Clockwork Librarian

King Modu's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 63 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Shadow Lodge

I cannot find any information on the price of an alchemical engine. My friend and I guesstimate between 5000-6000 GP. Any advice on this would be helpful.

Shadow Lodge

I could use some feedback on my Wondrous Item. I submitted it for the RPG Superstar previously.

Conjurer's Puzzle Box
Aura Moderate, Conjuration; CL 5th
Slot Hands; Price 7300 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This elaborate metal puzzle box has a summoning circle etched on each of its six sides. It allows its wielder to utilize specific conjuration spells with a successful disable device check. This item can be used five times per day in total.
DC 15 provides Create Water or Acid Splash
DC 20 provides Grease DC 14 or Summon Monster I
DC 25 provides Stone call or Create Pit DC 15
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Create Water, Acid Splash, Summon Monster I, Grease, Create Pit, Stone Call Cost 3650 gp

Shadow Lodge

I have heard recently that one can include sneak attack damage with ranged touch attacks. Is this true? Also, if this is the case, can you use deadly aim with touch attacks?

Shadow Lodge

I have an aasimar with the metallic wings feat, and was wondering if strength is added to the wing attacks that it grants. It is not listed in the feat description, but it is offered for other natural attacks I have seen, such as razor tusk. Any help with this would be appreciated.

Shadow Lodge

I picked an Oracle of Life to play in Carrion Crown. What are the best spells to pick for an Oracle?

Shadow Lodge

I am currently playing an Aasimar Oracle of Life in the Carrion Crown adventure path, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for feats/spells for upcoming levels. Right now I am level 3. My current feats are angelic blood (useless so far) and extra channeling.

Angelic blood is prereq for angelic flesh, angelic wing feats. I am debating if I should go in that direction at all. I may not have much of a chance to even fly in this game. Should I nix this feat progression?

Extra channeling will always be useful.

What would some of you experts suggest?

I also need assistance with my spell list.

My current spells:
0 level- ghost sound, mage hand, detect magic, read magic, mending, detect poison, create water.
1st level- cure light wounds, bless, bless water, magic stone.

The reason I chose bless is because our party really needs a bonus to hit. I chose bless water because we have an alchemist that does crazy damage to undead with it. Magic Stone is handy for dealing with undead as well. For later levels, what are some good spells that are must haves?

Shadow Lodge

I am currently playing an Aasimar Oracle of Life in the Carrion Crown adventure path, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for feats/spells for upcoming levels. Right now I am level 3. My current feats are angelic blood (useless so far) and extra channeling.

Angelic blood is prereq for angelic flesh, angelic wing feats. I am debating if I should go in that direction at all. I may not have much of a chance to even fly in this game. Should I nix this feat progression?

Extra channeling will always be useful.

What would some of you experts suggest?

I also need assistance with my spell list.

My current spells:
0 level- ghost sound, mage hand, detect magic, read magic, mending, detect poison, create water.
1st level- cure light wounds, bless, bless water, magic stone.

The reason I chose bless is because our party really needs a bonus to hit. I chose bless water because we have an alchemist that does crazy damage to undead with it. Magic Stone is handy for dealing with undead as well. For later levels, what are some good spells that are must haves?

Shadow Lodge

A friend of mine is going to be playing an arcane trickster in Carrion Crown. I was wondering if anyone could provide some recommendations.

Shadow Lodge

I would like to assist my friend with creating a samurai for pathfinder that is similar to Mugen. Mugen does not wear armor, so I was thinking Monk/Samurai combo. Thoughts?

Shadow Lodge

Is there a way of getting wings on a character without magic items? I thought there was an evolution feat that would allow it, but it may have been for familiars. I also think summoners can do this somehow with evolution points, but I do not want to multiclass.


Shadow Lodge

Is it okay for Alchemists to use tumor familiar discovery with improved familiar? The tumor familiar gets the same abilities as the creature it is based on, so what would occur when using an imp, brownie, homunculus? Would this be possible?

Shadow Lodge

I was just wondering if fellow players of Pathfinder would share some funny campaign stories they have experienced in game.

I will start.

My Tiefling Wizard once was providing battlefield control to a party fighting a troll. I began flinging insults at the troll, so he began focusing his attacks on me. Despite getting heals from the Cleric, I was getting thrashed by this troll. Eventually its hit points dwindled and the only thing left regenerating was a finger. I picked up the finger and continuously singed it, to prevent regeneration... and convinced the fighter in the party to dig a hole. I let the finger grow into a hand, and placed a material component for stone call (tiny shovel) within the hand as we filled in the hole. That way he would come to with the means to dig himself out of the 12 ft. grave.

Another funny session was a campaign that will forever be known as "Church Business". We were in a city known as Barsaes, and causing trouble within this city, due to the fights that would break out between our party and demons. We began with combatting the lowly quasit, all the way to a Balor Prince. There was an inquisitor, a ranger, a sorcerer, and my cleric. When the city watch was called upon to take our group in for questioning, the inquisitor would roll intimidate whilst stating "Shut up, this is Church Business" Each time, he would roll very high, and scare the hell out of the guards, who would then report to their superior. As we continued defeating each new rank of demon, we would intimidate the next ranking city watchmen. It was amazing. I will post more after I have read others.

Shadow Lodge

I will be running a campaign soon, and one of the PCs is going to be a blind albino drow paladin. He is going for a clayton bigsby feel, because his drow happens to be a racist. His chosen diety is sarenrae, and he states he is going to continuously cast detect evil and swing his scimitar at whatever evil is to be revealed. I allowed him to have blind fight as a bonus feat.

I need advice on how detect evil will work for a blind PC.

I also need assistance on his kill everyone and every thing that is evil, screw everybody else mentality. Is this really okay for a paladin?

Shadow Lodge

I am creating a Cleric of Brigh for the Kingmaker campaign. I plan on being Aasimar for bumps to WIS, CHA. The Domains I have selected are Fire and Artifice. Thus far my stats are-

STR: 12
DEX: 14
CON: 12
INT: 13
WIS: 16
CHA: 14

I am going for an inventor character. Any suggestions?