
Kellendil's page

70 posts. 3 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.


Please cancel my Adventure path subscribtion after the next shipment.
(Before the next AP starts)

Thanks! :)

Thanks :)

I would like to keep subscribing to both the RPG line and the Adventure Path line.

Heya people!

I found a module, called "A knot in time" on the interwebs recently, and decided to update it to Pathfinder.

It is a groundhog-day kind of adventure, where doing something wrong generally means starting over again.

There were a lot of problems with this module, and I'm sure I've not been able to catch them all, and would like your input.

The language was pretty bad, and I've tried to fix much of it, re-writing some parts and spell-checking others. That being said, English is not my first language and I'm sure many parts could do with more revising.

I've credited both the original author and the guy who updated it. But I've not been able to find their contact-info to clear it for posting.

If anyone know them, or is able to get hold of them I would very much appreciate it.

I need input on this module I've rewritten for PF, please comment on general stuff, language and CR.

Link: Knot in time

I've just started Serpent's Skull, and we're currently playing the second adventure.

Loving it so far, but there's a problem.

The second book is falling apart, seems like it isn't glued together properly. :(

It's not something I can't fix with some tape, but quite annoying none the less.

Heya good folk!

I am currently running a Kingmaker campaign with heavy focus on the RP bit.
We are three players, a Bard, a Ranger and a Witch. They have lived in their own little slice of land about 1.5 years now. We're on the second module, and we're coming up on a gallaevent they are hosting for the Swordlords, and some of the local nobles.

I figured it would be fun to make this a bit fun, and also "make it count" a bit. So here's what I came up with:

A series of checks which give a bonus or a penalty to their economics. I figured I'd start with 25BPs and add or subtract to that total, depending on whether or not the PCs manage to "win" or lose the encounters.
I have a ceiling of max 50bp gained, and a floor of 0. I don't want to go into the negatives.

What I need help with:
- I need 2-3 viable checks for each character (6-9 total)
- 2-3 checks where the PCs can cooperate to impress/fail.

Im thinking: diplomacy for sure, knowledge(arcana) perhaps for the witch? Knowledge(nature) for the ranger etc..

- Names of the swordlords, are there any in the AP? I don't want to make up names, only to find they are named later. If they are not, help me generate a few of them with names and short descriptions.

Thoughts and/or help is appriciated :)

Title says all :)

When trying to download stuffs in Opera, I just get a long period of waiting (10 seconds, roughly) and then the "my documents" folder opens.

I'm on Windows 7 32-bit running Opera 11.01.

Everything works well in Internet explorer (version 9)

I'll be reading this out loud tonight! :)