon-Kuthon also being pansexual… in his weird tourture is love way.

in the Abyss it’s mentioned that several male indefiying demon lords have sexual relationships with each other.

here’s a Reddit post about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/nzdvve/weird_double_st andards_in_media/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioss mf

Perpdepog wrote:
I've always seen Charon as the most patient of the four. It's his patience and willingness to sit, observe, and play the long game that have kept him as the first, last, and only Horseman of Death for all this time while his peers keep playing their game of Dead Men's Boots.

i picture him as a grumpy dad taking care of his younger kids (the other horseman) and trying to get the young uns off his young (mortals)

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
I mean it's not like he was gonna eat anything in that fridge anyway. It's probably all spoiled and smelly at this point, so if she wants to eat it he's not gonna argue.

Urgathoa is a trash women who eats your old expired food as she crashes in your house. like a living garbage disposal

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Perpdepog wrote:

My guess is Charon doesn't care. Infinity is a slippery concept when it comes to things like planar geography, and letting some other deities with similarly aligned goals take a piece of their infinity to make their own doesn't seem all that big a deal.

Not to mention it means Charon can keep an eye on both Urgathoa and Zyphus just in case. Recall that, to daemonkind, reality is a game where the only winner is the last one to die.

I always pictured Charon acting like a grumpy man. desperately trying to keep the young ins in the Horseman and the entirety of Abanndon in line.

then he lets this random hunger chick in his house and who goes through his fridge.

Temperans wrote:
I am pretty sure he is in speaking terms with other evil deities. Just doesn't care enough to stop doing his own thing in the shadow plane.

My HC is that Lamshtu asked ever deity (not Rovhog) she can if they want to mate with her. of the people propositioned. Calistia, Urgathoa, and Zon-Kuthon, where the only ones of the major gods that agreed.

I HC that Zon-Kuthon acts like Melvin from Yugioh: the Abridged series.

keftiu wrote:
Urgathoa and ZK both want to harm the living, and both have their faiths held in good esteem in Geb.

so it seems like Urgathoa is the closest thing has to a ally that isn’t his sister.

I presume she’s the only other major god/ess on speaking terms with him

I mean does Charon let Urgathoa and Zyphis chill in Abanndon to piss of Pharmisa?

and I say some memes about how Urgathoga’s Involved with Zon-Kuthon. with her listed as Zon-Kuthon “ally” so what’s their relation?

Deserk wrote:

I wouldn't mind that. Though I have to admit Casmaron or Southern Garund are the places that interests me the most.

It would be nice if they could do more gazetteers for small sections of the continents in the various Adventure Paths. This lets them design a little bit here, rather than everything in one go. My favourite article from one of the APs still remains the one from the Hungry Storm, detailing the Crown of the World. Speaking personally, it's often juicy lore detailing a certain region that often makes me consider buying an AP rather than the adventure itself, as I generally like to make my own adventures.

i’m excited too. giving his good Paizo did with Mwangi Express. and giving how nerd culture usually deals with Mesoamerican inspired societies…. seriously one of the most positive depictions of Mesoamerica at all in anglo media was the Warhammer Lizardmen

keftiu wrote:
I quite enjoyed having his voice across the text, and was surprised to see multiple reviewers complain about it.

yes I like how Paiso is trying to flesh out the two evil necromancers more. mostly by giving them any personality beyond “evil necromancer”

The Raven Black wrote:

We agree there. Life was cheaper before and what was good and proper differed strongly based on cultural standards.

But Golarion is striving hard not to be a fantasy version of Earth in the past with all its evils (slavery, discrimination, misogyny ...).

You seem to be totally ignoreing the cultural context behind the practice of sacrificing humans. In the Mesoamerican world it was considered a very honorable way to die. And the deep philosophical questions of reproitcy between humans and “gods”

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I’d like to see more of Sun Wukong shanadgins . Reading Journey to the West is like a really long rpg campaign where one player is hilariously mini-maxed and overpowered as they go amd guard a NPC on a escort mission .

The Raven Black wrote:

We agree there. Life was cheaper before and what was good and proper differed strongly based on cultural standards.

But Golarion is striving hard not to be a fantasy version of Earth in the past with all its evils (slavery, discrimination, misogyny ...).

Actually all those things exist in Golarion like a major point in Cherilax is the Halfling Underground Railroad, And human sacrifice definitely does occur. Have you looked at the setting

He’s it’s not good but it isn’t a thing only blood drenched savages do to worship the god of eating babies. The practice has been used to smear certain cultures that practiced religious rituals ended in a persona death. Like the Romans thought it was abhorrent and used it as a excuse to wipe out the RL Druids. Unlike working a slave to death or Killing a Vestal Virgin when the empire isn’t doing will.

Or the Spainish saying how abhorrent it is right after they ethnically cleansed the Moors and Jews out of Spain. Human sacrifice was only a small part of many cultures complex spiritual practices. Like is sacking a city any worse.

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Ashanderai wrote:
Konradleijon wrote:

Hongal is a better Mongolian stand in then the Dothraki who are just a bunch of more misogynistic then Westeros and obsessed with Horses and raiding with no other cultural traits. Throgh it is mentioned the Hongal eat more horse meat then other types which does t make a lot of sense cause horses where useful and a status symbol. They ate horse meat surely but didn’t relay on it. which is a way more “mainstream” work. Through I would love to see more of steppe culture in a mainstream product.

Horse Nomads are not portrayed as will in mainstream culture. As long with non agricultural cultures in general.

I completely agree with this. In fact, from what little I know (from a documentary I saw years ago), IRL Mongolian culture is very matriarchal where women can have multiple husbands (if they are wealthy enough to support having them), are the ones to own land, and they track family lineage and names through the female bloodline. The western stereotype of the "Mongol Hordes" is extremely inaccurate to the point that I would say they are the most maligned by incorrect depictions in fiction than most any other Asian culture; all Asian cultures are, but they seem to have the worst offenses against them with the views on them being about a 180 degree of difference.

Mongolian culture was patriarchal through less so then Near agricultural societies because of the importance of the whole clan. Maybe your confusing Mongolians with Great Plains tribes which where Matrilineal not matriarchal . But seemed that way to Europeans because women had to many rights.

CorvusMask wrote:

I think there is one thing to understand about Osirion that I think even the setting to some extend forgets:

Ancient Osirion and Modern Osirion are treated as two different things.

At this point most people are probably like "Wait what are you talking about? Its same country" but then I point out that Lost Kingdoms has Ancient Osirions among such nations as Jistka, Thassilon, Abendego Gulf, Ghol-Gan, Sarkoris... Yeah Setting treats Ancient Osirion as "ancient kingdom that doesn't exist anymore", for some bizarre reason ^_^;

I think logic of it is that third age of Osirion(aka current age) is much less impressive than first and second age of Osirion, but it would be kinda like treating old Taldor/Cheliax as separate from current versions. Though I do realize that Osirion is much older than either of Taldor and Cheliax. 8000 years old is pretty impressive number :'D That said, Taldor is about 6000 year old and I don't think you can count start of Taldor as seperate ancient kingdom.

Basically I think what happened here is that Ancient Osirion and Osirion relationship is supposed to be something akin to Ancient Egypt and Modern Egypt, except that Osirion still has pharaohs and such :'D On some level comparison is apt: Ancient Osirion's gods(aka Egyptian gods) left Golarion so long ago that they aren't really worshipped in modern Osirion(though they started making come back recently). Ancient Osirion also spans from where Rahadoum is today to where Geb and Nex is today. Aka it was extremely massive high magical nation with god backed up rulers. Second age started decline but it still had four super powerful co rulers, then Osirion got made into Qadira's puppet state for 3000 years until current age.

I don't disagree with notion that lot of Osirion seems like hollywood egypt set, but I do think there is lot of nuance to Osirion that could be explored further and I think solid ground work for it has been set up.

Main problem with Osirion as it exists in setting is this: So what IS modern Osirion?...

Isn’t Osirion where Nethys lived when he was mortal? You could do something with that. And I’d love a write up written by actual Egyptians or egyptianolgists

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Hongal is a better Mongolian stand in then the Dothraki who are just a bunch of more misogynistic then Westeros and obsessed with Horses and raiding with no other cultural traits. Throgh it is mentioned the Hongal eat more horse meat then other types which does t make a lot of sense cause horses where useful and a status symbol. They ate horse meat surely but didn’t relay on it. which is a way more “mainstream” work. Through I would love to see more of steppe culture in a mainstream product.

Horse Nomads are not portrayed as will in mainstream culture. As long with non agricultural cultures in general.

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Kasoh wrote:
keftiu wrote:

2e Rahadoum has been described as embracing primal magic to help deal with desertification; there’s a very good short story about a Pure Legion officer being like “Are you suuure this isn’t religion?” to a druid.

I don’t know that I would agree that Rahadoum is a villainous nation; they’ve never had Evil in their statblock, and I think “we don’t do faith here” is an acceptable value for a culture to hold.

Until a member of that culture wants to 'do faith here' then they're hunted down and exiled from their homeland, jailed, 'reeducated' or whatever. To follow through with this, there is a specific class of people who dig into people's private lives to find out if they 'do faith'.

You don't have to be evil to be villains and Rahadoum is as villainous as LN gets. I think they're worse than Abadar, and he's capitalism personified.

Is Abadar capitalist? He’s the god of economics and trades. But economics amd trades existed before capitalism.

Rahadoum is Pathfinders Demacia. A country with lots of interesting things they could focus on. But the Anti-god/magic hating. Is the only thing ever focused on. And I wouldn’t call them Athesits they know gods exist but chose not to allow worship after a whole lot of messes.

A positive depiction of Mesoamerican spiritual practices. One of the closest depiction to a Mesoamerican land portrayed as not evil is the Lizardmen from Warhammer Fantasy.

I always hated the trope of Human sacrifice being something only baby eating cultists do. When in fact the idea of sacrificial victims as worship is incredibly varied and nuanced.

In Mesoamerican unlike what Mel Gibson will tell you full on Killing humans in religious rituals was rare. Limited to a few hundred per year in the Mayan Kingdoms. And much of which where enemy nobles and not random people picked off the street. The vast majority of offering was self-bloodletting and animals .

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Yeah how a society turned to authotrion collectivist ideology and exploring it in more detail seems interesting like a fantasy version of Animal Farm. Maybe call it something else like Piism? After it’s founder? Maybe Asian brutal authoritarian socialist dictatorship in the fantasy game hits to close to home in our real world. Compared to Cherliax’s 17 century imperial strick.c

How could communism especially a white American boy version of communism .

Galt doesn’t name a real life political ideology.

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CorvusMask wrote:

I do think yeah Dragon Empires book could have used more writers with cultural background.

There was bit too much of "ninjas and samurai everywhere!". I mean yeah I get the idea was that just like with Avistan the countries are mix of different nations, but Japanese influences were most obvious ones visually <_<

Why did you say that? And their being the ideology named communism in a fantasy world is pretty jarring

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Saw the suicide squad too? Loved the movie what would his stats be.

Opsylum wrote:

Sticking with gen 1 & 2 pokemon only because that's what I'm most familiar with, but going by sacred animals:

Abadar — Aipom
Asmodeus — Arbok
Calistria — Beedrill
Cayden Cailean — Granbull
Desna — Butterfree
Erastil — Stantler
Gorum — Rhydon
Gozreh — Mew
Iomedae — Arcanine
Irori — Magcargo
Lamashtu — Houndoom
Nethys — Girafarig
Norgorber — Ariados
Pharasma — Murkrow
Rovagug — Gligar
Sarenrae — Togetic
Shelyn — Natu
Torag — Sandslash
Urgathoa — Venomoth
Zon-Kuthon — Crobat

Why would Zon-Kuthon have a Crobrat?

Abadar Would have Meowths because Payday and cash. Nethrys would be a Moropeko

I think a lot,of the good aligned gods would have The Togipi line. Calistia would have a Salazzle!

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