Sabriyya Kalmeralm

Kiku Caritas's page

356 posts. Organized Play character for Hrothdane.


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Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku gives each of her Pathfinder comrades a heartfelt hug, with their permission of course. "Praise all the Gods! We did it! Thank you all so very, very much for your hard work. I am so pleased we were able to make things right."

She is absolutely beaming as she speaks of each of her team members in-turn. "Hamish's bardic music, Shiro's martial prowess, Noke and Edgar's witch hexes and magic, and of course Narika's skill with the wand and fireballs! And to Allen, Happu, and Divune as well, not to mention Kuokei!" The poor girl drives herself breathless trying to thank everyone, not wanting anyone's contribution to feel minimized or forgotten.

Kiku makes special note to learn Giant and Skald at the next possible opportunity.

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

I think that should do it for the retraining, GM! Thank you.

I never got bored or tuned-out on this one. It was quite good! And you did a great job GMing it. Trying to figure out the travel arrangements was a tad frustrating, but we were able to manage it. That last combat was tough but fair, and I enjoyed it. Got to really dig-deep on that one. I also know what languages Kiku will be picking up! Really glad I brought her along.

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku will give Ainamuuren a quick cure moderate wounds of her own.

Cure Moderate Wounds: 2d8 + 9 ⇒ (4, 4) + 9 = 17

She will then check over him to diagnose the problem. While she does so, Yojimbo takes one of Kiku’s antitoxins and offers it to anyone who needs one.

Heal Check: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

If she confirms he is poisoned:

Neutralize Poison CL Check (from scroll): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

@Hamish it’s a +2 competance bonus to all saves

@GM did Kiku’s scroll go off on the woman and did it seem to work?

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku charges off towards the barricade, calling back towards her allies. "Everyone! Stay close to me and Yojimbo! His presence will bolster your ability to fight the poison!"

Still in the rush of battle, Kiku finds out which person behind the barricade is in need of help with the poison and then reads her scroll of neutralize poison. The battle had carried on long, and Kiku knows seconds could make all the difference. She even silently says her prayer to Dalenydra as she pulls out the scroll, not wanting to waste time with chanting.

Neutralize Poison Caster Level Check (scroll): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku drops her magic missile wand and picks up the cure moderate wounds wand. "I am truly glad that you are okay, Shiro. Dalenydra, the Blessed Attendant, has surely blessed us all today." She then taps Shiro with the wand.

Cure Moderate Wounds: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + 3 = 7

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Also, GM, as we are nearing the end, I was wondering if you could sign off on me doing some retraining on my chronicle? I want to retrain Celestial Obedience (Ashava) into Deific Obedience (Ashava) and to retrain two levels into Evangelist PrC. It should be 15 prestige (blech) and 1350 gp (I feel pretty confident Evangelist's aligned class feature makes it have synergy). Evangelist mechanics for Ashava sadly didn't exist until recently, and it's what I would have gladly made her at the start otherwise :(

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

@GM The ruling you were asking about re: wrist sheathes is in campaign clarifications, under adventurer’s armory.

Scrolls and potions are both possible to put in wrist sheathes.

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Oh I remember! She has her own scroll in a wrist sheath for just such occasions. The issue this round with healing you was more that Yojimbo needs to be where he is to take out the construct, and it would take Kiku outside tether range to get to you

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

@GM Kiku has Varisian Tattoo (transmutation) so her Haste is at +1 caster level, and thus would last 10 rounds instead of 9

Kiku gasps again as she witnesses the flurry of action between Shiro and the mummy he's in melee with.

"Just a moment, Hamish!"

She stows her wand of mage armor, then draws another wand and attempts to activate it.

UMD: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28

She succeeds and fires off three missiles of force energy at the remaining mummy.

Magic Missile (CL 5): 3d4 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1, 3) + 3 = 10

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Re: casting buffs on displaced people. Thank you, GM! I appreciate it <3

Kiku draws her wand of mage armor and steps next to Yojimbo. She taps Yojimbo with it then spins around and points at the construct. ”Please, Yojimbo, protect Edgar and us by defeating the construct!”

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku's breathing is steadily returning to normal as the battle comes more-and-more under control. She raises her hand to begin casting a spell, but then quickly remembers her stubbed toe.

Concentration to Cast Defensively DC 17: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (2) + 20 = 22

"Arquerros, the Golden Bulwark, protect this phantom so he might defend us from evil. Protect!"

She charges with pale silver energy, which then flows through her etheric tether to Yojimbo, who then releases it into a shield that flickers a moment and disappears.

She casts Shield on Yojimbo. Since it operates as a touch spell when used with Share Spells, he should be able to deliver it onto himself, which means we won't need to worry about the whole displacement miss chance weirdness

She then advances into the ruined structure, motioning for Yojimbo to follow.

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Everyone else would need to UMD the Snow Shape wand, as it’s only sorc/wizard, cleric, and druid. Yojimbo has a decent UMD (+14) and a 17 dex, so he might be able to swing it, but he’s also the tank for all these squishies over here. Ideally, I’d like to be able to move our line forward so Yojimbo can tank for our giant buddy, too, since he seems to scoot off when he gets interrupted. Kiku has a slightly better UMD (+15) and slightly worse dex, but she also has a lot of catch-up work to do on getting Yojimbo’s AC buffed and the party healed. Either way, that’s still a big chance of doing nothing if the skill check fails, and we still have that invisible thing to worry about.

I’d say at least for this round, you give the wand a go, Narika. I really needed to get Hamish back up and give us another set of actions and to move Yojimbo out of the one-good-hit-to-poof zone, as if he poofs from damage, I can’t get him back until the next day.

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Grateful for the momentary reprieve, Kiku steps under Edgar and chants a healing spell.
I’m unsure of the best way to represent that on the map

”Dalenydra, the Blessed Attendant, grant us your healing. Cura!”

She then touches Hamish’s unconscious body and some of his wounds close up.

Cura Cure Moderate Wounds: 2d8 + 9 ⇒ (3, 3) + 9 = 15

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Holy crap I'm glad we are getting some semblance of control over the situation. Poor Kiku seems to always end up in rough combat scenarios (though everyone ends up getting out alive, so *fingers crossed* that continues).

My takeaways thus far from this encounter:

If thou art squishy, thou shalt stay behind those that art not squishy.
If thou art a fireballer, thou art blessed and hast saveth our asses.
If thou art playing up, thou shalt stay behind those that art not playing up.
If thou art a phantom, thou needest defense buffs to tank without dying.
If thou art doing damage, thou shalt concentrate damage when possible.
If thou art a blackfrost mummy, I hate you.
If thou art Kuokei the Owl, you deserve many treats and are a good boy.

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

@GM, Hamish has lingering performance, so his inspire should still be up for the next two rounds. Also don't forget that Kiku has an extra +4 on all saves versus effects created by undead, so she would be at +17 for those saves

Kiku's breath is shallow and ragged and the mummys close in. She moves behind Yojimbo and activates her mnemonic vestment.I double checked and the vestment says you just need to be carrying the written spell source, so she shouldn't need to draw it

"Kelinahat, She of Ebon Wings, grant this phantom your concealment. Displacement!"

Cast Defensively (combat casting) DC 21: 1d20 + 16 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 16 + 4 = 33

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

I believe taking a proferred item is generally considered a move action?

Kiku gives Kuokei a quick nod and a smile. "You are going to get so many treats after this." She takes the wand in her free hand.

She drops her staff and begins raising a fist in quick circling motions, the speed picking up with each rotation. "Ragathiel, General of Heaven, grant us your zeal so that we may defeat evil. Contagious Zeal!"

Temp HP for Yojimbo: 1d6 ⇒ 2

The initial casting is on Yojimbo, so only he can spread it as a free action

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

If I may, in my experience as a retired VO and an almost four star GM (and as an English major :P) I agree with the GM's gloss of the particular sentence, even if I can understand where Shiro's interpretation came from. I do however have a dispute. What I would do in a situation like this, since there is no specific language in the guide to organized play or FAQs about monk vows, I would apply the metric used for the next closest thing:

Alignment Infractions, Guide to Organized Play p. 14, Bolded Relevant Section:

Alignment Infractions
Players are responsible for their characters’ actions.
“That’s just what my character would do” is not a defense
for behaving like a jerk.
Alignment infractions are a touchy subject. Killing
an innocent, wanton destruction, and other acts that
can be construed as evil might be considered alignment
infractions. Ultimately, you are he final authority at the
table, but you must warn any player whose character is
deviating from his chosen alignment. This warning
must be clear, and you must make sure that the player
understands the warning and the actions that initiated
the warning. The PC should be given the opportunity to
correct the behavior, justify it, or face the consequences.

We believe a deity would forgive a one-time bad choice as
long as the action wasn’t too egregious (such as burning
down an orphanage full of children, killing a peasant
for no good reason but sport, etc.). Hence, you can issue a
warning to the player through a “feeling” he receives from
his deity, a vision he is given, his conscience talking to
him, or some other similar roleplaying event.
If infractions continue in the course of the scenario
or sanctioned module or Adventure Path, an alignment
change might be in order. If you deem these continued
actions warrant an alignment change, you should note it
on the character’s Chronicle sheet at the end of the session
in the notes section The character can remove this gained
condition through an atonement spell. If the condition is
removed, you should also note it on the Chronicle sheet.

My thinking is that players should always know before their action is set-in-stone whether the GM is going to rule that they have broken a code or made an alignment infraction. I think this is especially important in online play when communication is not as smooth and can be misinterpreted.

Thus, in short, the action in question would indeed violate the code. However, Shiro was not given a warning ahead of time from the GM that this action would have consequences, and Shiro appears to have made an honest misinterpretation of the rule. IIRC, there are in fact other similar class features that do use a creature being undead or a construct as a blanket bypass.

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

I’ll prob contagious zeal next turn to get that going around unless something more immediately pressing comes up.

Do we know which of us is holding the snow shape wand?

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku focuses intently on manifesting Yojimbo's ectoplasmic form.

Full round action

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Yojimbo floats around the corner, still in his incorporeal form from traveling.

Just a movement this turn. He can't interact with anything physical atm. Figured hasting the party was more important this turn

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku's heart races as she and her companions are thrown right into battle. She smiles and gives an well-needed sigh of relief as she hears Kuokei. Kiku's attention first goes to the seal itself.

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

"We'll need someone dextrous or good at crafting to repair the seal and reactivate it."

And then the mummys.

"Watch out, everyone! These mummys aren't normal! Their attacks are empowered by cold and will slow you down if they hit you."

Kiku holds her staff and spins it in ever-faster circles as she chants.

"Desna, Song of the Spheres, grant us your agility and quickness for just a few moments. Haste!"

Everyone should now be hasted. Nobody is more than 30 ft from each other, and Kiku is high enough caster level

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku smiles at her companions and takes a deep breath to release tension. She jumps at Edgar’s revelation. ”Oh my goodness! I was so caught up trying to find the right thing to say. I didn’t realize.”

She thinks to herself as she finally puts the pieces together about how he knew so much. She then returned to her companion’s other questions.

”Um...he will come with us and help it sounds like. We have his permission to leave offerings. We should be nice to him, as he’s not very happy with us for ruining the seal.”

Kiku will take some of her food for the day and lay it down as an offering, kneeling down in the snow and praying.

”Winter’s Favored, please accept this small offering as a token of our gratitude. We are humbled by your magnanimity in allowing us to atone for our misdeeds. May the creatures of the snowy woods find sustenance in our gifts.”

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Sorry, been crazy busy the past couple days with school deadlines

Knowledge (local) (heroism): 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 2 = 12

"He wants us to hurry to the site and fix it as soon as possible. I will double check to make sure that we can pass without difficulty."

Kiku takes a moment to try to figure out the most diplomatic way to articulate her companions' questions.

"Takk. Vi vil huske. Jeg tilbeder de empyrale herrer, og Winlas, den guddommelige eldste, ville bli misfornøyd hvis jeg ikke klarte å utføre et tilbud. Vi vil virkelig hjelpe. Vil vi være i stand til å reise til Nettstedet uten å bli angrepet? Eller kanskje du vet en raskere måte å reise på? Eventuelt hjelp du kan gi er verdsatt, men ikke forventet. Vi forårsaket dette rotet når alt kommer til alt. Vi vil bare hjelpe oss med å løse det så raskt som mulig."

"Thank you. We will remember. I worship the Empyreal Lords, and Winlas, the Elder of Divinity, would be displeased if I failed to perform an offering. We truly want to help. My companions are asking me to ask you whether we be able to travel to the site without being attacked? Or do you perhaps know a quicker way to travel? Any help you can give is appreciated, but not expected. We caused this mess, after all. We just want to help resolve it as quickly as possible."

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku just assumes the proper way to deal with most situations is to pray to the proper god(ess)[s]. Also, she worships the empyreal pantheon, and one of them is literally the goddess of religion and I feel like she would be upset about missing the chance to do something religion-y.

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku glances over her shoulder at Poe. "I did, Mr. Poe. He is very concerned about the sealed evil, and already knew of it."

Kiku appears surprised by the giant's response, and she takes a moment to consider it, tapping her thumb against her chin.

"Vi har allerede sendt en messenge ved ugle til folket på stedet med instruksjoner om hvordan man begynner å omleisse isen. Kanskje vi kunne forlate et tilbud og forlate, siden vi allerede er her? Det virker synd å komme hele veien og ikke tilby noe. Hvor lang tid tar det å gi et riktig tilbud?"


"We already sent a messenge by owl to the people at the site with instructions on how to begin resealing the ice. That was many days ago, before we left for this shrine, so they should already have begun fixing the seal. Maybe we could give an offering and then leave, since we are already here? It seems a shame to come all this way and offer nothing. How long does it take to give a proper offering?"

Diplomacy to make a request (heroism): 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 16 + 2 = 28

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku merely hangs her head as the giant expresses his anger. She glances to her companions and motions for them to remain standing down, that everything is under control.

”Jeg beklager på det sterkeste. Vi er på vei til nettstedet for å selge det igjen, og vi ble fortalt om dette helligdommen av en av landsbyboerne, en mann som heter Bjørn, som hjalp oss med hundene og sledene. Vi har kommet for å gi et tilbud. Ekspedisjonen forårsaket en katastrofe ved å lade inn uten å vise riktig respekt. Vi ville ikke gjøre den feilen igjen.”

”I sincerely apologize. We are on our way to the site to reseal it, and we were told of this shrine by one of the villagers, a man named Bjorn who helped us with the dogs and sleds. We have come to make an offering. The expedition caused one catastrophe by charging in without showing the proper respect. We did not want to make that mistake again.”

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku jumps at Noke's shouting. She quickly turns around and holds a finger to her mouth.

"Shh! Just let me know what to say. No need to shout."

She turns back to the giant and bows again. It has become abundantly clear from traveling with Kiku that she bows a lot, almost as much of a reflex as her constant apologizing.

"Jeg beklager min følgesvenn hvis hun skremmer deg. Det er et stort onde under isen som en gang var forseglet, men utenforstående har ødelagt det med uvitenhet. Til våre skam er disse utenforstående medlemmer av organisasjonen vår. Vi har kommet for å sikre at det som en gang ble forseglet, er så igjen. Vi er her for å rette opp feilene våre."


"My apologies for my companion if she startled you. There is a great evil under the ice that was once sealed, but outsiders have broken it with their ignorance. To our shame, those outsiders are members of our organization. We have come to see to it that what was once sealed is so again. We are here to correct our mistakes."

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku pulls out a scroll of tongues and activates it with her Mnemonic Vestment, expending her daily use of the vestment instead of the scroll. This also means the scroll will last 90 minutes, as if she was the one to cast it

Kiku bows then clears her throat. The harsh sounds of giant seem incredibly odd coming from the retiring girl's voice.

"Greetings. My name is Kiku, and these are my companions. We are strangers in this land, and we want to be respectful of your lives here. It is not our place to come in as outsiders and kill when we have the power to avoid it. Our desire to show respect is why we have come to this shrine."

Diplomacy to Improve Attitude (heroism): 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 16 + 2 = 36

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku takes a deep breath before walking up to Yojimbo and chanting another spell.

"Shizuru, Empress of Heaven, bless this phantom with a touch of your glory. Heroism!"

Move action to move up to Yojimbo, standard action to cast Heroism on him

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku moves closer and begins chanting another spell. ”Tolc Snow-strider, guard this spirit against the cold!”

As she finishes casting, a charge of white energy appears in Yojimbo’s hand and he taps the brim of his broad-brimmed straw hat.

She casts Resist Energy (cold) on Yojimbo and he delivers it on himself

The particularities of spiritualist deliver touch spells allow her to cast a touch spell from up to 30 ft from her phantom and it can deliver it as an immediate action

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku focuses intently on the task of manifesting Yojimbo in the material plane.

Full round action to change him from Incorporeal to Ectoplasmic form

Gonna hold off on posting Yojimbo's action until I know if red is asleep

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku channels an inner energy into Yojimbo. "Arquerros the Golden Bulwark, lend this phantom your shield. Protect!" Standard action to cast Shield on Yojimbo

She then advances, carefully making sure she stays within the range of Yojimbo's tether. Move action to move

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku’s face breaks into a weary smile as the group finally sights the shrine.

”We should take care, in case the influence of the evil spirits has reached out to here as well.”

Kiku casts heroism on herself, more for how it assists her memory and interpersonal skills, should she need to treat with anyone. She taps Yojimbo with her wand of mage armor.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Phew! Glad we got that settled

Each morning, Kiku says prayers to Desna, as well as Tolc Snow-Strider—Empyreal Lord of cold, frozen wilds, and survival—and Pulura the Shimmering Maiden—Empyreal Lord of constellations, homesickness, and northern lights—asking each of them help guide the journey and protect them. Each evening, she gives thanks to them for the progress she and her companions were able to make.

At those evening camps, she asks to learn more about each of her companions. She is particularly interested in their religions, but doesn’t pursue theological debate, wanting to maintain a spirit of cooperation. Should anyone be willing to listen, she tells stories of the gods she worships: the empyreal lords, her mother’s good-aligned gods of Tian-Xia, and her father’s gods of Desna and Pharasma. Soon after everyone else has gone to sleep, she goes out and dances in the moonlight as her obedience to Ashava.

On this particular night, a week into the journey, she will be goinf through the pack to retrieve the rations and give an embarassed grimace at the sight of the bottle of spirits. ”I am afraid that I do not drink unless called to for religious purposes. I shall have to give Bjorn my sincerest apologies when we return.” She offers up the spirits. ”Do not let me sour the mood, though. Thisamet the Blithe Spirit would not be pleased with me. Please, feel free to drink.”

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:
GM Hawthwile wrote:
Kiku Caritas wrote:
Oh! If Yojimbo is in incorporeal form, would he be able to ignore the cold, since he wouldn't have a physical form to BE cold? He would be a full-round action away from fighting then, as opposed to a ten minute ritual
The question then becomes how quickly Yojimbo can move in his incorporeal form (aka, can he keep up with the sleds since he wouldn't be able to ride one as an incorporeal being).

Dog sleds dont have a listed speed, so i’m assuming it’s based on the speed of the dogs, which it says would be 40 ft/round. Yojimbo flies 40 ft/round in incorporeal form, so it should be perfect

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

If she uses all of her second level spells per day and all of her lesser extend rod charges per day, Kiku can keep resist energy (cold) up for a total of 13.5 hours a day. It's her least essential set of spells, so she can do so without destroying her ability to contribute otherwise. It could at least help mitigate things

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Oh! If Yojimbo is in incorporeal form, would he be able to ignore the cold, since he wouldn't have a physical form to BE cold? He would be a full-round action away from fighting then, as opposed to a ten minute ritual

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Blech, Kiku keeps Yojimbo manifested constantly just cause it takes so long to do so. Also, he's the only one of us with survival, so he would have to be out for that. Also ALSO his save bonus from his aura would help everyone stave off the cold

I guess we could heal the nonlethal as it piles on? I doubt there's any way to get more endure elements wands out here, even with prestige

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku blew her boon "Blessing of Malikeen" from To Judge A Soul part 1 at the beginning of the adventure, so she has Endure Elements (cold) covered for the entire adventure, so she doesn't need any of the endure elements charges.

Kiku nods to Yojimbo. "Our dear Yojimbo is a more than competent tracker. I will just need to add the cost to my tab with him."

Yojimbo is at +10 survival with an extra +3 to track. Looks like that's the best we have in the group

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku flushes in surprise as Shirogane mentions her name.

”Oh! are correct. I always think it is a good idea to pay homage to the local spirits and divinities. It is respectful. Also, hopefully Kuokei’s message will find his master and our compatriots will be stopping excavation soon.”

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

"Oh! My apologies for forgetting. Of course. I believe I can do so very easily."

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

"Oh you are such a devoted bird, Kuokei. Tanagaar is smiling at you. The path may be dangerous, so if you don't mind, I would rather make sure you have some protection if you are to head off on your own."

If Kuokei will let her, Kiku will use a charge from her wand of Mage Armor and cast Resist Energy (cold) and Heroism on him.

"As for the message, we may want to send something more detailed since we can write it out anyways. People are more receptive to suggestions when they understand the reasoning and the you show concern for them."

Kiku rests her hand on her chin. "Maybe something like 'We learned there is an ancient evil under the ice that needs to be resealed. Do not melt any more ice, and reseal what you can while staying safe. A group of us is on the way to help. PS: Kuokei is a very good bird and deserves many treats."

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

@GM about how long is the trek? I want to get an idea about when Kiku would buff and if/when we will be resting

Kiku bows formally and leaves with her companions. [b]"It feels so good to be doing good work, here. Thank you all for your help and for not harming the whales. I think it made a difference in our reception."[/ooc]

Ready to go

Scarab Sages

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AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Spellcraft (heroism): 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 2 = 11

Kiku listens with grave sincerity, focusing all her attention on listening for the deeper truths of Seshu's words. She steps forward and bows. "Honored Elder Seshu, I would happily take up this task for you. Laying the dead to rest and healing the wounds they have left is my greatest joy. To show you my resolve, I will swear to you by the Gods I follow."

Kiku sets out nine of her ofuda in a semi-circle on the ground. She kneels before them, hands clasped and eyes closed. As she says the name of a deity, she points to its ofuda, drawing that god's holy symbol in the air with her other hand.

"I swear by Soralyon the Mystic Angel to repair this seal, by Zohls Verity that I shall uncover the mysteries of this uncovered calamity, by Arquerros the Golden Bulwark to protect your people, and by Dalenydra the Blessed Attendant to heal whatever damage this calamity has caused."

"Should I fail in this task and live, let Neshen the Steel Lash punish me as is fit, let Vildeis the Cardinal Martyr give me scars so I never forget my failure, and let Korada the Open Hand of Harmony grant me the ability to forgive myself. Should I die, let Ashava guide me to the Boneyard to face Pharasma the Lady of Graves and her judgment."

"Let Eritrice the Heart-Speaker show you the truth of my promise."

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Yojimbo Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Kiku Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Kiku marvels at Noke's deep knowledge of the area. "Do you know anything of this creature? Or should we ask our hosts?

Anticipating that the party would need to ingratiate themselves with their hosts soon enough, Kiku took an aside to cast Heroism with her lesser extend rod on herself.

If we don't see anything else particularly interesting at the circle of trees, I'm ready to head in. It appears to be a culturally important spot to the indigenous people, so Kiku would rather not mess with it without their permission

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku graciously does not infringe upon Kuokei's moments in the spotlight, quietly providing him a considerate and polite perch.

Sense Motive on Kuokei: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

She tries to pay close attention to where Kuokei's attention lingers, between the longhouse and the semicircle of trees. If she notices no particular preference, she will go to the trees.

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku focuses intently on the arduous task of shifting Yojimbo back into ectoplasmic form, and thus be able to physically interact with her allies.

Full round action, but it’s the best she can do atm

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku will cast Slow once more, this time on the unaffected whale.

DC21 will save or be staggered for 10 rounds

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Targetting just one is fine. She can try to hit the other one next time, especially if someone can put a misfortune or evil eye on it :)

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