![]() I could use some feedback on my Wondrous Item. I submitted it for the RPG Superstar previously. Conjurer's Puzzle Box
![]() I have used the AT guide you made and it helped me out quite a bit. Initially we had A rogue/sorc that was designed by a player who was only able to make it to one session. He was planning on making an arcane trickster. I was given freedom to recreate the character after the player backed out. I went with wiz/rogue as recommended, and I have had so much fun with the character. ![]()
![]() I have spent a number of hours voting to see if my item populated. I do not believe it has been DQed, but it is unsettling that I have seen several repeats without seeing my own item displayed once. For the time being, I will just pretend my item is floating around somewhere and being voted on. Looking forward to the next round. ![]()
![]() I am a chaotic good aasimar oracle. Currently we have an alchemist, a fighter archetype, a rogue, and my oracle. The alchemist has fun throwing my holy water because of his splash damage bonus. My oracle is level 3. I have bless, cure light wounds, bless water, and magic stone for 1st level spells. Next level I think I will pick hold person or summon monster II. I really like summoning monstrous spiders for their web ability. I even have a neat summoner app for my android tablet computer that lets me pick summoned monsters on the fly. We are about to go after the big bads in harrowstone, and I am really going on the offensive with channel energy, holy water, and magic stone. Thank you all for the advice! ![]()
![]() I think quick channel would be fun when fighting undead for sure. What about spells? I really want to focus on being a combat oracle that can heal the party, as well as go on the offensive. I really look forward to getting my 1st 2nd level spell. Here are my top 5- Hold Person, Silence, Summon Monster II, Resist Energy, and Spear of Purity. ![]()
![]() Harrison, what do you think would be good choices for spells? She is a well-rounded character that can heal and dish out damage in melee, but spell choices are difficult since I only have so many known spells. I think my next 1st level spell is going to be protection from evil, as it has saved m clerics numerous times. I will also get my first 2nd lvl spell soon. I am thinking silence, summon monster II, or hold person. Harrison, what do you think would be good choices for spells? She is a well-rounded character that can heal and dish out damage in melee, but spell choices are difficult since I only have so many known spells. I think my next 1st level spell is going to be protection from evil, as it has saved m clerics numerous times. I will also get my first 2nd lvl spell soon. I am thinking silence, summon monster II, or hold person. ![]()
![]() I am currently playing an Aasimar Oracle of Life in the Carrion Crown adventure path, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for feats/spells for upcoming levels. Right now I am level 3. My current feats are angelic blood (useless so far) and extra channeling. Angelic blood is prereq for angelic flesh, angelic wing feats. I am debating if I should go in that direction at all. I may not have much of a chance to even fly in this game. Should I nix this feat progression? Extra channeling will always be useful. What would some of you experts suggest? I also need assistance with my spell list. My current spells:
The reason I chose bless is because our party really needs a bonus to hit. I chose bless water because we have an alchemist that does crazy damage to undead with it. Magic Stone is handy for dealing with undead as well. For later levels, what are some good spells that are must haves? ![]()
![]() I am currently playing an Aasimar Oracle of Life in the Carrion Crown adventure path, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for feats/spells for upcoming levels. Right now I am level 3. My current feats are angelic blood (useless so far) and extra channeling. Angelic blood is prereq for angelic flesh, angelic wing feats. I am debating if I should go in that direction at all. I may not have much of a chance to even fly in this game. Should I nix this feat progression? Extra channeling will always be useful. What would some of you experts suggest? I also need assistance with my spell list. My current spells:
The reason I chose bless is because our party really needs a bonus to hit. I chose bless water because we have an alchemist that does crazy damage to undead with it. Magic Stone is handy for dealing with undead as well. For later levels, what are some good spells that are must haves? ![]()
![]() OpenPalm wrote:
This is pretty slick. Would this have monk saves/bab? ![]()
![]() Deadmanwalking wrote:
I found the table for it. Gonna show my friend that wouldn't believe me. Ha. Thank you. ![]()
![]() Drejk wrote:
Where does it say that characters have to be a certain level to ping as evil? I keep reading it in forums, but cannot find it myself. ![]()
![]() Deadmanwalking wrote: You might want to also wait for Blood of Angels, the book on Aasimar coming out soon. I'd be inclined to believe it might have something for this in it. Indeed. I enjoyed blood of fiends. There may also be some options within the advanced races guide in which I can alter my aasimar with wings. I am going to ask my DM if he will allow me to burn a feat to get the wings evolution. I don't care if the flight is clumsy. ![]()
![]() Highglander wrote: There are mysteries with an 11th level revelation that gives wings. Maybe there is a feat that lets me select a revelation from a different mystery? I cannot change my life mystery. My character is level 6. My current feats are versatile channeling, extra channeling, and selective channeling. If I start burning up feats now just for wings, it will take a while to get them. ![]()
![]() I am already using the life mystery and it is amazing. I may go with eldritch heritage feats, but it will take sooo long. What are some of the armors that let you fly? I already know of celestial chain. It would fit my character, but I really like the mithral breastplate that I am currently using. I may just save money for wings of flying. ![]()
![]() Thank you. I will be using a brownie, or homunculus as my improved familiar for alchemist. I also am wondering if my DM will allow the creation of a homunculus with alchemy. That's how Roger was created in Hellboy. Other fantasies seem to have had creation of the homunculus via alchemy (full metal alchemist) He is a very fair DM, so I might get lucky. ![]()
![]() I am a fan of Clerics, Inquisitors, and Oracles that melee it up. They are all really fun. Currently running a Cleric/Fighter in one game, and an Oracle in another. My Oracle can just pop off a hold person, then smoke somebody with his morningstar. My Cleric/Fighter is working with a +2 fey bane scimitar in Kingmaker. Soooo awesome. His AC is sitting at 27 as well, with +2 mithral breastplate, +2 heavy mithral shield with shield focus, +2 ring of protection, and just a wee bit of dex. Suggestion if you go with Cleric, definately listen to these guys mentioning the focus on STR. Also, take into consideration the inquisitor. You can combine intimidate with feats to make foes flat-footed. You can heal. You can even roll knowledge checks against foes, then bane your weapon to really put the hurt on them. ![]()
![]() CalebTGordan wrote:
Awakened beings cannot serve as special mounts according to the spell description. Its too bad, as I wanted to use it on an ostrich. That would make a very fun mount. ![]()
![]() I played with a kid (he was 12 year old at the time) that continuously cheated, as well as did some really peculiar things in game. He picked up a torture kit from the enemies we killed, then killed their pet monkey, then skinned the monkey, and made a suit out of him. We had to interact with some nobles at a ball later in the game. Some of us were using perform dance, and he wanted to mirror us. He rolled a 1, but didn't snatch up his dice quick enough. His character began lurching through the ball room... in his awful monkey tuxedo. It was awful. He still plays with us today, and i like the kid despite his early signs of being a serial killer. Its also fun to read his character sheets, because he doesn't care about spelling things correctly. His special abilities include evarsons (evasion) uncany bog (uncanny dodge) his equipment included things such as 100 bounds of cawtropt (100 lbs of caltrops) ![]()
![]() Gnome Cavalier that rides an Ostrich, and uses an invisible lance in combat. Either that, or a lance with something odd impaled on it, like a stuffed doll. Gnome alchemist with remote bomb and high sleight of hand score, so he can plant remote bombs in their pockets. I would imagine him wearing a kettle helmet, goggles, a scarf, and singed leather armor. Smells like burning. Also, fireworks. Lots and lots of craft alchemy checks to make bigger, better fireworks. A gnome summoner that only summons creatures to beat them with a mallet because he is completely insane. His eidolon would be quite mad after appearing every day to be beaten with a hammer. ![]()
![]() During the Church Business campaign, we were tired of demon after demon attacking our party. We then got the bright idea to seek out a master wizard to call forth a demon within a summoning circle for questioning. It happened to roll a natural 20 on its dispel magic check. It also happened to be a marilith. We got the crap kicked out of us, while the master wizard had a cup of coffee. The sorcerer had prestige classed to a dragon disciple, and continuously rolled called shots to the throat until enough damage was dealt to slay the beast. I rolled a ride check to use the mariliths remains as a sled on the spiral staircase within the tower, and then we drug her to Church. We used divination within our temple to gain some insight as to what beef the demons had with us. That's what gained the attention of a Nalfashnee. It also kicked the crap out of us. At the end of the fight, a ring of telekenisis was randomly generated. And that's about the time things went downhill. I wanted to test the capability of the ring, so I hefted the decapitated head of the nalfashnee, and pitched it into the woods... but it didn't make it into the woods. It had happened to crash through the market, killing multiple innocents as it tumbled through. A Planetar then appeared before my character and began harassing me about this evil act, which was an accident. It stated even though it was an accident, it would be keeping an eye on my cleric to make sure I didn't continue committing these evil acts. My cleric then explained to the Planetar that he would need a list of what I could and could not do. As he began his great sword wind up, I asked to speak with his superior to file a complaint. My diety intervened to save me. The cleric, come to be known as the conductor, continued his quest to be ever more rediculous. He found a really ugly lap dog, and would levitate himself along with the dog so that it would appear to be his less than noble steed. As he flew down the street on the dog, the dog was biting him and making a spectacle. Children began throwing rocks at my character, so he put the fear of God into them. Church Business prevented this from escalating, and we began building a great temple as a better base of operations. One of the children assisting with the construction was actually a Balor in disguise. He transformed and the battle began. I rolled a natural 20 on initiative, and my cleric soared into the air upon his steed, dropping 15 tree feather tokens upon the Balor. The fight didn't last much longer, and one character didn't even get his turn. ![]()
![]() I was just wondering if fellow players of Pathfinder would share some funny campaign stories they have experienced in game. I will start. My Tiefling Wizard once was providing battlefield control to a party fighting a troll. I began flinging insults at the troll, so he began focusing his attacks on me. Despite getting heals from the Cleric, I was getting thrashed by this troll. Eventually its hit points dwindled and the only thing left regenerating was a finger. I picked up the finger and continuously singed it, to prevent regeneration... and convinced the fighter in the party to dig a hole. I let the finger grow into a hand, and placed a material component for stone call (tiny shovel) within the hand as we filled in the hole. That way he would come to with the means to dig himself out of the 12 ft. grave. Another funny session was a campaign that will forever be known as "Church Business". We were in a city known as Barsaes, and causing trouble within this city, due to the fights that would break out between our party and demons. We began with combatting the lowly quasit, all the way to a Balor Prince. There was an inquisitor, a ranger, a sorcerer, and my cleric. When the city watch was called upon to take our group in for questioning, the inquisitor would roll intimidate whilst stating "Shut up, this is Church Business" Each time, he would roll very high, and scare the hell out of the guards, who would then report to their superior. As we continued defeating each new rank of demon, we would intimidate the next ranking city watchmen. It was amazing. I will post more after I have read others. ![]()
![]() I agree with Ishmell, especially about using tact in this situation. I myself have been guilty of minor nerd rage due to frustration with fellow PCs that sought to tell me how to run my character. Tact was not used on their part, and the situation escalated until I advised the DM that no one would be dictating my characters actions unless I failed a will save. ![]()
![]() First, I focus on what role the character is going to have in the party. I then determine the personality of the character. My alias is actually a Wizard that I played in curse of the crimson throne. He had a terrible relationship with his familiar, a bat named Mr. Peepers. He also despised peasants, and cast spells on them after he got drunk. Overall, it was fun playing a jerk. Imagine if Dr. House was a wizard... That was Modu. My most recent character is an alchemist named Churchwood that is completely nuts. He has a problem with uncontrollable impulses, which can be dangerous when combined with alchemy. ![]()
![]() You could use decanters of endless water for streams on the island. In one of my homebrews, an engineer teamed up with bard to create a clockwork castle on a floating island. I think a modified version of overland flight was used on runestones that were embedded in the island. This way it could be piloted as well. ![]()
![]() We will begin play tomorrow. I am not going to mind running the game, and will even do my best to advise him that this is not how a paladin is to be played. If this is really how he wants to run the pally, then that is okay... because eventually he is going to realize that playing a blind paladin is way too challenging. Not to mention the instance in which he takes a swing at evil in a crowded area, and his scimitar cleaves a child in twain. ![]()
![]() Believe it or not, the three individuals convinced of this method of play are actually veterans of d&d and will all be in the campaign. They have been playing since 1st edition. I will be outnumbered when it comes to my view of how a paladin should be played, so I am meeting the player half way so as to not begin the argument anew.