
Kolfinna's page

Organized Play Member. 32 posts (287 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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Get a wand of Mage Armor on the Monk at all times.

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Magaambyan Arcanist, Wizard Immortality, Arch-Lichery, etc.

There are also three seperate ways to become immortal as an Oracle, one way as a wizard, and one way as a Monk.

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Yeah I don't like rolling for things that you can never take back or change like character stats or hit dice.

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DrDeth wrote:

This sort of thing can not be solved IC. Why not just sit down with him and discuss this like adults? Involve the DM too, if you like.

Note that clearly it’s not just RPing. If he’s doing this cause he’s goody-two shoes, he wouldn’t threaten to kill a fellow party member, a act which is CE.

No need. I don't plan on attacking him and I doubt he plans on attacking me(but both of us are prone to sudden sillyness). The table has a friendly demeanor and I sense no malice. MAYBE bad roleplaying, since our group's weakest point is keeping track of alignment and what it actually means. What I want is a realistic paranoid response from my witch.

Good point on the CE threats, I might use that against him if it comes up.

Also for your question ler

Pardon my DM's nutty thread title and first post, he wrote that at 2 am on a phone.

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Demonskunk wrote:

Hey, all of the Alchemical rounds are useless if you don't want to use a Dragon Pistol, Scatter weapon or Blunderbuss.

in fact, Alchemical Cartridges can't even be used in the modern pistol.

1:Alchemical rounds let a one handed weapon fire as a free action when you get rapid reload, this affects non scatter weapons as well. Modern weapons like Revolvers and Rifles already use Cartridges by default, and thus are already move actions to reload before rapid reload.

Your Gunslinger NEEDS rapid reload to be viable, especially after level 6. A gunslinger, like most ranged characters, basically has LOCKED feats until level 9 or so, and the reason for this is also the reason why multiclassing a Gunslinger is a bad idea before level 5(or 1 as a mysterious stranger). You NEED that damage bonus from weapon training.

I suggest letting him take away whatever his second class is for now, you can still be a "rogue" or "bard" without having levels in those classes.

His feats as a gunslinger have to be these before he goes onwards.

In order: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot, Deadly Aim. There are basically no other choices for a ranged character. Since he's playing a one hander gunslinger I'd let him find a second weapon and try dual wielding since the to hit penalty is nil with Touch AC. Let me say here that a dual wielding gunslinger is terrifying.

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Stalwart Defender.

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That's terrifying.

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The Glorious Heat feat is damn good.

Don't use the errata as it makes it nigh useless. The problem with it originally is infinite healing with a cantrip, the solution is to make it only work with spells over level 1 and require damage to be done with them.

Blackened Curse+Flames Mystery gets you nearly all the important fire spells.

Eldritch Heritage:Arcane can net a lot of great bonuses(esp the metamagic ones) including some additional spells.

Alchemist Fire+Fireball burns people for another 1d6 per round, and that's great.

Dazing Spell is one of the best metamagics, especially for a blaster focusing on AoE's.

Dual Cursed is a great Archetype, and your second curse could be something like tongues so you speak in Ignan(fire language). It nets you two free Mysteries in exchange for Mystery Class Skills and the loss of your 2nd and 3rd mystery spells. I have no idea why they had to replace those spells, so I would only recommend that archetype if DM fiat removes the bonus spells.

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If you're DM lets you qualify without being an Aasimar, get the Consecrated SPell feat.

Alternatively, but an Aasimar Dwarf.

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Dwarven Boulder Helmet!

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Well buffing it's intelligence is still a possibility. Getting it up to 12 to let it learn common, and then training it to be a world traveling advice giver.

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Summoner can.

Because they're summoners.

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The thing about Tank characters is that they need to do a lot of damage and cover a large area. A reach weapon is a huge boon and AoE attacks of some sort of a huge boon. Having a ridiculously high AC is nice, but remember that a DM with usually switch targets when someone is too hard to hit. If anything, DR is king here.

Stonelord Paladin with a reach weapon, good dex, and combat reflexes. You get a great AC and DR equal to half your level. You get something akin to rage which gives you Defensive Powers, of which Halting Blow and Unexpected Strike synergize well with combat reflexes and lets you cover a huge area. He can ignore criticals and use a ton of Lay on Hands.

The Sacred Shield Paladin gives a large AC bonus to his allies and thus negates the "switch to another target" problem.

An Invunerable Rager Barbarian for much the same reason as the Stonelord, just with more powers and no LoH

Samurais of all types because of resolve.

Crane Style Monks

A Aldori Swordlord figher/Aldori Swordlord PrC with Crane Style and a very high dex. Through in 2 levels of Monk(Master of Many Styles to get Archon style) for Wis to armor, then a few levels in Duelist to get Parry, Riposte, and Int to AC.

A Gulch Gunner Gunslinger with a great dex and acrobatics skill.

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Tomag wrote:
I think it might be more that the Stonelord isn't likely the most optimal choice for a Paladin. Flavorful (and it looks really fun to play) but not really optimal. Same with my Redeemer, here.

Well I would say it's less optimal in the "You are now a Barbarian" way less so in the "You are now a Holy Gun" way. A Stonelord would probably have been better suited as an alternate class since nearly every Paladinish ability is replaced.

Heh, they'd need a completely different guide by themselves since they'd overlap more with Barbarians and Fighters than Paladins.

Also getting keen on your 18-20 weapon is really just a good idea for a palaadin since that Improved Critical feat slot can be filled with Exotic Wep:Fauchard, Lunge, or even more Extra Lay on Hands. Critical Focus is just straight up amazing once you get staggering and stunning critical.

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That is a good point, though I counter that the Gunslinger has a finite number of slots as well.

Really I would just ban or house rule that part of targeting shot, or make him take an archetype that replaces it.

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Mr. Fufu's world is a terrifying place where the entire planet is covered with a necromantic cloud and the last vestige of life is Somalia.

The Goblins should be happy they're dead. They don't have to deal with The Great Old one.

-Urist Doomforge, Fighter

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My favorite thing about your guides is the roleplaying roles sections. I don't think many people do this and I was pleasantly surprised when I was first reading your Paladin guide. You also have a great selection of art and give input to many of the more "modern" feats we have available now unlike Treantmonk and RogueEidolon, who haven't updated their guides in years.

I like this inquisitor guide already, but may I make a suggestion for a Crossbow build? Inquisitors are the only class that automatically get repeating crossbows as a proficiency so it is at least somewhat an intended role and thus someone will want to make one. I suggest adding in commentary on the "Rapid Reload" and "Crossbow Mastery" feats, which make your crossbow reloads Free Actions and thus viable. A Crossbow build is also better at crit fishing and there is a Prestige Class where you add CHA to damage. I'm sure it's not as good as the Longbow Inquisitor, but it's certainly viable.

I'm going to be playing a normal archer Inquisitor in the near future, so thanks for the guide =)