
Kello's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


Thanks for answering our questions KingOfNinjas. What are the hunter archetypes?

So I'd really like to make a character for pfs that uses the silver balladeer bard archetype, but I could use some help. I don't know what to focus it around or how to make it good. I'd like to make a kitsune and I don't mind multi-classing. Any ideas or help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

So I currently have bard who through feats and a boon has a faerie dragon familiar. I'd like to get some wands for the dragon to use, but I don't really know what wands would be worth getting. Does any one know of any wands that would be good to give a familiar? And this is for pfs. Thanks!

So I have been trying to figure out a good build for an arcane archer and with the release of the Blood of the Beast Player Companion that has the alternate trait that allows kitsune the option to take a +2 for Intelligence instead of Charisma I thought it would be cool to make a Kitsune Arcane Archer. I think the Myrmidarch magus archetype is the best for the arcane archer route, but the archetype kind of makes you choose between taking multiple attacks with feats like rapid shot and multishot or taking one shot that is backed up with spell power. I know many will say that archers need to use rapid shot and multishot, but I compared the damage potential and with some work the one shot route can actually be just as good. With the rapid shot and multishot at level 11 (this is for pfs)if all four shots hit I'd be doing 1d8+1d6(elemental damage from the arcane pool)+7(2 enhancement bonus, 2 weapon specialization, 2 weapon training with dueling gloves, and 1 from point blank shot)for an average of about 11 damage per shot, where as if I took one shot with an intensified rime snowball on it(using magical lineage with snowball) it would deal 1d8+1d6+10d6+7 for an average of 44 points of damage but also staggering and entangling the target. The average damage potential is actually almost the same. I'm curious to see what people think of this idea, but also if I choose to build around making that one shot matter what feats or other options would help that build?

Is it possible to take a wildblood line and a normal bloodline when taking the cross-blooded archetype? For instance, could I take the Marid bloodline and the rime-blooded wildblood line?

So this isn't the usual request for advice as it's not related to mechanics, but for flavor. I am trying to plan out an arcane archer build for a Kitsune and in order to take advantage of the his charisma bonus I thought I'd go the sorcerer route, he'll also take levels in fighter and one in the ranger hooded champion archetype. The only problem is that most bloodline powers are only good if you continue to take levels in sorcerer which I will not be doing since I am going to be an arcane archer. I did find a combination that could be cool by taking the crossblooded archetype and choosing the Marid bloodline and rime-blooded wildblood line. They allows me to change the type and descriptor of spells to cold and then one character damaged by the cold can be slowed. The only problem is I really like to have a good backstory for my characters, but I can not think of how to make this build work as far as the backstory goes. Anyone have any ideas?

I've been trying to find magic items that will increase the amount of times a cleric can channel a day, but I have not had any luck. I know I can get a headband of alluring Charisma, but are there any other items out there that could increase how many times a cleric can channel per day? Thanks for your help!

In the player companion Humans of Golarion at the start of the trait section it states the following: "The following traits provide new ways to customize player characters hailing from the different human ethnicities found on Golarion. These traits can be taken by anyone of the listed ethnicity." So my question is do you have to be human to be of that ethnicity? Can you be a kitsune from Varisia and take a trait specified for varisians?

In the new player companion Paths of Righteousness there is the Stargazer prestige class. In the class description it states the following: 'At third level, the Stargazer gains the Star subdomain in addition to any domains that he already has. His stargazer levels count as (and stack with) cleric levels when determining which domain abilities he gains and their effects.' Does that mean that the domains that he has from being a cleric continue to progress when he takes a level of Stargazer or does this just apply to the Stars subdimain that he gains from the prestige class?

So I have an Archivist Bard level 8 for PFS who through feats and a boon has a faerie dragon familiar. The dragon has a con based breath weapon with a really low dc. Is there a way to increase the dc of the breath weapon?

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So the Paths of the Righteous came out today and the Sphere Singer has some bardic performances. One in particular, the Butterfly, requires a performance that lasts 5 minutes, but afterwards you gain the effects of an over land flight spell with a cl equal to your hd. Since it's an hour per level effect she will benefit from a bardic performance effect for a long time. So the question is while benefitting from the effects of this performance can she benefit from another bardic performance or start another performance like inspire courage since she's technically not performing anymore? Will starting a new performance cause the effects from the Butterfly performance to end?

So I am looking to make a different kind of caster who rides on a mount and I think it would be awesome to have him fly around on a giant mantis. The Sylvan Blooded Sorcerer is able to gain an animal companion. Would he be able to take a Giant Mantis as a companion? Vermin companions are open to druids, but does that extend to other classes that can take an animal companion? Also, can the Blood Arcanist take the Sylvan Bloodline since it is a wildblood line? Thanks for your help!

I am currently working a build for an arcane archer for PFS. If he has riving strike and uses imbue arrow with a slow spell cast on it would the -2 penalty to saves from riving strike take affect before the save for the slow spell?

So I am working on the plans for an arcane archer for PFS and I am planning on going the bard route with the arcane duelist archetype. That would give him the arcane bond at level 5. The arcane bond says that you can add magical abilities to the item, but can you make it a specific magical item? For instance, this character would have a bonded longbow so could he make it into an Oathbow if he had the requisite fame and gold?

In the Inner Sea Gods book each deity has a variant spellcasting section. In some of those sections it says that "all priests" can use certain spells, for instance under Shelyn's section it says "All priests of Shelyn treat charm animal as it if were a 2nd level spell," but who is considered a priest?