Crazy campaign idea


I putting this in homebrew because I am not sure where else it could go. I am starting to put together thoughts and plans to create a dieselpunk style campaign using Starfinder rules set underwater. Among other sources I am drawing inspiration for this from such programs as Seaquest DSV, Journey to the Bottom of the Sea, Aquaman, Tigersharks, Blue Submarine No. 6, Stingray, Marine Boy and other various underwater oriented adventure series. The idea here is that in order to survive and explore, the PCs need their armor and equipment to act as a buffer between the outside environment.

I am thinking that the filtered rebreather and thermostatic add ons to armor would be useful in such a campaign and am looking to see how easily one can adapt vehicles to work down there. Most weapons can be made adaptable to such an environment although I am envisioning cryo and sonic weapons working the best with the least necessary modifications. If you will excuse the pun, how far off the deep end am I going with this? Do you have any suggestion as far as media to look at for additional information?

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This could be even more simple if you just equate space = water and just run with it.

They're both restrictive environments.

On the other hand, if the details are fun for you to work out, go for it.

Schoon wrote:

This could be even more simple if you just equate space = water and just run with it.

They're both restrictive environments.

On the other hand, if the details are fun for you to work out, go for it.

I was thinking along these lines for the most part. I mean our own astronauts go underwater as part of their training last time I checked. Definitely a good idea.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yup. There's tons of aquatic races in Alien Archive for you to play around with as well.

I might do something similar as well... SPACE RUINS OF SPACE AZLANT IN SPACE?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

and you can play around a bit with the starship combat. maybe only use torpedos?

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