Clockwork Librarian

King Modu's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 63 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Shadow Lodge

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I have used the AT guide you made and it helped me out quite a bit. Initially we had A rogue/sorc that was designed by a player who was only able to make it to one session. He was planning on making an arcane trickster. I was given freedom to recreate the character after the player backed out. I went with wiz/rogue as recommended, and I have had so much fun with the character.

Shadow Lodge

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I agree with Ishmell, especially about using tact in this situation. I myself have been guilty of minor nerd rage due to frustration with fellow PCs that sought to tell me how to run my character. Tact was not used on their part, and the situation escalated until I advised the DM that no one would be dictating my characters actions unless I failed a will save.

Shadow Lodge

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Chubbs McGee wrote:
I wish for awesome models that actually look different from the other races, rather than being an elf that happens to look just like a human with funny ears. I also wish for more options of changing the appearance of the character and its items (a cheap, easy to use function that allows the reskinning of items to appear as something else).

I agree with you, Chubbs. I typically run Tiefling Wizard, Aasimar Cleric, or Dwarven Monk in Pathfinder. It would be interesting to have halos on the Aasimars, fiendish features on Tieflings, and Dwarves that can have different beard styles.

My concern is that the alternate class options may not be present (flowing monk, air elementalist wizard, arcane duelist, etc.) Implementing those would add a lot of depth to the customization of characters.

2 things I really hope for would be familiars/improved familiars for wizards, and for all the monsters/races within bestiary 1 thru 3 be available. I really like using homunculi and brownies for familiars.